Project National Dex OU Team Bazaar

I've been asked by quite a few people to share this team, so I decided it's time that I do. If you've been around high ladder or the National Dex room tours, you've probably seen the team. I hit #3 on the ladder and had 63% first place in the room tours.

I'm also submitting this to be a sample.


I built around Garchomp because SD is incredibly good and +2 Devastating Drake kills opposing slowbro, tangrowth, hippowdon, gliscor, and Lando-T, and +4 ohko's corviknight.

Next I added AV Tangrowth, because whenever I build, I usually never have ash-gren checks so I just decided to start with it. It also provided a water resist and rain check.

After this, I needed a steel type (for an ice resist, toxic switch in, and fairy resist.) I went with Scizor-Mega, because it's a steel that isn't weak to ground, which is always nice. The original version was made while dragapult was legal, which was another reason I added it.

The team was lacking a fighting resist, and a secondary fire resist was probably necessary, so I went with Slowbro. Gave a cinderace check and could pressure pex with future sight for Scizor.

Nothing much to say here, Heatran is just amazing, and I added it because I needed a flying resist, an additional zapdos check, a scizor and ferrothorn check, and trapping stuff like pex and blissey would help Slowbro+Scizor.

I initially had a zapdos last because it improved the matchup vs rain and flying types, as well as provided defog support, but the lack of speed control and another thing that couldn't stop either zard was pretty bad.

I switched Zapdos for Landorus-T because it had defog and could still hit flying types, like pinsir-mega, opposing zapdos, and moltres super effectively.​


This thing is insanely powerful. After a swords dance, nothing can stop it. Even its "counters" (fini, clef, slowbro, hippo etc.) can't ohko Garchomp and get 2hko'd or ohko'd in return. And even the "hard counter" to Dragonium Z Garchomp, corviknight, actually doesn't beat it, because it forces defogs and allows swords dances, and +4 Z move kills corviknight. If the opponent have either of the zards, keeping rocks is very important. It is also necessary to play aggressively with this, or you'll just find yourself feeling like garchomp isn't doing anything.


Vest is mainly to check ash-greninja, but this is a really good mixed wall. It can usually live a hit on both the physical and special side from mons like cinderace, kommo-o, and heatran. Sludge bomb is really just to poison stuff. Power whip is used over giga drain to always 2hko max HP manaphy.


Amazing rillaboom counter, fairy check, steel check, and the priority is always useful. 96+ spdef allows Scizor-Mega to avoid a 2hko from rain zapdos after rocks, but only if it has already evolved. Speed is for max speed adamant regular ttar and modest magnezone. Ttar is an especially big threat to outspeed because the team's only rock resist is garchomp, which has to be wary of switching in because of the potential ice move.


Slowbro's a pretty good blanket check to most physical mons. Future sight is support for Scizor, mainly hitting toxapex. Can check opposing heatran, but be careful of getting trapped or poisoned.


Having a pex and ferrothorn check in one mon is really nice. The main reason defensive Heatran is so good is that most of its checks/counters can get slowly chipped by toxic. The spatk investment is to ohko opposing offensive heatran with earth power. Speed is for max speed adamant regular ttar.


With 2 offensive grounds, they usually have the same, or similar checks. This means that it's pretty easy to weaken their checks enough with one of them to sweep with the other.​
Zards 2hko the entire team, only way to beat them is to try to keep up rocks and limit the amount of times it can switch in. Kommo-o is a threat if it has a fire move, especially if it's Soulblaze+Clangorous Soul. The way to beat this is to bait close combats and clanging scales so it drops its defense and puts itself in range of Scizor or Lando-T.

Nothing much to say, no ghost resist. They're not horrible to play against, but they're definitely annoying.

This team has absolutely no stall matchup. The best way to have a chance is to bait the will-o-wisp from sableye and get flash fire activated on Heatran, but stall teams usually have pretty good counters to it.

Garchomp is the only mon on the team that can ohko opposing garchomp and Lando-t, but obviously can't reliably switch in. Gliscor is especially tough because nothing on the team can even 2hko it. Only way to beat gliscor is to SD with Garchomp and win every 50/50, or just let either Tangrowth or Slowbro die to keep it low. Excadrill can also be a threat if it's groundium, but if not it can usually be played around with Slowbro+Lando-T+Tangrowth​
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lele balance (
here is one of my favorite teams, its the classic lele chomp zone core. use it to trap steels and stuff and go ham with lele.
I made a fresh account to see how well i would do with it here are results
molly mil.png
molly mil 2.png

So i got to 1808 with a record a 55-12 so Id say the team did pretty well. Also got a few accts in top 10 which ive used the team for.
Zard x definitely is a huge threat especially if its dragon claw, manaphy rain can be annoying because only chomp and lele can revenge. Other than that the team is pretty solid.
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Hello everyone, with this team you obtained the requirements for the suspect test for Cinderace as well as climbing several accounts at the top of the ladder.

One of the accounts that I remembered to capture.


It is a very solid team where Heatran puts a lot of pressure on the rival. Clef + Teleport is amazing to support Heatran and Excadrill to enter without taking damage.

I share with you some calculations of the team like the importable in this link on my website. I hope you enjoy playing it a lot

>>> Team and damage calculations <<<
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Hello everyone, I would like to place in this thread the best teams that I use in the rigged, with their respective replay
First of all, I'm bad at explaining and my English is horrible, I'm sorry in advance
:ss/medicham-mega: :ss/kyurem: :ss/rillaboom: :ss/heatran: :ss/gliscor: :ss/clefable: vs Mattakata
This team is based on the core mediaboom but kyurem will be the one to clean when his few answers are weakened, heatran is there to facilitate the mu vs scizor and clefable vs gren ash,the ideal would be to pivot with boom and gliscor to bring in kyurem or medicham to take a poke from the rival

:ss/tyranitar-mega: :ss/dracozolt: :ss/tapu fini: :ss/reuniclus: :ss/gliscor: :ss/ferrothorn: vs Hematemesis
This team of m-ttar and zolt has very great against common archetypes such as rain, blisbro and stall, it is a quite complete team and easy to use, one of my favorites if I am honest

:ss/salamence: :ss/heatran: :ss/zapdos: :ss/scizor-mega: :ss/gastrodon: :ss/clefable: vs stareal g1 of the final
a team a bit gimmick although it seems solid to me since salamence is not bad at all and it does an excellent core of cleans with m-scizor that added to the defensive and aggressive security that the team is gives me a lot of security when playing it, fable ice beam is for gliscor sd as seen in the replay

:ss/mawile-mega: :ss/garchomp: :ss/spectrier: :ss/toxapex: :ss/zapdos: :ss/clefable: vs stareal g3 of the final
This team is undoubtedly one of the best I made and used on this tour, basically it is wearing out the pokes thanks to the tspikes and setup sweppers, also with the support of fable twave, mawile has it easier to clean and help even more to the star that is spectrier.
Thanks for reading and sorry if it looks messy or the explanations are medium low but it is the first time I do this so I hope it went well.
These teams can become sample teams, if they so decide, have a good night
I am coming back with some more teams!

