Hello everyone! As Psynergy mentioned, the current ranking list was drafted by yours truly. There are way too many changes for me to go over them all individually, but there are some highlights I definitely want to give some attention to.
Archaludon getting ranked at S-
New "Big 6" material for sure. There are a lot of things that make it good, but the main one to zero in on in my opinion is that its a Sturdy user that isn't OHKO'd by Sash killer Urshifu. Its a powerful psuedo-Sash mon that still gets to use an item. What this means is that we have a highly versatile, Steel- and Dragon-type behemoth with set variety for days. Nearly every top 10 threat has a counter strategy when it comes to Archaludon, and that's what makes it so dangerous. In the hands of a competent player, you often don't know that you've been countered until its too late.
I don't see this thing as a fad. Archaludon is going to be a mainstay for the foreseeable future.
Psychic Terrain Sweepers in A-
Psynergy touched on this one too, but I think a big reason they belong is because they both have variety inside and outside of Psychic Terrain too. Remember: set variety is a big part of viability! I'm not convinced these ones will stay mainstream like Archaludon, but for now they've shown results befitting of an A tier appearance.
*** Flooded Rankings and rethinking B/C ranks ***
The Indigo Disk brought a lot of new viable mons! Not only were the rankings vastly different than what we predicted in some areas, but the number of new mons to rank increased substantially. Another complication with drafting this list up was that usage ratings were inconsistent with some mon's viabilities. A particular mon could be top 50 in usage and yet have absolutely nothing in terms of competitive finishes. And I mean literally nothing. While this is not impossible, its highly unusual to see so many mons with consistent usage and yet have crickets for nearly any kind of meaningful research data.
So with that in mind, I'm going to go through my mentality for the restructure.
B+ Rank
One of the things I really tried to hone in on this time was the question of, "Does it have an established niche?" Mons like Annihilape, Garchomp and Iron Hands were all mainstays at one point and have surged in and out with the metagame tides. Spore Breloom and SubStall Gliscor are the kinds of mons that have accessible counterplay but will mess up your day if you get careless. I tried to stick with mons that had one of those proven "preview dominating" factors.
B Rank
Moving down here, this is where we see some middle-ground mons as well as ones that just don't have that same "preview effect" as above. Take for example the surge of priority moves and Speed Booster Energy this gen: on paper, Speed Boost Blaziken and naturally speedy Dragapult could be really strong, but metagame trends have crushed that advantage. Dondozo is another prime example, where its more passive nature is being more easily capitalized on by an aggressive breaker-heavy meta. The list goes on.
You also have mons like Metagross and Meowscarada here. These are mons with top 50 usage rankings but almost no competitive results to speak of. So while I think its hard to ignore that someone is using them, its clear that there may be some "popularity effect" contributing here. But as far as calling them "usable" is concerned, I can point to Toxic Spikes Meowscarada and Bullet Punch Metagross and call those somewhat viable sets. They have higher ranked contemporaries in Toxic Spikes Sneasler and Bullet Punch Scizor, so that makes a big difference in saying they have at least some theoretical value to match their usage.
Balancing B- Rank and C+ Rank
Truth be told, I think drawing the line between B- and C+ was a lot easier this time around. With so many new toys running around, the viability curve from rank to rank is quite a bit smoother than it was in Reg E. It felt like I could actually make a reasonable jump from B- to C+ without feeling like I was running off a viability cliff.
I again tried to focus on established niches with usage as something of a guiding factor, but that still left a lot on the table. What I looked at next then was who had at least one top 100 finish. I would use this to shift between the ranks while still paying attention to not make dramatic usage bumps off of a single top result. Excadrill, for example, is a newer mon that has underperformed but still managed to see its Sand Rush niche just barely stake a claim in top 100. So, I let it chill in B- rather than bump it down. Palafin is another mon that had a top 100 finish, but it was all the way down in C-, so I went with a conservative placement in C+. Is it possible the two of them should be flipped? Sure, but I think there is value in trying to preserve some integrity in the opinion of the council collective, especially when it comes to lower usage mons like this. We can always reevaluate.
Perhaps the one mon that kinda came out of nowhere was Hydrapple. It went from UR to B- alongside Alomomola (previously C+.) The big reason for this is not only because it had a top 100 finish, but because it skyrocketed into the top 50 usage this past month. That's a huge jump and, while it may not last, I have felt for a little bit now that Alomomola has also been slightly underranked based on its own established (albeit less-used) niche against physical attackers. Since Alomomola and Hydrapple were a defensive core together in the 4th place ranked team, I felt that was significant justification to move it to B- despite still needing more mileage to really prove it staying power.
*** C Rank General and where to go from here ***
So as we get down into the lower end of the viability rankings, let me reiterate the metrics I used to shake things out:
For example, what about Politoed? That saw a top 100 finish, but it isn't ranked. Well, Politoed has been around for several months now and hasn't really established itself. For example, it has Perish Song, but its utilization of that isn't comparable enough to Flutter Mane's usage of it. In short, its a ranking decision that I think you let lie. Its overall usage simply isn't high enough, and there's not enough data to really warrant doing anything with it. If it would've been C-, then I would've kept it C-. But since it is UR, I am letting it stay UR.
I think this holds true especially as we head into Reg F and beyond simply because we have so many good mons vying for competitive usage, but I think raising the bar helps make it a little bit clearer what belongs in B, C, and UR.
And that's about it! Feel free to ask about anything I didn't go over here. It will be interesting to see how things continue to shift!

