Facility Raid Frontier: Doduodrio

:leftovers: Leftovers
:choice scarf: Choice Scarf
:choice band: Choice Band

Protector: :grimmsnarl: Engineer :rocky helmet:

Species: Grimmsnarl, Gender: Male
Level: 2, EXP: 0 / 10
Nature: Quirky (No change)
Typing: Dark / Fairy
Abilities: Prankster / Frisk / (Unlocked) Pickpocket
Wilhelm is mischievous and sly, and he loves playing pranks on others. One of his favorite tricks is using his prehensile hair to tap someone's shoulder and then look the other way, pretending he had nothing to do with it. He also likes tripping people with his hair and causing general mayhem

How They Met:
Nobody ever dares to venture into the deep, dark reaches of the Glimwood Tangle where there are no luminous mushrooms to light the way. It is in these parts where it is said that monsters lurk and fantastic treasures are hidden. While exploring this area, Doduodrio and his team were nearly trapped in a tangled web of Wilhelm's hair! With nothing around to cut it, Wilhelm's hair had grown to cover a large area of the forest, and he kept getting caught in it. But that was nothing a nifty pair of scissors can't solve!

Name Origin:
Wilhelm and Jacob Grimm, the Grimm brothers who were famous for publishing a collection of fairy tales. I chose Wilhelm over Jacob because Wilhelm sounds cooler.

HP: 95
Atk: 9
Def: 5
SpA: 7
SpD: 6
Spe: 60

Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Hidden Power: None


Level 0:
Brick Break
Bulk Up
Dark Pulse
Dazzling Gleam
Fake Tears
False Surrender
Fire Punch
Focus Blast
Ice Punch
Light Screen
Nasty Plot
Play Rough
Shadow Claw
Sleep Talk
Thunder Punch
Thunder Wave

Level 1:
Fake Out
Mega Punch
Misty Terrain
Power-Up Punch
Scary Face
Sucker Punch

Level 2:
Burning Jealousy
Focus Energy
Focus Punch
Foul Play
Hammer Arm
Low Kick
Mega Kick
Power Whip
Take Down
Supporter: :alcremie: No Vocation

Species: Alcremie, Gender: Female
Level: 2, EXP: 0 / 10
Nature: Docile (No change)
Typing: Fairy
Abilities: Sweet Veil / (Unlocked) Aroma Veil
Sally is quite reserved, and she is often the voice of reason in a chaotic situation. She enjoys drinking sweet drinks with 100% sweetness for maximum energy. For some reason, this has little impact on her personality which is always calm most of the time. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that she's entirely made of cream.

How They Met:
While exploring, Sheldon came across Sally and thought she was a delicious treat. Unaffected by her sugary cream attacks, he very nearly would have eaten Sally if it weren't for the fact that Lola noticed and stopped him. Grateful for the assistance, Sally asked to join the team but under the condition that she could stay far, far away from Sheldon.

Name Origin:
Sally comes from the French word "salée" meaning salty because Sally is a Salted Cream Alcremie.

HP: 85
Atk: 5
Def: 6
SpA: 8
SpD: 9
Spe: 64

Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Hidden Power: None


Level 0:
Calm Mind
Dazzling Gleam
Energy Ball
Fake Tears
Light Screen
Play Rough
Sleep Talk
Tri Attack

Level 1:
Acid Armor
Aromatic Mist
Baby-Doll Eyes
Disarming Voice
Helping Hand
Magical Leaf
Misty Terrain
Pain Split
Sweet Kiss
Sweet Scent

Level 2:
Alluring Voice
Misty Explosion
Solar Beam
Aggressor: :donphan: Scribe :pretty wing:

Donphan, Gender: Male
Level: 2, EXP: 0 / 10
Nature: Serious (No change)
Typing: Ground
Abilities: Sturdy / (Unlocked) Sand Veil
Graham is just like what his name suggests. He's gruff and a little rough on the outside but sweet on the inside! He's quite a reliable companion and doesn't like to show emotion, often resorting to monosyllabic answers or grunts rather than having to expend energy responding to a question.

How They Met:
Donna and Graham were training buddies from way back. Graham wanted to catch up with her, so he decided to join the team for some battles!

Name Origins:
Donphan's rough body reminded me of graham crackers (I definitely wasn't eating granola at the time also why are graham crackers so good)

Atk: 9
Def: 9
SpA: 5
SpD: 5
Spe: 50

Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 5
Hidden Power: None


Level 0:

Earth Power
Fire Fang
Horn Attack
Hyper Voice
Ice Shard
Iron Head
Play Rough
Poison Jab
Rock Polish
Rock Slide
Sleep Talk
Smart Strike
Thunder Fang

Level 1:
Ancient Power
Brutal Swing
Defense Curl
Double Team
Echoed Voice
Helping Hand
High Horsepower
Ice Fang
Ice Spinner
Iron Defense
Rain Dance
Rapid Spin
Rock Smash
Sand Tomb
Scary Face
Seed Bomb
Stealth Rock
Sunny Day
Water Gun

Level 2:
Focus Energy
Fury Attack
Gunk Shot
Head Smash
Iron Tail
Secret Power
Stone Edge
Take Down

Vs. The "Loyal" Lousy Lackabouts!
Level 2

The Offensive Ogre-Ostracizing Oaf!

Typing: Poison/Fighting
Abilities: Toxic Chain
Traits: Boss

Vocation: :punching glove:Prowling Pugilist

Phase 1 HP: 200
Phase 2 HP: 125
Phase 3 HP: 100
Attack: 9 (12)
Defen.: 8
Sp.Atk: 4 (12)
Sp.Def: 6
Speed: 80
Size: 4
Weight: 5

Phase 1 Behavior
Choose action, target PRRandom action, choose target
:poison barb:Piercing Crunch x2
Poison Jab x2
Brick Break x2
Hard Press x2
High Horsepower x2​
Bulk Up
Snarl =6
Force Palm =10​

Phase 2 Behavior
Choose action, target PR
:poison barb:Piercing Crunch x2
Poison Jab x2
Brick Break x2
Hard Press x2
High Horsepower x2​

Phase 3 Behavior
Choose action, target PRChoose action and target
Crunch x2
Poison Jab x2
Brick Break x2
Hard Press x2
High Horsepower x2​
Skip this turn unless :okidogi:Okidogi is the Leader.
:poison barb:Piercing Counter
:poison barb:Piercing Howl x2
:poison barb:Piercing Knock Off
:poison barb:Piercing Gunk Shot x2​
The Manipulating Monkey Mastermind!

