Gen 6 [ORAS] Carbink Offensive Stealth Rock [DONE]


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name: Offensive Stealth Rock
move 1: Stealth Rock
move 2: Moonblast
move 3: Earth Power
move 4: Power Gem
item: Rocky Helmet
ability: Clear Body
nature: Modest
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe

Carbink can opt to run an offensive Stealth Rock set that can threaten entry hazard removers like Vibrava and Dustox with its STAB moves. Earth Power is great coverage to surprise Pokemon that can normally switch in on its defensive set, OHKOing Lairon and 3HKOing Swalot and offensive Klang. Power Gem can safely 2HKO Whirlipede and Dustox after Stealth Rock, which is especially helpful when the former would otherwise set up a full set of Spikes. Rocky Helmet is to help chip down physical threats that Carbink can switch in on like Pignite and Persian. Without a Modest nature, Carbink can't safely hit any of the damage ranges above; it doesn't need more Speed to perform its job regardless.

Carbink does best on balance teams looking for a threatening Stealth Rock user that can keep its entry hazards up. Carbink is completely walled by Bronzor, so teammates like Scraggy and Krokorok are appreciated to help force it out. Frailer teammates like Simisage and Murkrow appreciate Carbink's ability to switch in safely against Normal-types like Persian and Furfrou. Water-types like Simipour and Frogadier greatly threaten Carbink, so teammates like Politoed, Servine, and Ivysaur can help alleviate this issue. These same Grass-types appreciate Carbink switching into Magmar and Pignite's STAB moves. Opposing Servine, Ivysaur, and the like also threaten Carbink and hardly take any damage in return, so Swalot and Klang make for good partners to handle them. Swalot and Klang also do well at absorbing status for Carbink, since poison and burn can quickly wear it down. Although Carbink can greatly damage it on its switch in with Earth Power, Klang can still destroy Carbink the following turn unless Carbink has teammates like Pignite, Magmar, and Electabuzz to come in and take the hit for it. Bronzor and Duosion are completely helpless against Scraggy, so they appreciate having Carbink as a partner to counter it. Klang, Huntail, and Scraggy appreciate the Stealth Rock support that Carbink provides, helping them reach easier KO ranges against Electabuzz, Sawsbuck, and Dusclops, respectively.

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is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Staff Alumnus
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name: Offensive Stealth Rock
move 1: Stealth Rock
move 2: Moonblast
move 3: Earth Power
move 4: Power Gem
item: Rocky Helmet
ability: Clear Body
nature: Modest
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe

Carbink can opt to run an offensive Stealth Rock set that can threaten hazard removers with its STAB moves like Vibrava and Dustox. Earth Power is great coverage to surprise Pokemon who can normally switch-in on its defensive set like being able to OHKO Lairon and 3HKO Swalot and offensive Klang. (Klang with Rest will wall and force Carbink out) Power Gem can safely 2HKO Whirlipede and Dustox after Stealth Rock, which is especially helpful when the former would otherwise set up a full layer of Spikes. Rocky Helmet is to help chip down physical threats that it can switch-in on like Pignite and Persian. Without a Modest nature, Carbink couldn't safely hit any of the damage ranges above; also, it doesn't need more Speed to perform its job anyways.

Carbink does best on balance teams looking for a threatening Stealth Rock user that can keep its hazards up. Carbink is completely walled by Bronzor, so teammates like Scraggy and Krokorok are appreciated to help force it out. Frailer teammates like Simisage and Murkrow appreciate Carbinks ability to switch-in safely against the popular revenge killer, Persian. Water-types like Simipour and Frogadier greatly threaten Carbink, so teammates like Politoed, Servine, and Ivysaur can help alleviate this issues. These same Grass-types appreciate Carbink for being able to switch into Magmar and Pignite's Fire STAB moves. Opposing Servine, Ivysaur, and the like also threaten Carbink and hardly take any damage in return, so Swalot and Klang make for good partners to handle them. They also do well at absorbing status for Carbink, since poison or burn can quickly wear it down. Although Carbink can greatly damage it on switch-in with Earth Power, Klang can still destroy Carbink the following turn unless it has teammates like Pignite, Magmar, or Electabuzz to come in and take the hit for it. Bronzor and Duosion are completely helpless against Scraggy so they appreciate having Carbink as a partner to counter it.

Could mention offensive mons that appreciate SR support + Carbink's defensive profile (like the third sentence).

