Facility Realgam Tower: Novax

Round 4
Battlefield: Rain(permanent)
Team Novax
HP: 42/95 EN: 29/100
recovers used 1
sleep talk
attack +2 (2t)
Type: Water/Dark
Abilities: Torrent, Sharpness
+10% Acc
:heracross: jolly
:volkraken: modest
:sticky barb: Sticky Barb x 2
:flame orb: Flame Orb
:choice specs: Choice Specs
:metronome: Metronome
:rowap berry: Rowap Berry
:sitrus berry: Sitrus Berry
:Weakness policy: Weakness Policy
:life orb: Life Orb
Team Colress spikes(1)
HP: 54/85 EN: 1/100
recovers used 1
sleep talk
Type: Electric/Steel
Abilities: Magnet Pull, Sturdy, Analytic
:rotom: modest
:genesect: rash
Super Potion

Eject Button
Enigma Berry
Expert Belt
Focus Sash
Lucky Egg
Safety Goggles
Sticky Barb
Weakness Policy
Slot 2: Wise Glasses

dice are d600, roll low to hit/crit/effect

:Samurott-Hisui: :Magnezone:
Step 1:
:Samurott-Hisui: aqua cutter
-5 en
106 crit no
(7 + 8 + 3 + 3 + 3 - 8 - 1) + 8 + 4 = 27 damage (the + damage bonuses, they never end)
:Magnezone: chill
+12 en
Step 2:

:Samurott-Hisui: aqua cutter
-5 en
205 crit no
(7 + 8 + 3 + 3 + 3 - 8 - 1) + 8 + 4 = 27 damage
:Magnezone: faints!

Samurot cuts down the Magnezone with a jet of water as the robot tries to recharge.
Battlefield: Rain(permanent)
Team Novax
HP: 42/95 EN: 15/100
recovers used 1
sleep talk
Type: Water/Dark
Abilities: Torrent, Sharpness
+10% Acc
:heracross: jolly moxie + 1
:volkraken: modest
:sticky barb: Sticky Barb x 2
:flame orb: Flame Orb
:choice specs: Choice Specs
:metronome: Metronome
:rowap berry: Rowap Berry
:sitrus berry: Sitrus Berry
:Weakness policy: Weakness Policy
:life orb: Life Orb
Team Colress spikes(1)
HP: ko/85 EN: 1/100
recovers used 1
sleep talk
Type: Electric/Steel
Abilities: Magnet Pull, Sturdy, Analytic
:rotom: modest
:genesect: rash
Super Potion

Eject Button
Enigma Berry
Expert Belt
Focus Sash
Lucky Egg
Safety Goggles
Sticky Barb
Weakness Policy
Slot 2: Wise Glasses
Colress to send out
Novax to order
Colress to order
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:sv/heracross::flame orb:
"Finally my time has come, I was getting kinda tired watching the match from the sidelines."

Sending Heracross @ Flame Orb
Counterswitch ?
:sv/heracross::flame orb:

Knock Off ~ Brick Break ~ Brick Break

IF Genesect is to use Techno Blast THEN use Protect pushing back
IF Genesect has decoy THEN use Arm Thrust pushing back
IF Genesect is to use a protective move THEN use Swords Dance pushing back
IF Genesect is to use a damaging evasive move AND Genesect is faster than Heracross THEN use Dig pushing back
Round 5
Battlefield: Rain(permanent)
Team Novax
:Heracross:Heracross :Flame Orb:Flame Orb
HP: 90/90 EN: 100/100
9/6/2/7/98 | 3/4
+1 atk (3t)
Type: Bug/Fighting
Abilities: Swarm, Guts, Moxie
+10% Acc
HP: 42/95 EN: 15/100
recovers used 1
sleep talk
Type: Water/Dark
Abilities: Torrent, Sharpness
+10% Acc
:volkraken: modest
:sticky barb: Sticky Barb x 2
:flame orb: Flame Orb
:choice specs: Choice Specs
:metronome: Metronome
:rowap berry: Rowap Berry
:sitrus berry: Sitrus Berry
:Weakness policy: Weakness Policy
:life orb: Life Orb
Team Colress spikes(1)
:Genesect:Genesect :Expert Belt:Expert Belt
HP: 85/85 EN: 100/100
9/7/10/6/99 | 3/4
Type: Bug/Steel
Abilities: Download
:rotom: modest
Super Potion

