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The mushrooms have risen... and they intend to spread all over the surface of the globe! Their main node: this foggy swamp where you swear every root is a writhing piece of mycelium... The air is thick with latent spores and you've taken precautions to obstruct your mouth and nose. There! In the stump of a once-great tree! There's the Spore-verlord!
Camouflage: Grass | Nature Power: Spore | Secret Power: 20% chance to inflict Sleep on the defender.
Phase 1 - Spore Proliferation
Phase 2 - Dramatic Duels
As this phase starts, pair each minion with a different random raider, who becomes the minion's assigned target (even if any raiders are fainted). Each minion's behaviors refers to their assigned target.
While any Minion has positive remaining HP during this phase: Minions are Unfainting.
Phase 3 - Neurotoxic Reversion
As this phase starts, discard any Weather in play; then, if no other Weather is in play, create Sun with indefinite duration.
Player Progress: Phases Completed / 3
Entry Cost: 7 JC
Progress: 7 EXP for each raider.
Victory: 3 EXP more for each raider.
First-Time Victory: Engineer, Reporter, and Scribe vocations
Referee Progress: Rounds reffed by that referee / Total Rounds.
"??" stands in for seven times (x7) the current round count.
Crunch =??
Lash Out x3
Fling x10
Heavy Slam x2
Heat Crash x2
Drain Punch x2
Knock Off x2
Bulldoze =10
Snarl =10
Sludge Wave =15
Body Press x2
Phase Progression:
Guzzlord (★) x1
Guzzlord (★) x1
Guzzlord (★) x1
Don't bench or send out Raid opponents when progressing through these Phases.
Raid Arena — The Feeding Trough Located somewhere deep within Ultra Space, this bizarre dimension is made of wavy ground and walls that slowly shift towards Guzzlord, helping the lazy beast nourish itself, as if mimicking a black hole.
Camouflage: Dragon | Nature Power: Dragon Rush | Secret Power: 10% Chance to free the defender's Ingested Pokemon, if any.
All Phases - An Acquired Taste
As the Boss "Ingests" a Pokemon, that Pokemon is captured.
As the Boss "Regurgitates" a Pokemon, that Pokemon rejoins their original team.
While the Boss has an Ingested Pokemon:
The Boss and their Belch both have the Ingested Pokemon's types; also, the restriction text of the Boss' Belch is ignored.
Ingested Pokemon can't take turns or act, and are unaffected by non-arena effects. Actions can't target ingested Pokemon.
Phase 1 - Appetizer
At the end of each Raider's turn: The Boss regurgitates any Ingested Pokemon; and then ingests that Raider.
Phase 2 - Intradimensional Intestional Ingression
At the end of each round: The Boss regurgitates any Ingested Pokemon; and then, the Boss ingests a raider at random, from among the raiders that have been ingested the fewest times this battle.
Phase 3 - World is Meal
As this phase begins, the Boss regurgitates any Ingested Pokemon.
Player Progress: Phases Completed / 3
Entry Cost: 7 JC
Progress: 7 EXP for each raider.
Victory: 3 EXP more for each raider.
First-Time Victory: Bodyguard, Rearguard, and Blackguard vocations to your profile.
Referee Progress: Rounds reffed by that referee / Total Rounds.
Raid Arena — The Kitakami Mask Festival A well-known piece of folklore in Kitakami tells of the Loyal Three, who gave their life protecting the village from a frightening ogre... The day of their resurrection should have been joyous, yet panic swiftly spread at the Festival of Masks as the reborn three started guzzling food, seizing things, and terrorizing tourists! No one at the Festival can stand up against their power. No one... but you! Please, save the reven- I mean, the spirit of the festival!
Camouflage: Grass | Nature Power: Substitute | Secret Power: 20% chance for the user to equip an Oran Berry.
All Phases - Loyalty among Thieves!
The Loyal Three have Villainous Vocations, granting their team special effects while in play.
Okidogi is a Prowling Pugilist.
Each Boss' Attack and Special Attack ranks are at least 12.
The effects of Screens on the raiders' field are ignored.
Munkidori is a Threatening Thief.
When the user lowers a raider's stat stage: Each Boss has the same stat stage raised, by the same amount, for the same duration.
