Bloodletter, Cleric (Scoopapa), Werewolf, Alchemist (sv)
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I’m good to drive I swear
Primary Stat:
Extra Restrictions before Pokémon phase:
- Must have a base HP of at least 100.
- Must be at least 2m tall.
Pokemon that can be subbed with these restrictions:
Extra Restrictions in Pokémon phase:
- Must have an HP stat of 120 or higher and must have it as its highest stat.
- Must have one of the following types: Dragon, Fighting, Ground, Normal, Rock, Steel
Description/Justification: Great behemoths that tower over their opponents and can take a beating. The types chosen are very fitting to the giants' physical nature or are dragon which... well those are big. A lot of these pokemon are legendaries as you may expect from foes this massive, but some of them are just big guys. In general, giants will play as tanks or walls, but risk lacking in speed
What was he cooking
Primary Stat: HP (A)
Extra Restrictions before Pokemon phase:
-This Pokemon must be part Dark, Poison, Grass, Water, Fairy, Ghost or Psychic type
-This Pokemon must have a recovery move
Extra Restrictions after Pokemon phase:
-This Pokemon must be a combination of Dark, Poison, Grass, Fairy, Water, Ghost or Psychic type
-This Pokemon must be able to run status moves viably, or moves with secondary effects viably, or both
-This Pokemon must have a recovery move
In popular culture, alchemists are people who make potions, items and concoctions out of magical elements, herbs, minerals, etc, with the purpose of obtaining strength, power, intelect, but most importantly, eternal life, given by the philosopher's stone, in rpgs, or medieval fantasy games, these are able to heal and buff their allies, creating potions and such to do it, while causing many status effects against their opponents, i thought it would be fine to make it the HP class cus of its role as a healer and support in most rpgs, Pokemon that can have this role are Galarian Slowking, Sinistcha, Hatterene, Toxapex, Clodsire, Appletun and many more!
The beauty of these slates is that absolutely none of these get coded, which means we have an instant turnaround here. You can each submit up to two Pokémon from each of these classes, as well the Cleric. The Cleric’s only restriction is that their highest stat already must be HP before you make changes to the sub.Chef Primary Stat: HP
Extra Restrictions before Pokémon phase:
- must have an ability that specifically interacts with Berries.
Extra Restrictions after Pokémon phase:
- must have HP as their highest stat
- must want to hold a Berry
- cannot be weak to Fire
Description/Justification: What will they cook? Berry related effects should be obvious in their relation to the theme. Lack of a Fire weakness is because uhhhh chefs uhhhh kitchens hot.