Tournament NUCL II - Week 3

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RoAPL Champion

art by the GOAT Ren-chon
hosted by adorluigi, goldmason, and Zacpz

NeverUsed Champions League II
Commencement Thread
Admin Thread
Replays / Usage stats
  • Follow all rules listed here.​
  • Schedule via Smogon VMs. It's easier for us to make decisions for activity calls when I can actually see what went down with scheduling.​
  • If you are unable to schedule with your opponent, please let your managers know ASAP. Managers, please ping the opposing team's pingable role to inform them.​
  • Substitutions may be made after a week has started. When making a substitution, please tag myself, the managers of the opposing team, and all of the players affected by the substitute to ensure that everyone is made aware. Players who have already played in the week or were subbed out in the same week cannot be subbed back in.​
  • If a match remains incomplete by the time of the deadline, it will be subject to an activity call.​
  • Replays are mandatory. Not only are they useful for confirming wins, but they also contribute to usage stats and allow the people who couldn't watch the games live to watch them later.​

:staravia: Starabias (6) vs (4) Hunky Dory Munkidoris :munkidori:

SV1: DugZa vs Ac1D_13
SV2: Dangerous vs LessThanThreeMan
SM1: Ampha vs Feliburn
SM2: etern vs Thiago Nunes
ORAS1: watashi vs Oathkeeper
ORAS2: quziel vs Bouff
DPP: vivalospride vs HSOWA
ADV: neomon vs Bughouse
RBY1: Maris Bonibell vs Sabelette
RBY2: Tree69420 vs Cao Jie

:slowking: Wising Tides (7) vs (3) Flamigo Amigos :flamigo:

SV: Wadley vs Diamonds_realm
SV: lax vs Shengineer
SS: Stareal vs Xiri
SM: ishtar vs Hacker
ORAS: Abejas vs feen
ORAS: tko vs Suzuya
DPP: Ninja vs Alice Kazumi
DPP: Sirwings vs Drud
GSC: Real FV13 vs plznostep
RBY: gastlies vs Teh

:gyarados: Goo Lagoon Garydos (6) vs (4) Let Flygons be Flygons :flygon:

SV: Esteb1n vs Don Eduardo
SV: Hiko vs Soucou
SM: Fc vs Piyu
BW: Cow vs Baddy
DPP: Leni vs dunoks
DPP: Django vs Stories
ADV: Colteor vs violet river
ADV: Kiyo vs FlamPoke
GSC: DiannieRatson vs SENTURIES
RBY: Wanted in 49 States vs NotVeryCake

:milotic: Melodic Milotics (5) vs (5) Limber Ditto Lovers :ditto:
SV: Elias PSY vs eifo
SV: Tuthur vs Tenebricite
SS: SPHZ vs OranBerryBlissey10
SM: Meru vs devin
ORAS: Santu vs Wesleyy
BW: Finchinator vs Feaniix
DPP: Hubriz vs BeatsBlack
ADV: Xrn vs Heysup
GSC: BigFatMantis vs Estarossa
RBY: HANTSUKI vs Toxin Boost

:staravia: Starabias (0) vs (0) Hunky Dory Munkidoris :munkidori:

SV1: DugZa vs Ac1D_13
SV2: Dangerous vs LessThanThreeMan
SM1: Ampha vs Feliburn
SM2: etern vs Thiago Nunes
ORAS1: watashi vs Oathkeeper
ORAS2: quziel vs Bouff
DPP: vivalospride vs HSOWA
ADV: neomon vs Bughouse
RBY1: Maris Bonibell vs Sabelette
RBY2: Tree69420 vs Cao Jie

:slowking: Wising Tides (0) vs (0) Flamigo Amigos :flamigo:

SV: Wadley vs Diamonds_realm
SV: lax vs Shengineer
SS: Stareal vs Xiri
SM: ishtar vs Hacker
ORAS: Abejas vs feen
ORAS: tko vs Suzuya
DPP: Ninja vs Alice Kazumi
DPP: shiloh vs Drud
GSC: Real FV13 vs plznostep
RBY: gastlies vs Teh

:gyarados: Goo Lagoon Garydos (0) vs (0) Let Flygons be Flygons :flygon:

SV: Esteb1n vs Don Eduardo
SV: Hiko vs Soucou
SM: Fc vs Piyu
BW: Cow vs Baddy
DPP: Leni vs dunoks
DPP: Django vs Stories
ADV: Colteor vs violet river
ADV: Kushalos vs Medeia
GSC: DiannieRatson vs RufflesPro
RBY: Wanted in 49 States vs NotVeryCake

:milotic: Melodic Milotics (0) vs (0) Limber Ditto Lovers :ditto:
SV: Elias PSY vs eifo
SV: Tuthur vs Ren-chon
SS: SPHZ vs OranBerryBlissey10
SM: Meru vs devin
ORAS: Santu vs Wesleyy
BW: Finchinator vs Feaniix
DPP: Hubriz vs BeatsBlack
ADV: Xrn vs Heysup
GSC: BigFatMantis vs Estarossa
RBY: HANTSUKI vs Toxin Boost

Garydos: GSC, ADV, DPP, SM
Starabias: RBY, ADV, ORAS, SM
Milotics: RBY, BW, ORAS, SM
Munkidoris: RBY, DPP, ORAS, SM
Flygons: RBY, ADV, DPP, BW
Flamigos: RBY, GSC, DPP, ORAS
Dittos: GSC, ADV, DPP, SS
Tides: DPP, ORAS, SM, SS

Deadline: Sunday, January 12th, 11:59 PM -6.
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Upset Week?