Bosses have Evasive against attacks from Protectors and attacks from Supporters.
Fezandipiti is a Dastardly Duelist.
If a Boss would take damage from a hit; instead, that boss takes five (5) less damage, and the attacker loses five (5) HP.
Bosses have Defense Aid.
Each member's Villainous Vocation applies only while they are in play.
Phase 1 - Caught in the Act!
Phase 2 - Sinister Sabotage!
While one Boss has less remaining HP than the other: That lower-HP Boss can't take damage; and attacks can't target them.
Phase 3 - Dastardly Delta Attack!
At the end of each round, choose a Loyal Three member at random to be the Leader, from among the non-Fainted members that have been chosen the fewest times this Raid.
(The Leader will take more turns in the upcoming rounds.)
Player Progress: Phases Completed / 3
Entry: 5JC
Progress Reward: 6 EXP for each raider.
Victory Reward: Choose one of the following rewards:
Okidogi Lv2
Munkidori Lv2
Fezandipiti Lv2
1xCornerstone Mask
First-Time Victory: Pugilist, Thief, and Duelist vocations
Referee Progress: Rounds reffed by that referee / Total Rounds.
Hydro Pump
Dark Pulse
Ice Beam
Grass Knot
Gunk Shot
Low Kick
Rock Slide
Phase Progression
Shedinja (★), Ninjask x1 each
Shedinja (★) x1, plus two different Students except Zoroark-Hisui, chosen at random.
Shedinja (★) x1, plus the three Students not chosen last Phase.
Don't bench or send out Shedinja when changing Phases.
The students are Greninja Weezing, Drapion, Golisopod, and Zoroark-Hisui.
Remember to designate a confidant for Zoroark-Hisui's Illusion.
Raid Arena - Hidden Ninja Dojo This strange dojo, said to be manned by no one, is hidden behind a swamp (you hear some people talk about funny mushrooms growing nearby). Its old, moldy wooden doors open for you before shutting off with a worrying amount of force once you're in. In the center of a perfectly round room, a mysterious silhouette is floating above the floor... You're pretty sure the room is full of hidden contraptions, too.
All Phases - Intangibile Shadow Ninja Master
Shedinja has no HP parameter. They can't gain or lose HP, and their HP can't be set.
At the end of each round, if the Raid only has Shedinja in play: Progress the Phase.
Phases 2 and 3 - Aspiring Shadow Ninja Kumite
Master Shedinja wishes to see you employ the traditional tools of ninjas.
If a Student would take damage from a Field Hazard; instead, that student takes three times (x3) that much damage.
While the Raid's Weezing is in play: Other Students have Neutralizing Gas.
At the end of each round, if none of the Raid's Pokemon have fainted this round or last round: The challenger loses the battle.
Player Progress: Phases Completed / 3
Entry Cost: 5 JC
Progress: 7 EXP for each raider.
Victory: 3 EXP more for each raider.
First-Time Victory: Daredevil, Tutor, and Psychic vocations
Referee Progress: Rounds reffed by that referee / Total Rounds.
Vs. The Cold-Iron Tink-tacular Turf War!
Level 3 (Hard)
Format Changes:
Lifeline Uses: 1
Lifelines - 1
(Each round where you order first, you may use a Lifeline before your orders; but doing so worsens your rewards. Braggarts can't use Lifelines.)
Lifeline Cleanse - Remove all conditions from your Pokemon.
Lifeline Taunt - On each Boss, create the unique condition created by Taunt until the end of the round.
The Scourge Warlord (Tinkaton) The architect of our woes, and the face of true evil!
Battle Pay: None Structure Damage: 1,000
Typing: Fairy/Steel Abilities: Mold Breaker Trait: Boss
Order Behavior
As a player Guest, The Coalition Commander takes orders from the player. The Coalition Commander knows the following moves:
Armor Cannon
Close Combat
Headlong Rush
Guard Swap
Light Screen
Phase Progression
West Portion
North Portion
East Portion
Tinkatink Warrior x1
Tinkatink Warrior x1
Tinkatink Warrior x4
Portion A
Portion B
Portion C
Ocean-Might General x1
Spiral-Shell General x1
Tinkatink Warrior x5
Sharp-Edge General x1 Tinkatink Warrior x3
Earth-Moving General x1 Tinkatink Warrior x3
Tinkatuff Elite x1
The Scourge Warlord x1
Tinkatink Warrior x10
Tinkatuff Elite x2
For waves after the first, randomize which Wall each portion of the wave spawns in; with one portion per Wall.