Typing: Poison/Psychic
Abilities: Toxic Chain
Traits: Boss

Vocation: :covert cloak:Threatening Thief

Phase 1 HP: 200
Phase 2 HP: 125
Phase 3 HP: 100
Attack: 6
Defen.: 5
Sp.Atk: 9
Sp.Def: 7
Speed: 106
Size: 4
Weight: 5

Phase 1 Behavior
Choose action, target PRRandom action, choose target
:poison barb:Piercing Hex x2
Acid Spray
Psychic Noise
Stored Power
Nasty Plot
Future Sight
Trailblaze =10​

Phase 2 Behavior
Choose action, target PR
:poison barb:Piercing Hex x2
Acid Spray
Psychic Noise
Stored Power

Phase 3 Behavior
Choose action, target PRChoose action and target
Hex x2
Acid Spray
Psychic Noise
Stored Power
Skip this turn unless :munkidori:Munkidori is the Leader.
:poison barb:Piercing Clear Smog
:poison barb:Piercing Confuse Ray
:poison barb:Piercing Night Shade =20
:poison barb:Piercing Psychic Noise​
The Foulest Fowl-Feathered Fiend!

Typing: Poison/Fairy
Abilities: Toxic Chain
Traits: Boss

Vocation: :gracidea:Dastardly Duelist

Phase 1 HP: 200
Phase 2 HP: 125
Phase 3 HP: 100
Attack: 7
Defen.: 6
Sp.Atk: 5
Sp.Def: 9
Speed: 99
Size: 4
Weight: 5

Phase 1 Behavior
Choose action, target PRRandom action, choose target
:poison barb:Moonblast
Dark Pulse
Air Slash
Heat Wave =12
Icy Wind =6

Phase 2 Behavior
Choose action, target PR
:poison barb:Moonblast
Dark Pulse
Air Slash
Heat Wave =12

Phase 3 Behavior
Choose action, target PRChoose action and target
Dark Pulse
Air Slash
Heat Wave =12
Skip this turn unless :fezandipiti:Fezandipiti is the Leader.
:poison barb:Piercing Roost x3
:poison barb:Piercing Calm Mind x3
:poison barb:Piercing Charm x3
:poison barb:Piercing Light Screen​
Phase Progression:
  1. One of :okidogi:Okidogi (★), :munkidori:Munkidori (★), :fezandipiti:Fezandipiti (★), chosen at random.
  2. The two Bosses not chosen above.
  3. :okidogi:Okidogi (★), :munkidori:Munkidori (★), :fezandipiti:Fezandipiti (★) x1 each.
Raid Arena — The Kitakami Mask Festival
A well-known piece of folklore in Kitakami tells of the Loyal Three, who gave their life protecting the village from a frightening ogre... The day of their resurrection should have been joyous, yet panic swiftly spread at the Festival of Masks as the reborn three started guzzling food, seizing things, and terrorizing tourists! No one at the Festival can stand up against their power. No one... but you! Please, save the reven- I mean, the spirit of the festival!

Camouflage: Grass | Nature Power: Substitute | Secret Power: 20% chance for the user to equip an Oran Berry.​
All Phases - Loyalty among Thieves!
The Loyal Three have Villainous Vocations, granting their team special effects while in play.​
:okidogi:Okidogi is a :punching glove:Prowling Pugilist.​
Each Boss' Attack and Special Attack ranks are at least 12.​
The effects of Screens on the raiders' field are ignored.​
:munkidori:Munkidori is a :covert cloak:Threatening Thief.​
When the user lowers a raider's stat stage: Each Boss has the same stat stage raised, by the same amount, for the same duration.​
Bosses have Evasive against attacks from Protectors and attacks from Supporters.​
:fezandipiti:Fezandipiti is a :gracidea:Dastardly Duelist.​
If a Boss would take damage from a hit; instead, that boss takes five (5) less damage, and the attacker loses five (5) HP.​
Bosses have Defense Aid.​
Each member's Villainous Vocation applies only while they are in play.​
Phase 1 - Caught in the Act!

Phase 2 - Sinister Sabotage!
While one Boss has less remaining HP than the other: That lower-HP Boss can't take damage; and attacks can't target them.​
Phase 3 - Dastardly Delta Attack!
At the end of each round, choose a Loyal Three member at random to be the Leader, from among the non-Fainted members that have been chosen the fewest times this Raid.​
(The Leader will take more turns in the upcoming rounds.)​

Player Progress: Phases Completed / 3
Entry: 5:tea:JC​
Progress Reward: 6 EXP for each raider.​
Victory Reward: Choose one of the following rewards:​
  • :okidogi:Okidogi Lv2
  • :munkidori:Munkidori Lv2
  • :fezandipiti:Fezandipiti Lv2
  • 1x:cornerstone mask:Cornerstone Mask
First-Time Victory: :punching glove:Pugilist, :covert cloak:Thief, and :gracidea:Duelist vocations​

Referee Progress: Rounds reffed by that referee / Total Rounds.
Progress: 3:amulet coin:RC, 6:tea:JC​
Completion: 2 more:tea:JC​
Munkidori the Manipulating Monkey Mastermind steps forward!​

Munkidori is a :covert cloak:Threatening Thief.
When the user lowers a raider's stat stage: Each Boss has the same stat stage raised, by the same amount, for the same duration.
Bosses have Evasive against attacks from Protectors and attacks from Supporters.

Doduodrio to equip and order.​

"Hey, stop ruining the festival!"

Sending out :grimmsnarl: Wilhelm the Grimmsnarl holding :leftovers: Leftovers!
Sending out :alcremie: Sally the Alcremie holding a :choice scarf: Choice Scarf!
Sending out :donphan: Graham the Donphan holding a :choice band: Choice Band!

"I'll ztop thiz monkey!"
Light Screen

"Eugh ! Quel singe disgracieux !"
Decorate (Donphan)

High Horsepower (Munkidori)
Team Doduodrio
:grimmsnarl: :leftovers: | Prankster, Frisk, Pickpocket | PR (Engineer)
HP 95/95 | EN 100/100 | ATK 9 | DEF 5 | SPA 7 | SPD 6 | SPE 60 | S/W 3/4 | Chill 2 | Rcv 2
:alcremie: :choice scarf: | Sweet Veil, Aroma Veil | SU
HP 85/85 | EN 100/100 | ATK 5 | DEF 6 | SPA 8 | SPD 9 | SPE 128 | S/W 3/4 | Chill 2 | Rcv 2
:donphan: :choice band: | Sturdy, Sand Veil | AG (Scribe)
HP 95/95 | EN 100/100 | ATK 14 | DEF 9 | SPA 5 | SPD 5 | SPE 50 | S/W 3/5 | Chill 2 | Rcv 2

Caught in the Act!
:ss/munkidori: | Toxic Chain | Boss, Evasive (non-AGs)
HP 200/200 | ATK 6 | DEF 5 | SPA 9 | SPD 7 | SPE 106 | S/W 4/5 | Chill 2 | Rcv 2