:hoopa-unbound: :mawile-mega: :rillaboom: :heatran: :greninja: :zapdos:

This team has been a lot of fun to experiment with. It has so much breaking power between Hoopa-U and Mega Mawile alone it's just crazy how quickly these two are able to apply pressure to most balance structures. Hoopa-U in its own right is just a menace for some balance structures to deal with, but adding in Mega Maw to set up and potentially clean late game is also a significant threat to them. Forcing these balance teams to play safely around both of them is a very huge task when this team is used correctly.

Rilla only adds on to the insane amount of physically offensive mons here. It's one of the two pivots on the team that can deal some great damage in addition to having priority and a solid STAB through Wood Hammer. In addition to this, I have decided to use Firium Z Taunt Heatran. This has been super clutch, primarily for BlissBro trying to catch a Teleport or Soft-Boiled. Offensive Heatran has been a huge staple on most of my teams rn. Whether it is Firium Z or Steelium Z with Steel Beam, this thing has been super solid, its utility has been massive.

The other pivot I have added to the team is Expert Belt Protean Gren. When it comes to this set, the only thing I have went back and forth on is having Rock Slide > Low Kick, mainly for Zard Y. However, I felt that Rock Slide wasn't as reliable, and I have Ice Beam which can hit just as hard against defoggers like Zap. Spikes are also another huge asset in terms of helping breakers like Hoopa-U or Mega Maw get in easier and make progress quicker.

Zap as a defensive defogger as punishing U-turns can always come in clutch for Hoopa-U and its poor typing. Volt switch > Discharge can be used to provide another pivot, but I have found that two pivots are sufficient for this team. I didn't want to try and fit in any other defogger like Corv or Lando-T.

:nidoking: :greninja: :tapu koko: :rillaboom: :moltres: :lopunny-mega:

Nidoking is a pretty neat wallbreaker that is able to provide a rock setter, which is what I wanted to fit all into one slot. That along with its really great coverage in moves like Ice Beam for other grounds like Glisc, Lando-T, Chomp, etc. or even other sets I have seen including Sub Focus Punch.

I added Fight Z Gren with it as a mon to lure in and take down Bliss or other physically defensive threats that Nidoking can have trouble with. They cover each other's weaknesses rather well, with Nido eliminating fairy types and in return, Gren is able to take down the aforementioned defensive walls with Fight Z or if anything, chip away at them with U-Turn and pivot into someone else.

Koko+Rilla form a solid voltturn core to help bring in Nidoking easier and overall have some great synergy with Nido. MLop is also here for that exact reason, to provide a pivot that can also pressure and chip away at other defensive mons.

Moltres as a defogger as I need a ground immunity that can help pressure special sweepers. Its coverage to pressure mons like Magearna can be a huge asset for Nidoking, as LO Sheer Force Earth Power shouldn't be the only way to pressure steel types. Having another way to force out other steels like Corv or Heatran, as Moltres is EV'd to outrun Sp DEF Heatran can be critical. I opted for Pressure > Flame Body to potentially force Clef or other rock setter to stall out rocks, only to continuously defog them. Even if none of the other team members mind rocks being up and don't take serious damage from rocks, it's still something that has been a major benefit for the team.

:kyurem: :kartana: :garchomp: :toxapex: :moltres: :lopunny-mega:

Specs Kyurem just hits like a truck, it's insane. Its synergy with Kartana to pressure and eliminate defoggers and cover each others weaknesses is great. I opted for Fight Z Kart as a wincon that can eliminate steels for Kyurem as I didn't want to only rely on Focus Blast.

Tankchomp as a rock setter which can phaze them out with Dragon Tail and punish U-turns with Rocky Helmet in conjunction with Rough Skin is pretty nice I guess. I would consider Toxic > Flamethrower as I have more than enough ways to take down steels and putting them on a timer is rather beneficial to aid in Kyurem or Kart and chip them into range of Specs Freeze-Dry or +2 Leaf Blade respectively. Still need to test that tbh.

Pex and Moltres complete the defensive core to provide a Sp DEF wall and fairy resist, the former being especially useful to scout out problematic moves like Specs Volt Switch from Magearna for example. Haze is also nigh mandatory on this mon imo to stop set up sweepers from generating insane momentum and snowballing quickly. Same could be said with Moltres and Mystical Fire.

Mega Lopunny rounds the team out with speed control and just has really great synergy with Kyurem. Not really sure what else to explain when it comes to this mon lol.

:urshifu-rapid-strike: :magnezone: :clefable: :lopunny-mega: :moltres: :rillaboom:

I built around this same mon with pannuracotta a while back. I thought I'd try and revise the team a bit according to the meta changes.

Originally, the team had Band > Scarf. I opted for Scarf here mainly to outrun ghost horse, while being able to break through sub bc of Surging Strikes. I added in Specs Zone which has solid synergy here to trap steels that Urshifu can't break through as easily, mainly because its damage output can be seen as hindered bc of Scarf. Trapping Ferro, Corv or Magearna can be beneficial for Urshifu to come in and clean up later in the game.

Rocks Clef and Moltres helps the team with a defensive core here. I don't think I need to expand on this much more lol, same with Mega Lopunny and its purpose here.

Dark Z Rillaboom as another potential wincon and set up sweeper. I felt as if the team could use it over the Band or LO set as Dark Z can break through most defoggers like Zap or Corv, at least after some chip damage, which isn't too hard to force on them.

:charizard-mega-x: :tapu koko: :hawlucha: :landorus-therian: :ferrothorn: :hydreigon:

This includes a core that I posted in the cores thread recently, and I think it has a lot of potential.

