Resource SV BSS Viability Rankings (Regulation H)

Got some middle of Season 9 nominations for ya':


:garchomp: Rise from A- to A

Its usage ranking is #18 and it has a grand total of 10 showings in Season 8's top 100 teams. I can't say I see this thing very often myself, but I think the data speaks for itself on this one.

:scizor: Rise from A- to A

Scizor has once again skyrockted in usage, sitting pretty at #12. Its made a comeback as a Flutter Mane check, while also seeing new purpose in Tera Steel (Flying-resist into Tera Flying Dragonite and Landorus-T) and Tera Dark (surprise Ghost-type resistance.) That being said, I'm choosing A as the place to park it despite that amazing usage, and it mainly boils down to the fact that A+'s Steel-type Heatran not only has a small lead in usage but more so that its high ladder usage is significantly more abundant.

:toxapex: Rise from B+ to A

The rise of the Ting-Lu / Toxapex core has once again given the unkillable wall a new lease on usage. I may be biased since I'm using it myself right now, but despite only sitting at #22 in usage I think it deserves to be in A. It has 9 top 100 finishes, often doesn't need Tera to do its job, and its blind spots are reasonable enough to cover with other high ranking mons. Just to give context: fully invested physical bulk Toxapex survives Jolly Life Orb Chien-Pao's Tera Electric Tera Blast. Then factor in Regenerator and yeah, you probably get the point. Its definitely a more "thinking man's" mon with the power creep going on this generation, but people have started catching on that this thing still slaps.

:hippowdon: Rise from B to A-

We've been over the fact that Ting-Lu has stolen its thunder and its only sitting at an above average #36 in terms of rank, but that has not stopped it from continuing to dominate high ladder. It has 5 top 100 finishes from last season! Its clear that people are more likely to spring for Ting-Lu over this, which explains the lower usage, but its still the same dominating Rocks/Yawn wall that terrorizes teams when put in the right setup.

:magnezone: Rise from B to B+

So this one is based mostly on usage, even though Magnezone did have a single top 10 finish (but nothing reported thereafter.) Basically, its maintained a very respectable #26 in usage, which is quite high for something in B. For now, I'm saying B+; I've got to imagine its still a Tera hog, in which case it doesn't really compare to the other Tera hogs in A-.


:cresselia: Drop from A to A-

I imagine this thing would be a lot better if there weren't so many Ursalunas running around. Simply put, it requires a lot of dedicated support to really get going, on top of being a Tera hog. For the time being, I wouldn't dare drop something with this kind of bulk profile below A-, but other meta-defining forces have simply had greater gravity than Cresselia has.

:thundurus-therian: Drop from A to B+

What's a Thundurus-Therian, and where do I find one? It really wants Tera Flying to make up for its lack of STAB, which means its jockeying heavily with top dogs Dragonite and Landorus-T for that position. Combine that with the fact that we have Zapdos who is much more flexible in its applications and you're left with a frail sweeper that has aggressively mediocre coverage outside of Tera. It simply hasn't lived up to the hype.
Did enamorus-t get a good high ladder placement? Cause going off usage regular is 13 higher, and both are near negligible.

I think I agree with Overqwil's placement here, is there a point to Qwilfish-h? I used to run that, seemed bulkier.

I know these are low ranking, but I just don't feel comfortable going after other stuff lol.


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Battle Stadium Head
Wanted to give a quick correction to the last update, in light of Derpy's post we actually had a bit of a discussion regarding Skeledirge and felt that its removal from the list was maybe not the correct choice so it's been re-added to the list at C+ for now. So many changes that its removal from the list kinda flew under the radar.

The other noms Photon made so far will be included for later but at least from my personal opinions I know I'd vouch for Magnezone. I do think that it's partially influenced by the #2 team last season as I'd seen a lot of that team going around, but if anything it highlighted that Magnezone is still pretty good.

Did enamorus-t get a good high ladder placement? Cause going off usage regular is 13 higher, and both are near negligible.
Enamorus-T is not what I'd call highly meta relevant, but there is one team that ranked 63rd with Enamorus-T from last season so it warranted a quick mention. Spore immunity and an Urshifu check are noteworthy enough traits to warrant the rank but that's a ranking that could be short-lived, we'll see how things look in future seasons.
I can't immediately find a reason Overqwil made it to C+ and Qwilfish--H is unranked. I propose they go together, as it's a straight up trade-off of power for bulk(same Spe stat weirdly.) From few calcs Overqwill doesn't seem better, I guess you guarantee ohko on non-bulky Gholdengo, but only w/ tera. And you don't take 2 Make it Rains, or at least rarely. I guess the bulk difference is probably small if you do lefties Overqwil, but then you're not capitalizing on the higher base Atk w/ any of LO, Band, or Blackglasses(I guess.) Still that'd be a fair point, so I won't be bothered if Qwilfish-h is put on here, even at C-.

