With Volcarona’s ban, concerns about Kyurem have risen. It is worth noting that Volcarona was never a consistent check. Specs Draco 2HKOs Bulkrona while Boots variants tech Scale Shot or Rock Slide to hit the moth. Today I want to bring attention to some pre-existing checks to Kyurem, as well as some possible routes we could explore in the post-Volc ban meta, especially with this year’s WCOP around the corner.
Poison In The Mind
Slowking-G is often cited as a Kyurem check. It avoids a 2HKO from Specs Kyurem Ice Beam and could either status it or Chilly Reception out, while it eats Boots Kyurem’s hits more comfortably. The main counterplay to Specs Kyurem is to limit the switch-ins it gets with rocks and careful manuevering, Glowking is one of the best mons on Balance or BO to achieve that. Glowking will remain a staple on bulkier teams regardless of meta changes.
Gazing Upon The Wishing Star
If you’ve played early Gen 8 OU, you remember that SpD Clef was the most common check to Kyurem. In this metagame, SpD Clef does the same and it could be argued it has some merit in Gen 9. It can pivot into Darkrai, and check mixed Valiant, Dragapult, and Deoxys Speed. It also lets it avoid a 2HKO from Glowking Sludge Bomb, so Clef could get up Rocks, a Knock, or a T-Wave. Its Kyurem checking capabilities are still prominent, even if it Teras, a quick Tera Fire or Steel can patch that. Clefable is a mon that benefits from the controlled pace the meta has been taking lately.
A Rising Crown
On multiple occasions I’ve discussed Iron Crown. This Pokemon has recently received enough usage to be OU if tier shifts were still done each month. There’s a popular sample team that uses Crown and another factor for its higher usage is cause its quite good rn. Iron Crown is what I would describe as a more offensive version of Glowking. With Volcarona out of the tier, 98 Speed appears more impressive. Outpacing every relevant base 90 and 80 speed mon. Assault Vest checks CM Prima, Glimmora, CM Val, and more importantly, Kyurem. All while providing useful utility with Volt Switch and Future Sight. Specs can 2HKO most of the tier with Tera Steel Tachyon, and even incredibly bulky mons like Ting-Lu or Skeledirge are 3HKOd. Plus in the chance you don’t Tera, Psychic Noise/Future Sight/Psyshock and Volt Switch are still good at breaking holes. Being a Steel type also gives it ample switch-in opportunities, taking minimal chip from SR and switching into Moonblasts, Toxics, and Dracos. It fits a specific mold that Glowking and Ghold cannot, the main reason being that speed tier. Another cool thing about Crown is it anti-leads Glimmora which is incredible as it’s been receiving higher usage. I am interested to see if slower, but bulkier Iron Crown spreads develop that can tank more hits and also generate slow Volt Switches. Crown will most likely continue to rise with the absence of Volc and a projected increase in Kyurems.
Ice-Breaking Bullets
Scizor’s viability in OU is an interesting case. It has promising traits such as being neutral to Ground, boasting strong priority in Bullet Punch, and utility with Knock and U-Turn, but they were not enough to propel Scizor into OU stardom. Though we shouldn’t dismiss what it offers to teams that can fit it. It has solid matchups into mons like Valiant, Fire Punch-less Dragonite, Rillaboom, Deoxys-Speed, Grasspon, Weavile, etc. CB Tera Steel Bullet Punch is strong enough to send Roaring Moon and other offensive sweepers to the ER after some chip. Even vs bulkier teams, U-Turn and Knock can chunk through bulky targets. CB Close Combat is even strong enough to 2HKO something as bulky as physically defensive Corviknight after rocks + a single Knock Off. A couple trends have been favorable to this set in particular. Volcarona is banned, and Gliscor running more specially bulky spreads for Dragapult. As a Kyurem check, it is rather odd. Even with some bulk investment, Specs Ice Beam 2HKOs Scizor after rocks, though you do OHKO with Bullet Punch after some chip. I think the approach Scizor should go is to run more bulk so it can more reliably check Kyurem. The loss of attack investment isn’t terrible as Bullet Punch off 130 Attack is still strong vs offense. Scizor has the makings of an OU underdog, functioning vs both offense and defensive styles, but there is an argument that the lack of Roost and poor special bulk may hold it back, but we’ll see as we start May and WCOP.
Lifting The Hammer
Tinkaton has a ton of valuable traits in the metagame. Fairy/Steel is by far the best defensive typing in the game with decent special bulk to back it up. Tinkaton has found itself on different archetypes and sees decent usage in tours. Its most notable standing is on Vert’s Molt/Ting-Lu/Darkrai team. The utility she provides on builds is incredible. Encore is the most notable, being one of the more, speedy users of the move in the tier, and that compliments Tinkaton’s useful defensive typing. For example, you can bait Raging Bolt to click Dragon Pulse/Draco on your Ground type and switch into Tinkaton to Encore it. There is also Knock Off, Rocks, and T-Wave which it uses to good effect. For Gliscor, Tinkaton can run Ice Hammer to threaten decent damage against it and also Lando. Pickpocket Tinkaton also functions as a semi-Knock absorber, stealing items from Boots mons like Weavile, Dragonite, and Dragapult. You can even read a U-Turn from Cinderace and take its Boots away which is funny as shit. Mold Breaker is also another option that lets you T-Wave Garg/Ghold and Encore the latter. However everything ties to that sweet typing. Being able to switch into Kyurem, Deoxys-S and Darkrai is pivotal for many team styles that traditionally have awkward matchups into these threats. The most common Tinkatons go full-out with the speed EVs, but I’d say going bulkier with enough EVs to outrun R-Bolt could be a route we can take with Tinkaton. Here’s the spread for reference.