Zard X under terrain with a boosted Thunder punch to lure in bulky waters can be essential to chip away at them and take them down. In addition to that, Zard X can also break through physical walls that Koko has trouble with and can pivot out into it or Hawlucha.

I opted for Rockium Z Lando to break past bulky defoggers that Zard X or Hawlucha have trouble with, primarily Zapdos. Alternatively, you can try and use Stone Edge on Lucha, but I am not too keen on that, as I wouldn't want to give up Roost.

Ferro can provide spikes for extra pressure as well as a much needed water resist, then Drei because I was in need of a defogger alongside a ghost resist. Drei providing another ground immunity is also worthwhile.

I apologize for some of the shorter explanations towards the end as it's rather late here, hope you guys enjoyed the teams!
king cotta teamdump again, crazy.
(also s/o this projects birthday in like 4 days that so cool)
:regieleki: :greninja: :hydreigon: :scizor-mega: :tangrowth: :heatran:
Regieleki brokey. Ground Types hard check Eleki. Ashgren checky ground, regieleki cleany. thank u (also hydrei is here to check spectrier + scizor as a phyiscal threat w/ tang and tran for glue)
Nicknames are from Lost In Paradise by ALI!

Haikyuu mage
:magearna: :slowking-galar: :hydreigon: :lopunny-mega: :landorus-therian: :alomomola:
I built this team around the core of magearna + future sight, However i wanted to be unique so i dropped obvious slowbro for less obvious galarking, the rest of the team are just nice mons, hydrei for spect check + defog, mlop for speed control, lando for rocks + physical z move breaker and alo for wish support.
Nicknames are from the diffrent openings of Haikyuu!

Berserk Horse
:spectrier: :magearna: :hydreigon: :heatran: :garchomp: :tangrowth:
Big boy coming with the Big horse feel so clean w/ my spectrier machine.
Wanted to use spectrier so i built this. Standard subhex paired with specs mage to cripple blissey with trick and garchomp to break stuff like defog hydrei n Mega tar
Nicknames are from the ost of the 1997 adaptation of berserk

Top Specs Kyu
:kyurem: :magnezone: :slowbro: :garchomp: :mandibuzz: :lopunny-mega:

Specs kyurem is a very strong mon rn, its only real check is a good prediction or mega scizor, as such i have a magnezone to trap lil sciz yuh, Kyurem is ever more ridiculus with Fsight support, so i got a whole slowbro. Garchomp is a good physical breaker + volt switch absorber, Mandibuzz is mandatory kyurem check n Mlop benefits alot from some of the other mons on this team.
Nicknames are from TOP by stray kids

Stray Latias
:latias-mega: :weavile: :toxapex: :mandibuzz: :gastrodon: :heatran:
I used this team in my game 1 vs seve for the natdex championship, and its probably one of my favourite teams ever built, The concept is quite simple, CM mega latias is an amazing wincon rn and this team is built around setting up Latias for a win. Pursuit weavile is an amazing speed control + it can remove the psychic types that hinder Latias with pursuit, Toxapex is amazingly fat and checks alot of big threats rn w/ tspikes to support latias w cm sweeps, Mandibuzz is the mandatory spectrier check + defog. Gasto is mandatory ground immune + a nice secondary water so pex doesnt get overwhelmed and heatran is very nice glue that checks mage and provides rocks
Teams are named after abilities from Bungo Stray Dogs

Thats the teams for now, hope yall enjoy.

I made this team for tiebreaker of circuit playoffs which I'm out of now so thought I'd share what is probably my favourite team I've built for this metagame. I think it has a lot of really, really good matchups and makes great use of both CM Fini and NP Spectrier as very potent win conditions. This team is a lot of fun and I definitely think more people should try out CM Fini right now.
Submission For Sample Teams:

:ss/heracross-mega: :ss/swampert: :ss/victini: :ss/zapdos: :ss/dragonite: :ss/kartana:

So yeh ive topped the ladder with this. Went from 1500 to 1900 within a day after not playing this format for a year or so. Guess its a good team. Credits to Baneman and myself for building it.

Some deeper analysis:
How you play it:
The thought was to get into the upper position right from the very start. Swampert is a solid lead 80% of the time and 1v1s other popular leads such as Koko, Heatran, Landorus, Greninja & Garchomp. A lot of other Mons on this team were chosen because they seemed like a solid switchin vs. Mons Swampert doesn’t do good against. You have Zapdos as a great Switchin to Lopunny, Medicham and Rillaboom. You have Heracross as a great Switchin to Tangrowth, Ferrothorn and Toxapex for example.

In lots of cases you just stay in with Swampert Toxic, Ice Beam and Earthquake for good chip and sack it. You only want to keep it if Zapdos/Koko are on the opponents team or if you want to Toxic something later on in the game (Latias, Slowbro). Victini and Heracross usually are good switchins into Mons that kill Swampert. Both can set up and usually break holes into the team of the opponent. In 95% of the cases the opponents team will not have a Pokemon that walls Victini and a Pokemon that walls Heracross. If that actually is the case you still have Dragonite with Outrage that can be a potential wallbreaker. Usually you want to keep Dragonite healthy up to the late game though.

In the mid game you want to Defog with Zapdos at some point to make sure Dragonite has an easier time switching in. The mid game is usually chipping the opponent with Zapdos, Swampert, Victini and Heracross. The goal is always to have an endgame where you can sweep with either Kartana or Extreme Speed on Dragonite.

Spreads/Sets explained:
Specially defensive Swampert has the advantage over physical defensive that it can safely switch in into Fini, Spectrier, Magearna, Greninja and Koko. Its physical bulk is decent enough, even without investment. Thanks to Ice Beam it usually still wins 1v1s vs. Landorus and Garchomp.

Heracross has a jolly over an adamant nature to make sure it can outspeed Breloom while being megad and outspeed Heatran in normal form.

Victini runs V-create over Searing Shot to make sure Chansey/Blissey cant wall it. The spread is chosen to have fairly decent chance on killing Chansey with Focus Blast + V-create and to have a garantueed kill with Stealth Rock damage.

The banded Set can profit a lot from people fearing a Dragon Dance. Barely any Pokemon switches out when Dragonite comes in, wanting to break the Multi Scale. This can help you getting Surprise-Kills on Latias, Ferrothorn and Scizor. Extreme Speed is huge in the endgame almost killing Greninja or Alakazam from full. Dragonite has enough Speed to also outspeed Mawile and kill it with EQ.

