I've been asked by quite a few people to share this team, so I decided it's time that I do. If you've been around high ladder or the National Dex room tours, you've probably seen the team. I hit #3 on the ladder and had 63% first place in the room tours.
I'm also submitting this to be a sample.
I built around Garchomp because SD is incredibly good and +2 Devastating Drake kills opposing slowbro, tangrowth, hippowdon, gliscor, and Lando-T, and +4 ohko's corviknight.
Next I added AV Tangrowth, because whenever I build, I usually never have ash-gren checks so I just decided to start with it. It also provided a water resist and rain check.
After this, I needed a steel type (for an ice resist, toxic switch in, and fairy resist.) I went with Scizor-Mega, because it's a steel that isn't weak to ground, which is always nice. The original version was made while dragapult was legal, which was another reason I added it.
The team was lacking a fighting resist, and a secondary fire resist was probably necessary, so I went with Slowbro. Gave a cinderace check and could pressure pex with future sight for Scizor.
Nothing much to say here, Heatran is just amazing, and I added it because I needed a flying resist, an additional zapdos check, a scizor and ferrothorn check, and trapping stuff like pex and blissey would help Slowbro+Scizor.
I initially had a zapdos last because it improved the matchup vs rain and flying types, as well as provided defog support, but the lack of speed control and another thing that couldn't stop either zard was pretty bad.
I switched Zapdos for Landorus-T because it had defog and could still hit flying types, like pinsir-mega, opposing zapdos, and moltres super effectively.
This thing is insanely powerful. After a swords dance, nothing can stop it. Even its "counters" (fini, clef, slowbro, hippo etc.) can't ohko Garchomp and get 2hko'd or ohko'd in return. And even the "hard counter" to Dragonium Z Garchomp, corviknight, actually doesn't beat it, because it forces defogs and allows swords dances, and +4 Z move kills corviknight. If the opponent have either of the zards, keeping rocks is very important. It is also necessary to play aggressively with this, or you'll just find yourself feeling like garchomp isn't doing anything.
Vest is mainly to check ash-greninja, but this is a really good mixed wall. It can usually live a hit on both the physical and special side from mons like cinderace, kommo-o, and heatran. Sludge bomb is really just to poison stuff. Power whip is used over giga drain to always 2hko max HP manaphy.
Amazing rillaboom counter, fairy check, steel check, and the priority is always useful. 96+ spdef allows Scizor-Mega to avoid a 2hko from rain zapdos after rocks, but only if it has already evolved. Speed is for max speed adamant regular ttar and modest magnezone. Ttar is an especially big threat to outspeed because the team's only rock resist is garchomp, which has to be wary of switching in because of the potential ice move.
Slowbro's a pretty good blanket check to most physical mons. Future sight is support for Scizor, mainly hitting toxapex. Can check opposing heatran, but be careful of getting trapped or poisoned.
Having a pex and ferrothorn check in one mon is really nice. The main reason defensive Heatran is so good is that most of its checks/counters can get slowly chipped by toxic. The spatk investment is to ohko opposing offensive heatran with earth power. Speed is for max speed adamant regular ttar.
With 2 offensive grounds, they usually have the same, or similar checks. This means that it's pretty easy to weaken their checks enough with one of them to sweep with the other.
Zards 2hko the entire team, only way to beat them is to try to keep up rocks and limit the amount of times it can switch in. Kommo-o is a threat if it has a fire move, especially if it's Soulblaze+Clangorous Soul. The way to beat this is to bait close combats and clanging scales so it drops its defense and puts itself in range of Scizor or Lando-T.
Nothing much to say, no ghost resist. They're not horrible to play against, but they're definitely annoying.
This team has absolutely no stall matchup. The best way to have a chance is to bait the will-o-wisp from sableye and get flash fire activated on Heatran, but stall teams usually have pretty good counters to it.
Garchomp is the only mon on the team that can ohko opposing garchomp and Lando-t, but obviously can't reliably switch in. Gliscor is especially tough because nothing on the team can even 2hko it. Only way to beat gliscor is to SD with Garchomp and win every 50/50, or just let either Tangrowth or Slowbro die to keep it low. Excadrill can also be a threat if it's groundium, but if not it can usually be played around with Slowbro+Lando-T+Tangrowth
I'm also submitting this to be a sample.