The Chronicle - Round 1
Grimmsnarl used Light Screen!
-10 EN
A screen protects Duo's team... (6s)

Alcremie used Decorate!
-10 EN
Alcremie put some fancy ribbons on Donphan! [+2 ATK/SPA, 5t]

Munkidori used Acid Spray!
Crit: No (184)
It's super effective!
(9 + 4 - 12)*1.5 = 1.5 ~ 2 DMG
Grimmsnarl's SPD fell! [-2, 3t]
Munkidori's SPD rose! [+2, 3 of Grimmsnarl's turns.] (I think?)
[Toxic Chaiin] Grimmsnarl was Chain Poisoned! (1)
Munkidori used Nasty Plot!
Munkidori's SPA rose sharply! [+2, 5t]
Donphan used High Horsepower!
-7 EN
Hit: Yes (396)
Crit: No (64)
It's super effective!
((10 + 3 + 14 - 5)*1.5+8)*3 = 123 DMG
[Leftovers] +6 HP Grimmsnarl
[Toxic] -1 HP Grimmsnarl, +2 counters
[Recovery Aid] +1 HP Grimmsnarl

Team Doduodrio - Light Screen (5s)
:grimmsnarl: :leftovers: | Prankster, Frisk, Pickpocket | PR (Engineer), Chain-TOX (3), -2 SPD (3t)
HP 95/95 | EN 100/100 | ATK 9 | DEF 5 | SPA 7 | SPD 6 | SPE 60 | S/W 3/4 | Chill 2 | Rcv 2
:alcremie: :choice scarf: | Sweet Veil, Aroma Veil | SU
HP 85/85 | EN 100/100 | ATK 5 | DEF 6 | SPA 8 | SPD 9 | SPE 128 | S/W 3/4 | Chill 2 | Rcv 2
:donphan: :choice band: | Sturdy, Sand Veil | AG (Scribe), Scribing (Acid Spray, Nasty Plot)
HP 95/95 | EN 100/100 | ATK 14 | DEF 9 | SPA 5 | SPD 5 | SPE 50 | S/W 3/5 | Chill 2 | Rcv 2

Caught in the Act!
:ss/munkidori: | Toxic Chain | Boss, Evasive (non-AGs), +2 SPA (5t), +2 SPD (3 Grimmsnarl turns)
HP 77/200 | ATK 6 | DEF 5 | SPA 9 | SPD 7 | SPE 106 | S/W 4/5 | Chill 2 | Rcv 2

Doduodrio to order.​
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"You zhall not hit me through thiz Zubztitute!"

:ss/alcremie matcha cream:
Misty Terrain

"Keep charging!"
High Horsepower (Munkidori)
Team Doduodrio - Light Screen (5s)
:grimmsnarl: :leftovers: | Prankster, Frisk, Pickpocket | PR (Engineer), Chain-TOX (3), -2 SPD (3t)
HP 95/95 | EN 90/100 | ATK 9 | DEF 5 | SPA 7 | SPD 6 | SPE 60 | S/W 3/4 | Chill 2 | Rcv 2
:alcremie: :choice scarf: | Sweet Veil, Aroma Veil | SU
HP 85/85 | EN 90/100 | ATK 5 | DEF 6 | SPA 8 | SPD 9 | SPE 128 | S/W 3/4 | Chill 2 | Rcv 2
:donphan: :choice band: | Sturdy, Sand Veil | AG (Scribe), Scribing (Acid Spray, Nasty Plot), +2 ATK (3t), +2 SPA (3t)
HP 95/95 | EN 93/100 | ATK 14 | DEF 9 | SPA 5 | SPD 5 | SPE 50 | S/W 3/5 | Chill 2 | Rcv 2

Caught in the Act!
:ss/munkidori: | Toxic Chain | Boss, Evasive (non-AGs), +2 SPA (5t), +2 SPD (3 Grimmsnarl turns)
HP 77/200 | ATK 6 | DEF 5 | SPA 9 | SPD 7 | SPE 106 | S/W 4/5 | Chill 2 | Rcv 2

The Chronicle - Round 2
Grimmsnarl used Substitute!
-12 EN, -19 HP
Grimmsnarl made a Decoy! (20)

Alcremie used Misty Terrain!
-10 EN
The terrain was cleansed by sacred spirits...
Grimmsnarl is no longer poisoned.

Munkidori used Piercing Hex x2!
Crit: No (427)
It's not very effective...
((7 + 9 - 6)*0.75 + 16)*2 = 47 DMG
Grimmsnarl was Chain Poisoned...
Grimmsnarl is no longer poisoned.

Munkidori used Future Sight!
Munkidori foresaw an attack... [9 SPA stab, +2 stages]
Donphan used High Horsepower!
-7 EN
Hit: Yes (406)
Crit: No (187)
It's super effective!
((10 + 3 + 14 - 5)*1.5+8)*3 = 123 DMG
Munkidori fainted....
[Leftovers] +6 HP Grimmsnarl
[Recovery Aid] +6 HP Grimmsnarl

Progressing to phase 2!​

Team Doduodrio - Light Screen (4s)
:grimmsnarl: :leftovers: | Prankster, Frisk, Pickpocket | PR (Engineer), Substitute (20), -2 SPD (2t)
HP 41/95 | EN 78/100 | ATK 9 | DEF 5 | SPA 7 | SPD 6 | SPE 60 | S/W 3/4 | Chill 2 | Rcv 2
:alcremie: :choice scarf: | Sweet Veil, Aroma Veil | SU
HP 85/85 | EN 80/100 | ATK 5 | DEF 6 | SPA 8 | SPD 9 | SPE 128 | S/W 3/4 | Chill 2 | Rcv 2
:donphan: :choice band: | Sturdy, Sand Veil | AG (Scribe), Delayed Attack (9 SPA stab Future Sight, +2 stages), +2 ATK (3t), +2 SPA (3t)
HP 95/95 | EN 84/100 | ATK 14 | DEF 9 | SPA 5 | SPD 5 | SPE 50 | S/W 3/5 | Chill 2 | Rcv 2
Acid Spray
Nasty Plot
Future Sight

Misty Terrain (4r)​
Sinister Sabotage!
:ss/okidogi: | Toxic Chain | Boss, Prowling Pugilist
HP 125/125 | ATK 12 (9) | DEF 8 | SPA 12 (4) | SPD 6 | SPE 80 | S/W 4/5 | Chill 2 | Rcv 2

:ss/fezandipiti: | Toxic Chain | Boss, Dastardly Duelist
HP 125/125 | ATK 12 (7) | DEF 6 | SPA 12 (5) | SPD 9 | SPE 99 | S/W 4/5 | Chill 2 | Rcv 2​
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"Zuch a zneaky monkey..."