Z-Kommo-o: The sacrifice for having Victini actually not being walled by Chansey is Victini not being a counter to Z-Kommo-o anymore, as Kommo-o now outspeeds it and 2-shots it. Ice Beam from Swampert helps here aswell to improve the Kommo-o Matchup a little. Usually you have to sack at least 2 Pokemon to Clanging Scales though before Kartana can revengekill it.

Unaware Clefable: Unaware Clefable is the only mon that decently walls Dragonite, Heracross and Victini. However, It takes almost 50% from Rock Blast and Stored Power, which is why you really want Rocks up in games vs Clefable. Knocking its Leftovers off can also help. There is no guaranteed answer to Unaware Clefable, you just got to cripple it down slowly.

Latias-m: Victini should not set up as long as there is Latias on the opponents Team. Swampert wants to get off a Toxic on it at some point. Trading Dragonite for Latias is also often a good option in the midgame. Latias usually stays in on Dragonite wanting to make sure it can’t set up.

Serperior: There is very little that can switchin into Serperior. Heracross can switchin once. That is basically it. At least every single Mon on the team can make sure Serp cant sub up on it. Extreme Speed from Dragonite can help out once Serp has taken some damage.

Some Calcs you want to keep in mind:
+1 112 Atk Victini V-create vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Eviolite Chansey: 430-507 (61.1 - 72.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
+1 212+ SpA Victini Focus Blast vs. 248 HP / 8 SpD Eviolite Chansey: 220-260 (31.2 - 36.9%) -- 76.6% chance to 3HKO
+1 212+ SpA Victini Stored Power (120 BP) vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Unaware Clefable: 189-223 (47.9 - 56.5%) -- 35.5% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

252+ Atk Choice Band Dragonite Extreme Speed vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Greninja: 203-239 (71.2 - 83.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ Atk Choice Band Dragonite Extreme Speed vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Serperior: 153-181 (52.5 - 62.1%) -- 98.8% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
252+ Atk Choice Band Dragonite Outrage vs. 252 HP / 172+ Def Venusaur-Mega: 219-258 (60.1 - 70.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

252 Atk Heracross-Mega Rock Blast (5 hits) vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Clefable: 160-190 (40.6 - 48.2%) -- approx. 3HKO after Leftovers recovery
252 Atk Heracross-Mega Close Combat vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Corviknight: 178-211 (44.5 - 52.7%) -- 25.4% chance to 2HKO
252 SpA Serperior Leaf Storm vs. 40 HP / 4 SpD Heracross-Mega: 71-84 (22.8 - 27%) -- 37.7% chance to 4HKO
+2 252 SpA Serperior Hidden Power Fire vs. 40 HP / 0 SpD Heracross-Mega: 176-208 (56.5 - 66.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

0 SpA Swampert Ice Beam vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Landorus-Therian: 272-324 (85.2 - 101.5%) -- 12.5% chance to OHKO
0 SpA Swampert Ice Beam vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Garchomp: 260-308 (72.8 - 86.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 SpA Choice Specs Tapu Koko Grass Knot (80 BP) vs. 248 HP / 252+ SpD Swampert: 328-388 (81.3 - 96.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
252 SpA Tapu Lele Psychic vs. 248 HP / 252+ SpD Swampert in Psychic Terrain: 148-175 (36.7 - 43.4%) -- 98.9% chance to 3HKO after Leftovers recovery
252 Atk Landorus-Therian Earthquake vs. 248 HP / 8 Def Swampert: 192-226 (47.6 - 56%) -- 24.2% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
252+ SpA Choice Specs Magearna Fleur Cannon vs. 248 HP / 252+ SpD Swampert: 270-318 (66.9 - 78.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
+1 252 SpA Spectrier Never-Ending Nightmare (160 BP) vs. 248 HP / 252+ SpD Swampert: 328-387 (81.3 - 96%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

252 Atk Swampert-Mega Waterfall vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Zapdos in Rain: 175-207 (45.6 - 54%) -- 45.3% chance to 2HKO
252 Atk Swampert-Mega Ice Punch vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Zapdos: 146-174 (38.1 - 45.4%) -- guaranteed 3HKO

Hope this is actually helpful for some people. :) Wish you good luck and lots of fun trying it out.
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'ello nat dex, im back with a couple of teams. These are a bit more fun and most are well thought out.
zardy chomp (
:Garchomp: :Charizard: :Zapdos: :Blissey: :Magearna: :Landorus-therian:
This squad is pretty solid overall chansey is a huge weakness considering it can wall half the guys late game. If you have trouble with that than change magearna to pain split or specs. Bliss checks spec, as well as scarf lando. Zard breakes down defensive cores as well as checks shiftgearna. Thunderbolt on mag allows chip on pex and tran which is helpful for zard. Garchomp z dragon is so powerful, ohkoing bro after one SD and does 86 min at +4 to corv. Zapdos acts as a solid defogger and volts turns on everything. Pert will be annoying because I dont have a direct counter, but rain shouldnt be a problem with zardy. Ace can be played around with zapdos, garchomp, lando, and even zard y at full.
zanggang (
:Zangoose: :Moltres: :tangrowth: :tapu fini: :tyranitar: :excadrill:
This is probably my favorite team of all time which includes my favorite mon-zangoose. Although it seems like a meme, this team is very well thought out and very solid. Besides zangoose, the team pretty much explains itself. Classic sand team with moltres tang and fini for checking common weaknesses. Now zangoose. Zangoose at +2 fire punch does 91 min to corv, which helps for exca. Facade without any boosts does 86 min to manaphy, so it will likely knock after rocks. The play is to switch into it on tail glow, get toxic and ko it. On rain, Manpahy is the only thing that can break this team, as it has a very solid rain mu besides. Also, if you come in toxic from a bliss or chansey, you claim a pokemon. Nothing switches into zangoose. Unfortunately, moltres is the ace counter as well as switching into exca on gunk. I gave moltres toxic because i like it for mlati. This team naturally checks shiftgearna and spectrier very well being a sand team, which is a plus. Calm mind fini serves a great wincon. tangrowth and moltres are my mmawile switch ins. If you want to counter rain or stall, please use this team. it might be impossible to lose. The misty terrain allows for tangrowth not to be poisoned by gliscor as well.
mag mega venu (
:Venusaur: :Hydreigon: :chansey: :Magearna: :clefable: :hippowdon:
This is a semi stallish build i made that was kinda funky. As with most of my teams it lacks a medicham switch in but medi is completely broken and I dont wanna use bro, reuniclus, or msab on every team. The team is fun to play with, heart swap mag is the shiftgearna counter, hydreigon for spec. Hippowdown is a wonderful cinderace check and helps with the rain mu. Yes hippo and venu r bad synergy but honestly it doesnt really matter. Mega venu checks toxic defog gliscor, unware clef checks SD gliscor. I have calm mind on unaware clef because it actually is a really useful wincon. I decided that hp fire was necessary on mvenu for sciz as it is a big threat.

