ORAS PU Time of the Season - [Peaked #1]

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Yo, it's your favorite PU moderator Dundies, and I'm here to show you guys a team I've been using since the most recent tier shift. The tier shift treated PU really well, as we gained some really meta-changing Pokemon that I look forward to using in the future. Time of the Season is a song I just recently heard for the first time but right away I took a liking to it. I peaked #1 with the team and while I didn't get all my points with just this team, I started at about 300 with the team since I had taken a bit of a break from laddering. I decided to name the RMT after the song because really, it is the time of the season for PU, as our meta is really looking up. Now to the team.

I started with SD Pawniard and SD Monferno, who do a really good job of wearing down one another's checks and counters, allowing for the other one to sweep.

I added Specs Exeggutor, who is an amazing wallbreaker at the moment. Exeggutor can take on bulky Water- and Ground-types that threaten Monferno and Pawniard, making it easier to sweep.

I always try to fit an Electric immunity on all of my teams, and Golem was a great choice overall. Not only is it a really reliable Stealth Rocker, but it also provided me with a much needed Dodrio and Stoutland check.

My team mainly relied on priority at this point to take on faster Pokemon, so I added Scarfed Rotom-F, which is a Pokemon that's extremely hard to switch into in this meta and is a great option to provide momentum.

The team was really weak to Stealth Rock and Spikes, so I needed a form of hazard control. Pelipper has always been my favorite Defogger because of it's access to reliable recovery, U-turn and Scald, and a great Machoke check (which is a pain to play against).

Monferno @ Eviolite | Iron Fist
252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe | Adamant
Swords Dance / Flare Blitz / Close Combat / Mach Punch
Like I said in the teambuilding process, I built around SD Monferno and SD Pawniard. Monferno is an amazing Pokemon in the current meta, as it is one of the few guaranteed counters to Pawniard, it's the only good fast Fighting-type, and it's a very versatile Pokemon overall. When using Monferno, it's best to wait until it's checks and counters are weakened to set up, but with Monferno's great Speed tier and access to priority, it can be a great revenge killer for Pokemon like Bouffalant and Stoutland.

Pawniard @ Eviolite | Defiant
252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe | Adamant
Swords Dance / Knock Off / Sucker Punch / Iron Head
Monferno and Pawniard make for great partners, as they have similar checks and counters, so Pawniard is able to cripple their checks with Knock Off and weaken it more with its other attacks, making it easier for Monferno to sweep. Although both of the two are slow, they have priority to help make up for it. When using Pawniard, it's best to first use Knock Off on an incoming check in order to cripple it, then set up late game when its checks are weakened.

Exeggutor @ Choice Specs | Chlorophyll
252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe | Modest
Leaf Storm / Giga Drain / Psyshock / Ancient Power
Exeggutor is such a fun Pokemon to use in this meta, as it's pretty much able to spam its STAB moves at free will, picking off opponents one after one. Monferno and Pawniard both tend to struggle with bulky Water- and Ground-types such as Pelipper and Stunfisk, which Exeggutor has no trouble taking care of. Leaf Storm and Psyshock are what you're mainly going to spam, but if you are low on health and your opponent dies to Giga Drain, you can use that instead. Ancient Power is mainly for Fire-types, but it's also a great way to hit Vullaby.

Golem @ Weakness Policy | Sturdy
252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe | Adamant
Stealth Rock / Earthquake / Rock Blast / Sucker Punch
Golem is a really nice option as a Stealth Rocker, and Weakness Policy is a really great set right now. Being able to get Stealth Rock up and set up in the same turn is really nice, and Golem can actually sweep through some teams with its EdgeQuake combination along with priority in Sucker Punch, especially when it's at +2. Golem is commonly used as a lead, but if you see something like Exeggutor that possibly has Sleep Powder or something that can get rid of Stealth Rock after you've set them up, lead with something else. Try not to be too obvious with what you're leading with. If your opponent has something like a Stoutland, Dodrio, or an Electric-type, it's pretty beneficial to save Golem until later in the game rather than sack it early.

Rotom-F @ Choice Scarf | Levitate
252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe | Timid
Volt Switch / Thunderbolt / Blizzard / Trick
Rotom-F is really hard to switch into right now, since it basically just Volt Switches on any of its checks. Like I said, Rotom-F was mainly added for Speed since my team mainly relies on priority at this point. Once you have gotten rid of all of your opponent's Electric resists and immunities, click Volt Switch for momentum and Thunderbolt for late-game cleaning. If you no longer need your Choice Scarf, you can Trick it away to a bulkier foe, although you never really end up using it anyways (which is why Hidden Power Ice is an option here).

