XY OU My First RMT

I am pretty new to this game considering I played through my first Pokemon game last August and started playing competitively in January. This is the team I have had the most success with but it has its flaws. Please improve it if you can but do not suggest legendary Pokemon as I am not in favor of their competitive usage.


Charizard @ Charizardite Y
Ability: Solar Power
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Fire Blast
- Solar Beam
- Air Slash Roost
- Will-O-Wisp Focus Blast

I chose this Pokemon to start the team because of the raw power it brings as well as the uncertainty of which version it is before going mega. EVs are straightforward with max speed and the rest in special attack to hit as hard as possible. I ended up with will-o-wisp in the last slot to burn stuff like Bisharp and Mawile when they click sucker punch predicting a fire blast.


Garchomp @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Rough Skin
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Outrage
- Dragon Claw
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge

This is ScarfChomp. Outspeeds things faster than Charizard who is stuck at the base 100 tier as well as +1/scarfed base 100s such as DD Charizard X. I started with fire blast instead of stone edge in the last slot with enough special attack EVs to 2HKO Skarmory and Ferrothorn who would otherwise wall me but i found myself wanting stone edge many more times than fire blast helped me.


Mandibuzz (F) @ Leftovers
Ability: Overcoat
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Impish Nature
- Defog
- Roost
- Foul Play
- Knock Off Toxic

Mandibuzz is here for hazard and item removal as well as being a great physical wall being able to stop even set up sweepers with STAB foul play. Reliable recovery in the form of roost is very helpful in keeping healthy to be able to get those pesky hazards off my side throughout the match.


Aegislash @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Stance Change
EVs: 244 HP / 12 Def / 252 SpA
Quiet Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- King's Shield
- Shadow Ball
- Shadow Sneak
- Sacred Sword

The washing machine has max physical defense to tank a hit while crippling the opponent with a burn then recover and inflict further damage with pain split. Volt switch is for precious momentum and hydro pump is powerful STAB that hits ground types feeling free to switch into volt switch. I picked Aegislash because it is a powerful wallbreaker who can take hits. I decided on weakness policy to turn the tide agianst the likes of Bisharp, Talonflame, and Greninja.


Dragonite @ Leftovers
Ability: Multiscale
EVs: 216 HP / 64 Atk / 228 SpD
Adamant Nature
-Dragon Claw

This spot was home to Gardevoir, Sylveon, and now Chansey. Gardevoir was specially defensive with will-o-wisp but my team lacked a strong special defender so I took Sylveon with support from wish and heal bell and toxic who turned into the much bulkier Chansey with the same set. I switched heal bell to protect for much needed more reliable recovery as well as allowing toxic to do more damage. Now Dragonite joins the team thanks to V_Cliff's suggestion.


Scizor @ Choice Band
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Bullet Punch
- U-turn
- Pursuit
- Superpower

I found myself leading with this most battles for the momentum u-turn provides as well as being able to trap and kill threats such as Latios when i have the advantage. Bullet punch is powerful STAB which also gives much needed priority to the team. Superpower is a hard hitting coverage move that rounds out the set's coverage.

(Just another reminder not to suggest using any legendary Pokemon)
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Small changes
Charizard Y
Roost over Airslash.Air slash is a unnecessary coverage because (Sun boosted)Fire blast and Solar Beam are hitting almost everythig harder and Roost greatly incerases Charizards lifespan.
(Focus blast over WoW if you are afraid of Tyranitar and Heatran).

Taunt,Toxic or Whirlwind over Knock off.Taunt allows it to shut down slower defensive threats,can be used for stallbreaking and keeping SR of the field while Whirlwind racks up entry hazard damage and can force out special setup sweepers.

Your has a hard time dealing with Keldeo and Landorus-I, two premier wallbreakers in this Generation.Chansey is not able to deal with Keldoe thanks to Secret Sword and Landorus can beat Chansey with Knock off or with the Calm Mind set.
You can replace Chansey with a specially defensive Dragonite (CBBNite) which avoids the 3HKO from Landorus Sludge Wave and walls every Keldeo without Icy Wind.Both are 3HKOed with 2 Dragon Claws +Extremspeed.Also no free switch in for Aegislash.While Chansey can reliable absorb status and heal teammates with wish,Dragonite has actually offensive pressure and can emergency check or revenge kill major threats with Extremspeed or an intact Multicale.However it hits not really hard and leaves you more open to Latias and Latios.Just a suggestion,keep Chansey if you think is more valuable for your team.