Now I've done a lot of typing so im just gonna post some cool teams that you all should try sometime. If you wanna see replays just look up my name Im sure there are a lot saved mollymiltoast

zapuhdos G (
:heatran: :tyranitar: :zapdos-galar: :tangrowth: :tapu fini: :latias:

melmetal bro (
:tapu koko: :slowbro: :landorus-therian: :kommo-o: :Melmetal: :Latias:

snorlax squad (
:snorlax: :tapu fini: :hippowdon: :garchomp: :melmetal: :latias:
^weak to scizor, once spectrier goes id prolly get rid of lax for some else
Moltres would actually be perfect for this slot because team lacks defog, and it will help for the scizor, rilla mu, and provides general bulk
Sorry snorlax
rain gyara koko (
:pelipper: :kingdra: :ferrothorn: :swampert: :tapu koko: :gyarados:<this boy should be moxie

ho fuego (
:mew: :cinderace: :rillaboom: :magearna: :spectrier: :garchomp:

iscream (
:vanilluxe: :cinderace: :ferrothorn: :diancie: :Landorus-therian: :tapu fini:

this is actually an gen8 ou team (
:arctozolt: :ninetales-alola: :Heatran: :slowbro: :nidoking: :mandibuzz:

xatu (
:xatu: :charizard: :victini: :garchomp: :magearna: :slowbro:
Well, thank you for taking time to read what I had to say, I would love feedback if you ever want to message me. I will probably post more teams next month, im like an oven always cookin up heat. ENJOY
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Welcome to Chazm's chasm! Recently my builder had been getting really frustrating to navigate, so I made a deal with myself - once I was done with all the major tournaments, I would dump my builder for other players to sift through, potentially finding builds that they might enjoy for theirselves. Today, that day has come. I recently reset my builder from around 2200 teams to 301, making it considerably easier to build with. I tried to filter these teams out to be DLC 2 only but the file sizes were so large that actually dealing with the text was a nightmare. So, without further ado, here are all of my teams that I have built up until this point for National Dex & National Dex UU: - ND - ND UU
Just gonna dump a few teams I've been liking a bit lately: - GZap Hazard Stack Balance (s/o to Chazm for helping w/this one) - VoltTurn rain (this one has been used a bit by friends in tourneys) - Rillazone Offence (my favourite, made this for team teambuilding lab but made a few changes) - BlissBro Sand (another one of my favourites, finalist of previous seasonals used this team to beat faded in semis) - MMawGren Balance (pretty simple blissbro team) - AceGren Offence (this is a new team I built, been loving offensive builds lately however personally it's not that good) - Sub Corv Sand (something feels a little off about this team, I think it's the 0 momentum, however I've beaten notable players with it so it can't be that bad)

Meet the gang!

:excadrill: :grimmsnarl: :magearna: :gyarados-mega: :rillaboom: :cinderace:

Let's go through each member one by one.

Hazard Spray Jr. (Excadrill) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Mold Breaker
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Earthquake
- Iron Head
- Rapid Spin
- Stealth Rock

Classic Excadrill hazard set. Nothing special here, really. Focus sash helps set up even in the face of mons such as Mega Charizard Y or Lando-T that can OHKO it. EQ and Iron Head are good STABs, rapid spin is useful hazard removal. Moving on!

Screens Expert (Grimmsnarl) @ Light Clay
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Light Screen
- Reflect
- Taunt
- Spirit Break

Again, classic screens Grimmsnarl. Taunt helps the team put up with opposing hazard setters/set-up breakers, Spirit Break is basically obligatory on it. Next!

Bitch-Bot 3000 (Magearna) @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Soul-Heart
EVs: 12 HP / 252 SpA / 244 Spe
Modest Nature
- Shift Gear
- Calm Mind
- Draining Kiss
- Stored Power

Yes yes, I know. Magearna is near-broken. I may as well use her while she's still here. This Kisspower set is surprisingly bulky and has brought me back from almost loosing more times than I can count. WP lets me set up on threats while speeding up the setting up of Stored Power.

Typhon (Gyarados) @ Gyaradosite
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Crunch
- Waterfall/Earthquake
- Dragon Dance
- Taunt

Now THIS is the real meat of this team. Mega Gyarados is criminally underused and should honestly be praised so much more than I see it be praised. A single DDance is all you need to completely sweep entire teams, putting your speed at a lovely 430 and your attack at a whopping 523. Waterfall and Crunch are excellent STAB moves to have on this hard hitting monster, whereas taunt helps punish opposing set-up sweepers/hazard setters, especially Toxapex. You could even switch out Waterfall for Earthquake to punish Pex even more, though I'm personally not a fan of that.

Boom Boom (Rillaboom) @ Life Orb
Ability: Grassy Surge
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Grassy Glide
- Knock Off
- Superpower
- Swords Dance

Rilla is my answer to rain on this team. Grassy Glide lets me get past mons like Mega Swampert or the surprisingly bulky Manaphy before they can even do anything. Superpower deals with dark-type threats and Knock Off is just plain useful.

Satan (Cinderace) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Libero
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Bulk Up
- High Jump Kick
- Pyro Ball
- Gunk Shot

Finally, Liberio Cinderace. Satan itself is quite useful on this team. Other than Gunk Shot supressing fairies, nothing really special here.

