Tournament Team Tour - Won by White Walters

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opp didnt show up at the time he suggested or during the following few hours i was around for. activity pls
I've been waiting for over 30 minutes and he was clearly on
He didn't want to battle and wanted to take the win in a cowardly way
I'm still willing to play anyday so frizy don't be such a coward trying to get a win in such a way
Also there was another day in wich we were going to play and he suddenly disconected without saying anything


Like wallpaper?
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I've been waiting for over 30 minutes and he was clearly on
He didn't want to battle and wanted to take the win in a cowardly way
I'm still willing to play anyday so frizy don't be such a coward trying to get a win in such a way
Also there was another day in wich we were going to play and he suddenly disconected without saying anything

Can you stop being an idiot for a second? god ..
the guy is from Australia and he (obviously) left the fucking window opened, its like 4am there now ...
and before, you missed the scheduled time twice and never responded to him .. give me a break and shut up
be glad TPP gave you guys another extra week
Can you stop being an idiot for a second? god ..
the guy is from Australia and he (obviously) left the fucking window opened, its like 4am there now ...
and before, you missed the scheduled time twice and never responded to him .. give me a break and shut up
be glad TPP gave you guys another extra week

because you insult me?
im from argentina and wake up to 12:00 A.M , in this hour in Australia is 04:00 a.m.
and you is not the problem ;) good bye
yeah i was in bed and forgot to close showdown, sry i guess... but since you seem keen on playing at 12:30am gmt+10 i can stay up and play at that time tonight if you want?? or now since ur online and very eager =)

probably shouldn't call me a coward tho; we saw what happened last time argentinians got chirpy with a commonwealth nation

edit: won in a gg =)
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RE: Frizy v Buhkz

Situation: Frizy and Buhkz scheduled a game for around 1 pm GMT +10 on Tuesday after already given a week extra to finish a game. Buhkz showed up late twice and assumed 4 hours later each time Frizy would still be waiting. On Friday evening Buhkz called an activity post after Frizys showing off his wallpaper with a photo he probably grabbed from Google after searching "big butt". After poop slinging from the young Ricky Martin and the OST Prediction Champion Blackbloodz, Frizy and Buhkz played the game where Frizy won.​

A lack of human understanding and how clocks work has been shown in various tournament settings in the past. When one of the competitors fails to meet the scheduled match twice due to being occupied with Google searching "big butts", the player who shows up at the scheduled time will have the right to call a true activity on behalf of his team.

Result: As the match has come to a conclusion, Frizy wins a medal for patience in addition to his earlier win. To prevent 4 hour delays and potentially week long extension of rounds that should've ended, searching "big butts" on Google Search will be banned for the remainder of this tournament. Thank you for your time.​
exists a social life, boys and lose by crit but gg.
They speak as if they knew every detail of the problem, when they do not know shit. It is a game of little kids and take them seriously. I feel sorry for you
Congrats to the White Walters for winning Team Tour, and I would like to thank everyone for participating (384 of us wasn't too easy to handle but we survived) and dealing with everything this tour went through (host change + deadline extensions)!

I hope you guys enjoyed :)
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