Don't withdraw any Raid Pokemon as phases changes. (Add the new wave to what's already in play.)
Guest Ally: The Coalition Commander
(Guest allies are added to your Reserve at the start of battle. They don't count towards your "bring" limit.)
Raid Arena — The Coalition Castle
The two armies regularly clash in Eastern Paldea, over a dusty strip of wasteland on the southmost shore. The metal-rich soil makes it a favored place for both people, and the inevitable territorial war only adds more metal to the earth as bodies fall...
The scrap-seeking Scourge Legion now marches from the north, seeking to dismantle all that we hold dear for parts. Is this the Coalition's last stand?
Camouflage: Steel | Nature Power: Metal Sound | Secret Power: 50% chance to lower the defender's Defense by one (1) for their next three (3) turns.
All Phases - The Battle for the Korvid Kingdom
The battlefield is divided into four "zones": the West Wall, the North Wall, the East Wall, and the Korvid Kingdom's Keep. These zones affect the battlefield in a myriad of ways:
Each wall has 500 Structure HP; and the Keep has 2,000 Structure HP.
Actions and effects of Pokemon can only affect other Pokemon in the same zone.
Field Conditions are confined to the zone they're created in.
Battle Conditions affect and are affected by every zone.
As any Pokemon changes zones, they remain in play. They keep all of their stages and Conditions at their current durations.
Hazards: Field Hazards' effects will trigger "When a Pokemon enters this zone (including when an Invader enters play)" instead of from their usual criteria.
For their turn, each Scourge Invader will do one of the following, starting from the top:
First, if any player-controlled Pokemon is present in their zone, they'll perform their ordered action as normal.
Else, if no player-controlled Pokemon is present in their zone, and their zone still has any Structure HP remaining, they'll deal their listed Structure Damage to the Zone.
Otherwise, they'll move to the Keep.
At the end of the round, if it is the second round of this Raid phase: Advance the Raid phase.
If a Wall runs out of Structure HP, it is destroyed. If the Keep runs out of Structure HP, the player loses the battle.
All Phases - Defending the Keep
As the raid begins; the PR starts in the West Wall, The SU starts in the North Wall, and the AG starts in the East Wall. The Corvid Commander starts in the Keep, and takes orders from the player.
In their order post, before they issue orders; the player may move up to one (0-1) Pokemon they control to another zone. (You can move to destroyed zones to intercept invaders, if needed.)
All attacks, used by Pokemon the player controls, target "one other Pokemon".
(Tinkatink Warriors and Tinkatuff Elites have Traits that cause excess damage from attacks to "spill over" to the next Warrior or Elite.)
All Phases - The Last Line of Defense
When Scourge invaders faint, their listed value in Gimmigold is paid to the challenger.
In their order post, before they issue orders, the challenger may spend their Gimmigold to place Forretrifications on a Wall or the Keep; and to upgrade their Forretrifications. Forretrifications may also be dismantled if desired, but no Gimmigold is refunded.
Each wall has room for 2 Forretrifications by default, and the Keep has room for 4 Forretrifications. No Zone can have more than one of the same type of Forretrification (regardless of their upgrade state).
Forretrifications in destroyed zones continue to function, if their effects are applicable, and they can still be upgraded.
Forretrification List
Each Forretrification costs a certain amount of Gimmigold to place. The price of upgrading a Forretrification is twice (x2) the cost of creating it.
Upgrading a Forretrification replaces a portion of its effect text with the chosen upgraded text. A Forretrification can be switched between its A and B upgrades by spending the upgrade cost again, but can't have both upgrades at once.
The available Forretrifications, and their upgrades, are as follows:
Upgrade A
Upgrade B
Scourge Invaders in this zone [excluding] Bosses, that spawned this round, can't [damage structures].
→ "including"
"damage structures"
→ "change zones"
Ghold Mine
If you would earn Gimmigold in this zone; instead, gain [twice (x2)] as much Gimmighold.