On the other hand, eviolite being the item makes the pre evo less competitive for an item slot. Idk, I think it's a neat little mon, but in all fairness I haven't tried using the evolution. But more bulk should make it better at doing toxic/fishing for reg poison w/ Barb Barrage, or wiping boosts w/ Haze(this making a superb Cress match up is why I even have it on my team.)

If someone wants to try finding calcs that make Overqwil seem better, I'll forget about trying to get this one ranked.

EDIT: Any good teams in any series using Frosmoth? I have had it do some stuff, it has a niche, though it may not be big enough. But there are 2 other weird ice types in C-(though I agree w/ Articuno more or less, and definitely agree w/ glaceon, have lost to them and have feared them before.)
I can't immediately find a reason Overqwil made it to C+ and Qwilfish--H is unranked. I propose they go together, as it's a straight up trade-off of power for bulk(same Spe stat weirdly.) From few calcs Overqwill doesn't seem better, I guess you guarantee ohko on non-bulky Gholdengo, but only w/ tera. And you don't take 2 Make it Rains, or at least rarely. I guess the bulk difference is probably small if you do lefties Overqwil, but then you're not capitalizing on the higher base Atk w/ any of LO, Band, or Blackglasses(I guess.) Still that'd be a fair point, so I won't be bothered if Qwilfish-h is put on here, even at C-.

On the other hand, eviolite being the item makes the pre evo less competitive for an item slot. Idk, I think it's a neat little mon, but in all fairness I haven't tried using the evolution. But more bulk should make it better at doing toxic/fishing for reg poison w/ Barb Barrage, or wiping boosts w/ Haze(this making a superb Cress match up is why I even have it on my team.)

If someone wants to try finding calcs that make Overqwil seem better, I'll forget about trying to get this one ranked.

EDIT: Any good teams in any series using Frosmoth? I have had it do some stuff, it has a niche, though it may not be big enough. But there are 2 other weird ice types in C-(though I agree w/ Articuno more or less, and definitely agree w/ glaceon, have lost to them and have feared them before.)
Regarding the Frostmoth question, yes, theres user MAGICO who always tops the ladder using Frostmoth. Heres his team from season 8 where he managed to get #19 at the end of the season. In all honesty even tho I do think Frostmoth deserves being rank this placement is mainly due to MAGICO being really good at the game.
I can't immediately find a reason Overqwil made it to C+ and Qwilfish--H is unranked. I propose they go together, as it's a straight up trade-off of power for bulk(same Spe stat weirdly.) From few calcs Overqwill doesn't seem better, I guess you guarantee ohko on non-bulky Gholdengo, but only w/ tera. And you don't take 2 Make it Rains, or at least rarely. I guess the bulk difference is probably small if you do lefties Overqwil, but then you're not capitalizing on the higher base Atk w/ any of LO, Band, or Blackglasses(I guess.) Still that'd be a fair point, so I won't be bothered if Qwilfish-h is put on here, even at C-.

On the other hand, eviolite being the item makes the pre evo less competitive for an item slot. Idk, I think it's a neat little mon, but in all fairness I haven't tried using the evolution. But more bulk should make it better at doing toxic/fishing for reg poison w/ Barb Barrage, or wiping boosts w/ Haze(this making a superb Cress match up is why I even have it on my team.)

If someone wants to try finding calcs that make Overqwil seem better, I'll forget about trying to get this one ranked.

EDIT: Any good teams in any series using Frosmoth? I have had it do some stuff, it has a niche, though it may not be big enough. But there are 2 other weird ice types in C-(though I agree w/ Articuno more or less, and definitely agree w/ glaceon, have lost to them and have feared them before.)
Re: Overqwil: The kind of set that Overqwil has mostly been running is an evasion booster with Minimize and Substitute (both over 50% usage on Overqwil) that has the advantage of being immune to Poison status and by extention Toxic Spikes. On this type of set, the evasion booster generally wants to be using Substitute to shield hits after getting set up rather than tanking them directly (the latter of which Overqwil can also still do somewhat capably against some attackers with Intimidate to start the setup process).