Pelipper @ Leftovers | Keen Eye
248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpA | Bold
U-Turn / Scald / Roost / Defog
Like I said, I was in dire need of hazard control at this point, and Pelipper is my favorite one in PU. I've always liked the ability to pick up momentum, burn foes with Scald, recover reliably, Defog away hazard, all the while not being terribly crippled by Knock Off. You should only really Defog when you need to and when you get a good opportunity to, since Pelipper should be kept healthy in order to check big threats like Machoke. Use U-Turn on a predicted switch into a Pokemon such as Politoed or Roselia, allowing you to go into a more fitting Pokemon. Pelipper and Rotom-F actually form a pretty nice VoltTurn core that take on one another's switch-ins, so if you can get your Stealth Rocks up, you can work to weaken your foes while keeping offensive pressure.

While Pelipper can take on most variants of Monferno, my team really struggles with this thing if it has Thunder Punch, considering I really don't have a switch-in. Go into Pelipper first against it, then switch into Rotom-F or Golem to scout for Electric coverage.

Pawniard and Monferno can take on most variants of Roselia, but in particular, offensive fast Roselia with Hidden Power Fighting is able to put Monferno to sleep on the switch in, and lure and OHKO Pawniard with Hidden Power Fighting.


Here's the team: link. This team honestly has worked pretty well against the ladder, so I hope it works out for the rest of you. I look forward to seeing all of your faces in the PU chat and on the PU ladder. Goodbye, and enjoy the team.​
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smfh at least I posted a team that had been tested for a while. Also lots of your images are broken

Exeggutor doesn't really need to smash through would be resists for this team, its main purpose is checking waters, KOing grounds, etc. As such, try running Occa berry. You don't have a fire switch-in (edit: by that I mean monkey and rap to a decent extent, obv u have fire resists) so it gives you what a passable lure, I don't even think harvest is necessary, it's not gonna be needed twice. You already have plenty of wallbreaking potential with dual SD+Modest eggy so the extra power shouldn't be too problematic. Other than that there's not too much to say, everything that's overtly threatening either has issues setting up on you like Linoone or gets priority spammed to death like Regice. I'd just be careful playing around offensive colbur grumpig, which is about monferno on terms of threat level, being able to outspeed everything but rotom which won't do too much. In general I just think the team style has a problematic matchup versus faster teams with, say, scarf simipour+rapidash which make you overly reliant on rotom+priority moves to try to get any counterplay, but honestly to change that would be screwing with the whole basic idea of priority spam. So basically not a fan personally, but this is fairly optimized so not much to suggest. If you wanted to swap it up, perhaps electrode>rotom and scarf monferno>SD would lead you to a different but interesting build. Still, this is pretty gr9


bike is short for bichael
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Why am I so low on the list of PU frens im literally the most important PU player

Nice team also, don't rly have many suggestions on the fly except maybe look into Grumpig > eggy, it will greatly improve yr matchup vs most fire types and also provides you with something that can switch into Roselia and scare it out to some degree (I know sludge bomb hurts and poison is annoying but you can come in if you really have no other option). It also helps vs opposing Grumpig and a pretty fast taunt is nice, just see if there is a set that fits well on your team. Im personally not a fan of golem paired with a defogger, I would rather use something more durable instead but if you like it it's whatever.


let's drop
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Nice shoutout and cool team.

Have you tried Vullaby over Pelipper? Vullaby gives you a better matchup vs grumpig (and other psychic types), which colbur berry sets (or even substitute) are really threatening for this team, as it can take a sucker punch from pawn as well as a thunderbolt, while outspeeding and 2HKO/OHKOing the rest of your team. Vullaby also provides a a nice sleep absorber, as otherwise you might have to rely on Pawniard to take a sleep from offensive roselia and tangela, and your team really needs Pawniard healthy for its priority, and it gives you a second Pokemon that can live a +6 linoone espeed if pawn gets weakened (ik it cant set up on much, but with memento and screens it always finds a way). The biggest issue I see with this is losing a Scarf Simipour check, however you do have exeggutor and 3 forms of priority if needed. Either defensive or specially defensive would work, but i imagine you would prefer defensive to check similar mons to Pelipper, and for the moves you can run the same as peli but foul play over scald. Another small change you could try is Hidden Power Ice over Trick, this doesn't change much, but I dont think your team needs trick when most of the targets are set up bait for pawniard and monferno, and Rotom-f likes its scarf since your team is slow.

Fagtron does make a good point with defog + golem, but the priority really helps your team, so unless you want to try rocks monferno/pawniard and replace golem with something faster/something with priority, then I wont suggest anything here (actually not running defog could work too, so you could make this team into full HO and have some other fast mon if you fear rotom-f gets warn down too quickly). Grats on the peak, but you could have gotten 1600 first :c
hey there dundies, i like this team quite a lot and i think it is quite indicative of the post november shift meta, featuring exeggutor but also monferno and rotom-f, two pokemon whose viability increased greatly due to the tier changes. however there are a few pokemon which can really trouble this team. i think the biggest issue is life orb floatzel here, it ohkoes all of monferno, pawniard, exeggutor, golem, and pelipper after stealth rock with its most common set, and your reliable way of revenge killing it is stealth rock weak and can't switch in unless you pivot around from monf/pawn/golem > egg/pelipper > rotom-f. stunfisk also seems problematic to switch around, especially if it has hp bug, machoke can be annoying as well especially if rocks are up, and relicanth is annoying as well, especially if it has speed investment.