"Graham, je t'aide plus !"
Helping Hand (Donphan)

High Horsepower (Fezandipiti)
Team Doduodrio - Light Screen (4s)
:grimmsnarl: :leftovers: | Prankster, Frisk, Pickpocket | PR (Engineer), Substitute (20), -2 SPD (2t)
HP 41/95 | EN 78/100 | ATK 9 | DEF 5 | SPA 7 | SPD 6 | SPE 60 | S/W 3/4 | Chill 2 | Rcv 2
:alcremie: :choice scarf: | Sweet Veil, Aroma Veil | SU
HP 85/85 | EN 80/100 | ATK 5 | DEF 6 | SPA 8 | SPD 9 | SPE 128 | S/W 3/4 | Chill 2 | Rcv 2
:donphan: :choice band: | Sturdy, Sand Veil | AG (Scribe), Delayed Attack (9 SPA stab Future Sight, +2 stages), +2 ATK (3t), +2 SPA (3t)
HP 95/95 | EN 84/100 | ATK 14 | DEF 9 | SPA 5 | SPD 5 | SPE 50 | S/W 3/5 | Chill 2 | Rcv 2
Acid Spray
Nasty Plot
Future Sight

Misty Terrain (4r)​
Sinister Sabotage!
:ss/okidogi: | Toxic Chain | Boss, Prowling Pugilist
HP 125/125 | ATK 12 (9) | DEF 8 | SPA 12 (4) | SPD 6 | SPE 80 | S/W 4/5 | Chill 2 | Rcv 2

:ss/fezandipiti: | Toxic Chain | Boss, Dastardly Duelist
HP 125/125 | ATK 12 (7) | DEF 6 | SPA 12 (5) | SPD 9 | SPE 99 | S/W 4/5 | Chill 2 | Rcv 2​

The Chronicle - Round 3
Alcremie used Helping Hand!
-12 EN
Donphan is being helped!

Grimmsnarl used Reflect!
-10 EN
A protective shield surrounds Duo's team! (5s)
Fezandipiti used Piercing Moonblast!
Crit: No (168)
Drop: Yes (88)
It's super effective!
(10 + 3 + 12 - 6)*1.5 + 8 = 36.5 ~ 37 DMG

Okidogi used High Horsepower x2!
HIt: Yes (Boss)
The substitute took damage for Grimmsnarl... (20 -> 10)​

Donphan used High Horsepower!
Hit: Yes (480)
Crit: No (290)
It's super effective!
((10 + 10 + 3 + 14 - 6)*1.5 + 8)*3 - 5 = 158.5 ~ 159 DMG
[Duelist] Donphan suffered 5 DMG...
Fezandipiti fainted!
Delayed Attack @ Donphan:
(The attack ignores Light Screen due to Pugilist)
Crit: No (541)
(12 + 3 + 9 - 5) + 8 = 27 DMG​
[Combined Healing] +12 HP Grimmsnarl, +6 HP others
Team Doduodrio - Light Screen (3s), Reflect (4s)
:grimmsnarl: :leftovers: | Prankster, Frisk, Pickpocket | PR (Engineer), Substitute (10), -2 SPD (1t)
HP 16/95 | EN 78/100 | ATK 9 | DEF 5 | SPA 7 | SPD 6 | SPE 60 | S/W 3/4 | Chill 2 | Rcv 2
:alcremie: :choice scarf: | Sweet Veil, Aroma Veil | SU
HP 85/85 | EN 80/100 | ATK 5 | DEF 6 | SPA 8 | SPD 9 | SPE 128 | S/W 3/4 | Chill 2 | Rcv 2
:donphan: :choice band: | Sturdy, Sand Veil | AG (Scribe), +2 ATK (2t), +2 SPA (2t)
HP 69/95 | EN 84/100 | ATK 14 | DEF 9 | SPA 5 | SPD 5 | SPE 50 | S/W 3/5 | Chill 2 | Rcv 2
Acid Spray
Nasty Plot
Future Sight
High Horsepower

Misty Terrain (3r)​
Sinister Sabotage!
:ss/okidogi: | Toxic Chain | Boss, Prowling Pugilist
HP 125/125 | ATK 12 (9) | DEF 8 | SPA 12 (4) | SPD 6 | SPE 80 | S/W 4/5 | Chill 2 | Rcv 2

:ss/fezandipiti: | Toxic Chain | Boss, Dastardly Duelist, Fainted
HP KO/125 | ATK 12 (7) | DEF 6 | SPA 12 (5) | SPD 9 | SPE 99 | S/W 4/5 | Chill 2 | Rcv 2​
"I need to increaze my ztrength."
Bulk Up (Grimmsnarl)

:ss/alcremie ruby cream:
"Je vais te protéger !"
Psychic (Okidogi)

"Time to ramp things up."
High Horsepower (Okidogi)
Team Doduodrio - Light Screen (3s), Reflect (4s)
:grimmsnarl: :leftovers: | Prankster, Frisk, Pickpocket | PR (Engineer), Substitute (10), -2 SPD (1t)
HP 16/95 | EN 78/100 | ATK 9 | DEF 5 | SPA 7 | SPD 6 | SPE 60 | S/W 3/4 | Chill 2 | Rcv 2
:alcremie: :choice scarf: | Sweet Veil, Aroma Veil | SU
HP 85/85 | EN 80/100 | ATK 5 | DEF 6 | SPA 8 | SPD 9 | SPE 128 | S/W 3/4 | Chill 2 | Rcv 2
:donphan: :choice band: | Sturdy, Sand Veil | AG (Scribe), +2 ATK (2t), +2 SPA (2t)
HP 69/95 | EN 84/100 | ATK 14 | DEF 9 | SPA 5 | SPD 5 | SPE 50 | S/W 3/5 | Chill 2 | Rcv 2
Acid Spray
Nasty Plot
Future Sight
High Horsepower

Misty Terrain (3r)​
Sinister Sabotage!
:ss/okidogi: | Toxic Chain | Boss, Prowling Pugilist
HP 125/125 | ATK 12 (9) | DEF 8 | SPA 12 (4) | SPD 6 | SPE 80 | S/W 4/5 | Chill 2 | Rcv 2

:ss/fezandipiti: | Toxic Chain | Boss, Dastardly Duelist, Fainted
HP KO/125 | ATK 12 (7) | DEF 6 | SPA 12 (5) | SPD 9 | SPE 99 | S/W 4/5 | Chill 2 | Rcv 2
The Chronicle - Round 4
Grimmsnarl used Bulk Up!
-10 EN
Grimmsnarl's ATK and DEF rose! [+1, 8t]

Alcremie used Psychic!
-7 EN
Crit: No (37)
Drop: No (501)
It's hyper effective!
(9 + 8 - 6)*2 = 22 DMG

Okidogi used Piercing Crunch x2!
Crit: No (47)
Drop: No (177)
It's barely effective...
((8 + 12 - 5)*0.5 - 3)*2 = 9 DMG
Donphan used High Horsepower!
Hit: Yes (424)
Crit: No (510)
It's super effective!
((10 + 3 + 14 - 8)*1.5 + 8)*3 = 109.5 ~ 110 DMG
Okidogi fainted...

