March 7* Raid Event - Decidueye (Flying Tera)

So are we ready to get our rear handed back to us?

Any particular tech people have readied for this tomorrow?
I'm personally hoping it's going to be phisically oriented, if anything so I can actually use the Bellibolt i've readied myself.
So are we ready to get our rear handed back to us?

Any particular tech people have readied for this tomorrow?
I'm personally hoping it's going to be phisically oriented, if anything so I can actually use the Bellibolt i've readied myself.
I think it should go live tonight

I'm holding off on doing anything until I see other people scope it out. Need to see what the tricks (if any) Decidueye has up its sleeve, and any major follies to look out for. Don't wanna drag in Iron Hands and then get slammed you know what i mean?

Oh you know I realize now that we've been forgetting another avenue they have to mess with us: different amounts/timings of clears. Pikachu was all about experimenting with this: instant tera shield, but it didn't clear out buffs (nor did it clear debuffs?). Would be very easy to start having bosses that might have multiple, possibly preset, debuff/buff removals to worry about, or shield health or what have you. Pikachu was obviously in need of it but there's things they have on the table!

Turn 3 clear with duoing from the Smogon discord, Miraidon Charge + Fake Tears + Helping Hand + attack cheer into Electro Drift OHKO.

The serebii info is up:
There is the expected varied coverage in Spirit Shackle/Brave Bird/Low Kick/Leaf Blade and a weird mix of additional moves in Feather Dance/Swords Dance/Air Cutter. I noticed we got a turn 1 move off before it reset our buffs/abilities and used Feather Dance on a NPC. It may be worth checking this link as well when updated to see what other parameters/triggers the raid has.
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Spirit Shackle
Brave Bird
Low Kick
Leaf Blade

Additional Moves
Feather Dance
Swords Dance
Air Cutter

so the only "gotcha" is Feather Dance (& I guess Air Cutter but, whatever)
Spirit Shackle
Brave Bird
Low Kick
Leaf Blade

Additional Moves
Feather Dance
Swords Dance
Air Cutter

so the only "gotcha" is Feather Dance (& I guess Air Cutter but, whatever)
Every time it uses Air Cutter it uses it multiple times.

Also I've never noticed it before, but why the fuck is the healing from the cheer random?
Took a few attempts, but managed to beat it without training a new mon. Used my physically defensive Umbreon alongside Miraidon, Bellibolt, and Toxtricity. For some reason I kept getting matched with people who were using the right mons but attacking immediately, ruining the strategy. Charm/Featherdance is underrated as an early option for easing setup. Decidueye always seems to nullify your boosts first and its own debuffs later, which gives you extra breathing room to soften it up for the big hits.

After restoring its stats/status, Decidueye goes for Swords Dance + double Brave Bird, which deals so much damage that healing/defensive cheers kinda felt like a waste of a turn. Bellibolt and Miraidon can heal themselves more effectively with Parabolic Charge anyway.
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I beat this on my first try with Solo Corviknight, the Power Trick set. I found a Mirror Armor Dark Tera Corv in my box and decided to give it a shot.


Mirror Armor
@ Shell Bell
Tera Dark
252 HP / 252 ATK / 4 Def
-Power Trip
-Iron Defense
-Hone Claws

I decided to try solo because of the slowness of this set— and yeah, I don’t think this could win unless Allies were equally unkillable.

After only one playthrough, my impression:
Decidueye only clears stats one time, basically on Turn 2 so good. But what’s REALLY crazy is how many double attacks it gets. Like I swear it’s practically a RULE that from like turn 6 it gets to attack twice for every one of my attacks.

Corv was a huuuuge champ though standing up to all those double attacks. Even lived an Crit Leaf Blade after Tera! Helps that it is faster even with no Speed EVs and able to get the roost or Shell Bell recovery.

And of course Mirror Armor blocking Feather Dance invaluable. I think it only SD’d one time though. Probably going to have to invest some PP ups because it forced me to use all 10 Power Trips.

In fact, for drama I killed it with my last Power Trip right after it started Gathering Energy. Close Call.

I think this is a good Solo build and will get better as I get better farming this raid, but will definitely want to find better options for team play.
What's the Bellibolt strategy

I wouldn't mind raising one up, it's a fun excuse to use a new kinda weird Pokemon.
I don't have it on me [I found it while watching Austin John Plays and I'm away from a PC that can access it at this time] but it was something with Parabolic Charge/Acid Spray/Discharge/something I don't remember [Chilling Water?]

Acid Spray is here to lower SpDef, Parabolic Charge is for healing, Discharge/Thunderbolt is obligatory Electric STAB, yadda yadda
Damn, Protein and Calcium though… gonna be farming the crap out of this one.

No accompanying raids is BS but I’ll forgive them b/c I’m just gonna be farming in the new Vitamin store anyway.
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Once again soloed with Miraidon, this time with Weavile/Staraptor/Garganacl.

Intimidate is always handy, especially with how often this boss throws out double attacks.
I don't have it on me [I found it while watching Austin John Plays and I'm away from a PC that can access it at this time] but it was something with Parabolic Charge/Acid Spray/Discharge/something I don't remember [Chilling Water?]