I built around Garchomp because SD is incredibly good and +2 Devastating Drake kills opposing slowbro, tangrowth, hippowdon, gliscor, and Lando-T, and +4 ohko's corviknight.
Next I added AV Tangrowth, because whenever I build, I usually never have ash-gren checks so I just decided to start with it. It also provided a water resist and rain check.
After this, I needed a steel type (for an ice resist, toxic switch in, and fairy resist.) I went with Scizor-Mega, because it's a steel that isn't weak to ground, which is always nice. The original version was made while dragapult was legal, which was another reason I added it.
The team was lacking a fighting resist, and a secondary fire resist was probably necessary, so I went with Slowbro. Gave a cinderace check and could pressure pex with future sight for Scizor.
Nothing much to say here, Heatran is just amazing, and I added it because I needed a flying resist, an additional zapdos check, a scizor and ferrothorn check, and trapping stuff like pex and blissey would help Slowbro+Scizor.
I initially had a zapdos last because it improved the matchup vs rain and flying types, as well as provided defog support, but the lack of speed control and another thing that couldn't stop either zard was pretty bad.
I switched Zapdos for Landorus-T because it had defog and could still hit flying types, like pinsir-mega, opposing zapdos, and moltres super effectively.
This thing is insanely powerful. After a swords dance, nothing can stop it. Even its "counters" (fini, clef, slowbro, hippo etc.) can't ohko Garchomp and get 2hko'd or ohko'd in return. And even the "hard counter" to Dragonium Z Garchomp, corviknight, actually doesn't beat it, because it forces defogs and allows swords dances, and +4 Z move kills corviknight. If the opponent have either of the zards, keeping rocks is very important. It is also necessary to play aggressively with this, or you'll just find yourself feeling like garchomp isn't doing anything.
Vest is mainly to check ash-greninja, but this is a really good mixed wall. It can usually live a hit on both the physical and special side from mons like cinderace, kommo-o, and heatran. Sludge bomb is really just to poison stuff. Power whip is used over giga drain to always 2hko max HP manaphy.
Amazing rillaboom counter, fairy check, steel check, and the priority is always useful. 96+ spdef allows Scizor-Mega to avoid a 2hko from rain zapdos after rocks, but only if it has already evolved. Speed is for max speed adamant regular ttar and modest magnezone. Ttar is an especially big threat to outspeed because the team's only rock resist is garchomp, which has to be wary of switching in because of the potential ice move.
Slowbro's a pretty good blanket check to most physical mons. Future sight is support for Scizor, mainly hitting toxapex. Can check opposing heatran, but be careful of getting trapped or poisoned.
Having a pex and ferrothorn check in one mon is really nice. The main reason defensive Heatran is so good is that most of its checks/counters can get slowly chipped by toxic. The spatk investment is to ohko opposing offensive heatran with earth power. Speed is for max speed adamant regular ttar.
With 2 offensive grounds, they usually have the same, or similar checks. This means that it's pretty easy to weaken their checks enough with one of them to sweep with the other.
Zards 2hko the entire team, only way to beat them is to try to keep up rocks and limit the amount of times it can switch in. Kommo-o is a threat if it has a fire move, especially if it's Soulblaze+Clangorous Soul. The way to beat this is to bait close combats and clanging scales so it drops its defense and puts itself in range of Scizor or Lando-T.
Nothing much to say, no ghost resist. They're not horrible to play against, but they're definitely annoying.
This team has absolutely no stall matchup. The best way to have a chance is to bait the will-o-wisp from sableye and get flash fire activated on Heatran, but stall teams usually have pretty good counters to it.
Garchomp is the only mon on the team that can ohko opposing garchomp and Lando-t, but obviously can't reliably switch in. Gliscor is especially tough because nothing on the team can even 2hko it. Only way to beat gliscor is to SD with Garchomp and win every 50/50, or just let either Tangrowth or Slowbro die to keep it low. Excadrill can also be a threat if it's groundium, but if not it can usually be played around with Slowbro+Lando-T+Tangrowth
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