Because these sets are generally going to try to use Substitute to tank most attacks that hit through the evasion boost, the passive recovery from Black Sludge or Leftovers and the extra 20 base Attack help Overqwil more than Eviolite's defensive boosts in its role. The passive healing allows for more Substitute uses and helps to keep Overqwil healthy, while the extra 20 base Attack provides a little bit of extra punch for attacks so that hopefully you don't have to evade attacks for quite as many turns. Specific calcs are somewhat less significant for this type of Pokemon because the focus is more about extending the amount of turns on the field to evade and chip away than meeting any particular xHKO benchmark either offensively or defensively.

In addition, because Overqwil is a Poison type that likes to run passive healing, Item Clause is basically a non-factor for it since it can just run Black Sludge if another Pokemon on the team needs to run Leftovers. More generally, with regard to what factors should be considered for VR, it's often worth going back and looking at Home data as well as top teams to see exactly how a Pokemon is being used, and also to consider how its specific traits might facilitate fulfilling its role in an efficient (and possibly unique) manner.
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Re: Overqwil: The kind of set that Overqwil has mostly been running is an evasion booster with Minimize and Substitute (both over 50% usage on Overqwil) that has the advantage of being immune to Poison status and by extention Toxic Spikes. On this type of set, the evasion booster generally wants to be using Substitute to shield hits after getting set up rather than tanking them directly (the latter of which Overqwil can also still do somewhat capably against some attackers with Intimidate to start the setup process).

Because these sets are generally going to try to use Substitute to tank most attacks that hit through the evasion boost, the passive recovery from Black Sludge or Leftovers and the extra 20 base Attack help Overqwil more than Evoilite's defensive boosts in its role. The passive healing allows for more Substitute uses and helps to keep Overqwil healthy, while the extra 20 base Attack provides a little bit of extra punch for attacks so that hopefully you don't have to evade attacks for quite as many turns. Specific calcs are somewhat less significant for this type of Pokemon because the focus is more about extending the amount of turns on the field to evade and chip away than meeting any particular xHKO benchmark either offensively or defensively.

In addition, because Overqwil is a Poison type that likes to run passive healing, Item Clause is basically a non-factor for it since it can just run Black Sludge if another Pokemon on the team needs to run Leftovers. More generally, with regard to what factors should be considered for VR, it's often worth going back and looking at Home data as well as top teams to see exactly how a Pokemon is being used, and also to consider how its specific traits might facilitate fulfilling its role in an efficient (and possibly unique) manner.
ok ty. Yea I haven't seen it much, but I did see Minimize. W/o recovery that might well be better than Qwilfish's extra bulk, which stil isn't crazy. THis better explains why Qwilfish isn't even listed in usage stats, while Overqwil is.


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Iron Hands - B+ > A/A-

If you’ve watched my SV bsspl games you know that recently I’ve been infatuated with sub + SD Hands. StarkGod and Bachy who generally help me optimize teams have also been using this set and seeing similar success. When invested in, Iron Hands’s physical bulk is so immense that it can eat something as strong as a Landorus-T earthquake with health to spare, however it’s true strength lies in how effortlessly it can dismantle common defensive cores. As Photon stated above, the TingPex core has been on a rise as of late, and wouldn’t you know it, but SubSD hands destroys this core. Substitute also allows it to heavily annoy other defensive stalwarts in Dondozo and especially Garganacl. Between this and the continued excellence of its assault vest set, I think it’s reasonable to consider hands for A-, maybe even A tier proper.
Out of curiosity, does this encompass every mon that'd fit in the listed tiers, or would there be some in/around C tier that aren't listed? Mainly asking because I think Haxorus would fit nicely in with the other niche picks there. It's definitely had a fall from earlier in the game's lifespan with how uncommon a lot of the things it counters were, but it still serves its role as a setup sweeper that punishes Unaware walls and other mons with abilities ignored by Mold Breaker (e.g. Mimikyu, Rotom-W, Orthworm).