Acid Spray is here to lower SpDef, Parabolic Charge is for healing, Discharge/Thunderbolt is obligatory Electric STAB, yadda yadda
Dipped into my stash of stuff and made this a reality (with bright powder as an item)

then got matched with 3 Miraidons

unfortunately it got some bad crits after a swords dance before i could do anything to its attack stat again and then everyone died forever.
For the designers of these raids crafting them to give weird odd-ball choices a chance at being relevant they really should make one where Koraidon gets to shine. lol
This raid is pretty bullshit since Decidueye has Vantage (aka attacks first) and a guaranteed follow-up attack so it basically gets quadruple damage, which OHKOes most other Pokemon. The goat Belibolt was able to beat the raid for me, though had to get some help from an Intimidater Tauros NPC. Chilling Water is needed to lower its damage after an SD, though Belibolt is usually dying in the process of firing one off. Acid Spray + Parabolic Charge is a pretty nice combo though, espicially since it gets past that Turn 1 stat buff nullification Decidueye goes for. And Belibolt's damage cap here is insanely good.
Attempt #2 worked, this time with 2 Miraidon and 2 Bellibolt

That feels ideal (I used Chilling Water, the other guy seemed to favor Acid Spray), though there were still some unlucky crits and the back half of the shield took forEVER. It's so hard to sneak in more chilling waters and acid sprays.

Caught him in a Level Ball.
I beat this on my first try with Solo Corviknight, the Power Trick set. I found a Mirror Armor Dark Tera Corv in my box and decided to give it a shot.

View attachment 500401
Mirror Armor
@ Shell Bell
Tera Dark
252 HP / 252 ATK / 4 Def
-Power Trip
-Iron Defense
-Hone Claws

I decided to try solo because of the slowness of this set— and yeah, I don’t think this could win unless Allies were equally unkillable.

After only one playthrough, my impression:
Decidueye only clears stats one time, basically on Turn 2 so good. But what’s REALLY crazy is how many double attacks it gets. Like I swear it’s practically a RULE that from like turn 6 it gets to attack twice for every one of my attacks.

Corv was a huuuuge champ though standing up to all those double attacks. Even lived an Crit Leaf Blade after Tera! Helps that it is faster even with no Speed EVs and able to get the roost or Shell Bell recovery.

And of course Mirror Armor blocking Feather Dance invaluable. I think it only SD’d one time though. Probably going to have to invest some PP ups because it forced me to use all 10 Power Trips.

In fact, for drama I killed it with my last Power Trip right after it started Gathering Energy. Close Call.

I think this is a good Solo build and will get better as I get better farming this raid, but will definitely want to find better options for team play.

After several hit-and-miss attempts to get faster wins by joining other raids with Miraidon, I found it’s just not worth it without an orchestrated 4 man team. Even when you get 2 Miraidon 2Bellibolt, sometimes you dominate and win in like 4 turns. Sometimes you get double shot and killed until the whole team dead. Sometimes you lost just because of these double attacks causing all the animations clog and the computer says “Released Energy” despite that your teammate’s attack clearly just killed it. Too much loss to make it worth while.

I gave up and just started repeatedly soloing with the above Corviknight.

when trying to go on the offensive with just 3-4 Hone Claws I lost a couple times. I found that as long as I go for the whole 6 I win every time.

First turn Power Trick to Charge.
Stay Wipe
Next Iron defense 3 times.
Then Hone Claws 6 times.
Power Cheer once
Kill in 4 turns, two pre-Terra, two post.

The stupid thing is when the feather Dance somehow goes through Mirror Armir and I need to boost to +8 attack.Doable and winnable, just annoying
This was.. surprisingly, for me, the hardest out of Zard/Gren/Cinder (I didn't attempt Pikachu) because of the amount of crits you have to stomach through. And also the absolute stupidity of other people still not understanding that bringing a strong Pokémon to a raid doesn't qualify and that actual strategy needs to be applied.

In the waiting room I've seen Koraidon, Iron Hands, Azumarill, Espeon, Sylveon, Arcanine and then someone starting the raid with 2 NPC helpers. I've cleared this around 3/4 times with Bellibolt and making sure my partners are at least another Belli and 2 Miraidons, that seems to be the best way for me. Big bulky physical defensive mons, whilst good in theory, will be mauled by the amount of crits Decidueye gets as well as the amount of moves it manages to pull off.

I'm going to farm this one purely for the EV drinks but it is nowhere near as easy or bountiful as Charizard. i miss him
Hot take: The whole internet should stop bringing Miraidon, instead bring Chilling Water + Mud Slap Belibolt and Power Trick Corviknight and treat this like Greninja with Corvs as Slowbros. lol
Does Decidueye cleanse its debuffs often? I figure with the high turn spam and SD boosting, Accuracy down is a good idea since it will also Minimize Crits breaking through defense boosts.
Does Decidueye cleanse its debuffs often? I figure with the high turn spam and SD boosting, Accuracy down is a good idea since it will also Minimize Crits breaking through defense boosts.
it only does it once, towards the end of the fight, after which it immediately does Swords Dance and attacks you.

Bright Powder came in clutch on my run.
So Accuracy reducers are indeed worthwhile for most of the fight. Does he Shield early, late, or just by health? Like would it be possible to blow past his Debuff Cleanse + SD threshold?