Tinkaton (F) @ Air Balloon/Leftovers/Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Pickpocket/Mold Breaker
Tera Type: Water/Flying
EVs: 252 HP / 152 SpD / 104 Spe
Careful Nature
- Gigaton Hammer
- Knock Off/Thunder Wave
- Encore
- Stealth Rock/Knock Off/Ice Hammer
Penguin Spottings
Empoleon is interesting. If you look at this month’s 1825+ ladder usage statistics, Empoleon is seeing a surprisingly high amount of usage, sitting at 60th place and being used more than Pokemon like Serperior, Volcanion, and Rockpon. Why is that? Empoleon exhibits unique traits. Being a bulky Steel type with reliable recovery, and several good support options such as Knock Off, Flip Turn, Stealth Rocks, Haze, and Roar. It checks/soft checks Kyurem, Primarina, Walking Wake, Manaphy, Glimmora, Gholdengo, and AV Glowking. You can also tech Ice Beam over Surf to threaten an OHKO on Gliscor and also hit Grasses. Empoleon is also a Knock user that threatens most Knock absorbers with big damage, even Clefable loses due to the eventual Moonblast SpA drops causing Competitive to give it SpA boosts. Being able to check Primarina is huge because it’s one of the hardest matchups for Balance. It synergizes with Pokemon like SD Gliscor, Ting-Lu, Grasspon, and Darkrai, either complementing them defensively or Flip Turning into them safely. Empoleon isn’t amazing though. It has difficulties fitting all the utility it wants, it’s a Water type without a Fire resistance, and you 100% need to pair it with something that checks Wogre because its a free switch-in for it.
An Old Gen Fable
Jirachi was a pillar of old gen OU, functioning as a bulky and annoying asf Steel type. Even with power creep hitting the later gens, Rachi still found viability in its SpD utility and Scarf sets, checking Pokemon like the Lati twins, Tapu Lele, and Magearna. Unfortunately it would find no niche as power creep finally caught up to it in Gen 8. In SV OU, Rachi may find a small niche as a check to threatening mons like Kyurem, CM Primarina, and Raging Bolt due to great special bulk + Encore to shut down setup. It also has some utility with U-Turn, Rocks, Wish, and Healing Wish. Not to mention Iron Head flinches will never not be annoying as shit, so Rachi can find something to do in this metagame. The big selling factor is being a Kyurem check. However Rachi is not fond of a meta dominated by Darks, Ghosts, and competition from other Steels. It also can’t fit all these utility moves at once. Though there is an interesting route to explore with it.
Jirachi @ Leftovers
Ability: Serene Grace
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 248 HP / 204 SpD / 56 Spe
Careful Nature
- Iron Head
- Wish/U-Turn/Psychic Noise/Body Slam
- Protect/Stealth Rock/Healing Wish
- Encore
Don’t use these
These are just meme picks I included for fun. The problem with these are that they check Kyurem, but don’t do anything else of note. Yes, Bronzong hard checks Kyurem and BU Tusk, but you’re also using a mon that’s vulnerable and easy switch ins for a ton of OU threats like Wogre. Copperajah is an NU role compressor with Rocks, Knock Off and Whirlwind, but doesn’t check anything besides Kyurem. There’s also the fact you’re using Copperajah. Registeel has incredible stats and potential with the Crit-Me-Not sets, but it lost some of its good moves like Toxic and Seismic Toss
but sure Game Freak, buff Urshifu cause it 100% needed Swords Dance. The Crit-Me-Not sets are extremely matchup reliant. Walled by Ghosts, beaten by Encore, phazing, Taunt, or Unaware walls.
Bronzong @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Sassy Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Stealth Rock
- Gyro Ball
- Future Sight/Psychic Noise
- Earthquake
Copperajah @ Leftovers
Ability: Sheer Force
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Iron Head
- Knock Off
- Whirlwind
Registeel @ Mental Herb/Leftovers
Ability: Clear Body
Tera Type: Flying/Ghost
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Iron Defense
- Amnesia
- Body Press
- Rest
Bonus Entry
Old Dogs Learn New Tricks
Zamazenta @ Leftovers
Ability: Dauntless Shield
Tera Type: Dark/Fire
EVs: 248 HP / 56 Def / 176 SpD / 28 Spe
Careful Nature
- Iron Defense
- Body Press
- Crunch/Heavy Slam
- Rest/Roar/Substitute
Behold, the jankiest looking Zama spread ever. That’s right, Specially Defensive Zamazenta. In a nutshell, this is ev’d to live 2 Specs Ice Beams from Kyurem after spikes and scare it out while speed creeping it. In return, you are also better at switching into Darkrai and your matchups vs Ghold, Pult, and specially offensive Fairies improve. However you become much worse into Wogre who outspeeds and OHKOs you at +2. If it worth losing to Wogre just to not get 2HKOd by Specs Kyurem? Maybe. After all, these are just possible options we have to directly check Kyurem.
What are your thoughts?