Eject Button
Enigma Berry
Expert Belt
Focus Sash
Lucky Egg
Safety Goggles
Sticky Barb
Weakness Policy
Slot 2: Wise Glasses

dice are d600, roll low to hit/crit/effect

:Samurott-Hisui: :Genesect: :Heracross:
:Genesect: steps on spikes taking 8
:Genesect: downloads :Heracross:'s weaknesses, +1 atk (6t)
Step 1:
:Genesect: cleansing flame
-26 en
205 crit no
366 effect no
(9 + 10 - 7 - 3) * 1.5 + 4 = 18 damage
:Heracross: is simple (6t)
:Heracross: knock off
-7 en
591 crit no
(10 + 9 - 7) + 4 = 16 damage
:Genesect: drops expert belt and their trousers
:Heracross: is burned
Step 2:
:Genesect: aerial ace
-4 en
102 crit no
(6 + 9 - 6) * 2 + 4 = 22 damage
:Heracross: brick break
- 6 en
539 crit no
(5 + 8 + 3 - 6) + 4 = 14 damage
:Heracross: takes 2 damage
Step 2:
:Genesect: aerial ace
-4 en
518 crit no
(6 + 9 - 6) * 2 + 4 = 22 damage
:Heracross: brick break
- 6 en
367 crit no
(5 + 8 + 3 - 6) +4 = 14 damage
:Heracross: takes 2 damage

Both trainers swap out their pokemon seeking fresher allies to carry them forwards. Encouraged by the defeat of Magnezone Heracross strides forwards, ready to beat up the insect before it. Unfortunately it is shot in the head by a scrambling flame beam and forgets its plan, instead being distracted by being on literal fire. Both sides bloodied and bruised, the fight continues in the next round.
Battlefield: Rain(permanent)
Team Novax
:Heracross:Heracross :Flame Orb:Flame Orb
HP: 24/90 EN: 81/100
9/6/2/7/98 | 3/4
Type: Bug/Fighting
Abilities: Swarm, Guts, Moxie
+10% Acc
HP: 42/95 EN: 15/100
recovers used 1
sleep talk
Type: Water/Dark
Abilities: Torrent, Sharpness
+10% Acc
:volkraken: modest
:sticky barb: Sticky Barb x 2
:flame orb: Flame Orb
:choice specs: Choice Specs
:metronome: Metronome
:rowap berry: Rowap Berry
:sitrus berry: Sitrus Berry
:Weakness policy: Weakness Policy
:life orb: Life Orb
Team Colress spikes(1)
HP: 33/85 EN: 66/100
9/7/10/6/99 | 3/4
combo used
+1 atk (3t)
Type: Bug/Steel
Abilities: Download
:rotom: modest
Super Potion

Eject Button
Enigma Berry
Expert Belt
Focus Sash
Lucky Egg
Safety Goggles
Sticky Barb
Weakness Policy
Slot 2: Wise Glasses
Colress to order
Novax to order
techno blast(flying) ~ aerial ace ~ techno blast(flying)
if my opponent has a protective status then use super potion (genesect) the first time and light screen afterwards, pushing back each time
if my opponent has a protective status then use recycle the first time and chill afterwards, pushing back each time
if my opponent uses a priority attack in combination then use protect and push back
if my opponent is to use a priority attack then use super potion (geneseect) and push back
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Round 5
Battlefield: Rain(permanent)
Team Novax
:Heracross:Heracross :Flame Orb:Flame Orb
HP: 24/90 EN: 81/100
9/6/2/7/98 | 3/4
Type: Bug/Fighting
Abilities: Swarm, Guts, Moxie
+10% Acc
HP: 42/95 EN: 15/100
recovers used 1
sleep talk
Type: Water/Dark
Abilities: Torrent, Sharpness
+10% Acc
:volkraken: modest
:sticky barb: Sticky Barb x 2
:flame orb: Flame Orb
:choice specs: Choice Specs
:metronome: Metronome
:rowap berry: Rowap Berry
:sitrus berry: Sitrus Berry
:Weakness policy: Weakness Policy
:life orb: Life Orb
Team Colress spikes(1)
HP: 33/85 EN: 66/100
9/7/10/6/99 | 3/4
combo used
+1 atk (3t)
Type: Bug/Steel
Abilities: Download
:rotom: modest
Super Potion

