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Really interested in 1x Calm Flabebe, 1x Male Adamant Scraggy and 1x Male Modest Whismur

I can offer 6 IV Ralts F timid & a ShinyAerodactyl M adamant 4 IV, ShinyEevee Bold & ShinyVanillite Modest for them?
Is this fully redis? CMT for it if it is; do you know who reset it and if it's a legitimate event?


Pokemon: Mew | Ability: Synchronize | Nature: Bold | IV: 31/x/31/31/31/31
Moves: Pound, Heal Bell, Stealth Rock, Defog
OT: FAL2010
ID; 10160
Thanks to DEMo_Gorgon47 <- does this person know? Lol.

Also CMT for the monster that shall not be named. *_*
I don't know who did the reset on it but I do remember asking in a PM if it's a legitimate event, I remember he said yes but unfortunately I don't have that PM (I deleted all my PM's a few months ago) to confirm and he's not active so I can't ask him to make sure.
Interested in this if you still want the Mew

[437] Shiny Bronzong
OT: Joe (60911) (Lv. 100)
Nature: Relaxed - Ability: Levitate
IVs: 31/31/31/01/31/00
EV Trained: 252 HP / 252 Defense / 6 Special Defense
Moves: Stealth Rocks, Gyro Ball, Earthquake, Toxic
Tradeable Stock : 1
Note: joejones6's said this was re-distributable only by him and I. This is cloned with Action Replay on fifth generation and Banked over.
Really interested in 1x Calm Flabebe, 1x Male Adamant Scraggy and 1x Male Modest Whismur

I can offer 6 IV Ralts F timid & a ShinyAerodactyl M adamant 4 IV, ShinyEevee Bold & ShinyVanillite Modest for them?
Sorry not interested in them, thanks for coming by tho. :]
I don't know who did the reset on it but I do remember asking in a PM if it's a legitimate event, I remember he said yes but unfortunately I don't have that PM (I deleted all my PM's a few months ago) to confirm and he's not active so I can't ask him to make sure.
Interested in this if you still want the Mew

[437] Shiny Bronzong
OT: Joe (60911) (Lv. 100)
Nature: Relaxed - Ability: Levitate
IVs: 31/31/31/01/31/00
EV Trained: 252 HP / 252 Defense / 6 Special Defense
Moves: Stealth Rocks, Gyro Ball, Earthquake, Toxic
Tradeable Stock : 1
Note: joejones6's said this was re-distributable only by him and I. This is cloned with Action Replay on fifth generation and Banked over.

Sorry not interested in them, thanks for coming by tho. :]
How do you clone with action replay dsi?
I don't know who did the reset on it but I do remember asking in a PM if it's a legitimate event, I remember he said yes but unfortunately I don't have that PM (I deleted all my PM's a few months ago) to confirm and he's not active so I can't ask him to make sure.
Interested in this if you still want the Mew

[437] Shiny Bronzong
OT: Joe (60911) (Lv. 100)
Nature: Relaxed - Ability: Levitate
IVs: 31/31/31/01/31/00
EV Trained: 252 HP / 252 Defense / 6 Special Defense
Moves: Stealth Rocks, Gyro Ball, Earthquake, Toxic
Tradeable Stock : 1
Note: joejones6's said this was re-distributable only by him and I. This is cloned with Action Replay on fifth generation and Banked over.

Sorry not interested in them, thanks for coming by tho. :]

Aw, alright man thanks anyways!
I just got mine, okay? or does that mean you can't clone with ARDSI...
At least search it up online, my thread is not a Simple Request/Simple Questions thread. I wasn't trying to be rude and I don't clone with AR because I don't have AR for DSi. I was telling Pokeguy I was interested in the Bronzong HE has, and in the notes of his Bronzong says HE (not me) clones it with AR. Please at least read before you say anything.
At least search it up online, my thread is not a Simple Request/Simple Questions thread. I wasn't trying to be rude and I don't clone with AR because I don't have AR for DSi. I was telling Pokeguy I was interested in the Bronzong HE has, and in the notes of his Bronzong says HE (not me) clones it with AR. Please at least read before you say anything.
Sorry. I'll read more then.
I don't know who did the reset on it but I do remember asking in a PM if it's a legitimate event, I remember he said yes but unfortunately I don't have that PM (I deleted all my PM's a few months ago) to confirm and he's not active so I can't ask him to make sure.
Interested in this if you still want the Mew