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Great stuff


is a Community Contributoris a Tiering Contributoris a Top Contributor
name: Offensive Stealth Rock
move 1: Stealth Rock
move 2: Moonblast
move 3: Earth Power
move 4: Power Gem
item: Rocky Helmet
ability: Clear Body
nature: Modest
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe

Carbink can opt to run an offensive Stealth Rock set that can threaten hazard removers with its STAB moves like Vibrava and Dustox. Earth Power is great coverage to surprise Pokemon who can normally switch-in on its defensive set like being able to OHKO Lairon and 3HKO Swalot and offensive Klang. Power Gem can safely 2HKO Whirlipede and Dustox after Stealth Rock, which is especially helpful when the former would otherwise set up a full layer of Spikes. Rocky Helmet is to help chip down physical threats that it can switch-in on like Pignite and Persian. Without a Modest nature, Carbink couldn't safely hit any of the damage ranges above; also, it doesn't need more Speed to perform its job anyways.

Carbink does best on balance teams looking for a threatening Stealth Rock user that can keep its hazards up. Carbink is completely walled by Bronzor, so teammates like Scraggy and Krokorok are appreciated to help force it out. Frailer teammates like Simisage and Murkrow appreciate Carbinks ability to switch-in safely against the popular revenge killer, Normal-types like Persian and Furfrou Other Normal-types have also been improving since the Purugly ban. Water-types like Simipour and Frogadier greatly threaten Carbink, so teammates like Politoed, Servine, and Ivysaur can help alleviate this issues. These same Grass-types appreciate Carbink for being able to switch into Magmar and Pignite's STAB moves. Opposing Servine, Ivysaur, and the like also threaten Carbink and hardly take any damage in return, so Swalot and Klang make for good partners to handle them. They also do well at absorbing status for Carbink, since poison or burn can quickly wear it down. Although Carbink can greatly damage it on switch-in with Earth Power, Klang can still destroy Carbink the following turn unless it has teammates like Pignite, Magmar, or Electabuzz to come in and take the hit for it. Bronzor and Duosion are completely helpless against Scraggy so they appreciate having Carbink as a partner to counter it. Klang, Huntail, and Scraggy appreciate the Stealth Rock support that Carbink provides, helping reach easier KO ranges against Electabuzz, Sawsbuck, and Dusclops, respectively.

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name: Offensive Stealth Rock
move 1: Stealth Rock
move 2: Moonblast
move 3: Earth Power
move 4: Power Gem
item: Rocky Helmet
ability: Clear Body
nature: Modest
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe

Carbink can opt to run an offensive Stealth Rock set that can threaten entry hazard removers like Vibrava and Dustox with its STAB moves like Vibrava and Dustox. Earth Power is great coverage to surprise Pokemon who that can normally switch in (RH- "switch-in" is the mon that switches in, "switch in" is the act of switching in) on its defensive set, (AC) like being able to OHKO OHKOing Lairon and 3HKO 3HKOing Swalot and offensive Klang. Power Gem can safely 2HKO Whirlipede and Dustox after Stealth Rock, which is especially helpful when the former would otherwise set up a full layer set (layer = 1 spike) of Spikes. Rocky Helmet is to help chip down physical threats that it Carbink can switch in (RH) on like Pignite and Persian. Without a Modest nature, Carbink couldn't can't safely hit any of the damage ranges above; also, it doesn't need more Speed to perform its job anyways regardless (little too casual).

Carbink does best on balance teams looking for a threatening Stealth Rock user that can keep its entry hazards up. Carbink is completely walled by Bronzor, so teammates like Scraggy and Krokorok are appreciated to help force it out. Frailer teammates like Simisage and Murkrow appreciate Carbink's (AA) ability to switch in (RH) safely against Normal-types like Persian and Furfrou. Water-types like Simipour and Frogadier greatly threaten Carbink, so teammates like Politoed, Servine, and Ivysaur can help alleviate this issues issue. These same Grass-types appreciate Carbink for being able to switch switching into Magmar and Pignite's STAB moves. Opposing Servine, Ivysaur, and the like also threaten Carbink and hardly take any damage in return, so Swalot and Klang make for good partners to handle them. They Swalot and Klang also do well at absorbing status for Carbink, since poison or and burn can quickly wear it down. Although Carbink can greatly damage it on its switch in (RH) with Earth Power, Klang can still destroy Carbink the following turn unless it Carbink has teammates like Pignite, Magmar, or and Electabuzz to come in and take the hit for it. Bronzor and Duosion are completely helpless against Scraggy, (AC) so they appreciate having Carbink as a partner to counter it. Klang, Huntail, and Scraggy appreciate the Stealth Rock support that Carbink provides, helping them reach easier KO ranges against Electabuzz, Sawsbuck, and Dusclops, respectively.

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