Hosted by bobomania and Dark Pulse. Approved by sharpclaw.
Welcome to the second
Random Battles Extension League! A tournament designed to help even more people play in a randbats team-tour setting! In RBEL, eight teams battle it out to prove their skills in a suite of randomized formats.
Tournament Formats
Each team will play
12 matchups per week, with all formats played as best of 3 except as noted. The formats in RBEL 2 will be:
What is Mystery Box?
Mystery Box is a weekly slot that enables RBEL to remain as format-inclusive as possible while also giving drafted subs a more pivotal role. Each week, the format in the Mystery Box slot will change to a random selection from the pool below. In the round-robin phase of the tournament, a format will be randomly chosen from the Mystery Box each week, with
no repeats; thereafter, Mystery Box converts to a multi-format bo3 slot wherein Game 1 will always be Gen 9 Random Battle, and the following game(s) are loser-choose from any extant Mystery Box format. Tiebreakers will also follow this structure.
The Mystery Box formats are as follows:
You might be thinking, "wait, aren't those the names of Rands Slam Opens?!" Yes, entirely correct! During these weeks, Mystery Box players will compete in a Slam-Styled bo3. First format will be randomly picked (you can use !pick command to do it) while next formats will be picked by the loser. Formats cannot be repeated.
Each format will be separated out for individual choosing during playoffs.
The Extension League has been created to give those who were undrafted in RBTT a chance to participate in a team tour. As such, users currently participating in RBTT are unable to play in this tournament.
Teams and Managers
Each team will have twelve starter slots and three substitute slots, and will be drafted via snake draft format on
either Saturday January 18 or Sunday January 19, pending manager availability. Each team, in a randomized order, will select 1 player each round, with draft order reversal at the end of each round (i.e. teams will draft in the following order: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, repeat). The draft order is:
The participating teams and their managers are:
Team Tyranitar
managed by
35Q71N and
Team Mawile
managed by
Tuthur and
Team Venusaur
managed by
articoo and
Team Pidgeot
managed by
Flights of Fantsy and
Team Kangaskhan
managed by
Trade and
Team Dragapult
managed by
haxlolo and
Team Glalie
managed by
frostyicelad and
Team Sableye
managed by
Trefleuh and
Signups will close on Friday January 17. The tournament will begin on
Monday January 20, and the regular season is expected to run the following seven weeks, with two weeks of playoffs immediately afterwards and tiebreaker weeks inserted when necessary. Please state any potential inactivity during this timeframe when signing up. Please copy and paste the form below.
Note: If you are currently playing in RBTT, you cannot sign up for RBEL. Neither banned nor blacklisted users are eligible to play in RBEL.
You may list individual formats in the Mystery Box in your preferences, but please also put at least one of the tournament's primary formats in your signup if you actually want to be drafted. Do not just sign up for "Mystery Box."
If you have any questions, feel free to ask the hosts, or check in with the Random Battles staff members in our
PS Room. Good luck to everyone signing up, and have fun!