Resource RU Old Gens Reservation Index + QC Teams

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:bw/druddigon: :xy/venusaur: RU Old Gens Reservation Index + QC Teams :sm/salazzle:

Welcome to the official RU Old Gens Reservation Index! Over here, you reserve Pokemon that you are knowledgeable about to contribute analyses to any of the tiers. You will also find information about the QC Teams of each of the tiers in this thread!

If you are new to C&C and analysis writing standards, look over these threads before posting:

RU C&C Moderator

Reservation Rules
  • Make your reservation by posting in this thread. Check the index to make sure your Pokemon hasn't been taken yet, and check the recent posts in this thread in case the index isn't fully updated.
  • Only reserve a Pokemon if you have a good amount of knowledge about it and experience with the metagame. C&C moderators can reject your reservation if they feel you are not prepared to write a good analysis.
  • Moderators have the right to limit your analysis count to one at a time if they feel you aren't ready to take another.
  • Suppose your analyses are reassigned for any reason. In that case, you may only work on one analysis at any given time until you successfully complete a single analysis.
  • Do not edit your reservation posts. If you change your mind about a reservation, make a new post instead.
  • Once one of your analyses is in the GP stage, you may reserve another.
Analysis Thread Tags

When you post your thread, use the appropriate tag for each stage of the analysis. Below, you'll find an explanation for each process:

(WIP) - Work in Progress: The skeleton is incomplete and is not ready for the QC Team to evaluate. Keep in mind that the longer your analysis stays in the WIP stage, the greater the chance of it being reassigned. Do not be lazy. Additionally, it's recommended not to comment on an analysis that's still a WIP, as the writer is still making the adjustments necessary before they are ready for feedback.

(Quality Control) - Quality Control Ready: In the thread title, include [QC: 0/2]. In mini formats, the analysis is completely written out. There are no bullet points. Make sure you update the thread title with the number of QC checks you currently have. Your analysis must be properly formatted and the thread properly labeled before receiving a QC check.

(Copyediting) - Grammar-Prose Ready: In the set title, include [GP: 0/1]. The two required QC approvals have been met. The Grammar-Prose team now takes over. When you are ready for a GP check, please tag GP Team and wait for it to be GP'd. Be sure to proofread your analysis and read up on the GP standards beforehand to know what's expected. If we believe these are necessary, analyses in Copyediting may still be subject to changes from the QC team.

(Done) - Completed: After the analysis gets a GP stamp, the analysis is ready to be uploaded. Be sure to update your thread's tags and stamp number as you move along the process. Make sure to include the credits at the end of your analysis. Lastly, bump your thread once the last GP check is implemented to notify the moderators that your analysis is ready to be uploaded.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask any of the Forum Moderators via a Smogon PM or the #ru-cnc channel in the RU discord.

:xy/registeel: :xy/venusaur: :xy/alomomola:

:Flygon: QC Team :slowking:


:magneton: Reservation Index :Sneasel:


:ss/flygon: :ss/crobat: :ss/reuniclus:

:togekiss: QC Team :vileplume:


:mimikyu: Reservation Index :raikou:

- :suicune: (Full)
- :tentacruel: (Full)
- :klefki: (Full)
- :weezing-galar: (Full)
- :porygon2: (Full)
- :vileplume: (Full)
- :sigilyph: (Full + Psycho Shift set)
- :aerodactyl: (Full)
- :bewear: (Full)
- :entei: (Calm Mind set)
- :heliolisk: (Full)
- :escavalier: (Full)
- :toxicroak: (Full)
- :porygon-z: (Mini / Revamp)
- :drampa: (Mini)
- :grimmsnarl: (Mini)
- :gigalith: (Mini)
- :copperajah: (Mini)
- :articuno: (Mini)
- :omastar: (Mini)
- :eldegoss: (Mini)
- :shedinja: (Mini)
- :audino: (Mini)
- :froslass: (Mini)
- :sylveon: (Mini)
- :ninetales: (Mini)
- :drednaw: (Mini)
- :ferroseed: (Mini)
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