Limit one (1) Ghold Mine, except those with Upgrade B.
"twice (x2)"
→ "thrice (x3)"
(This upgrade is
for exceeding the
limit on mines.)
Damage dealt to the raiders, the Commander, and structures [in this zone] is reduced by [five (5)].
(As a reminder, the Piercing modifier doesn't mention Arena effects.)
"in this zone"
→ "in any zone"
"five (5)"
→ "fifteen (15)"
Scourge Invaders [in this zone] take [double (x2)] damage from all sources.
"in this zone"
→ "in any zone"
"doubled (x2)"
→ "quintupled (x5)"
At the end of each step: Reduce each Boss' HP, equal to [100] plus [one-tenth (x0.1)] of their remaining HP.
Limit one (1) Celemplacement.
→ "300"
"one-tenth (x0.1)"
→ "one-fifth (x0.2)"
Managing your Kartarmories, and upgrading them correctly for your team, is the key to this encounter.
Player Progress: Phases Completed / 4
Entry Cost: 7JC
Progress Reward: 4 EXP for each raider.
Victory, with all Lifeline Uses retained: 2 EXP more for each raider.
First-Time Victory: Paladin, Cleric, and Sorcerer vocations to your profile.
Referee Progress: Rounds reffed by that referee / Total Rounds.
Vs. The Self-Perfecting Beast-Slaying Machine!
Level 3 (Hard)
Format Changes:
Lifeline Uses: 1
Lifelines - 1
(Each round where you order first, you may use a Lifeline before your orders; but doing so worsens your rewards. Braggarts can't use Lifelines.)
Lifeline Cleanse - Remove all conditions from your Pokemon.
Lifeline Taunt - On each Boss, create the unique condition created by Taunt until the end of the round.
Silvally The Self-Perfecting Beast-Slaying Machine!
Once, the islands of Alola faced an incursion of bizarre invaders — Pokemon-like entities known as Ultra Beasts from beyond our world. Fearful of their power, a secret project was initiated to engineer a Pokemon capable of destroying them. The proposed living weapon would adapt itself based on battle data recorded from combat with the Ultra Beasts. Long before the project could be brought to fruition, however, the Ultra Beasts were brought to heel by the island's inhabitants and their guardians. The invaders, such as they were, were lost and confused in a dimension foreign to them, and an understanding was reached between the two groups.
However, the creators of the secret project remained paranoid of their quarry. In their haste to finish the weapon, they left them fatally flawed and incapable of telling friend from foe. Their initial test spelled disaster for their creators, and their unceasing mission to destroy possible threats spiraled out of control. Far from any trace of civilization, the creation that was made to protect the island from the extradimensional menace yet prowls, perceiving any life-form they meet as a threat to be laid low...
Camouflage: Normal | Nature Power: Multi-Attack | Secret Power: Lower the defender's Attack and Special Attack stages by one (1) for their next three (3) turns.
Rapid Beast-Killing Type Adaptation
Silvally starts with 17 Memory items—one of each type—in their Backpack.
When Silvally takes a hit from an Attack: For each type of that Attack, destroy the matching Memory item from Silvally's Backpack.
At the end of each round:
If Silvally has any Memory items in their Backpack: Destroy all items Silvally is holding; then, they equip one of those Memories at random.
Otherwise: The challenger loses the battle.
Type-Adapted Battle Procedures
Apply the appropriate effect of Silvally's current held Memory found in the hide tags below. Additionally, Silvally's Behavior varies depending on their currently held Memory item, found in the hide tags below. (If Silvally is holding no Memory, use the Normal data.)
Memory Effects and Moves:
When Silvally equips the Bug Memory: Reset Silvally's negative stat stages to 0.
Order Behavior
Bug Buzz x2
Megahorn x2
Lunge x2
Struggle Bug =10
Quiver Dance
While Silvally is holding the Dark Memory: Silvally has Prankster in additionally to their other abilities.
Order Behavior
Knock Off x2
Night Daze x2
When Silvally equips the Dragon Memory: Inflict Flinching on the Aggressor, if any.
Order Behavior
Glaive Rush x2
Spacial Rend x2
Breaking Swipe =10
Dragon Cheer
Dragon Dance
When Silvally equips the Electric Memory: Discard all Terrain, then create Electric Terrain for 10 rounds.