:staravia: Starabias (4) vs (6) Hunky Dory Munkidoris :munkidori:

SV1: DugZa vs Ac1D_13 - Actually a really good MU. Probably is DugZa favored but not by much, I going by vibes.
SV2: Dangerous vs LessThanThreeMan - It's the comeback week for LTTM, W2 the lights were a bit too bright but its a necessary event to growth as a tour player. It's time for the LTTM hype win. Rik is dangerous cant be counted out but I believe a lot in LTTM.
SM1: Ampha vs Feliburn - Fairly even MU but i think even with W2 loss Feli is not playing bad and is more on tour form.
SM2: etern vs Thiago Nunes - (Highlight) Not much to say, MU is as huge as is gets and a coin flip.
ORAS1: watashi vs Oathkeeper - I really wanna believe in the 3-Oath but its hard to bet against NU GOAT, my bold isn't where my support is.
ORAS2: quziel vs Bouff - Actually great game. Bouff is very good, but again hard to go against QZL.
DPP: vivalospride vs HSOWA - (Highlight) DPP Classic again. Both will be on bounce back week going for that 2-1. Huge game for DPP fans.
ADV: neomon vs Bughouse - I believe in Bug to win here in bad faith.
RBY1: Maris Bonibell vs Sabelette - Sabalette is the better player, 3k Mari is taking names so far but she will face a road block this week.
RBY2: Tree69420 vs Cao Jie - Look 3 playing SV! (no wait...) anyway honestly a coinflip, Three is better but Sabelette is a great mentor/partner she can prep for both slots. But Im still taking our favorite XboxSudowoodo.

:gyarados: Goo Lagoon Garydos (5) vs (5) Let Flygons be Flygons :flygon:

SV: Esteb1n vs Don Eduardo - Eternal Ocean will be the best NU player in 2025 if he keeps playing. That's all I will say.
SV: Hiko vs Soucou - Soucou is the better of the 2 in the tier hands down.
SM: Fc vs Piyu - OU star vs Uber tier leader. In a Gen 7 NU game. The worst part is that will be fire. Taking Piyu clicking with Stories support. Very hard to beat.
BW: Cow vs Baddy - Cow redemption from last week .
DPP: Leni vs dunoks - If you see a shiny Mega Metagross Gen2 avatar? Run. (btw did we played last week on your alt?)
DPP: Django vs Stories - (Highlight) Discord Classic. Going with my SCL teammate and favorite toxic person on this site. Fire game.
ADV: Colteor vs violet river - Colteor impressed me more last week.
ADV: Kushalos vs FlamPoke - Kush is in his winning streak arc. Poor Flamepoke.
GSC: DiannieRatson vs SENTURIES - Yeah I'm with Diannie here.
RBY: Wanted in 49 States vs NotVeryCake - Cake is someone that is strong the 0-2 start is unfair to her. Wanted played for a 1/4 of his life in that last week game it isn't possible he can still play pokemon after that .

:milotic: Melodic Milotics (6) vs (4) Limber Ditto Lovers :ditto:
SV: Elias PSY vs eifo - (Highlight) Closer than it looks, if Eifo comes with the right team he takes that.
SV: Tuthur vs Ren-chon - (Highlight) A coin flip for real. Both great players.
SS: SPHZ vs OranBerryBlissey10 - OBB took the 6-0 and is ready to double and pass to the next one.
SM: Meru vs devin - Super flex Devin vs Meru will be fire I will take Meru in this one for those good games so far.
ORAS: Santu vs Wesleyy - Santu is very favored here.
BW: Finchinator vs Feaniix - (Highlight) I will tag this as a highlight, I think Flinch takes this but will be a great game.
DPP: Hubriz vs BeatsBlack - Hubriz is someone that I want to see play, last NUCL he did great. I expect to keep that lvl.
ADV: Xrn vs Heysup - this is Heysup favored but Xrn last NUPL did great in NU ADV. Fire MU, but Heysup is the owner of the tier so far.
GSC: BigFatMantis vs Estarossa -(Highlight) Great MU, BFM can cheese here or even go standard and win but the cheese would be awesome, but in normal circumstances Estarossa is favored.
RBY: HANTSUKI vs Toxin Boost - Vamo gordo, porra!
Sorry, too lazy for yappings