New "Big 6" material for sure. There are a lot of things that make it good, but the main one to zero in on in my opinion is that its a Sturdy user that isn't OHKO'd by Sash killer Urshifu. Its a powerful psuedo-Sash mon that still gets to use an item. What this means is that we have a highly versatile, Steel- and Dragon-type behemoth with set variety for days. Nearly every top 10 threat has a counter strategy when it comes to Archaludon, and that's what makes it so dangerous. In the hands of a competent player, you often don't know that you've been countered until its too late.
I don't see this thing as a fad. Archaludon is going to be a mainstay for the foreseeable future.

Psynergy touched on this one too, but I think a big reason they belong is because they both have variety inside and outside of Psychic Terrain too. Remember: set variety is a big part of viability! I'm not convinced these ones will stay mainstream like Archaludon, but for now they've shown results befitting of an A tier appearance.
*** Flooded Rankings and rethinking B/C ranks ***
The Indigo Disk brought a lot of new viable mons! Not only were the rankings vastly different than what we predicted in some areas, but the number of new mons to rank increased substantially. Another complication with drafting this list up was that usage ratings were inconsistent with some mon's viabilities. A particular mon could be top 50 in usage and yet have absolutely nothing in terms of competitive finishes. And I mean literally nothing. While this is not impossible, its highly unusual to see so many mons with consistent usage and yet have crickets for nearly any kind of meaningful research data.
So with that in mind, I'm going to go through my mentality for the restructure.

One of the things I really tried to hone in on this time was the question of, "Does it have an established niche?" Mons like Annihilape, Garchomp and Iron Hands were all mainstays at one point and have surged in and out with the metagame tides. Spore Breloom and SubStall Gliscor are the kinds of mons that have accessible counterplay but will mess up your day if you get careless. I tried to stick with mons that had one of those proven "preview dominating" factors.

Moving down here, this is where we see some middle-ground mons as well as ones that just don't have that same "preview effect" as above. Take for example the surge of priority moves and Speed Booster Energy this gen: on paper, Speed Boost Blaziken and naturally speedy Dragapult could be really strong, but metagame trends have crushed that advantage. Dondozo is another prime example, where its more passive nature is being more easily capitalized on by an aggressive breaker-heavy meta. The list goes on.
You also have mons like Metagross and Meowscarada here. These are mons with top 50 usage rankings but almost no competitive results to speak of. So while I think its hard to ignore that someone is using them, its clear that there may be some "popularity effect" contributing here. But as far as calling them "usable" is concerned, I can point to Toxic Spikes Meowscarada and Bullet Punch Metagross and call those somewhat viable sets. They have higher ranked contemporaries in Toxic Spikes Sneasler and Bullet Punch Scizor, so that makes a big difference in saying they have at least some theoretical value to match their usage.

Truth be told, I think drawing the line between B- and C+ was a lot easier this time around. With so many new toys running around, the viability curve from rank to rank is quite a bit smoother than it was in Reg E. It felt like I could actually make a reasonable jump from B- to C+ without feeling like I was running off a viability cliff.
I again tried to focus on established niches with usage as something of a guiding factor, but that still left a lot on the table. What I looked at next then was who had at least one top 100 finish. I would use this to shift between the ranks while still paying attention to not make dramatic usage bumps off of a single top result. Excadrill, for example, is a newer mon that has underperformed but still managed to see its Sand Rush niche just barely stake a claim in top 100. So, I let it chill in B- rather than bump it down. Palafin is another mon that had a top 100 finish, but it was all the way down in C-, so I went with a conservative placement in C+. Is it possible the two of them should be flipped? Sure, but I think there is value in trying to preserve some integrity in the opinion of the council collective, especially when it comes to lower usage mons like this. We can always reevaluate.
Perhaps the one mon that kinda came out of nowhere was Hydrapple. It went from UR to B- alongside Alomomola (previously C+.) The big reason for this is not only because it had a top 100 finish, but because it skyrocketed into the top 50 usage this past month. That's a huge jump and, while it may not last, I have felt for a little bit now that Alomomola has also been slightly underranked based on its own established (albeit less-used) niche against physical attackers. Since Alomomola and Hydrapple were a defensive core together in the 4th place ranked team, I felt that was significant justification to move it to B- despite still needing more mileage to really prove it staying power.
*** C Rank General and where to go from here ***
So as we get down into the lower end of the viability rankings, let me reiterate the metrics I used to shake things out:
- Established niche (related to previous viability)
- Competitive finishes (top 100, top 1000, etc.)
- General usage
For example, what about Politoed? That saw a top 100 finish, but it isn't ranked. Well, Politoed has been around for several months now and hasn't really established itself. For example, it has Perish Song, but its utilization of that isn't comparable enough to Flutter Mane's usage of it. In short, its a ranking decision that I think you let lie. Its overall usage simply isn't high enough, and there's not enough data to really warrant doing anything with it. If it would've been C-, then I would've kept it C-. But since it is UR, I am letting it stay UR.
I think this holds true especially as we head into Reg F and beyond simply because we have so many good mons vying for competitive usage, but I think raising the bar helps make it a little bit clearer what belongs in B, C, and UR.
And that's about it! Feel free to ask about anything I didn't go over here. It will be interesting to see how things continue to shift!