Order Behavior
Bolt Strike x2
Electro Drift x2
Magnet Rise
When Silvally equips the Fairy Memory: Raise Silvally's Special Attack stage by two (2) for four (4) turns
Order Behavior
Moonblast x2
Spirit Break x2
Light of Ruin x2
Draining Kiss x2
When Silvally equips the Fire Memory: Discard all Weather, then create Sun for 10 rounds.
Order Behavior
Fire Blast x2
Sacred Fire x2
V-create x2
When Silvally equips the Fighting Memory: Raise Silvally's Attack stage by two (2) for four (4) turns
Order Behavior
Low Kick x2
Focus Blast x2
Low Sweep x2
Circle Throw x2
When Silvally equips the Flying Memory: Discard all Weather and Terrain.
Order Behavior
Sky Attack x2
Oblivion Wing x2
Bounce x2
Air Cutter x2
When Silvally equips the Ghost Memory: Inflict Flinching on the Supporter, if any.
Order Behavior
Shadow Force x2
Infernal Parade x2
Astral Barrage
Shadow Sneak x2
Confuse Ray
When Silvally equips the Grass Memory: Discard all Terrain, then create Grassy Terrain for 10 rounds.
Order Behavior
Power Whip x2
Seed Flare x2
Drum Beating x2
Victory Dance
When Silvally equips the Ground Memory: Inflict Grounded on all raiders for the rest of the battle.
Order Behavior
Thousand Arrows x2
Earth Power x2
Precipice Blades
Bulldoze =12
Shore Up +30
When Silvally equips the Ice Memory: Discard all Weather, then create Snow for 10 rounds.
Order Behavior
Freeze-Dry x2
Triple Axel x2
Aurora Veil
Normal (Default)
(There is no Normal Memory. Silvally starts with this Behavior Pool in the first round.)
Order Behavior
Swords Dance
Bulk Up
Nasty Plot
Calm Mind
When Silvally equips the Poison Memory: Raise Silvally's Special Defense stage by two (2) for four (4) turns
Order Behavior
Gunk Shot x2
Dire Claw x2
Sludge Wave
Baneful Bunker
When Silvally equips the Psychic Memory: Discard all Terrain, then create Psychic Terrain for 10 rounds.
Order Behavior
Psychic x2
Psystrike x2
Magic Coat
Seven-Step Reflect*
Seven-Step Light Screen*
* (They're Reflect and Light Screen, that last seven steps.)
When Silvally equips the Rock Memory: Discard all Weather, then create Sandstorm for 10 rounds.
Order Behavior
Meteor Beam x2
Paleo Wave x2
Rock Slide =10
Salt Cure x2
Tar Shot
When Silvally equips the Steel Memory: Raise Silvally's Defense stage by two (2) for four (4) turns
Order Behavior
Steel Beam x2
Double Iron Bash x2
Metal Burst x2
Make It Rain
Shift Gear
When Silvally equips the Water Memory: Discard all Weather, then create Rain for 10 rounds.
Order Behavior
Hydro Pump x2
Wave Crash x2
Hydro Steam x2
Dive x2
Player Progress: Boss missing HP / Boss Maximum HP.
Entry Cost: 10JC
Progress: 7 EXP for each raider.
Victory: 1 EXP more for each raider.
Victory, with all Lifeline Uses retained: 2 EXP more for each raider.
First-Time Victory: Commando, Butler, and Gambler vocations
Referee Progress: Rounds reffed by that referee / Total Rounds.
Vs. The Fundamental Elemental Procession! Level 4 (Pinnacle)
Format Changes:
b4p4 Triples vs. Raid Battle
Switching: On for player; Off for Raid
(When you switch, the entering Pokemon takes over the role and Vocation of the Pokemon they're replacing.)
Backpack Size: 9
Lifeline Uses: 2
Lifelines - 2
(Each round where you order first, you may use a Lifeline before your orders; but doing so worsens your rewards. Braggarts can't use Lifelines.)
Lifeline Cleanse - Remove all conditions from your Pokemon.
Lifeline Taunt - On each Boss, create the unique condition created by Taunt until the end of the round.
