Resource SS UU Reservation Index V3

Hi guys, we've decided that we are at a point where we'd like to start working on our analyses again right now. We will be releasing these analyses in batches starting with the higher ranked Pokemon that we want to write new sets for / revamp. (Note that Salazzle is freshly ranked and needs a whole analysis written for it).

The current slate for this release is -

High Priority

Azelf (Revamp)
Aegislash (Revamp)
Thundurus-T (Revamp)
Calm Mind Slowking

Regular Priority

Moltres (Revamp)
Zygarde-10% (Revamp)
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After discussion amongst QC we also agreed to add Azelf to the list of Revamps that we're releasing this slate as it got overlooked originally. This will be a High Priority revamp.
New slate of Pokemon are up for grabs. We will be releasing Pokemon in batches again based on the Viability Rankings, once we feel a sufficient amount of Pokemon currently being written and in this new slate have been uploaded we'll move on to offering some further Pokemon in our 2nd and 3rd slates too!

High Priority:


Aegislash Revamp
Iron Defense Skarmory
Hydreigon Revamp
Keldeo Reevamp

Regular Priority:

Pivot Raikou
SubTox Jirachi
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hippowdon mayhaps? :pleading:

we'd prefer that you stick to a normal priority analysis for the time being - esta
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registeel :)

i'd gladly double dance over this mons grave tbh (approved - esta)
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Hey everyone! We've got a new slate of Pokemon up for analyses, this time more sizable than the last! We're beginning to go down the viability rankings and start with the better Pokemon that need a writeup while also fitting in some important revamps in to do. Once this current slate has been written and pushed into GP or uploaded expect a new slate after!

High Priority: (experienced writers only)
Primarina Revamp
Cobalion Revamp
Diggersby Revamp

Regular Priority:
Rotom-Wash Revamp
Togekiss Revamp
Galarian Slowbro Revamp
Noivern Revamp
Reuniclus Revamp (sets will be Life Orb 3 attacks, then Trick Sticky Barb, then regular Calm Mind)

I will be taking big chungus (diggersby)
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