Eject Button
Enigma Berry
Expert Belt
Focus Sash
Lucky Egg
Safety Goggles
Sticky Barb
Weakness Policy
Slot 2: Wise Glasses

dice are d600, roll low to hit/crit/effect

:Samurott-Hisui: :Genesect: :Heracross:

Step 1:
:Heracross: protect
-12 en
:Genesect: recycle
-7 en
:Genesect: puts back their belt and trousers.
:Rabuta Berry:Rabuta Berry, :Choice Specs:Choice Specs are returned to their trainers bags
:Heracross: takes 2 damage
Step 2:
:Genesect: protect
-12 en
:Genesect: is protected
:Heracross:twisting fist
- 24 en
:Genesect: is protected (feint by passes when it is non combination)
:Heracross: takes 2 damage
Step 2:
:Genesect: techno blast(flying)
-8 en
451 crit no
(12 + 10 - 7) * 2 + 4 = 34 damage
:Heracross: faints!

Colress tries to patch up his genesect during a lul in the fighting, but noticed the opportunity too late and has to settle with rearming him instead. Heracross uses up the time to charge a devastating combo! But not devastating enough to break through genesects shield generator. At the end the slugging match is won by genesect, who finally sees an opportunity to turn their cannon on their foe.
Battlefield: Rain(permanent)
Team Novax
:Heracross:Heracross :Flame Orb:Flame Orb
HP: ko/90 EN: 81/100
9/6/2/7/98 | 3/4
Type: Bug/Fighting
Abilities: Swarm, Guts, Moxie
+10% Acc
HP: 42/95 EN: 15/100
recovers used 1
sleep talk
Type: Water/Dark
Abilities: Torrent, Sharpness
+10% Acc
:volkraken: modest
:sticky barb: Sticky Barb x 2
:flame orb: Flame Orb
:choice specs: Choice Specs
:metronome: Metronome
:rowap berry: Rowap Berry
:rabuta berry: Rabuta Berry
:sitrus berry: Sitrus Berry
:Weakness policy: Weakness Policy
:life orb: Life Orb
Team Colress spikes(1)
:Genesect:Genesect :expert belt: Expert Belt
HP: 33/85 EN: 46/100
9/7/10/6/99 | 3/4
combo used
Type: Bug/Steel
Abilities: Download
:rotom: modest
Super Potion
choice specs
Eject Button
Enigma Berry
Expert Belt
Focus Sash
Lucky Egg
Safety Goggles
Sticky Barb
Weakness Policy
Slot 2: Wise Glasses
Novax to send out and order
Colress to order
:sv/volkraken::rabuta berry:

Sending Volkraken @ Rabuta Berry

Flamethrower ~ Flamethrower ~ Flamethrower

IF Genesect has less than 7 HP AND Volkraken's atk stage is greater than -1 AND Genesect's defense stage is less than +1 THEN use Aqua Jet
IF Genesect is to use a protective move THEN use Aqua Ring the first instance and Substitute the 2nd instance
IF Genesect is to use a Self-Sacrificing move THEN use Protect
IF Genesect is to use Fly THEN use Lava Plume
Round 6
Battlefield: Rain(permanent)
Team Novax
:Volkraken:Volkraken :Rabuta Berry:Rabuta Berry
HP: 95/95 EN: 100/100
3/6/11/7/95 | 3/3
Type: Water/Fire
Abilities: Analytic, Infiltrator, Pressure
HP: 42/95 EN: 15/100
recovers used 1
sleep talk
Type: Water/Dark
Abilities: Torrent, Sharpness
+10% Acc
:sticky barb: Sticky Barb x 2
:flame orb: Flame Orb
:choice specs: Choice Specs
:metronome: Metronome
:rowap berry: Rowap Berry
:sitrus berry: Sitrus Berry
:Weakness policy: Weakness Policy
:life orb: Life Orb
Team Colress spikes(1)
:Genesect:Genesect :expert belt: Expert Belt
HP: 33/85 EN: 46/100
9/7/10/6/99 | 3/4
combo used
Type: Bug/Steel
Abilities: Download
:rotom: modest
Super Potion
choice specs
Eject Button
Enigma Berry
Expert Belt
Focus Sash
Lucky Egg
Safety Goggles
Sticky Barb
Weakness Policy
Slot 2: Wise Glasses