Lifeline Tidy-Up - Discard all battle conditions and all field conditions. Restore all held items to their users and/or owners.
Lifeline Revive - Remove Fainting from one of your inactive Pokemon; and if you do, set their HP and Energy to 50.
Typing: Fighting Abilities: Guts, No Guard Traits: Boss, Unfainting
Iron Head x2
High Horsepower x2
Brick Break x2
Ice Punch x2
Thunder Punch x2
Dynamic Punch
Thunder Wave
Leer x2
Rock Tomb =10
Skip this turn if the
other Boss has no HP. Piercing Double Iron Bash x5
Piercing G-Max Meltdown
Phase Progression:
Machamp (★), Gengar (★)
Two members of the Elemental Procession, chosen at random.
Two remaining members of the Elemental Procession, chosen at random.
Two remaining members of the Elemental Procession, chosen at random.
Melmetal-Gmax (★) and the last remaining member of the Elemental Procession.
The Elemental Procession members are: Lapras (★), Butterfree (★),Snorlax (★),Duraludon (★), Grimmsnarl (★) Hatterene (★), andCorviknight (★)
Raid Arena — Wyndon Stadium
This Stadium is the most prominent Power Spot in all of Galar. Any Pokemon here can maintain Dynamax far beyond what would be normally possible -at a cost- all to force you, the challenger, to push your limits as well. It's the ultimate test of endurance... Will you outlast those gigantic opponents?
Camouflage: Normal | Nature Power: Max Guard | Secret Power: 10% chance to grant the user Protection until the end of the step.
All Phases - The Elemental Expression
Apply the following effects, depending on which Bosses are in play:
Machamp: Bosses are Penalty-Proof.
Gengar: Bosses are Bonus-Proof.
Lapras: Raiders are Doomed.
Butterfree: The abilities of Raiders are ignored.
Snorlax: If a raider would heal HP; instead, each Boss heals that much HP.
Vs. The Clashing Cataclysmic Colossi! Level 4 (Pinnacle)
Format Changes:
b6p6 Triples vs. Raid and Triples vs. Raid Battle
Switching: Off, Special
Backpack Size: 6
Lifeline Uses: 2
Lifelines - 2
(Each round where you order first, you may use a Lifeline before your orders; but doing so worsens your rewards. Braggarts can't use Lifelines.)
Lifeline Cleanse - Remove all conditions from your Pokemon.
Lifeline Taunt - On each Boss, create the unique condition created by Taunt until the end of the round.
Lifeline Tidy-Up - Discard all battle conditions and all field conditions. Restore all held items to their users and/or owners.
Lifeline Revive - Remove Fainting from one of your inactive Pokemon; and if you do, set their HP and Energy to 50.
Typing: Ground Abilities: Drought, [additional Abilities chosen with Tendency] Traits: Boss
Precipice Blades
Stone Edge
Fire Blast
Solar Beam
Thunder Punch
Seismic Toss
[Any move chosen with Tendency]
[Any non-attack move chosen with Tendency]
Terrestrial Tendency Move and Ability Choices
(End of Round: Select any moves and abilites, adding up to Terrestrial Tendency.
Selections persist until the end of this Boss' next active round.
Essentially, you're threatening the player with possible moves you could use.)
1: Thunder Wave / Bulk Up / Rock Polish / Fling / Rock Tomb =8 / Flame Charge =8
2: Heat Crash / Heavy Slam / Knock Off / Magic Coat / Light Screen / Worry Seed / Taunt
Origin Pulse +2
Ice Beam +4
Thunder +2
Hydro Pump +2
Ancient Power +4
Liquidation +2
Iron Head +2
[Any attack move chosen with Tendency]
[Any move chosen with Tendency]
Thalassic Tendency Move and Ability Choices
(End of Round: Select any moves and abilites, adding up to Thalassic Tendency.
Selections persist until the end of this Boss' next active round.
Essentially, you're threatening the player with possible moves you could use.)
1: Thunder Wave / Calm Mind / Fake Out =4 / Fling / Icy Wind =8 / Flip Turn
*(Ranks normally can't be negative; these Bosses are exceptions. Negative defenses work how you expect.)
Phase Progression:
Repeating: Groudon (★) x1 // Kyogre (★) x1
This phase repeats an indefinite number of times until both Bosses are defeated.