:staravia: Starabias (7) vs (3) Hunky Dory Munkidoris :munkidori:

SV1: DugZa vs Ac1D_13
SV2: Dangerous vs LessThanThreeMan
SM1: Ampha vs Feliburn
SM2: etern vs Thiago Nunes
ORAS1: watashi vs Oathkeeper
ORAS2: quziel vs Bouff
DPP: vivalospride vs HSOWA
ADV: neomon vs Bughouse
RBY1: Maris Bonibell vs Sabelette
RBY2: Tree69420 vs Cao Jie

:slowking: Wising Tides (5) vs (5) Flamigo Amigos :flamigo:

SV: Wadley vs Diamonds_realm
SV: lax vs Shengineer
SS: Stareal vs Xiri
SM: ishtar vs Hacker
ORAS: Abejas vs feen
ORAS: tko vs Suzuya
DPP: Ninja vs Alice Kazumi
DPP: shiloh vs Drud
GSC: Real FV13 vs plznostep
RBY: gastlies vs Teh

:gyarados: Goo Lagoon Garydos (5) vs (5) Let Flygons be Flygons :flygon:
SV: Esteb1n vs Don Eduardo
SV: Hiko vs Soucou
SM: Fc vs Piyu
BW: Cow vs Baddy
DPP: Leni vs dunoks
DPP: Django vs Stories
ADV: Colteor vs violet river
ADV: Kushalos vs FlamPoke
GSC: DiannieRatson vs SENTURIES
RBY: Wanted in 49 States vs NotVeryCake
RBY2: Tree69420 vs Cao Jie one player quit rby lowtiers and i think the other one did not

RBY: HANTSUKI vs Toxin Boost
RBY: gastlies vs Teh
RBY: Wanted in 49 States vs NotVeryCake
GSC: DiannieRatson vs SENTURIES win here and ill teach you about gareggmie
vs the NUCL spreadsheet still has NO dedicated section for RBY standings can someone please fucking update it
:slowking: Wising Tides (5) vs (5) Flamigo Amigos :flamigo:

SV: Wadley vs Diamonds_realm diamonds is sheist and wadley had a bad last nucl
SV: lax vs Shengineer both are sheist
SS: Stareal vs Xiri this guy cooks
SM: ishtar vs Hacker i didnt know this guy played non lc ngl
ORAS: Abejas vs feen feen feen feen feen
ORAS: tko vs Suzuya s/o mem
DPP: Ninja vs Alice Kazumi ninjago is sheist
DPP: shiloh vs Drud guys sheist
GSC: Real FV13 vs plznostep plznostep might be sheist but fv13 is sheister
RBY: gastlies vs Teh teh is a fraud

:gyarados: Goo Lagoon Garydos (6) vs (4) Let Flygons be Flygons :flygon:

SV: Esteb1n vs Don Eduardo Carapinga.
SV: Hiko vs Soucou shamone
SM: Fc vs Piyu fc is sheist
BW: Cow vs Baddy insert copypasta
DPP: Leni vs dunoks name starts w d
DPP: Django vs Stories ^
ADV: Colteor vs violet river idk
ADV: Kushalos vs FlamPoke idk if either has adv exp ngl
GSC: DiannieRatson vs SENTURIES diannies the goat
RBY: Wanted in 49 States vs NotVeryCake better player unfortunately

:milotic: Melodic Milotics (3) vs (7) Limber Ditto Lovers :ditto:
SV: Elias PSY vs eifo this eifo kid is hella sheist
SV: Tuthur vs Ren-chon anyone > tuthfur
SS: SPHZ vs OranBerryBlissey10 cant predict against obb
SM: Meru vs devin idk both kinda sheist
ORAS: Santu vs Wesleyy heard good things abt this guy
BW: Finchinator vs Feaniix smth smth evil ou tl
DPP: Hubriz vs BeatsBlack beats is nice w it
ADV: Xrn vs Heysup xrn might be sheist but cant predict against heysgoat
GSC: BigFatMantis vs Estarossa the crack cooker
RBY: HANTSUKI vs Toxin Boost mainer > non mainer + toxin cooks
RBY2: Tree69420 vs Cao Jie one player quit rby lowtiers and i think the other one did not

RBY: HANTSUKI vs Toxin Boost
RBY: gastlies vs Teh
RBY: Wanted in 49 States vs NotVeryCake
GSC: DiannieRatson vs SENTURIES win here and ill teach you about gareggmie
vs the NUCL spreadsheet still has NO dedicated section for RBY standings can someone please fucking update it
not a very nice way to ask for something you want
It's an absolute disgrace that Maris Bonibell was drafted while Girls See Ghosts was not.

Girls See Ghosts is an excellent player and has helped me a lot during my NU tournaments, I've progressed in this tier thanks to him. He deserves much more credit and his omission remains an absolute disgrace.
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