dice are d600, roll low to hit/crit/effect

:volkraken: :Samurott-Hisui: :Genesect:
:volkraken: eats their berry and is electric type this round
Step 1:
:Genesect: dark pulse
-8 en
253 crit no
151 flinch no
(8 + 10 - 7) = 11 damage
:volkraken: flamethrower
-7 en
126 crit no
92 burn no
(9 + 11 + 3 + 2 - 3 - 6) * 2 = 32 damage
Step 2:
:Genesect: endure
-20 en
:Genesect: can take a hit
:volkraken: aqua jet
-4 en
257 crit no
damage = 0, hit is endured!
Step 3:
:Genesect: super potion(genesect)
:Genesect: heals for 40
:volkraken: flamethrower
-7 en
445 crit no
516 burn no
(9 + 11 + 3 + 2 - 3 - 3 - 6) * 2 = 24 damage
:Genesect: stand still

Volkraken brutalizes genesect, relying on their berry to protect them from the return damage. The insect desperately tries to survive, managing but at a high cost.
Battlefield: Rain(permanent)
Team Novax
HP: 84/95 EN: 82/100
3/6/11/7/95 | 3/3
Type: Water/Fire
Abilities: Analytic, Infiltrator, Pressure
HP: 42/95 EN: 15/100
recovers used 1
sleep talk
Type: Water/Dark
Abilities: Torrent, Sharpness
+10% Acc
:volkraken: modest
:sticky barb: Sticky Barb x 2
:flame orb: Flame Orb
:choice specs: Choice Specs
:metronome: Metronome
:rowap berry: Rowap Berry
:sitrus berry: Sitrus Berry
:Weakness policy: Weakness Policy
:life orb: Life Orb
Team Colress spikes(1)
:Genesect:Genesect :expert belt: Expert Belt
HP: 17/85 EN: 18/100
9/7/10/6/99 | 3/4
combo used
Type: Bug/Steel
Abilities: Download
:rotom: modest
choice specs
Eject Button
Enigma Berry
Focus Sash
Lucky Egg
Safety Goggles
Sticky Barb
Weakness Policy
Slot 2: Wise Glasses
Colress to send out and order
Novax to order
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There is an extra rabuta berry in the backpack

:sv/samurott-hisui::rowap berry:

Sending Samurott-H @ Rowap Berry

Knock off ~ Ceaseless Edge ~ Ceaseless Edge

IF Rotom-W is to use a protective move THEN use Chill pushing back
IF Rotom-W is holding Rowap Berry THEN use Knock Off pushing back
IF Samurott-H has less than 9 EN THEN Chill pushing back
Round 7
Battlefield: Rain(permanent)
Team Novax
:Samurott-Hisui:Samurott-Hisui:rowap berry:
HP: 42/95 EN: 15/100
recovers used 1
sleep talk
Type: Water/Dark
Abilities: Torrent, Sharpness
+10% Acc
HP: 84/95 EN: 82/100
3/6/11/7/95 | 3/3
Type: Water/Fire
Abilities: Analytic, Infiltrator, Pressure
:sticky barb: Sticky Barb x 2
:flame orb: Flame Orb
:choice specs: Choice Specs
:metronome: Metronome
:sitrus berry: Sitrus Berry
:Weakness policy: Weakness Policy
:life orb: Life Orb
Team Colress spikes(1)
:Rotom-Wash:Rotom-Wash :Lucky Egg:Lucky Egg
HP: 80/80 EN: 100/100
4/8/9/8/86 | 3/4
Type: Electric/Water
Abilities: Levitate
:Genesect:Genesect :expert belt: Expert Belt
HP: 17/85 EN: 18/100
9/7/10/6/99 | 3/4
combo used
Type: Bug/Steel
Abilities: Download
choice specs
Eject Button
Enigma Berry
Focus Sash
Safety Goggles
Sticky Barb
Weakness Policy
Slot 2: Wise Glasses

