Enjoyment: 7
Competitiveness: 7
First off, glowking is now on every single one of my teams(I use mainly bal sometimes BO), usually rai as well but it's just really good, this is more of a crutch for balance than anything else and imo is what is keeping balance afloat. At first I was apprehensive cause who wants to use the same mon on every team, but glowking is far more enjoyable to me than Ting, Skarm, alo, (I personally will never use ting or skarm, maybe the blim ting set) which are all kind of braindead fat mons honestly and which I find mostly unfun.
IMO darkrai is clearly the head honcho of the tier rn, has like 8 viable items, and like 8 viable moves, I think psyshock is really underrated but that's just my opinion, I feel like he is a bit better rn than he should be, it feels like we're in the discovery phase before the counter phase, similar to when ppl thought gouging was busted than the meta adapted. (Straight cap tho how is that mon busted with roar zama in the tier but I digress) I don't think I have anything to add compared to some of the better players before me.
Kyurem I think is like a half step below darkrai it has similar variety but requires a lot more building around unlike rai which fits on 99% of teams, also harder to bring kyukyu in, specs I think is a balanced set, and the mixed DD sets require prediction and I personally have never felt Kyurem to be overbearing, altho I will give a shout to dd/spear/ss/fire/elec blast I think it's a really good set if you don't need a mixed kyu on your team.
Wellspring is also really good, but I would be extremely worried about banning this mon because I swear alo/gking will just be fucking busted and altho the meta is offensively oriented rn, I feel that would push it towards fat which is different but I wouldn't consider it better.
These are clearly the 3 best mons in the tier rn (other than zama) and the only one I would vehemently oppose a ban to is wellspring as I feel like the meta might just become a lot less enjoyable.
On the other hand I'd like to bring up a super underrated mon into the current meta, which has shifted towards more spatk spam and offense, almost every team I've seen and use run at least 2 special breakers, and 3 spatk spam is super common on offense.
Scizor got relevant again in gen 8 just to beat up kyu(Imo gen 8 kyu was more busted), but it genuinely has a good mu into a lot of mons that are ultra prevelant rn. First off band bp is ole' reliable strong prio which is nice, it cleads into darkrai really easily and you can just u-turn out for dmg and momentum. I've found it to be a pretty reliable clead since rai is everywhere, but it also leads well into prima garg deo-s glimm and a few other mons. It shits on kyu obviously, if you switch into your dragon on Raging Bolt in a do or die scenario you can double into sciz to bp for the kill on tera fairy(not consistent obviously but swag), it lives a 5 fallen sucker from gambit, altho if they have glasses and rocks you have to pray. Lando and tusk are the switch ins, but lando gets near 3HKO'd by bp, w rocks up it's a lot worse for lando to come in, max bulk tusk, which is the most consistent set to me, takes paltry dmg but what do you expect from Gen 9 Buzzwole. CC does around 40% to corvi which means it's not a consistent switch in and you can tera fighting if corv walls the rest of your team. All in all, I feel it has a valuable niche for how well it does into the tier's spatk mons with the spatk spam, not to mention the prio and knock which means it should never be dead weight.
Scizor I am convinced is a good mon in the tier rn, I'd like to bring up something more heat, this one is a step below scizor but I feel is underexplored . I think Cobalion has a very valuable niche in the tier currently. Great type, never gets OHKO'd, and also has very good mu's into the good mons in the tier. I think this mon shits on gambit the most out of any mon in the tier cause of typing, legit sits on darkrai unless you're running FB and even then it's a 50/50 to ohko, as long as you have an EP switchin it can switch into kyu altho you gotta be careful with this one as kyu ohko's with ep. blanket checks all phys atkers with ironpress tera ghost that's way stronger than zama's. Will never be useless because it has a great utility movepool unlike Zama, rocks/twave/taunt/volt, so when gking switches in you get rocks and either twave or taunt the fool. I need to ladder with Cobe more and I wouldn't really recommend using it unless you take into accounts its strengths and weaknesses and can recognize where, on average, it provides more than zama for your team with it's increased bulk and utility. I've been using it when I need a rocker, I need a hard physdef wall, and I don't have any fighting types, and tusk doesn't fulfill this role cause I will never use rocks tusk that's just my MO.
The biggest strength of these underexplored mons for me is how they do something against all archetypes, sciz has momentum and knock which will forever be useful, and cob has rocks, taunt to stop setup, and twave, also funnily enough if zama switches into +2 Cob you win the 1v1, or at least twave before you get roared out. I genuinely believe sciz to be a great mon in the tier rn, although Cobe is prolly like a B tier alternative to Zama that I would use if you need Zama ironpress as well as guaranteed utility.