Plus it outspeeds non-scarf Jolly Gholdengo without any boosts if Jolly (163 speed vs 149), and speed ties if Adamant. And with only 1 Dragon Dance, it has a chance to OHKO with Earthquake with Life Orb (guaranteed OHKO with a +Atk nature) against even a max HP, max Defense Gholdengo build, so it serves as a nice counter to that too assuming it can get a setup turn in

+1 252 Atk Life Orb Mold Breaker Haxorus Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Gholdengo: 182-216 (93.8 - 111.3%) -- 62.5% chance to OHKO
+1 252+ Atk Life Orb Mold Breaker Haxorus Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Gholdengo: 200-237 (103 - 122.1%) -- guaranteed OHKO

It's definitely nowhere near the best pick in the current meta, but it still has these nice niches carved out for it. Plus it's at #98 in usage, which is higher than a decent amount of the mons currently ranked in/around C tier.

(I'm also incredibly biased towards Haxorus in BSS, so take this all with a grain of salt)
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I miss a lot, so I just assumed Haxorus WAS still ranked, cause it used to be and I didn't look for it. Since it's not am in favor of C ish for it, Mold Breaker EQ + the stats is cool. Only other Mold breaker ground move I think of immediately(tera blasts don't count for this imo,) is Tinkaton, and Bulldoze off lower Atk is much weaker. Haxorus seems ok.
Out of curiosity, does this encompass every mon that'd fit in the listed tiers, or would there be some in/around C tier that aren't listed? Mainly asking because I think Haxorus would fit nicely in with the other niche picks there. It's definitely had a fall from earlier in the game's lifespan with how uncommon a lot of the things it counters were, but it still serves its role as a setup sweeper that punishes Unaware walls and other mons with abilities ignored by Mold Breaker (e.g. Mimikyu, Rotom-W, Orthworm).

Plus it outspeeds non-scarf Jolly Gholdengo without any boosts if Jolly (163 speed vs 149), and speed ties if Adamant. And with only 1 Dragon Dance, it has a chance to OHKO with Earthquake with Life Orb (guaranteed OHKO with a +Atk nature) against even a max HP, max Defense Gholdengo build, so it serves as a nice counter to that too assuming it can get a setup turn in

+1 252 Atk Life Orb Mold Breaker Haxorus Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Gholdengo: 182-216 (93.8 - 111.3%) -- 62.5% chance to OHKO
+1 252+ Atk Life Orb Mold Breaker Haxorus Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Gholdengo: 200-237 (103 - 122.1%) -- guaranteed OHKO

It's definitely nowhere near the best pick in the current meta, but it still has these nice niches carved out for it. Plus it's at #98 in usage, which is higher than a decent amount of the mons currently ranked in/around C tier.

(I'm also incredibly biased towards Haxorus in BSS, so take this all with a grain of salt)
I miss a lot, so I just assumed Haxorus WAS still ranked, cause it used to be and I didn't look for it. Since it's not am in favor of C ish for it, Mold Breaker EQ + the stats is cool. Only other Mold breaker ground move I think of immediately(tera blasts don't count for this imo,) is Tinkaton, and Bulldoze off lower Atk is much weaker. Haxorus seems ok.
Haxorus did actually have a niche as a Rotom killer last gen, so that certainly gives it something over Dragonite for example. The problem is that this niche doesn't even come close to making it better than Dragonite, which still possesses superior defensive typing, access to healing and stronger Tera potential. That last one is a big one: Dragonite can Tera Normal to remove big weaknesses while powering up one of the best moves in the entire game. It also competes with Goodra-H, Garchomp and Dragapult for that Dragon-type slot on the team.

Haxorus also has the problem of dealing with opposing Tera, especially Tera Fairy Rotom. Rotom's usage also isn't as high as it used to be; Rotom-Wash is still good, but otherwise there are plenty of teams where the "Rotom killer" niche isn't even relevant.

Finally, regarding putting new mons into C: we usually want to see at least one or two notable finishes that are recent before we rank something. On paper, I do think Tera Steel Haxorus has merit and it saw some limited success earlier this generation, but right now its not likely to get ranked because of the reasons I shared above.
I don't see iron treads, was it removed and why? It has an analysis and some use, did things change for it in this regulation?


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Battle Stadium Head
Time for another update. There's not too many new changes this time around but there were a few glaring issues that this update will hopefully address. Photon's post covers the biggest ones but we're actually bumping Magnezone up further to A- as its performance on top teams and high usage continue to prove that Magnezone is still great, definitely a big winner from the Tera mechanic this gen if you ask me.