Don't bench or send out Raid opponents when progressing through these Phases.
Groudon Raid Arena — Acevedo Caldera Survey Craft
The A.C.S.C. is a high-tech armored heli-craft specialized for close surveillance and study of volcanic activity, and has been retrofitted with additional protective plating for this highly dangerous excursion: Bringing you to the site of the primordial Groudon's emergence, so you can put them back into hibernation before they can rendezvous with their rival!
While here: The weather is Sun. Non-Sun Weather can't be created.
Camouflage: Steel | Nature Power: Lava Plume | Secret Power: Inflict the unique condition created by Ember.
Kyogre Raid Arena — R.S.C. Ocean-Eater
A sleek, submersible vehicle with the capacity to open along a "seam" at the front. Leveraging the abilities of its Pokemon-dense crew, barriers can be formed that hold the depths at bay even at abyssal pressures. The ship can dive to great depths to make readings and collect samples, before surfacing to recover air and allow the crew to rest. Now, though, that crew bravely carries you to their most dangerous assignment yet: Stopping the titanic Kyogre from making landfall, and ensuring they never clash with their counterpart!
While here: The weather is Rain. Non-Rain Weather can't be created.
Camouflage: Ground | Nature Power: Dive | Secret Power: Grant the user the unique condition created by Aqua Ring.
This Raid is a little dense, so buckle in:
All Phases - The Primordial Forces
The two Bosses are each fought in separate Arenas, far apart from the other.
To do so, the player sends two "sub-teams" of 3 raiders, each with its own PR, SU, and AG, for a total of six raiders. Players decide which team fights which Boss while signing up.
Vocations can't be shared between sub-teams, so a total of six unique Vocations will be needed to fully outfit both sub-teams.
Once sent, sub-teams can't be re-assigned or switched.
All Phases - Marvels of Engineering
The two crafts that serve as Arenas, the Acevedo and the Ocean-Eater, have 300 HP and 350 HP, respectively.
When a raider takes damage from or deals damage to a Boss with an attack hit: The craft they ride also loses that much HP.
When a craft runs out of HP, or when one sub-team is fully Fainted: The player loses the Raid. (Even if the last Boss is defeated by the same action.)
Field Conditions and Battle Conditions are confined to the Arena that they were created in.
All Phases - World Tendency
The arena has numeric Terrestrial Tendency and Thalassic Tendency values that each start at three (3).
As Terrestrial Tendency and Thalassic Tendency rise, Groudon and Kyogre each respectively gain access to more moves and actions.
When one Boss faints: The other boss Primal Reverts for the rest of the Raid. Progress the Raid Phase.
All Phases - Evolving Threat
Each Boss has a pool of moves and abilities they can temporarily gain. The referee can choose which moves and abilities they want, up to Tendency.
Example: With 3 Tendency, the referee can declare three 1-point moves, a 2-point move and a 1-point ability, a 3-point ability, and so on.
At the start of the raid, before the player decides which Boss to engage first: The referee makes selections for each Boss.
All Phases - Application of Force
The player starts out in control of one of their sub-teams, as chosen above. That sub-team, their Arena, and their Boss are said to be "active", and the other sub-team, Arena, and Boss are said to be "on standby".
The player chooses which Boss they wish to engage with in the first round, before giving orders.
In the Arena on standby, Pokemon can't take turns or act, durations can't elapse, and non-arena effects are ignored.
As the player issues orders, they can also include an order to "Disengage" from the current Boss. The player can't Disengage if the Boss on standby is Fainted. The player must order Disengage, and is assumed to do have done so, if the active Boss is Fainted.
Notes - End of Round
At the end of the round, perform the following steps.
Increase inactive Boss' associated Tendency by one (1).
If the player ordered their sub-team to Disengage: Follow these instructions in sequence.
That sub-team's craft withdraws to a safe distance and performs field repair. Set that craft's HP to its maximum.
The other sub-team (re-)engages their Boss, and the player assumes control of that sub-team.
Discard the currently-active Boss's selections for Tendency; then, make new selections.