[Combined Healing] +12 HP Grimmsnarl, +6 others

Team Doduodrio - Light Screen (2s), Reflect (3s)
:grimmsnarl: :leftovers: | Prankster, Frisk, Pickpocket | PR (Engineer), Substitute (10), +1 ATK (8t), +1 DEF (8t)
HP 19/95 | EN 78/100 | ATK 9 | DEF 5 | SPA 7 | SPD 6 | SPE 60 | S/W 3/4 | Chill 2 | Rcv 2
:alcremie: :choice scarf: | Sweet Veil, Aroma Veil | SU
HP 85/85 | EN 80/100 | ATK 5 | DEF 6 | SPA 8 | SPD 9 | SPE 128 | S/W 3/4 | Chill 2 | Rcv 2
:donphan: :choice band: | Sturdy, Sand Veil | AG (Scribe), +2 ATK (1t), +2 SPA (1t)
HP 75/95 | EN 84/100 | ATK 14 | DEF 9 | SPA 5 | SPD 5 | SPE 50 | S/W 3/5 | Chill 2 | Rcv 2
Acid Spray
Nasty Plot
Future Sight
High Horsepower

Misty Terrain (2r)​

Dastardly Delta Attack!
:ss/okidogi: | Toxic Chain | Boss, Prowling Pugilist
HP 100/100 | ATK 12 (9) | DEF 8 | SPA 12 (4) | SPD 6 | SPE 80 | S/W 4/5 | Chill 2 | Rcv 2

:ss/munkidori: | Toxic Chain | Boss, Threatening Thief
HP 100/100 | ATK 12 (6) | DEF 5 | SPA 12 (9) | SPD 7 | SPE 106 | S/W 4/5 | Chill 2 | Rcv 2

:ss/fezandipiti: | Toxic Chain | Boss, Dastardly Duelist
HP 100/100 | ATK 12 (7) | DEF 6 | SPA 12 (5) | SPD 9 | SPE 99 | S/W 4/5 | Chill 2 | Rcv 2
"Nap time..."
Protect (Grimmsnarl)

:ss/alcremie rainbow swirl:
"Ils sont tous apparus !"
Decorate (Donphan)

"Kill the monkey!"
High Horsepower (Munkidori)
Team Doduodrio - Light Screen (2s), Reflect (3s)
:grimmsnarl: :leftovers: | Prankster, Frisk, Pickpocket | PR (Engineer), Substitute (10), +1 ATK (8t), +1 DEF (8t)
HP 19/95 | EN 78/100 | ATK 9 | DEF 5 | SPA 7 | SPD 6 | SPE 60 | S/W 3/4 | Chill 2 | Rcv 2
:alcremie: :choice scarf: | Sweet Veil, Aroma Veil | SU
HP 85/85 | EN 80/100 | ATK 5 | DEF 6 | SPA 8 | SPD 9 | SPE 128 | S/W 3/4 | Chill 2 | Rcv 2
:donphan: :choice band: | Sturdy, Sand Veil | AG (Scribe), +2 ATK (1t), +2 SPA (1t)
HP 75/95 | EN 84/100 | ATK 14 | DEF 9 | SPA 5 | SPD 5 | SPE 50 | S/W 3/5 | Chill 2 | Rcv 2
Acid Spray
Nasty Plot
Future Sight
High Horsepower

Misty Terrain (2r)​

Dastardly Delta Attack!
:ss/okidogi: | Toxic Chain | Boss, Prowling Pugilist
HP 100/100 | ATK 12 (9) | DEF 8 | SPA 12 (4) | SPD 6 | SPE 80 | S/W 4/5 | Chill 2 | Rcv 2

:ss/munkidori: | Toxic Chain | Boss, Threatening Thief
HP 100/100 | ATK 12 (6) | DEF 5 | SPA 12 (9) | SPD 7 | SPE 106 | S/W 4/5 | Chill 2 | Rcv 2
:ss/fezandipiti: | Toxic Chain | Boss, Dastardly Duelist
HP 100/100 | ATK 12 (7) | DEF 6 | SPA 12 (5) | SPD 9 | SPE 99 | S/W 4/5 | Chill 2 | Rcv 2
The Chronicle - Round 5
Grimmsnarl used Protect!
-12 EN
A ward against all evil...

Alcremie used Decorate!
-10 EN
Donphan's ATK and SPA are maxed out! (+3, 5t)

Munkidori used Acid Spray!
Grimmsnarl protected itself...

Fezandipiti used Heat Wave!
Grimmsnarl protected itself...
Alcremie and Donphan suffered 12 fixed DMG.

Okidogi used Brick Break!
Grimmsnarl protected itself...
The screens protecting Duo's team were weakened... [2, 3 -> 1, 1]
Donphan used High Horsepower!
-7 EN
Hit: Yes (473)
Crit: No (491)
It's super effective!
((10 + 3 + 14 - 6 - 3)*1.5 + 12)*3 - 5 = 112 DMG
[Duelist] -5 HP Donphan
Munkidori fainted...
The Screens protecting Duo's team faded...
[Combined healing] +12 HP Grimmsnarl, +6 others

Team Doduodrio
:grimmsnarl: :leftovers: | Prankster, Frisk, Pickpocket | PR (Engineer), Substitute (10), +1 ATK (8t), +1 DEF (8t)
HP 31/95 | EN 66/100 | ATK 9 | DEF 5 | SPA 7 | SPD 6 | SPE 60 | S/W 3/4 | Chill 2 | Rcv 2
:alcremie: :choice scarf: | Sweet Veil, Aroma Veil | SU
HP 79/85 | EN 70/100 | ATK 5 | DEF 6 | SPA 8 | SPD 9 | SPE 128 | S/W 3/4 | Chill 2 | Rcv 2
:donphan: :choice band: | Sturdy, Sand Veil | AG (Scribe), +3 ATK (4t), +3 SPA (4t)
HP 64/95 | EN 77/100 | ATK 14 | DEF 9 | SPA 5 | SPD 5 | SPE 50 | S/W 3/5 | Chill 2 | Rcv 2
Acid Spray
Nasty Plot
Future Sight
High Horsepower
Heat Wave
Brick Break