Hope you guys enjoy this team!
Sample submission (Prolly not good enough)

:ss/Charizard-mega-y: :ss/weavile: :ss/garchomp: :ss/corviknight: :ss/slowbro: :ss/blissey:

Click fr importable

This is a pretty standard zard y Balance team, built around the core of zard y + weavile. Zard y breaks weaviles checks like corvi and clefable, while weavile traps the supremely annoying blissey and mega latias fr zard to wreak havoc. Zard y is max/max as that is my favourite spread to use on it and weather ball is chosen for the rain matchup and is also a decent kisspower mag check. As these 2 mons both hate pex, bro is chosen fr its future sight support, and it also provides a blanket check to most physical attackers like mega swampert and is the teams main way to handle cindi. Bliss is the spdef backbone of the team holding it together against dangerous special attackers like magearna. Corvi is the fogger of choice as it's able to keeps rocks off semi reliabily against setters like outrage chomp and ferrothorn and prevents me frm auto losing to weavile. Body press is chosen as its ability to chunk tran, blissey etc is more useful than brave bird as my team already handles mons like rilaboom well. Now I need a volt blocker and a Rocker, so I chose sd rockium chomp for its ability to keep rocks up, be a semi reliable volt blocker and also be a secondary cindi check if need be.

This team is overall pretty solid tho it can struggle with kisspower mag If it's behind dual screens which is its worst match-up however preventing both frm going up is not impossible and both zard and chomp can check it frm full without the respective screen up so with smart play it will be possible to handle it. Huge thanks to Yugon fr helping me a lot with this.
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Right now the samples are not in the best shape, as some are getting outdated, so I wanted to submit some teams for sample consideration and also just to show off some stuff:

:sm/mawile-mega: :sm/rotom-wash: :sm/kyurem: :sm/moltres: :sm/blissey: :sm/landorus-therian:
:kyurem: + :rotom-wash: The starting point of this team uses two mons who commonly share checks and are also able to wear down them for each other. A Ferrothorn who would normally be able to 1v1 sub roost falters after it has been burned by Rotom. Rotom was scarfed as it also gave me speed control as well as the ability to cripple Blissey who would normally stall out Kyurem. With max HP and max speed rotom is able to tank important hits in the midgame if needed.
:mawile-mega: Knowing that rotom likes to trick its scarf away, backing it up with very strong priority is very nice and Mawile does that great. The main issue with Kyurem is its problems against Mega Scizor, and Focus Punch Mawile is able to dent teams thinking Scizor is a safe switch-in. It is of course very prediction reliant, but the rewards are potentially higher than any other move in that slot.
:moltres: + :blissey: the defensive backbone of the team, with Blissey giving much needed teleports for Mawile, and Moltres there to stave off Cinderace, Rillaboom, and quite a few magearna variants.
:landorus-therian: Lastly, I needed a better switchin to Garchomp and other ground types, so Lando was the fit here with an offensive rocks set. With some defense investment it can stave off Cinderace in case Moltres is unable to handle its Z sets, and also can potentially remove unsuspecting grass types like tangrowth, mega venusaur or amoonguss, who would otherwise wall Mawile.

:sm/tyranitar-mega: :sm/toxapex: :sm/kartana: :ss/corviknight: :sm/ditto: :sm/gliscor:
:tyranitar-mega: + :toxapex: : This is how I think most if not all sand teams should start off with this core. Pex is needed to check Cinderace, and Ttar provides a dark resist for Toxapex against Greninja. Its Pursuit support is also always incredible, as it deters things like Tapu lele from clicking psychic moves for fear of getting easily trapped. With max HP it is even able to 1v1 Mega Latias and remove it for the team.

:kartana: Kartana right now needs pursuit support, as it has no hopes of standing against Latias 1v1. However, Ttar provides this nicely, and pressures some of its checks like Corviknight. With pursuit support, Kartana is able to run a pretty nasty Grassium z set, which boosts your stab to astronomical levels of power. TTar should pursuit zapdos before Kartana sets up, as at +2 Grass z is able to KO zapdos. Grass z also has the benefit of ohkoing offensive Magearna at +2

:corviknight:: The defogger of this team, and fits here perfectly due to its synergy with Pex, its ability able to assist in keeping hazards off for Ttar to trap more effectively, and overall is just a good mon.

:ditto: Maybe an odd choice, but taking a cue from Sciz + Ditto teams, I tried using Corv over Scizor and it worked wonderfully. Provides great revenging for a ton of threats, most importantly Cinderace, and pairs with Toxapex to absolutely demolish the stall matchup to ensure you will pretty much always win.

:gliscor: Last slot needed to be a Heatran check, and Gliscor fit the fill perfectly, while also serving as a backup Cinderace switch in case Pex cant handle it. It's SD set is great at mauling balances one their check has either been pursuited, or in the case of Corviknight, can be pressured to using too many roosts by Ttar and Kartana for it to eventually break through.

Bonus Teams(Not Sample Submissions):
Encore Diancie + Magnezone

Scarf Fini + Hippo

Z Steel Beam Heatran

Some Random Volc Stall(Dont Reccomend)

Edit: Forgot to actually put the Sand paste. Fixed.
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What is good National Dex, today I will be sharing a fun maw koko raichu team that I have been having a lot of fun with lately that you should consider if you're looking more for a casual spicy team. It's performed ok above 1800 and has had some pretty dumb moments in room tours so let's get into it.

:sm/mawile-mega: :sm/tapu-koko: :sm/raichu-alola: :sm/ferrothorn: :sm/moltres: :sm/garchomp:

Click for Heat

:mawile-mega: :tapu koko: :raichu-alola:
Started my base as Mawile + Koko which is a pretty good core in its own right, but I wanted to abuse a mon I felt like didn't get much merit. Alolan Raichu is extremely dangerous under terrain, and I wanted to take advantage of teams already being pressured by Koko and 4ATK Mega Mawile eating its checks alive. The main appeal to Raichu isn't just surge surfer, rising voltage reaches an astouding 182 power under electric terrain, doing slightly more damage neutral than even a super effective Psychic. (Note: I very much like smacking ferro and sciz immediately with fire fang but I understand thunder punch is more reliable. Maw speed is for uninvested MScizor.)

:mawile-mega: :tapu koko: :raichu-alola: :ferrothorn:
With speed control out of the way, I needed something to handle kyurem, have an ok matchup vs rain and ash gren, have resistance to volt switch and soft check certain mag sets. Ferrothorn was my next choice, as it could set spikes for any of the above mons to pressure their checks more and stall kyurem. Gyro + press is used to lower kyurem into a position to where I can pressure it with Gyro without losing too much pp.