Player Progress: Total Boss HP / Total Boss Max HP
Entry Cost: 16JC
Milestone 2/5: Harvest Event Voucher
Milestone 3/5: Academy Credit
Milestone 4/5: Comet Shard
Victory: One raider earns the ability to Dynamax. (Gigantimaxing is Dynamaxing.)
Victory, with 1+ Lifeline Uses remaining: Groudon Lv0 or Kyogre Lv0
Victory, with all Lifeline Uses remaining: 20 EXP for the obtained legendary Pokemon
Referee Progress: Rounds reffed by that referee / Total Rounds.
The player brings three of their own Pokemon and additionally commands two Guests
Switching: On for player; Off for Raid
(When you switch, the entering Pokemon takes over the role and Vocation of the Pokemon they're replacing.)
Backpack Size: 6
Lifeline Uses: 2
Lifelines - 2
(Each round where you order first, you may use a Lifeline before your orders; but doing so worsens your rewards. Braggarts can't use Lifelines.)
Lifeline Cleanse - Remove all conditions from your Pokemon.
Lifeline Taunt - On each Boss, create the unique condition created by Taunt until the end of the round.
Lifeline Tidy-Up - Discard all battle conditions and all field conditions. Restore all held items to their users and/or owners.
Lifeline Revive - Remove Fainting from one of your inactive Pokemon; and if you do, set their HP and Energy to 50.
Typing: Poison/Dragon Abilities: --- Traits: Boss. Unfainting. Considered to be Dynamaxed. Can order Max Moves.
Item: Normalium Z
HP:890 Attack: 8 Defen.: 15 during even-numbered rounds, -15* otherwise. Sp.Atk: 9 Sp.Def: 15 during odd-numbered rounds, -15* otherwise. Speed: 130 Size: 7 Weight: 1
*(Ranks normally can't be negative; this Boss is an exception. Negative defenses work how you expect.)
Order Behavior
As a player Guest, The Crowned Shield takes orders from the player. The Crowned Shield knows the following moves:
Behemoth Bash
Psychic Fangs
Helping Hand
Iron Defense
Light Screen
Sleep Talk
Phase Progression
Eternatus (★)
Eternatus-Eternamax (★)
Guest Allies: The Crowned Sword, The Crowned Shield
Raid Arena — The Darkest Day
The Darkest Day, as told through legends, was a doomsday that saw the old Kingdoms to their end. Just as the destruction reached its apex, the disaster was driven away by unknown Heroes, allowing Galar to rebuild.
Now, this doom has returned to Galar once more, The beast at the center of it looms, and though the heroes of old have awakened anew, the passage of time is on Ruin's side. You must aid these Heroes in their time of darkest need, and withstand the terror of the enigma within, if dawn is ever to again break upon the land of Galar!
Camouflage: Dragon | Nature Power: Dragon Pulse | Secret Power: 30% to discard Poison from the user.
All Phases - From The Jaws of Defeat
As the battle starts, The Crowned Sword and The Crowned Shield are nearly on the verge of defeat. They each have only a single HP remaining.
The Crowned Sword and The Crowned Shield are Guests on the player's team for the duration of the raid. The player may withdraw them and send them out freely.
The player sends out from among their five total team members; designating a starting PR, SU, and AG with their first sendout.
All Phases - Battle of Attrition
The player's Pokemon, including Guests, each have 30 maximum Energy and 1 Recovery.
Combinations used by the player's Pokemon, including Guests, cost only the sum of the components' costs.
At the end of each round, for each of the player's Pokemon in reserve, including Guests:
If their Energy is full, replenish their Recovery and their Combo Token.
Otherwise, set their Energy to maximum.
When either The Crowned Sword or The Crowned Shield faints: The player loses the battle.
Player Progress:
Total missing HP of both Bosses / Total maximum HP of both Bosses
Entry Cost: 16JC
Milestone 2/5: Deviant Event Voucher
Milestone 3/5: Academy Credit
Milestone 4/5: Comet Shard
Victory: One raider earns the ability to Dynamax. (Gigantimaxing is Dynamaxing.)
Victory, with 1+ Lifeline Uses remaining: Zacian Lv0 or Zamazenta Lv0
Victory, with all Lifeline Uses remaining: 20 EXP for the obtained legendary Pokemon
Referee Progress: Rounds reffed by that referee / Total Rounds.