Tournament NDPL III - Week 2

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Art by Dharma

  • Follow all rules listed here.
  • Schedule via Smogon VMs. It's easier for me to make decisions for activity calls when I can actually see what went down with scheduling.
  • If you are unable to schedule with your opponent, please let your managers know ASAP so they can communicate that to me or the other team's managers for a potential substitute.
  • Substitutions may be made after a week has started. When making a substitution, please tag myself, the managers of the opposing team, and all of the players affected by the substitute to ensure that everyone is made aware. Players who have already played in the week or were subbed out in the same week cannot be subbed back in.
  • If a match remains incomplete by the time of the deadline, it will be subject to an activity call.
  • Post replays. Not only are they useful for confirming wins, they contribute to usage stats and allow the people who couldn't watch the games live to watch them later.
  • Managers: Please send me your lineups in the same format that I used to post pairings. It makes it much easier to post future rounds more quickly.

Courtesy of the fantastic Ticken
>>Replays and Usage<<

Week Two

:victini: Vice City Victinis (3) vs (5) Boots House Down Blacephalons :blacephalon:
National Dex OU: QWILY vs Sage
National Dex OU: Isza vs omicorio
National Dex OU: Gray vs Revenge Killer
National Dex UU: Beraldinho vs avarice
National Dex RU: hariyana grande vs Meru
National Dex Monotype: TJ vs jonfilch
National Dex AG: lotiasite vs tier
National Dex Bo3: Kate vs Punny

:weavile: Wildin' Weaviles (5) vs (3) Limitless Lunalas :lunala:
National Dex OU: ChrisPBacon vs ong
National Dex OU: nvk vs Drud
National Dex OU: anique vs Raptor
National Dex UU: Elfuseon vs MudkipBeans
National Dex RU: Ainzcrad vs DerpyBoi
National Dex Monotype: style.css vs Rinda
National Dex AG: Will vs ADF Test
National Dex Bo3: Spl4sh vs zS

:darumaka: Gangsta Darumakas (5) vs (3) Galarian Phoenix :moltres-galar:
National Dex OU: bbeeaa vs clean
National Dex OU: sensei axew vs Clone
National Dex OU: Unowndragon vs Jordy
National Dex UU: dunoks vs tlenit
National Dex RU: Goblin vs gorex
National Dex Monotype: Trichotomy vs Cielau
National Dex AG: Rotten vs pichus
National Dex Bo3: Lily vs devin

:raichu-alola: Swagging Summerchus (5) vs (3) Treehugging Torterras :torterra:
National Dex OU: Kyo vs cardinal silver
National Dex OU: Dr. Phd. BJ vs JP192
National Dex OU: Vaboh vs Zeno420
National Dex UU: Fogbound Lake vs Meminger21
National Dex RU: DugZa vs LBN
National Dex Monotype: Dj Breloominati♬ vs maroon
National Dex AG: zioziotrip vs Nevelle
National Dex Bo3: Fc vs crying

Vice City Victinis (0) vs (0) Boots House Down Blacephalons
National Dex OU: QWILY vs Sage
National Dex OU: Isza vs omicorio
National Dex OU: Gray vs Revenge Killer
National Dex UU: Beraldinho vs avarice
National Dex RU: hariyana grande vs Meru
National Dex Monotype: TJ vs jonfilch
National Dex AG: lotiasite vs tier
National Dex Bo3: Kate vs Punny

Wildin' Weaviles (0) vs (0) Limitless Lunalas
National Dex OU: ChrisPBacon vs ong
National Dex OU: nvk vs Drud
National Dex OU: anique vs Raptor
National Dex UU: Elfuseon vs MudkipBeans
National Dex RU: Ainzcrad vs Derpyboi
National Dex Monotype: style.css vs Rinda
National Dex AG: Will vs ADF Test
National Dex Bo3: Spl4sh vs zS

Gangsta Darumakas (0) vs (0) Galarian Phoenix
National Dex OU: bbeeaa vs clean
National Dex OU: sensei axew vs Clone
National Dex OU: Unowndragon vs Jordy
National Dex UU: dunoks vs tlenit
National Dex RU: Goblin vs gorex
National Dex Monotype: Trichotomy vs Cielau
National Dex AG: Rotten vs pichus
National Dex Bo3: Lily vs devin

Swagging Summerchus (0) vs (0) Treehugging Torterras
National Dex OU: Kyo vs cardinal silver
National Dex OU: Dr. Phd. BJ vs JP192
National Dex OU: Vaboh vs Zeno420
National Dex UU: Fogbound Lake vs Meminger21
National Dex RU: DugZa vs LBN
National Dex Monotype: Dj Breloominati♬ vs maroon
National Dex AG: zioziotrip vs Nevelle
National Dex Bo3: Fc vs crying

Replays are mandatory.