Unlike it's Electric-type friend though, Thundurus-Therian is taking a big drop from A all the way to B. On paper it's still fine but its usage has taken a nosedive lately, and compared to Magnezone's defensive parameters or Zapdos's Hurricane access and Static utility, it's easy to see why Thundurus-T is falling short compared to the competition.

Also being added to the list are a few more Pokemon that saw notable finishes on top teams last season. Hatterene was notably on the 6th place team which you can find here while Brute Bonnet saw two finishes in the Top 100 alone. As a reminder, some of these like Iron Treads and Brute Bonnet were previously ranked but were removed because we didn't want to grandfather in rankings for low usage Pokemon simply because they were ranked in previous seasons. This doesn't mean they were bad before, this was just in the interest of keeping the VR cleaner and focusing on Pokemon with proven results.

Hope this answers a few questions, but otherwise below is a summary of this update:

:garchomp: Garchomp: A- to A
:scizor: Scizor: A- to A
:toxapex: Toxapex: B+ to A
:hippowdon: Hippowdon: B to A-
:magnezone: Magnezone: B to A-
:iron-hands: Iron Hands: B+ to A-

:cresselia: Cresselia: A to A-
:thundurus-therian: Thundurus-T: A to B

New Additions
:arcanine-hisui: Arcanine-Hisui: C
:brute-bonnet: Brute Bonnet: B-
:electrode-hisui: Electrode-Hisui: C-
:hatterene: Hatterene: C
:haxorus: Haxorus: C-
:iron-treads: Iron Treads: C+
:lucario: Lucario: C-
:uxie: Uxie: C-
Oo electrode even I like. I still don't fully get people using Lucario(in a previous post compared it to to one of the lycanroc or w/e,) but otherwise fully agree.

Edit: as for electrode have been using it, probably wrong tbf. So while I'm disappointed in it and have changed, I can totally see it doing stuff.

2nd EDIT: still interested in getting Frosnoth on here. Only thing I take back is saying it's weird, very good mon imo. Has been pretty much the best of my mons w/ ground tera AV(not QD anymore, never really had a use for that.) Surprises a bunch, still beats bundle as a ground type(lol,) etc. Iirc has some usage data. also, despite 4x weakness my nominally bulky set has only a 2% to get 2hkod by regular Flutter's mysticla fire.
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I suppose now with the new mons, Ogerpon deserves a spot at A+. With versatility and solid match-ups, it looks set to be at high usage till the end of the season.

I would probably keep the loyal 3 out of the rankings as they have basically failed to break top 50 and don't really have a reliable play high ladder in my humble opinion.
Ogerpon is definitely not bad, but you know what it can do based on the mask. Meaning it's Tera locked. I would say put it at B to B+ until more data is gathered, it's still very new.

I will preface this by saying I can accidentally overlook things lol. But isn't Sylveon not on here anymore? That seems really weird to me.


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Battle Stadium Head
Hi, so I just wanted to give a quick update since at this point it's pretty clear that Regulation D is effectively over with the accidental drop of the new Pokemon mid-season. I know they said it was intentional but we all know it wasn't, for the time being we won't actually be determining actual VR placements since Regulation E hasn't started yet. At the very least it's pretty likely Ogerpon is going to rank pretty high though, it has a two week disadvantage compared to the rest of the meta and it's still 7th in usage anyway.

In the meantime, I wanted to point out that the Regulation D VR in its current state will be archived here. I've been doing this for previous rulesets but I haven't been making explicit mention of it in this thread, so if you aren't following the forum you might have missed that since the only other indication is my edits into the OP. It's unlikely we'll be going back to these older formats at any point, but for archival purposes it's useful to have these lists so if you ever need to reference what the meta might have looked like earlier in the year you can check those out. Otherwise next time I update this thread it will be for Regulation E, so make sure any nominations are done with that in mind!
It'll help me decide what tier/if I should nominate this Mon more when reg E ranks are added, but for now I want to try.

There's some seemingly weird stuff in low ranks, so nomming Weezing-g to C-. My set is Tera fire AV, majorly good into flutter, quite probably chien-pao(few wall this, but the Tera works well cause base type resists dark, and SE STAB vs it,) Ninetails-A, and urshifu dark esp.(my specially defensive spread needs no real def to take banded Surging Strikes, but it may not ohko, plus there's sash ones.) also gholdengo, more with tera. Other weather stuff can be severely hampered as well, cause of neutralizing gas. This ability seems to do tons, and while I think it could do ok with levitate, this just has so much potential. One of the biggest is stopping veil from Ninetails-A, but there's many other mons that rely on abilities, if not to function then to be top-tier. DNite, Ting-Lu(these two take big dmg but also deal it, so Idk that they're much proof of weezing,) chien pao, sorta chi yu, garg if a toxic set, mimikyu, Scizor, and Basculegion.