Misty Terrain (1r)​

Dastardly Delta Attack!
:ss/okidogi: | Toxic Chain | Boss, Prowling Pugilist, Leader
HP 100/100 | ATK 12 (9) | DEF 8 | SPA 12 (4) | SPD 6 | SPE 80 | S/W 4/5 | Chill 2 | Rcv 2
:ss/fezandipiti: | Toxic Chain | Boss, Dastardly Duelist
HP 100/100 | ATK 12 (7) | DEF 6 | SPA 12 (5) | SPD 9 | SPE 99 | S/W 4/5 | Chill 2 | Rcv 2

Doduodrio to order.
Last edited:
"Thiz battle iz nearly over."
Protect (Donphan)
At the start of the step, IF Okidogi is to use Knock Off on Donphan, THEN use Fake Tears on Fezandipiti

:ss/alcremie caramel swirl:
"Quel mignon chien~"
Charm (Okidogi)
At the start of the step, IF Okidogi is to use Knock Off on Donphan, THEN use Psychic on Fezandipiti

"Almost there--!"
High Horsepower (Fezandipiti)
Team Doduodrio
:grimmsnarl: :leftovers: | Prankster, Frisk, Pickpocket | PR (Engineer), Substitute (10), +1 ATK (8t), +1 DEF (8t)
HP 31/95 | EN 66/100 | ATK 9 | DEF 5 | SPA 7 | SPD 6 | SPE 60 | S/W 3/4 | Chill 2 | Rcv 2
:alcremie: :choice scarf: | Sweet Veil, Aroma Veil | SU
HP 79/85 | EN 70/100 | ATK 5 | DEF 6 | SPA 8 | SPD 9 | SPE 128 | S/W 3/4 | Chill 2 | Rcv 2
:donphan: :choice band: | Sturdy, Sand Veil | AG (Scribe), +3 ATK (4t), +3 SPA (4t)
HP 64/95 | EN 77/100 | ATK 14 | DEF 9 | SPA 5 | SPD 5 | SPE 50 | S/W 3/5 | Chill 2 | Rcv 2
Acid Spray
Nasty Plot
Future Sight
High Horsepower
Heat Wave
Brick Break

Misty Terrain (1r)​

Dastardly Delta Attack!
:ss/okidogi: | Toxic Chain | Boss, Prowling Pugilist, Leader
HP 100/100 | ATK 12 (9) | DEF 8 | SPA 12 (4) | SPD 6 | SPE 80 | S/W 4/5 | Chill 2 | Rcv 2
:ss/fezandipiti: | Toxic Chain | Boss, Dastardly Duelist
HP 100/100 | ATK 12 (7) | DEF 6 | SPA 12 (5) | SPD 9 | SPE 99 | S/W 4/5 | Chill 2 | Rcv 2
The Chronicle - Round 6
Grimmsnarl used Protect, but...
-12 EN
The raiders can't create Protection more than once per phase!

Alcremie used Charm!
-8 EN
Okidoki's ATK fell sharply... [-2, 4t]
Fezandipiti used Heat Wave!
Grimmsnarl's Substitute was destroyed...
Alcremie and Donphan suffered 12 fixed DMG...

Okidogi used Poison Jab x2!
Crit: No (87)
It's super effective!
((12 + 3 + 8 - 5)*1.5 - 9)*2 = 36 DMG
Grimmsnarl fainted...

Okidogi used Piercing Gunk Shot x2!
Crit: No (49)
Poison: No (301)
It's not very effective...
((12 + 3 + 12 - 9)*0.75 - 6)*2 = 15 DMG
Donphan used High Horsepower!
-7 EN
Hit: Yes (497)
Crit: No (218)
It's super effective!
((14 + 3 + 10 - 6 - 3)*1.5 + 12)*3 - 5 = 116.5 ~ 117 DMG
[Duelist] -5 HP Donphan
Fezandipiti fainted!

Alcremie and Donphan healed 6 HP [Rcv. Aid]
The misty terrain faded away...​

Team Doduodrio
:grimmsnarl: :leftovers: | Prankster, Frisk, Pickpocket | KO
HP KO/95 | EN KO/100 | ATK 9 | DEF 5 | SPA 7 | SPD 6 | SPE 60 | S/W 3/4 | Chill 2 | Rcv 2
:alcremie: :choice scarf: | Sweet Veil, Aroma Veil | SU
HP 72/85 | EN 62/100 | ATK 5 | DEF 6 | SPA 8 | SPD 9 | SPE 128 | S/W 3/4 | Chill 2 | Rcv 2
:donphan: :choice band: | Sturdy, Sand Veil | AG (Scribe), +3 ATK (3t), +3 SPA (3t)
HP 38/95 | EN 70/100 | ATK 14 | DEF 9 | SPA 5 | SPD 5 | SPE 50 | S/W 3/5 | Chill 2 | Rcv 2
Acid Spray
Nasty Plot
Future Sight
High Horsepower
Heat Wave
Brick Break
Poison Jab
Gunk Shot

Dastardly Delta Attack!
:ss/okidogi: | Toxic Chain | Boss, Prowling Pugilist, Leader, -2 ATK (3s)
HP 100/100 | ATK 12 (9) | DEF 8 | SPA 12 (4) | SPD 6 | SPE 80 | S/W 4/5 | Chill 2 | Rcv 2
"...win thiz battle for me..."

:ss/alcremie salted cream:
"Allez ! Allez ! Allez !"
Helping Hand (Donphan)

High Horsepower (Okidogi)
(The boss must still target the dead PR, so default targeting will put the Poison Jab on Alcremie and not Donphan... which means you should have this.)
Poison Jab x2 (Grimmsnarl) ~ Piercing Knock Off (Donphan)
Team Doduodrio
:grimmsnarl: :leftovers: | Prankster, Frisk, Pickpocket | KO
HP KO/95 | EN KO/100 | ATK 9 | DEF 5 | SPA 7 | SPD 6 | SPE 60 | S/W 3/4 | Chill 2 | Rcv 2
:alcremie: :choice scarf: | Sweet Veil, Aroma Veil | SU
HP 72/85 | EN 62/100 | ATK 5 | DEF 6 | SPA 8 | SPD 9 | SPE 128 | S/W 3/4 | Chill 2 | Rcv 2
:donphan: :choice band: | Sturdy, Sand Veil | AG (Scribe), +3 ATK (3t), +3 SPA (3t)
HP 38/95 | EN 70/100 | ATK 14 | DEF 9 | SPA 5 | SPD 5 | SPE 50 | S/W 3/5 | Chill 2 | Rcv 2
Acid Spray
Nasty Plot
Future Sight
High Horsepower
Heat Wave
Brick Break
Poison Jab
Gunk Shot

Dastardly Delta Attack!
:ss/okidogi: | Toxic Chain | Boss, Prowling Pugilist, Leader, -2 ATK (3s)
HP 100/100 | ATK 12 (9) | DEF 8 | SPA 12 (4) | SPD 6 | SPE 80 | S/W 4/5 | Chill 2 | Rcv 2
The Chronicle - Round 7
Alcremie used Helping Hand!
-12 EN
Alcremie is helping Donphan out!