The deadline for this round is Sunday, September 18th at 11:59 PM GMT -4.​


is a Top Tiering Contributoris a Top Contributoris a Social Media Contributor Alumnus
Vice City Victinis (0) vs (0) Boots House Down Blacephalons
National Dex OU: QWILY vs Sage better player
National Dex OU: Isza vs omicorio better player
National Dex OU: Gray vs Revenge Killer better player
National Dex UU: Beraldinho vs avarice i think avarice has better support so winning in the builder isnt a super unrealistic idea but berald is a slightly better player IMO so 50/50
National Dex RU: hariyana grande vs Meru my goat
National Dex Monotype: TJ vs jonfilch random vs random mu
National Dex AG: lotiasite vs tier plays the tier
National Dex Bo3: Kate vs Punny national dex goat

Wildin' Weaviles (0) vs (0) Limitless Lunalas
National Dex OU: ChrisPBacon vs ong top 2 in pool vs bottom 3 in pool
National Dex OU: nvk vs kDCA my son. he's bench riding in OMWC :C
National Dex OU: anique vs Raptor raptor got bailed last week iirc and anique is a p solid player
National Dex UU: Elfuseon vs MudkipBeans my Canadian goat
National Dex RU: Ainzcrad vs Derpyboi ainzcrab = crop material derpyboi is the farmer
National Dex Monotype: style.css vs Rinda start keahi bruh
National Dex AG: Will vs ADF Test wsun1 my goat we have a 28 snap streak it will be like 35 by the time he plays
National Dex Bo3: Spl4sh vs zS zS did pull thru with the upset last week i expect greatness from him going forward

Gangsta Darumakas (0) vs (0) Galarian Phoenix
National Dex OU: bbeeaa vs clean
National Dex OU: sensei axew vs Clone
National Dex OU: Unowndragon vs Jordy
National Dex UU: dunoks vs tlenit
National Dex RU: Goblin vs gorex
National Dex Monotype: Trichotomy vs Cielau
National Dex AG: Rotten vs pichus
National Dex Bo3: Lily vs devin
go team!

Swagging Summerchus (0) vs (0) Treehugging Torterras
National Dex OU: Kyo vs cardinal silver kyo is good enough to beat the ghosting slot
National Dex OU: Dr. Phd. BJ vs JP192 the doctor is my goat
National Dex OU: Vaboh vs Zeno420 actually brings viable teams
National Dex UU: Fogbound Lake vs Meminger21 better player might get lucked tho
National Dex RU: DugZa vs pinorska my goat
National Dex Monotype: Fylkir Pudin vs maroon
National Dex AG: zioziotrip vs Nevelle zioziotripping PLEASE prep for kartana webs!!!
National Dex Bo3: Fc vs crying fc = woat
ndru best tier + highlight predicts
National Dex RU: hariyana grande(55) vs Meru(45) meru is better but they have support and seem more active
boyn noooo :sob:
National Dex RU: Goblin(30) vs gorex(70) X-0rex
National Dex RU: DugZa (60) vs pinorska (40) better player but pinorska has support and actually plays the tier + coming off a win so we'll see

National Dex Monotype: TJ(60) vs jonfilch(40) cali goat vs other goat
National Dex Bo3: Lily(45) vs devin(55) a
National Dex Bo3: Fc(53) vs crying(47) crying fresh off an L but still biggest buy for a reason, money match


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Vice City Victinis (0) vs (0) Boots House Down Blacephalons
National Dex OU: QWILY vs Sage
National Dex OU: Isza vs omicorio the curse
National Dex OU: Gray vs Revenge Killer i cannot ever bold for gray ever again after last weeks game i am sorry
National Dex UU: Beraldinho vs avarice
National Dex RU: hariyana grande vs Meru
National Dex Monotype: TJ vs jonfilch
National Dex AG: lotiasite vs tier he cannot lose twice surely
National Dex Bo3: Kate vs Punny last week kate unexpectedly flopped all 3 games but punny also nearly lost to a gogoat, but he won so leaning to punny

Wildin' Weaviles (0) vs (0) Limitless Lunalas
National Dex OU: ChrisPBacon vs ong
National Dex OU: nvk vs kDCA
National Dex OU: anique vs Raptor good luck anique
National Dex UU: Elfuseon vs MudkipBeans
National Dex RU: Ainzcrad vs Derpyboi
National Dex Monotype: style.css vs Rinda finally 17k style . css is off the bench
National Dex AG: Will vs ADF Test
National Dex Bo3: Spl4sh vs zS zs played great last week for an amazing upset, underestimated him last week and know he can do well, spl4sh on the other hand loaded mono lose to mega scizor and played eh all 3 games

Gangsta Darumakas (0) vs (0) Galarian Phoenix
National Dex OU: bbeeaa vs clean this is gna be great to watch, but i am rooting for my bestie
National Dex OU: sensei axew vs Clone clone will load kyulop and get farmed again like last week, but if he doesn't this will be interesting and closer to a 5050
National Dex OU: Unowndragon vs Jordy
National Dex UU: dunoks vs tlenit
National Dex RU: Goblin vs gorex goatrex
National Dex Monotype: Trichotomy vs Cielau
National Dex AG: Rotten vs pichus OML
National Dex Bo3: Lily vs devin much better player
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