Stats seem fine, only low base HP is an issue(imo not so much Spe cause I'm 0- Gyro Ball anyway for flutter and Ninetails,) and AV takes care of the special side quite well(Flutter with a standard set can barely ever 3hko my set, and I lived SE LO Steel tera blast from pult into a resisted one from my tera.) I love surprising gholdengo, who thinks a fairy should be easy. I've caught it on obvious switches with overheat, Tera ohkos and otherwise definitely 2hkos despite drop.

Weezing also has a good move pool. In fact there's 4mss. With all that I think it's on par with at least some of the lowest rank on here, I don't feel it's worse than, say, toedscruel(who was overall good and I used extensively.) Fwiw started using it almost purely for Acid Spray with a decent SpA on Dondozo, that's another high rank Mon it does ok to good with.

Now I'm still obviously not trying for S rank here, so I have to get into what the weaknesses are. Weezing, to me, is mostly held back by a ground weakness. You can nullify this(almost, mold breaker, but lol) with levitate(and indeed it's cool a poison kept this, gengar lost it,) but it seems to give up too much vs the aforementioned mons. So that means weezing is mostly stuck being bad with landog, Clodsire, Luna, etc. Other than that weezing's very low Spe basically ruins the use of destiny bond, and mostly the ability vs Gliscor(who starts to take toxic damage, but also out speeds and deals a lot before Weezing for sure can dispose of it through its own toxic chip and attacks.) I think despite this neutralizing gas has so many applications that this at least COULD be a real threat. I like this Mon a lot already, but ofc am ok if it isn't approved, I just wanted to try.
Oo electrode even I like. I still don't fully get people using Lucario(in a previous post compared it to to one of the lycanroc or w/e,) but otherwise fully agree.

Edit: as for electrode have been using it, probably wrong tbf. So while I'm disappointed in it and have changed, I can totally see it doing stuff.

2nd EDIT: still interested in getting Frosnoth on here. Only thing I take back is saying it's weird, very good mon imo. Has been pretty much the best of my mons w/ ground tera AV(not QD anymore, never really had a use for that.) Surprises a bunch, still beats bundle as a ground type(lol,) etc. Iirc has some usage data. also, despite 4x weakness my nominally bulky set has only a 2% to get 2hkod by regular Flutter's mysticla fire.
Are you running your AV Frosmoth with speed or bulk EV's/nature, especially since you don't have QD?
Are you running your AV Frosmoth with speed or bulk EV's/nature, especially since you don't have QD?
Oh well I kinda stopped running it was 60 HP/ 4 def/ 252+SpA/ 4 SpD/ 188 Spe

On physical side can kinda take a hit from jolly non cb pao, special side takes all kinds without much either. Spe for 4 SpD bax iirc


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Battle Stadium Head
And it's time for a new regulation. There are honestly so many little changes that I'd be here for hours writing about all the changes here. Ogerpon-Hearthflame and Bloodmoon Ursaluna are definitely the highlight new Pokemon but there are so many notable introductions to the metagame overall, more than I expected personally. There's been some cleanup of lower tier Pokemon but we only removed Pokemon that were too far down in usage to rank in good faith. If they get notable finishes we might see them ranked again in the future but to avoid clutter I think this is the best approach.

One notable change I wanted to highlight is Gholdengo dropping to A+, which I imagine will be contentious since I think many players still value it extremely highly and it's still top 5 in usage, and there was some hesitation internally about dropping it as well. Personally I can go either way on whether this was the correct decision or not, but I figure it's worth noting since I'm sure someone can make an argument to bump it back up. There was a sense that while still extremely unique and versatile, it felt less dominant than the Pokemon in S ranks at present, but if people think that's off-base that can be revisited.

Trying to keep things concise here so I'll leave it there, but below you can see the summary of all changes with our first Regulation E update. As mentioned before, it's a lot.