:mawile-mega: :tapu koko: :raichu-alola: :ferrothorn: :moltres:
Three mons weak to ground and no resist for it along with no ace check lead me to use Moltres. This pick also allows me to stall turns of sun from zard Y with 8 spdef never getting 2hko'd by Weather Ball and 20 speed for Aegislash. Went u-turn over scorching sands to get my abusers in. To be honest though, it's really only here to cheese burns.

:mawile-mega: :tapu koko: :raichu-alola: :ferrothorn: :moltres: :garchomp:
Now I needed a volt immunity and a mon that could switch into tran and set rocks so ferro could run spikes. Chomper is phenomenal as the last slot, with dragonium z to cleanly break slowbro and a good chance for tang at +2 and can often 1v1 grounds for koko and raichu. Defense is for +1 HJK from Cinder after pannu meming the 252 252 spread.
As far as movesets go, tpunch over fire fang on mawile, power whip on ferro, scorching sands over u-turn on moltres to deal with tran better, hp ice over grass knot on koko or psychic on raichu.
:Pelipper: :Swampert-Mega: This matchup is fun to play, but very prediction reliant vs Swampert. To win you will need to eliminate ferro as quickly as possible so koko has an easier time clicking grass knot on a prediction swamp since they are very threatened by it once ferro is gone. Leading with Mawile often helps since they will be very hesitant on switching anything in and you can just ohko ferro with fire fang if it's sent out first or ohko swamp trying to switch in with focus punch. Sack moltres to manaphy to preserve ferro to check gren for as long as possible.
If chomp dies, you have no way of killing this. Bluffing hp ice koko or actually carrying it on koko or raichu helps tremendously.
Needs to be caught on a focus punch by Mawile or pressured out by Chomp, but nothing besides chomp switches in.
:Kyurem: :Magnezone: (or anything that burns ferro)
Removes your only defensive option to handle sub kyurem. Luckily, nothing lets it in for free bar moltres who can usually just u-turn out.
This is the only team I'm proud of (for being incredibly dumb and cheese) so that's it for now. Names are based on Brooklyn Drill rappers if you're interested. pls use mlati on ladder


edit: I hoped to have none of these but ferro should be sassy and molt should have 232 defense and 8 spdef.
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Here is my HO team I’ve found some success with
Basically the generic hazard user, nothing special here
Yes, I’m using life orb over choice specs, I’ve used both and I usually lose a lot of momentum with choice specs ash gren and life orb can still damage a lot of teams
My best answer to tapu fini and a powerful wallbreaker while still being able to take physical hits well thanks to grassy seed, also acrobatics is to surprise KO Z Kommo-o
This is a great pokemon to tank a hit and switch in ash gren, also considering nobody rlly uses regular scizor, I wanted to try it as a slow pivot and it worked
Scarf xurkitree is a great answer to defensive toxapex and it can also KO lando-t and gliscor on the switch with HP ice with the correct prediction.

Mega Zard is my sweeper and a great dd user. Its swept many teams and also it can break through walls like Chansey, Blissey and Toxapex and it can stall out Slowbro with roost
Sample Submission

I've been spamming this team for a minute now and I think it's about as close to a finished state as I'm going to get it. After using this to speedrun my Cinderace reqs, it felt like the right time to post plus I've already shared the team with several friends/acquaintances so might as well just make it public.


:ss/latias-mega: :ss/clefable: :ss/toxapex: :ss/gliscor: :ss/corviknight: :ss/weavile:

The idea behind building this team was to create a fat core that could wall a large portion of the metagame while also exerting a lot more offensive pressure than what you would get from a standard fat/stall team. This is complemented by choice band Weavile whose function on the team is twofold; supporting the team defensively by revenge killing or pursuit trapping certain threats (i.e. Mega-Medicham, Mega-Latis, Cinderace, etc.) and using its choice band boosted STAB combination to wallbreak/create opportunities for other team members to sweep. The team features 3 durable wincons that are quite difficult to knock out and contribute to the team defensively even when they are not threatening a sweep. SD Gliscor causes a lot of trouble for balance teams since it doesn't care about status, threatens haze Pex, and usually requires the opponent to bring in super-effective offensive pressure to force it out. In terms of team structure Gliscor is necessary for its electric immunity, ability to switch into Heatran with ease, and as a secondary Cinderace check. Stored power Mega-Latias is a fast but absurdly bulky sweeper capable of impressive feats such as beating kisspower Magearna 1v1. Defensively, it carries the team in rain matchups and provides a much-needed secondary electric resist. Finally, I have clefable to round out the team. Clef utilizes Electrium-Z to bait and remove common switch-ins like Toxapex, Corviknight, Celesteela, and even Mega-Mawile after some chip damage. Fairy + Electric is the best two type coverage available to Clef without running a subpar set like boltbeam. CM Clef can be dangerous in the late game but it requires certain conditions that can be hard to achieve. This mon puts in the most work defensively where it hard-stops a lot of sweepers thanks to Unaware. Originally I had Magic Guard Clef on this build. It makes Clef a much better sweeper by virtue of ignoring Toxic, but I eventually settled on Unaware to check certain mons that threaten this build. You can change this to your personal preference and the team probably won't implode on itself. Rounding out the team I've got Gen 8 champ Corviknight which is a godsend for fat teams. The bird does an amazing job keeping hazards off the field from most rockers not named Heatran and it beats brainless Rillaboom if not paired with Magnezone. Last and certainly not least is Toxapex and it does uhh.... Toxapex things. Standard move choices here, but I've invested enough special defense to ensure Pex can haze on and 1v1 stored power Magearna. Also some speed investment to get a fast haze off vs reuniclus/hatterene which can be threatening and to recover in front of Melmetal. Rocky helmet on Sp Def Pex is janky but kinda neccesary for Cinderace and it helps with Mega-Lopunny too so whatever. You may notice there are no hazards on this team. I was hesitant about this design choice to begin with, but after playing this team extensively I can say that I almost never feel like I'm missing out. Fat teams care more about defogging hazards from their own side than they do about setting them up and stealth rocks just aren't what they used to be in a heavy-duty boots meta :(

How annoying this mon is depends on what coverage it's running but either way it eats up aura spheres and traps Mega-Lati. Dragon dance sets behind screens are also scary.

:ss/tapu koko:
Hit or miss threat vs this build. Choice specs is the hardest to deal with but any set not running dazzling gleam is manageable. Gen 8 terrain nerf helps a lot.