Okidogi used Poison Jab x2!
Crit: No (531)
It's super effective!
((12 + 3 + 8 - 6)*1.5 - 6)*2 = 39 DMG
Alcremie was chain poisoned! (1)

Okidogi used Piercing Knock Off!
Crit: No (74)
((10 + 12 - 9) - 6) = 7 DMG
Donphan's Choice Band was knocked off...
Donphan used High Horsepower!
-7 EN
Hit: Yes (21)
Crit: No (546)
It's super effective!
((10 + 10 + 3 + 9 - 8)*1.5 + 12)*3 = 144 DMG
Okidogi fainted!
:choice-band: Choice Band
:choice-scarf: Choice Scarf
:leftovers: Leftovers

Species: Grimmsnarl, Gender: Male
Level: 2, EXP: 6 / 10
Nature: Quirky (No change)
Typing: Dark / Fairy
Abilities: Prankster / Frisk / (Unlocked) Pickpocket
Wilhelm is mischievous and sly, and he loves playing pranks on others. One of his favorite tricks is using his prehensile hair to tap someone's shoulder and then look the other way, pretending he had nothing to do with it. He also likes tripping people with his hair and causing general mayhem

How They Met:
Nobody ever dares to venture into the deep, dark reaches of the Glimwood Tangle where there are no luminous mushrooms to light the way. It is in these parts where it is said that monsters lurk and fantastic treasures are hidden. While exploring this area, Doduodrio and his team were nearly trapped in a tangled web of Wilhelm's hair! With nothing around to cut it, Wilhelm's hair had grown to cover a large area of the forest, and he kept getting caught in it. But that was nothing a nifty pair of scissors can't solve!

Name Origin:
Wilhelm and Jacob Grimm, the Grimm brothers who were famous for publishing a collection of fairy tales. I chose Wilhelm over Jacob because Wilhelm sounds cooler.

HP: 95
Atk: 9
Def: 5
SpA: 7
SpD: 6
Spe: 60

Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Hidden Power: None


Level 0:
Brick Break
Bulk Up
Dark Pulse
Dazzling Gleam
Fake Tears
False Surrender
Fire Punch
Focus Blast
Ice Punch
Light Screen
Nasty Plot
Play Rough
Shadow Claw
Sleep Talk
Thunder Punch
Thunder Wave

Level 1:
Fake Out
Mega Punch
Misty Terrain
Power-Up Punch
Scary Face
Sucker Punch

Level 2:
Burning Jealousy
Focus Energy
Focus Punch
Foul Play
Hammer Arm
Low Kick
Mega Kick
Power Whip
Take Down

Species: Alcremie, Gender: Female
Level: 2, EXP: 6 / 10
Nature: Docile (No change)
Typing: Fairy
Abilities: Sweet Veil / (Unlocked) Aroma Veil
Sally is quite reserved, and she is often the voice of reason in a chaotic situation. She enjoys drinking sweet drinks with 100% sweetness for maximum energy. For some reason, this has little impact on her personality which is always calm most of the time. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that she's entirely made of cream.

How They Met:
While exploring, Sheldon came across Sally and thought she was a delicious treat. Unaffected by her sugary cream attacks, he very nearly would have eaten Sally if it weren't for the fact that Lola noticed and stopped him. Grateful for the assistance, Sally asked to join the team but under the condition that she could stay far, far away from Sheldon.

Name Origin:
Sally comes from the French word "salée" meaning salty because Sally is a Salted Cream Alcremie.

HP: 85
Atk: 5
Def: 6
SpA: 8
SpD: 9
Spe: 64

Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Hidden Power: None


Level 0:
Calm Mind
Dazzling Gleam
Energy Ball
Fake Tears
Light Screen
Play Rough
Sleep Talk
Tri Attack

Level 1:
Acid Armor
Aromatic Mist
Baby-Doll Eyes
Disarming Voice
Helping Hand
Magical Leaf
Misty Terrain
Pain Split
Sweet Kiss
Sweet Scent

Level 2:
Alluring Voice
Misty Explosion
Solar Beam

Donphan, Gender: Male
Level: 2, EXP: 6 / 10
Nature: Serious (No change)
Typing: Ground
Abilities: Sturdy / (Unlocked) Sand Veil
Graham is just like what his name suggests. He's gruff and a little rough on the outside but sweet on the inside! He's quite a reliable companion and doesn't like to show emotion, often resorting to monosyllabic answers or grunts rather than having to expend energy responding to a question.

How They Met:
Donna and Graham were training buddies from way back. Graham wanted to catch up with her, so he decided to join the team for some battles!

Name Origins:
Donphan's rough body reminded me of graham crackers (I definitely wasn't eating granola at the time also why are graham crackers so good)

Atk: 9
Def: 9
SpA: 5
SpD: 5
Spe: 50

Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 5
Hidden Power: None


Level 0:

Earth Power
Fire Fang
Horn Attack
Hyper Voice
Ice Shard
Iron Head
Play Rough
Poison Jab
Rock Polish
Rock Slide
Sleep Talk
Smart Strike
Thunder Fang

Level 1:
Ancient Power
Brutal Swing
Defense Curl
Double Team
Echoed Voice
Helping Hand
High Horsepower
Ice Fang
Ice Spinner
Iron Defense
Rain Dance
Rapid Spin
Rock Smash
Sand Tomb
Scary Face
Seed Bomb
Stealth Rock
Sunny Day
Water Gun

Level 2:
Focus Energy
Fury Attack
Gunk Shot
Head Smash
Iron Tail
Secret Power
Stone Edge
Take Down
Protector: Grimmsnarl @ :rocky-helmet: Engineer
Supporter: Alcremie @ :covert-cloak: Thief
Aggressor: Donphan @ :punching-glove: Pugilist

Vs. The "Loyal" Lousy Lackabouts!
Level 2

The Offensive Ogre-Ostracizing Oaf!