:ting-lu: S- to A+
:gholdengo: S- to A+
:dondozo: A+ to A-
:heatran: A+ to A-
:mimikyu: A+ to A-
:ursaluna: A+ to B+
:landorus-therian: A+ to A

:goodra-hisui: A to B+
:rotom-wash: A to A-
:sneasler: A to B
:zapdos: A to B+

:breloom: A- to B+
:clodsire: A- to B
:hippowdon: A- to B
:iron-hands: A- to B-
:magnezone: A- to B+
:meowscarada: A- to B

:amoonguss: B+ to C+
:azumarill: B+ to B
:iron-valiant: B+ to B
:kingambit: B+ to B
:volcarona: B+ to B
:wo-chien: B+ to B

:great-tusk: B to C+
:greninja: B to C
:hydreigon: B to B-
:kleavor: B to B-
:palafin: B to C
:regieleki: B to C
:thundurus-therian: B to C+

:arcanine: B- to C+
:avalugg: B- to C
:brute-bonnet: B- to C-
:gyarados: B- to C+
:samurott-hisui: B- to C-
:pawmot: B- to C+
:tinkaton: B- to C+
:zoroark-hisui: B- to C+

:basculegion-f: C+ to C-
:iron-treads: C+ to C-
:landorus: C+ to C
:quaquaval: C+ to C
:gothitelle: C to C-
:spectrier: C+ to C-
:maushold: C to C-
:polteageist: C to C-

:garganacl: A to A+
:chi-yu: A to A+
:baxcalibur: A- to A
:basculegion: B+ to A-
:dragapult: A- to A
:iron-moth: B to B+
:rillaboom: B to A-
:roaring-moon: B to A-
:skeledirge: C+ to B
:arcanine-hisui: C to B-

Relevant New Pokemon:
:ogerpon-hearthflame: Ogerpon-Hearthflame: S-
:ogerpon-cornerstone: Ogerpon-Cornerstone: A
:ogerpon-wellspring: Ogerpon-Wellspring: A
:ursaluna-bloodmoon: Ursaluna-Bloodmoon: S-
:ninetales-alola: Ninetales-Alola: A
:gliscor: Gliscor: A-
:empoleon: Empoleon: A-
:milotic: Milotic: B+
:kommo-o: Kommo-o: B+
:ogerpon: Ogerpon-Teal Mask
:vikavolt: Vikavolt: B+
:sinistcha: Sinistcha: B+
:snorlax: Snorlax: B-
:okidogi: Okidogi: B
:fezandipiti: Fezandipiti: C+
:clefable: Clefable: B-
:umbreon: Umbreon: B-
:alomomola: Alomomola: B-

:overqwil: Overqwil
:Tauros-Paldea-Water: Tauros-Water
:articuno: Articuno
:electrode-hisui: Electrode-Hisui
:enamorus-therian: Enamorus-Therian
:glaceon: Glaceon
:mesprit: Mesprit
:sableye: Sableye
:toedscruel: Toesdcruel
:forretress: Forretress
:glastrier: Glastrier
:lilligant-hisui: Lilligant-H
:moltres-galar: Moltres-Galar
:slowking-galar: Slowking-Galar


That man is a legend? Bitch so am I
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Munkidori - UR > B/B-
When I was making my personal VR I stuck to just mons in the top 30 but during the finalizing of this VR I forgot to bring up Munkidori as an addition to the B ranks potentially. It has decent use as a scarfer with access to trick and parting shot, trick can really allow its toxic chain ability to be as infuriating as possible.

it’s also capable of running a sash or AV lead set with fake out to again fish for that obnoxious toxic chain proc, it’s a pretty niche but effective pick for offense teams that can really get them off of the right foot with good play and potentially a bit of luck. Nothing special but low B ranks seems warranted to me
100% agree on munkidori. One thing I may not be so agreeable on is the slight pawmot drop, Ive struggled with them quite a bit tbf.

What are some good answers to ursaluna BM? That are on here already, to be clear. Might nom another answer to it(Frosmoth is one,) IF there aren't many already(which I think is the case.) The Mon it'd be os probably my fave gen 6 Mon, but it's kinda a Tera hog and lacks coverage, why I wanna ask first.
100% agree on munkidori. One thing I may not be so agreeable on is the slight pawmot drop, Ive struggled with them quite a bit tbf.

What are some good answers to ursaluna BM? That are on here already, to be clear. Might nom another answer to it(Frosmoth is one,) IF there aren't many already(which I think is the case.) The Mon it'd be os probably my fave gen 6 Mon, but it's kinda a Tera hog and lacks coverage, why I wanna ask first.

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