dice are d600, roll low to hit/crit/effect

:volkraken: :Samurott-Hisui: :Genesect::Rotom-Wash:
:Rotom-Wash: floats over spikes
:Rotom-Wash: is distant
Step 1:
:Samurott-Hisui: knock off
-7 en
163 crit no
(10 + 8 + 3 -8) = 13 damage
:Rotom-Wash: drops :lucky egg:
:Rotom-Wash: thunder wave
-7 en
124 hit yes
:Samurott-Hisui: is para(2)
Step 2:
:Samurott-Hisui: chill
+12 en
:Rotom-Wash: nasty plot
-10 en
+2 spA (5t)
Step 3:
:Samurott-Hisui: ceasless edge
-9 en
:Rotom-Wash: is distant!
:Samurott-Hisui: misses!
:Rotom-Wash: nasty plot
-10 en
+2 spA (5t)
para intensifies
:Rotom-Wash: is no longer distant
:Samurott-Hisui: drops :rowap berry:

Samurott comes out again, leaving volkraken to last where its pressure can build. However rotom flies circles around the tired samurott, taking only minor damage while building up to a big attack.
Battlefield: Rain(permanent)
Team Novax
HP: 42/95 EN: 11/100
recovers used 1
chill used 1
sleep talk
Type: Water/Dark
Abilities: Torrent, Sharpness
+10% Acc
HP: 84/95 EN: 82/100
3/6/11/7/95 | 3/3
Type: Water/Fire
Abilities: Analytic, Infiltrator, Pressure
:sticky barb: Sticky Barb x 2
:flame orb: Flame Orb
:choice specs: Choice Specs
:metronome: Metronome
:sitrus berry: Sitrus Berry
:Weakness policy: Weakness Policy
:life orb: Life Orb
Team Colress spikes(1)
HP: 67/80 EN: 73/100
4/8/9/8/86 | 3/4
+4 spA (5t)
Type: Electric/Water
Abilities: Levitate
:Genesect:Genesect :expert belt: Expert Belt
HP: 17/85 EN: 18/100
9/7/10/6/99 | 3/4
combo used
Type: Bug/Steel
Abilities: Download
choice specs
Eject Button
Enigma Berry
Focus Sash
Safety Goggles
Sticky Barb
Weakness Policy
Slot 2: Wise Glasses
Colress to order
Novax to order
thunder ~ thunder ~ thunder
if my opponent has a protective status then use defog and push back
[once] if my opponent is using sucker punch then use nasty plot and push back
if my opponent is fainted and my spA stage is 6 or greater then use chill
ko sub if my opponent is fainted then use nasty plot
Round 8
Battlefield: Rain(permanent)
Team Novax
HP: 42/95 EN: 11/100
recovers used 1
chill used 1
sleep talk
Type: Water/Dark
Abilities: Torrent, Sharpness
+10% Acc
HP: 84/95 EN: 82/100
3/6/11/7/95 | 3/3
Type: Water/Fire
Abilities: Analytic, Infiltrator, Pressure
:sticky barb: Sticky Barb x 2
:flame orb: Flame Orb
:choice specs: Choice Specs
:metronome: Metronome
:sitrus berry: Sitrus Berry
:Weakness policy: Weakness Policy
:life orb: Life Orb
Team Colress spikes(1)
HP: 67/80 EN: 73/100
4/8/9/8/86 | 3/4
+4 spA (5t)
Type: Electric/Water
Abilities: Levitate
:Genesect:Genesect :expert belt: Expert Belt
HP: 17/85 EN: 18/100
9/7/10/6/99 | 3/4
combo used
Type: Bug/Steel
Abilities: Download
choice specs
Eject Button
Enigma Berry
Focus Sash
Safety Goggles
Sticky Barb
Weakness Policy
Slot 2: Wise Glasses

dice are d600, roll low to hit/crit/effect

:volkraken: :Samurott-Hisui: :Genesect::Rotom-Wash:
Step 1:
:Samurott-Hisui: aqua jet
-4 en
320 crit no
(4 + 8 + 3 + 3 -8) * 3/4 + 4 = 12 damage
:Rotom-Wash: thunder
-8 en
111 crit no
(11 + 9 + 3 - 5) * 1.5 + 16 = 43 damage
:Samurott-Hisui: faints!