your team naturally has a great matchup vs defensive teams, which aren't a particularly common style at the moment anyway, but even so, with all of sd monferno, sd pawniard, wp golem to force a kill, and trick on rotom-f, i don't think specs exeggutor is really necessary. i think you could probably benefit from a different exeggutor set. i feel like yache would be ok here, as it lures floatzel well (life orb floatzel won't 2hko if you get the second harvest, so you can effectively switch in), but sitrus berry is probably the best alternative provided you use 80 spdef evs to really give insurance against it (specs ice beam has a really low chance to ko now, life orb won't, and you will gain sitrus recovery + giga drain). admittedly at this point you can't switch in, but it is better than only being able to try and life orb stall it into priority range, or get in rotom-f on a resisted move. sitrus also helps vs hp bug stunfisk, making you a completely solid switch in and you can then set up a sub and probably be more likely of getting a kill than if you were specs since you can't really be pivoted around into resists. lastly i don't see the point of using max speed, i would just go with 252 spa / 80 spd / 176 spe for adamant golem, and the rarer armaldo and marowak. all you are really outspeeding is lickilicky which your team is very well equipped against, unless swords dance which is outclassed by bouffalant now, and exeggutor doesn't beat knock off spdef lickilicky anyway. i guess you tie with adamant max speed relicanth, which is admittedly useful but it is still a gamble and a lot of offensive relicanth are jolly rock polish. i would keep pelipper here solely for machoke, but you could also try vibrava here. i usually don't advocate vibrava but it seems pretty helpful here for stunfisk and ninetales. vullaby is usable too i guess, it's obviously the best hazard remover in the tier, but it kind of makes things harder against machoke so i wouldn't advise it. potentially look into wartortle, you get to maintain your rocks while also having a kind of check to relicanth and floatzel, but it just invites in roselia/exeggutor so i think vibrava is the best option if you were to pick an alternative.

specs exeggutor ---> sub + sitrus (or yache), evs become 252 spa / 80 spd / 176 spe
pelipper to (maybe) vibrava/vullaby/wartortle (honestly up to you :toast:)


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hey Dundies pretty cool team you got there, it doesn't have any glaring weaknesses at all, apart from one I'm going to talk about, but you already know about it.
I actually tested this team on ladder a bit to prepare the rate, and I have to say one of the few problems I found battling people is Monferno. As you listed on the threatlist, Monferno is a real pain, it is used a lot these times, and like the only way you could deal with that, if it has Thunder Punch, is either saving your Monferno at full health and then try to stop him, as Eviolite can actually help you not getting OHKO'd by the opposing monkey, or preserving Rotom-F at an high enough percentage of HP to not get killed by Life Orb Mach Punch, while at the same time hoping it is in range to get KO'd by Thunderbolt. Though, these ways are just very sloppy and not reliable at all. It may sound very banal, but try using Stunfisk > Golem : this brings away some of the offensive potential of the team early in the game, but as some people said before, you already have plenty of offensive presence, so carrying an additional backbone that can help out Pelipper a bit can be nice, Pelipper is already pressured easily and won't last long if you rely only on it to deal with the opposing threats, especially against things such as Monferno. Stunfisk can be a momentum sponge, which is not too good for your team, but I think the price you pay is worth it. Stunfisk provides you a solid answer to Monferno, and another insurance against things Golem was supposed to check momentarily, such as Dodrio. Stunfisk can get worn down of course, but by the time it dies, the opposing Monferno will be worn down too most of the time, due to the usage of Flare Blitz, or Life Orb, or Stealth Rock damage etc. Also Discharge's random paras and Toxic can be nice as the other teammates outside of Rotom-F are slow paced, and further wearing down foes can be really good when running double priority + VoltTurn core.

If you really want to keep the momentum and offensivity of the team up at any cost, I would suggest you to change Exeggutor for a faster wallbreaker, even if weaker, such as Floatzel. Floatzel might work nicely, it still deals decently with Water- and Ground-types, while it is able to actually outspeed and KO Monferno if at a reasonably high health(Pretty sure Mach Punch does not do over 50%, and if you run Choice Band it isn't even a problem running Aqua Jet). Choice Specs on the other side can be better to avoid getting blocked by physical walls, but Knock Off + Swords Dance Pawniard and Monferno can shred even through them. In the end, Roselia might still be problematic, but if you get her with Ice Beam or Return she's boned, and honestly, Monferno and Pawniard can still be able to help you out against that, as the offensive set doesn't look like it is used a lot recently, and that outspeeds and KOs Exeggutor with Sludge Bomb anyway so...that's it, hope I helped you out improving your team, even though a lot of people already posted.

Stunfisk @ Leftovers
Ability: Static
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Discharge
- Earth Power
- Toxic

Floatzel @ Choice Specs
Ability: Water Veil
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Hydro Pump
- Ice Beam
- Hidden Power Electric
- Baton Pass / Surf
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