Dragonite @ Leftovers
Ability: Multiscale
EVs: 216 HP / 64 Atk / 228 SpD
Adamant Nature
-Dragon Claw
-Earthquake/Fire Blast

Fire blast is a somewhat unusal option for the 4th moveslot.Dragonite often attracts Skarmory and Ferrothorn,both large obstacles for Scarfchomp.A surprising Fire Blast can cripple both of them for the rest of the match,making cleaning witch garchomp much easier.
However,both Tyranitar and Heatran are walling you without EQ and its the best move to hit incoming Fairies

Otherwise,this looks quite solid.
(Edit: 44 Speed EVs for Rotom for maximum speed Belly Drum Azumarill.)
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Changing Leftovers on Dragonite to something like weakness policy works quite well and sets Dragonite up to be a sweeper.

Also, why not give Rotom-W some SpD EVs? After all, you already have a physical wall in Mandibuzz and Wash can already cripple physical sweepers with Will-O-Wisp.

Hope it helps!
-Puzzle King
Any suggestions on how to play Bisharp? I always struggle against that thing. Should I wall it with Mandibuzz and hope not to flinch or try to burn it with Rotom-W? Either way I do it I end up with a near-dead Pokemon or it takes me out if I'm already weakened.
Any suggestions on how to play Bisharp? I always struggle against that thing. Should I wall it with Mandibuzz and hope not to flinch or try to burn it with Rotom-W? Either way I do it I end up with a near-dead Pokemon or it takes me out if I'm already weakened.

If Bisharp begins to set-up Swords Dance, try to use Mandibuzz and Foul Play it to death. If it's going to try and sucker punch you to death, bring in Wash and burn it.

(p.s. Why would Bisharp flinch you?)
Hi there,

Nice team that has been improved upon by my peers. A couple of things that would have given you massive trouble such as NastyDos, Greninja (Dragonite is dead without his Multiscale and near did with it anyway), MegaManentric and Mega Medicham are revenge killed quite nicely by Garchomp so remember to play him wisely.

Speaking of wall breakers, you might need one yourself as Stall give you quite a trouble. A standard stall team of Quag/Skarm/Chansey/MegaVenu can switch about and wear your team down until nothing is left.

CM Landrous-I can power through that core with ease so I suggest replacing Rotom-W with it since you already have Mandibuzz (you need the defogger):

Landorus-I @ Life Orb
Ability: Sheer Force
EVs: 252 SPA / 252 Speed / 4 HP
Timid Nature
-Psychic/Sludge Wave
-Earth Power
-Focus Blast
-Calm Mind


If you are really adamant about not using any Legendaries, here is a good ol Gen 1 Mon:

Gengar@Black Sludge
Nature: Timid
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 Spe/28 HP/148 SpA/80 SpD

Taunt/Sludge Wave/Disable
Shadow Ball/Hex

Edit2: I'd suggest you use Sub, WoW, Taunt and Shadow Ball. Substitute allows you to escape status, scout and being able to take resisted hits with those evs and keeping it. WoW is for burning physical attackers and general damage against walls, and taunt prevents Stall teams from healing so the damage stays. Shadow Ball has a nice defense dropping chance and is a reliable STAB.

Yes it is in place of Rotom-W, and handling Talonflame should be given to Mandibuzz but be sure to clear rocks just in case it's one of those rare Adamant CB sets before switching in.
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Hi there,

Nice team that has been improved upon by my peers. A couple of things that would have given you massive trouble such as NastyDos, Greninja (Dragonite is dead without his Multiscale and near did with it anyway), MegaManentric and Mega Medicham are revenge killed quite nicely by Garchomp so remember to play him wisely.

Speaking of wall breakers, you might need one yourself as Stall give you quite a trouble. A standard stall team of Quag/Skarm/Chansey/MegaVenu can switch about and wear your team down until nothing is left.


If you are really adamant about not using any Legendaries, here is a good ol Gen 1 Mon:

Gengar@Black Sludge
Nature: Timid
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 Spe/28 HP/148 SpA/80 SpD

Taunt/Sludge Wave/Disable
Shadow Ball/Hex

Which moves would you suggest for Gengar since you have a few slashed? (This is in place of Rotom-W right?)
Taunt and Shadow Ball are you best bets against stall, this would be the preferred Option.Disable is nice if you want to mess up with offensive switch ins and Sludge Wave gives you more coverage.
There are some alternatives for dedicated stallbreakers like BU/Utility Talonflame or Gliscor,but you should first try the suggested Gengar set.
Note that you will have more problems with Talonflame and Greninja with Rotom-W gone.
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I think I'm going to keep Rotom-W so Mandibuzz doesn't have to take every single physical hit for the team. Should I move some EVs to SpD on Rotom-W?
Rotom-W can avoid a 2HKO from Greninja with SR of the field and you dont want to lose to much bulk on the physical side.However,like X5Dragon already mentioned,your Team has a very bad matchup against stall because Charizard Y wont be able to get past Chansey even with prior damage trought Scizors Pursuit.
I would like to pick up Gengar but without Rotom-W I feel open to Talonflame and Greninja (without Chansey now too). Any suggestions on how to work through this?

Edit: Decided on Aegislash instead
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