Samurott hits one last aqua jet before the souped up washing machine shocks its remaining hp away. The battle reaches its climax, with both sides having only 1 pokemon healthy enough to really fight!
Battlefield: Rain(permanent)
Team Novax
HP: ko/95 EN: 11/100
recovers used 1
chill used 1
sleep talk
Type: Water/Dark
Abilities: Torrent, Sharpness
+10% Acc
HP: 84/95 EN: 82/100
3/6/11/7/95 | 3/3
Type: Water/Fire
Abilities: Analytic, Infiltrator, Pressure
:sticky barb: Sticky Barb x 2
:flame orb: Flame Orb
:choice specs: Choice Specs
:metronome: Metronome
:sitrus berry: Sitrus Berry
:Weakness policy: Weakness Policy
:life orb: Life Orb
Team Colress spikes(1)
HP: 55/80 EN: 65/100
4/8/9/8/86 | 3/4
+4 spA (4t)
Type: Electric/Water
Abilities: Levitate
:Genesect:Genesect :expert belt: Expert Belt
HP: 17/85 EN: 18/100
9/7/10/6/99 | 3/4
combo used
Type: Bug/Steel
Abilities: Download
choice specs
Eject Button
Enigma Berry
Focus Sash
Safety Goggles
Sticky Barb
Weakness Policy
Slot 2: Wise Glasses

Novax to send out and order
Colress to order
:Sv/volkraken::weakness policy:

Sending Volkraken @ Weakness Policy

Absorb ~ Absorb ~ Absorb

IF Rotom-W is to use a damaging electric type attack in a combination THEN use Protect
Once IF Rotom-W is to use Thunder AND Rotom-W is faster than Volkraken THEN use Torment
IF Rotom-W is to use Thunder Wave outside combination AND Volkraken is faster AND Volkraken does not have a decoy THEN use Substitute
IF Rotom-W is to use Trick AND Rotom-W is not to use Trick on upcoming steps AND Volkraken is faster AND Volkraken does not have a decoy THEN use Substitute
Round 9
Battlefield: Rain(permanent)
Team Novax
HP: 84/95 EN: 82/100
3/6/11/7/95 | 3/3
Type: Water/Fire
Abilities: Analytic, Infiltrator, Pressure
:sticky barb: Sticky Barb x 2
:flame orb: Flame Orb
:choice specs: Choice Specs
:metronome: Metronome
:sitrus berry: Sitrus Berry
:Weakness policy: Weakness Policy
:life orb: Life Orb
Team Colress spikes(1)
HP: 55/80 EN: 65/100
4/8/9/8/86 | 3/4
+4 spA (4t)
Type: Electric/Water
Abilities: Levitate
:Genesect:Genesect :expert belt: Expert Belt
HP: 17/85 EN: 18/100
9/7/10/6/99 | 3/4
combo used
Type: Bug/Steel
Abilities: Download
choice specs
Eject Button
Enigma Berry
Focus Sash
Safety Goggles
Sticky Barb
Weakness Policy
Slot 2: Wise Glasses

dice are d600, roll low to hit/crit/effect

:volkraken: :Samurott-Hisui: :Genesect::Rotom-Wash:
Step 1:
:volkraken: absorb
-6 en
28 crit no
(4 + 11 - 8) * 1.5 = 11 damage
:volkraken: heals for 5
:Rotom-Wash: paralyzing darkness
-24 en
combo used
15 damage
:volkraken: is inflicted with para(2)
Step 2:
:Rotom-Wash: thunder
-10 en
310 crit no
(11 + 9 + 3 - 7) * 1.5 + 16 = 40 damage
weak policy triggered +2atk +2spA (4t)
:volkraken: absorb
-6 en
509 crit no
(4 + 11 - 8) * 1.5 + 8 = 19 damage
:volkraken: heals for 5
Step 3:
:Rotom-Wash: thunder
-10 en
131 crit no
(11 + 9 + 3 - 7) * 1.5 + 16 = 40 damage
:volkraken: faints!