Typing: Poison/Fighting
Abilities: Toxic Chain
Traits: Boss

Vocation: :punching glove:Prowling Pugilist

Phase 1 HP: 200
Phase 2 HP: 125
Phase 3 HP: 100
Attack: 9 (12)
Defen.: 8
Sp.Atk: 4 (12)
Sp.Def: 6
Speed: 80
Size: 4
Weight: 5

Phase 1 Behavior
Choose action, target PRRandom action, choose target
:poison barb:Piercing Crunch x2
Poison Jab x2
Brick Break x2
Hard Press x2
High Horsepower x2​
Bulk Up
Snarl =6
Force Palm =10​

Phase 2 Behavior
Choose action, target PR
:poison barb:Piercing Crunch x2
Poison Jab x2
Brick Break x2
Hard Press x2
High Horsepower x2​

Phase 3 Behavior
Choose action, target PRChoose action and target
Crunch x2
Poison Jab x2
Brick Break x2
Hard Press x2
High Horsepower x2​
Skip this turn unless :okidogi:Okidogi is the Leader.
:poison barb:Piercing Counter
:poison barb:Piercing Howl x2
:poison barb:Piercing Knock Off
:poison barb:Piercing Gunk Shot x2​
The Manipulating Monkey Mastermind!

Typing: Poison/Psychic
Abilities: Toxic Chain
Traits: Boss

Vocation: :covert cloak:Threatening Thief

Phase 1 HP: 200
Phase 2 HP: 125
Phase 3 HP: 100
Attack: 6
Defen.: 5
Sp.Atk: 9
Sp.Def: 7
Speed: 106
Size: 4
Weight: 5

Phase 1 Behavior
Choose action, target PRRandom action, choose target
:poison barb:Piercing Hex x2
Acid Spray
Psychic Noise
Stored Power
Nasty Plot
Future Sight
Trailblaze =10​

Phase 2 Behavior
Choose action, target PR
:poison barb:Piercing Hex x2
Acid Spray
Psychic Noise
Stored Power

Phase 3 Behavior
Choose action, target PRChoose action and target
Hex x2
Acid Spray
Psychic Noise
Stored Power
Skip this turn unless :munkidori:Munkidori is the Leader.
:poison barb:Piercing Clear Smog
:poison barb:Piercing Confuse Ray
:poison barb:Piercing Night Shade =20
:poison barb:Piercing Psychic Noise​
The Foulest Fowl-Feathered Fiend!

Typing: Poison/Fairy
Abilities: Toxic Chain
Traits: Boss

Vocation: :gracidea:Dastardly Duelist

Phase 1 HP: 200
Phase 2 HP: 125
Phase 3 HP: 100
Attack: 7
Defen.: 6
Sp.Atk: 5
Sp.Def: 9
Speed: 99
Size: 4
Weight: 5

Phase 1 Behavior
Choose action, target PRRandom action, choose target
:poison barb:Moonblast
Dark Pulse
Air Slash
Heat Wave =12
Icy Wind =6

Phase 2 Behavior
Choose action, target PR
:poison barb:Piercing Moonblast
Dark Pulse
Air Slash
Heat Wave =12

Phase 3 Behavior
Choose action, target PRChoose action and target
Dark Pulse
Air Slash
Heat Wave =12
Skip this turn unless :fezandipiti:Fezandipiti is the Leader.
:poison barb:Piercing Roost x3
:poison barb:Piercing Calm Mind x3
:poison barb:Piercing Charm x3
:poison barb:Piercing Light Screen​
Phase Progression:
  1. One of :okidogi:Okidogi (★), :munkidori:Munkidori (★), :fezandipiti:Fezandipiti (★), chosen at random.
  2. The two Bosses not chosen above.
  3. :okidogi:Okidogi (★), :munkidori:Munkidori (★), :fezandipiti:Fezandipiti (★) x1 each.
Raid Arena — The Kitakami Mask Festival
A well-known piece of folklore in Kitakami tells of the Loyal Three, who gave their life protecting the village from a frightening ogre... The day of their resurrection should have been joyous, yet panic swiftly spread at the Festival of Masks as the reborn three started guzzling food, seizing things, and terrorizing tourists! No one at the Festival can stand up against their power. No one... but you! Please, save the reven- I mean, the spirit of the festival!

Camouflage: Grass | Nature Power: Substitute | Secret Power: 20% chance for the user to equip an Oran Berry.​
All Phases - Loyalty among Thieves!
The Loyal Three have Villainous Vocations, granting their team special effects while in play.​
:okidogi:Okidogi is a :punching glove:Prowling Pugilist.​
Each Boss' Attack and Special Attack ranks are at least 12.​
The effects of Screens on the raiders' field are ignored.​
:munkidori:Munkidori is a :covert cloak:Threatening Thief.​
When the user lowers a raider's stat stage: Each Boss has the same stat stage raised, by the same amount, for the same duration.​
Bosses have Evasive against attacks from Protectors and attacks from Supporters.​
:fezandipiti:Fezandipiti is a :gracidea:Dastardly Duelist.​
If a Boss would take damage from a hit; instead, that boss takes five (5) less damage, and the attacker loses five (5) HP.​
Bosses have Defense Aid.​
Each member's Villainous Vocation applies only while they are in play.​
Phase 1 - Caught in the Act!

Phase 2 - Sinister Sabotage!
While one Boss has less remaining HP than the other: That lower-HP Boss can't take damage; and attacks can't target them.​
Phase 3 - Dastardly Delta Attack!
At the end of each round, choose a Loyal Three member at random to be the Leader, from among the non-Fainted members that have been chosen the fewest times this Raid.​
(The Leader will take more turns in the upcoming rounds.)​

Player Progress: Phases Completed / 3
Entry: 5:tea:JC​
Progress Reward: 6 EXP for each raider.​
Victory Reward: Choose one of the following rewards:​
  • :okidogi:Okidogi Lv2
  • :munkidori:Munkidori Lv2
  • :fezandipiti:Fezandipiti Lv2
  • 1x:cornerstone mask:Cornerstone Mask
First-Time Victory: :punching glove:Pugilist, :covert cloak:Thief, and :gracidea:Duelist vocations​

Referee Progress: Rounds reffed by that referee / Total Rounds.
Progress: 3:amulet coin:RC, 6:tea:JC​
Completion: 2 more:tea:JC​

Opponent Roll (D3) = 3, :fezandipiti:Fezandipiti

Doduodrio to send out and order.
Sending out :grimmsnarl: Wilhelm the Grimmsnarl holding some :leftovers: Leftovers!
Sending out :alcremie: Sally the Alcremie holding a :choice scarf: Choice Scarf!
Sending out :donphan: Graham the Donphan holding a :choice band: Choice Band!

"We defeated you onze, and we zhall defeat you again!"
Taunt (Fezandipiti)

:ss/alcremie salted cream berry:
"Cet oiseau est MOCHE."
Decorate (Donphan)

High Horsepower (Fezandipiti)