Bulk up Normalium-Z goes brrrrr. Broken as shit mon that is soon to be banned.

:ss/rillaboom: + :ss/magnezone:
Once Corviknight gets trapped Rillaboom does a lot of work on this team. No point running shed shell when 90% of Rillaboom have knock off anyway. If you can get Weavile in safely, it forces a 50/50 between ice shard and pursuit but Rillaboom won't get knocked out from one pursuit. There isn't a lot else you can do here besides try to sweep with one of your wincons before Rillaboom can.

An obscenely powerful breaker that this team can't exactly switch into. However, you can deal with Medicham if you make the right plays. Medicham has to get in safely on Gliscor or Toxapex to threaten a KO. Clef and Corv can both tank the hit and KO in return so this is not an ideal position for the Medicham user. Weavile can KO outright with triple axel or pursuit trap the Medicham. Play well and you shouldn't have too many issues here.

I used this team exclusively for my Cinderace reqs and like 95% of my ladder games on the account Perc 30 including my ladder peak.


Screenshot 2021-03-04 220843.png

Thanks for reading :)
just dumping two cool teams (click on the pokemon sprites to access the pokepaste. also wtf are these sprite scales LOL)

Mega Lopunny + Greninja Hazard Stack
This team is a pretty standard hazard stack that's meant to chip away at the opponent's team with Spikes, Stealth Rocks, and Toxic Spikes to allow Lopunny and Greninja to clean up with ease. Garchomp and Greninja are your main uses of Defog pressure (and Greninja is also a consistent Spike setter). Ferrothorn and Toxapex are your main defensive backbone of the team and are the premier hazard-setters, with Spikes and Toxic Spikes respectively. Zapdos is the obligatory birb defogger and runs Hidden Power Ice to check Gliscor mostly, as it poses a problem with the rest of the team.

Gengar Hyper Offense
With Hyper Offense in rebuild-mode due to the Cinderace Magearna bans, I felt it opened up a nice opportunity to introduce a Pokemon like Gengar to shine. Excadrill is my preferred lead at the moment for HO due to the imminent rise of Sticky Web teams and overall keeping hazards off of a frail Pokemon like Gengar. Mega Gyarados and Rillaboom provide clean-up support and cover Gengar's checks and are just overall HO staples. Hawlucha felt like a good fit to provide Fighting-type coverage and Rillaboom's presence allows it to abuse Unburden. Scarf Victini provides Final Gambit support to rip open a hole in the opponent's teams and take out prime threats (most notably fat that Gengar struggles to break on its own).

Mega Charizard Y Sand
This team utilizes the relationship of ZardY and Ttar+Drill on sand. ZardY checks fat grasses and waters that Ttar and Drill can struggle with, while also getting spdef fat out of the way with Pursuit support and speed control from Drill. Clefable is the rocker of the team and provides para support and overall utility. Toxapex + Kartana forms a solid defensive backbone to the team while also pressuring fat that sand balances love (and prevents Weavile from going ham).

Back-burner teams (still cool):

:diancie-mega::reuniclus::toxapex::skarmory::landorus-therian::hydreigon: Mega Diancie + Reuniclus Hazard Stack
:kyurem::magnezone::tapu-fini::clefable::gliscor::corviknight: Dragon Dance Kyurem DragMag
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Hello it is time to share some teams

:heracross-mega: :weavile: :rillaboom: :landorus-therian: :slowking: :clefable: (built with omi ♥ )

For this team I wanted to build around the core of heracross + weavile; heracross evs are to outspeed defensive heatran after evolving, heracross appreciates weavile trapping pokemon like reuniclus and mega latias, who would otherwise wall mega heracross, rillaboom cleans up the holes heracross breaks, and is generally a good pivot to get heracross in; Landorus provides crucial speed control as well as hazard control, I used a special moveset as to not be invalidated by my own rillaboom. Slowking was the only was to check heatran, and it also provides future sight support to break pokemon like toxapex, which is a major issue for this team, clefable is pretty simple; rocks as well as thunder wave support. - team was named after LUV is rage.

:medicham-mega: :ferrothorn: :rotom-wash: :landorus-therian: :clefable: :heatran:

I wanted to build around the standard USUM core of medicham + ferro + washtom for this one, like before landorus provides crucial speed control, I have punishment because fat psychics are a bigger issue for this team then zapdos. clefable is a great win-con in general, and helps vs opposing bulky offense. Heatran provides stealth rocks, as well as improving our match-up vs stall teams. - team was named after 2014 forest hills drive
I forgot about this thread. I'll drop some teams.

:ss/latias-mega: :ss/clefable: :ss/toxapex: :ss/zeraora: :ss/gliscor: :ss/magearna:

I used this team in the finals of ArrowPL (which my team won yay). Its a pretty interesting take on Balance with the unique option of Zeraora. While I think its speed is really helpful its disappointing damage output and being completely walled by Gliscor hold it back in my opinion. This team is meant to support it as much as possible with a few other wincons that can make progress. This team is weak to SD Grounds so Latias and Gliscor are running coverage for them but it did mean Mega Latias wasn't running Aura Sphere for Kartana so as a solution I ran Blaze Kick on Zeraora to keep it in check. Team is unfortunately very weak Hydreigon as Clefable isn't running any special bulk but overall I'm quite happy how this team turned out.

:ss/pelipper: :ss/ferrothorn: :ss/swampert-mega: :ss/manaphy: :ss/zapdos: :ss/greninja-ash:

This is a pretty basic rain team there isn't really much you can change with Rain which is why they are all similar. You can however change certain sets for your liking. The first thing you may notice is that there is no Defog. While yes having Defog is nice I ultimately feel that if you are using Rain you have to blast powerful attacks with hazards up and Defog just slows down your pace of the team. You are honestly better off just matching your own hazards with your opponent than wasting a turn trying to get rid of them. As for other sets Yawn Swampert is a cool option to force out a lot of its switch ins like Corviknight and Mega Latias forcing there teammates to take a rain boosted assault. Speaking of Mega Latias, its a terror for these sorts of teams so to make the match up more manageable I made Manaphy Ice Beam so if Mega Latias switches into a Tail Glow it can't win the 1v1. Lastly I'm not sure if this a new thing but U-turn Ash-Greninja puts a lot of pressure on Blissey which can be good opportunities for Mega Swampert and Manaphy to come in.