The desperate fight continues as volkraken tries to drain the life force of rotom as their opponent crackled with electricity, filling the rain storm with lights and sound. In the end volkraken could not heal enough, and was defeated with their opponent a single hit from defeat.
A close battle, but in the end Colres defeats the challenger!
Battlefield: Rain(permanent)
Team Novax
HP: ko/95 EN: 82/100
3/6/11/7/95 | 3/3
Type: Water/Fire
Abilities: Analytic, Infiltrator, Pressure
:sticky barb: Sticky Barb x 2
:flame orb: Flame Orb
:choice specs: Choice Specs
:metronome: Metronome
:sitrus berry: Sitrus Berry
:Weakness policy: Weakness Policy
:life orb: Life Orb
Team Colress spikes(1)
HP: 25/80 EN: 65/100
4/8/9/8/86 | 3/4
+4 spA (1t)
Type: Electric/Water
Abilities: Levitate
:Genesect:Genesect :expert belt: Expert Belt
HP: 17/85 EN: 18/100
9/7/10/6/99 | 3/4
combo used
Type: Bug/Steel
Abilities: Download
choice specs
Eject Button
Enigma Berry
Focus Sash
Safety Goggles
Sticky Barb
Weakness Policy
Slot 2: Wise Glasses

Colres wins!
Novax +1 devoted event voucher :heart mail: +5 TC -16 jc
HeliosAflame +16 jc + 6RC +2 :star piece:
:wise glasses: Wise Glasses
:choice band: Choice Band
:choice specs: Choice Specs
:eject button: Eject Button
:flying gem: Flying Gem
:ground gem: Ground Gem
:fire gem: Fire Gem
Birb (Zapdos)
Level 2 EXP: 02 / 10

Serious nature ( +None, -None )



Abilities: Pressure Hidden Ability: Static

HP: 95
Attack: 7
Defen.: 6
Sp.Atk: 9
Sp.Def: 7
Speed: 100
Size: 4
Weight: 4

Level 0:
Aerial Ace
Brave Bird
Drill Peck
Light Screen
Metal Sound
Signal Beam
Sleep Talk
Thunder Wave
Wild Charge

Level 1:
Air Cutter
Ancient Power
Double Team
Dual Wingbeat
Eerie Impulse
Electric Terrain
Helping Hand
Magnetic Flux
Ominous Wind
Rain Dance
Rock Smash
Shock Wave
Steel Wing
Sunny Day
Thunder Shock
Weather Ball

Level 2:
Heat Wave
Razor Wind
Rising Voltage
Secret Power
Sky Attack
Supercell Slam
Take Down
Zap Cannon
Hiroko (Typhlosion-Hisui)
Level 2 EXP: 02 / 10

Serious nature ( +None, -None )



Abilities: Blaze Hidden Ability: Frisk

HP: 85
Attack: 6
Defen.: 6
Sp.Atk: 8
Sp.Def: 6
Speed: 95
Size: 3
Weight: 4

Level 0:
Aerial Ace
Brick Break
Calm Mind
Fire Fang
Fire Punch
Focus Blast
Iron Head
Play Rough
Quick Attack
Rock Slide
Shadow Ball
Shadow Claw
Sleep Talk
Thunder Punch
Wild Charge
Work Up
Zen Headbutt

Level 1:
Confuse Ray
Defense Curl
Double Kick
Double Team
Fire Spin
Flame Wheel
Night Shade
Rock Smash
Sunny Day

Level 2:
Burning Jealousy
Fire Blast
Flare Blitz
Focus Punch
Fury Swipes
Heat Wave
Infernal Parade (sig)
Iron Tail
Low Kick
Secret Power
Solar Beam
Take Down
Ron (Excadrill)
Level 2 | EXP: 00 / 10

Serious nature ( +None, -None )



Abilities: Sand Rush, Sand Force Hidden Ability: Mold Breaker

HP: 100
Attack: 10
Defen.: 5
Sp.Atk: 4
Sp.Def: 5
Speed: 88
Size: 1
Weight: 3

Level 0:
Aerial Ace
Brick Break
Earth Power
Focus Blast
Hone Claws
Iron Head
Metal Sound
Poison Jab
Rock Slide
Shadow Claw
Sleep Talk
Smart Strike
Swords Dance

Level 1:
Brutal Swing
Double Team
Drill Run
High Horsepower
Iron Defense
Metal Claw
Rapid Spin
Rock Climb
Rock Smash
Sand Tomb
Sludge Bomb
Stealth Rock