[437] Shiny Bronzong
OT: Joe (60911) (Lv. 100)
Nature: Relaxed - Ability: Levitate
IVs: 31/31/31/01/31/00
EV Trained: 252 HP / 252 Defense / 6 Special Defense
Moves: Stealth Rocks, Gyro Ball, Earthquake, Toxic
Tradeable Stock : 1
Note: joejones6's said this was re-distributable only by him and I. This is cloned with Action Replay on fifth generation and Banked over.

Sure thing. I can trade whenever you're ready. :P

Pokemon: Dialga | Ability: Pressure | Nature: Calm | IV: 31/x/31/31/31/31
Moves: Stealth Rocks Roar of Time, Draco meteor, Aura Sphere
OT: SUM2013
ID: 08193



Pokemon: Giratina | Ability: Levitate | Nature: Careful | IV: 31/31/31/x/31/31
OT: SUM2013
ID: 09303
Thanks JebusChrist :]
Update regarding the Giveaway! :
***READ*** GIVEAWAY IS OVER! Sorry! Thanks for everyone who participated and made this giveaway a success! I still have a few extra copies left, so I might decide to open up the Giveaway some other time but I've decided to stop this limited-edition giveaway. Enjoy the Xerneas and Yveltals to everyone who got em'! Sorry to those who weren't able to participate, but I'll sure to have another one later on! :]
In response for your CMT for mew, I would like this:


Pokemon: Thundurus | Ability: Prankster | Nature: Timid | IV: 30/x/30/30/30/31 HP FLYING
Moves: Revenge, Shock Wave, Heal Block, Agility
OT: Chev4
ID: 06120
RNG'd by Chev4 :] Thanks!
Hello, i am interested in:

Treeko | Ability: Unburden | Nature: Timid | IV: 31/x/31/31/31/31
Egg Moves: Worry Seed. Endeavor, Synthesis

Can offer a shiny Mankey or Pancham, both level 30


5 IV (M) Calm Hustle Togetic
5 IV (F) Timid Protean Froakie
5 IV (M) Timid Solar Power Charmander with Dragon Pulse
5 IV (M) Modest Gooey Goomy
In response for your CMT for mew, I would like this:


Pokemon: Thundurus | Ability: Prankster | Nature: Timid | IV: 30/x/30/30/30/31 HP FLYING
Moves: Revenge, Shock Wave, Heal Block, Agility
OT: Chev4
ID: 06120
RNG'd by Chev4 :] Thanks!
I can do it for Eppie's Mew :] Tell me if it's alright.
Hello, i am interested in:

Treeko | Ability: Unburden | Nature: Timid | IV: 31/x/31/31/31/31
Egg Moves: Worry Seed. Endeavor, Synthesis

Can offer a shiny Mankey or Pancham, both level 30


5 IV (M) Calm Hustle Togetic
5 IV (F) Timid Protean Froakie
5 IV (M) Timid Solar Power Charmander with Dragon Pulse
5 IV (M) Modest Gooey Goomy
Sorry, not interested in any of the pokes mentioned. I already have those. :[ Thanks for asking tho regardless!
Thats alright, would you be willing to trade a HA Treeko regardless of nature, IV's and egg moves?
Ill check to see if I have any spitbacks. I'm busy atm and I'm about to head out to school so I'll check later. If I don't have one, I'll see if I can breed a spitback regardless depending on time.
Ill check to see if I have any spitbacks. I'm busy atm and I'm about to head out to school so I'll check later. If I don't have one, I'll see if I can breed a spitback regardless depending on time.

Thanks a lot mate, if you do have one let me know what you want in return.
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