Level 2:
Fury Swipes
Rock Blast
Secret Power
Skull Bash
Steel Beam

Dojo Master Mustard (Level 2)


Challenge Type: Fast Singles

Battle Info
Match Type:
Bring 3, Send 2v2 Singles
DQ Time: 48 hours for challenger, 72 hours for ref
Battle Level: 2
Substitution Count: 4
Recovery Count: 2
Chill Count: 5
Switching Method: On
Half-Start Rule: Off
Ability Count: All
Advanced Techniques: None
Backpack Size: 7
Arena: Master Dojo

Mustard was once Galar's Champion, before the league chairman asked him to play a rigged match and he retired in disgust. He vanished from the public eye for a while, but triumphantly returned with a never before seen legendary Pokemon at his side. Now, the Dojo Master resides in the Master Dojo, and students come visit him from far and wide. It's well known that he never goes all out, as he doesn't use his Champion team and allows students to borrow items from the machine his son made.
  • At the start of the battle, the Cram-o-matic contains one of each of the following items, each with a Cram marker. On sendout, if a Pokemon is holding no items that have a Cram marker, they may remove one item from the Cram-o-matic and equip it. Items that have Cram markers may be held without taking up an item slot.
    • Assault Vest
    • Black Belt
    • Expert Belt
    • Heavy-Duty Boots
    • Punching Glove
    • Protective Pads
    • Ring Target
    • Rocky Helmet
  • When not used in a combination, the move Coaching raises the Attack stage of the user by two (2), and the Defense and Special Defense stages of the user by one (1), for their next five (5) turns.
  • Camouflage turns the user into a Fighting type
  • Secret Power may lower the defender's Attack stage by one (1) for their next three (3) turns
  • Nature Power becomes Aura Sphere

Slot 1: [Corviknight/Darmanitan-Galar/Slowbro-Galar]
Slot 2: [Urshifu-Single-Strike/Urshifu-Rapid-Strike]

Darmanitan-Galar + Urshifu-Single-Strike

Level 2

Type: Ice
Abilities: Gorilla Tactics, Zen Mode

Nature: Serious
HP: 100
Atk: 10
Def: 4
SpA: 3
SpD: 4
Spe: 95
Size: 3
Weight: 5


Level 2

Type: Ice/Fire
Abilities: Gorilla Tactics, Zen Mode

Nature: Serious
HP: 100
Atk: 11
Def: 4
SpA: 3
SpD: 4
Spe: 135
Size: 3
Weight: 5

Level 0:
Brick Break
Bulk Up
Fire Fang
Fire Punch
Focus Blast
Ice Beam
Ice Punch
Iron Head
Rock Slide
Sleep Talk
Work Up
Zen Headbutt

Level 1:
Fire Spin
Flame Wheel
Ice Fang
Iron Defense
Mega Punch
Powder Snow
Power-Up Punch
Sunny Day

Level 2:
Burning Jealousy
Fire Blast
Flare Blitz
Focus Energy
Focus Punch
Grass Knot
Hammer Arm
Heat Wave
Mega Kick
Solar Beam
Stone Edge
Take Down

Level 2

Type: Fighting/Dark
Abilities: Unseen Fist

Nature: Serious
HP: 95
Atk: 9
Def: 7
SpA: 5
SpD: 5
Spe: 97
Size: 3
Weight: 5

Level 0:
Aerial Ace
Aura Sphere
Brick Break
Bulk Up
Dark Pulse
Fire Punch
Focus Blast
Ice Punch
Iron Head
Poison Jab
Rock Slide
Sleep Talk
Swords Dance
Thunder Punch
Work Up
Zen Headbutt

Level 1:
False Swipe
Helping Hand
Iron Defense
Mega Punch
Metal Claw
Rock Smash
Scary Face
Sucker Punch

Level 2:
Beat Up
Close Combat
Dynamic Punch
Focus Energy
Focus Punch
Foul Play
Low Kick
Mega Kick
Stone Edge
Take Down

Level 3:
Wicked Blow (Signature)

Choice Band
Mental Herb
Rage Candy Bar
Sitrus Berry
Sticky Barb
Weakness Policy
Slot 1: Enigma Stone
Novax to frisk
HeliosAflame to send out
Novax to send out and order
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