Online Competition Tiny Tourney [NOW ON SHOWDOWN]

Yeah, I know, but Porygon2 (my only other readily-available setter) causes an item conflict with Scraggy, and the few other ones I've tried in Showdown never really gave me a reason to lead with them instead of Mimikyu.
Kecleon, Uxie/Mesprit, Reuniclus, and Chandelure all look like good options. It's also not so much about the lead matchup as just having a backup setter in case your main one dies before getting it up / first trick room runs out and you need more. dedicated trick room teams like yours need trick room, so if there no trick room and you have no setter you're kinda screwed.

The best thing is to have a non-trick room mode for the team, but adding a second setter is easiest in this team.
Can someone plz give me a decent team? i decided today that I was going to participate but I dont have a team yet. ( I am just looking for sets not for Pokémon in-game)
Can someone plz give me a decent team? i decided today that I was going to participate but I dont have a team yet. ( I am just looking for sets not for Pokémon in-game)
Depends what u want to do with the short amount of time u got left! Trick room is looking big as a lot of the popular TR Mons are available or Kartana is probably the strongest mon available so u can build a team to support him... As long as u got a taunt lead for the opposing TR teams then it shouldn't be too difficult. Belly drum azumaril could be a thing or if u like a gimmick the oricorio / ribombee combo or extreme evoboost eevee. Mimikyu/Porygon are also a strong combo to bud around and the lake trio have so many coverage options to fill offensive gaps... And they can levitate over an earthquake from excadrill. All Eevee's and rotom forms are available as well to fill coverage gaps.
What do u have already? What sort of strategy do u feel comfortable with?
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I'll have to write up a proper team post when I get a chance.

Using Hippopotas, Excadrill, Mimikyu, Chandelure, Gastrodon, and Rotom-W.

The only Z move I am using us Z-Splash Mimikyu. Gimmicky, but even with burn Mimikyu was hitting hard.

Battled tonight and went 11-3.

All 3 losses against Kartana teams, I also had 4 forfeits and 2 rage quits. My only true Kartana counter is Chandelure, but the 3 teams I faced with Kartana did very well at keeping Kartana away from my Chandelure.

My daughter's team, she is 9, has Kartana, Oricorio (Baile Style), Ribombee, Alolan Raichu, Charjabug, and Porygon-Z.

Raichu and Porygon-Z will be the Z move users for her. Porygon-Z will be using Z-Conversion.

So far what I saw tonight were odd TR teams. Fast Pokémon with no speed investment, which I guess makes sense if you want to counter a Pokémon with the same Pokémon, but you want to be slower and bulkier.

Only real problem has been Kartana for me.
Day 1: 11-4

Chandelure has been such a beast for me, scarf is the way to go. I haven't been free enough to post in this thread earlier but anyone else using Togetic? Never realized how tanky it can be with eviolite.
11-4 to me as well in day 1. Two defeats were due to two dual misses in the same battle that were way too costly. The other were me being outsmarted. Still a better hax-deserved defeat ratio than usual :P

Scraggy has been getting some surprise kills. Specially unsuspecting Kartana.
Literally only doing this for the Mega Stones; currently 3-1. Could have won the last battle if either a) Marowak hadn't gotten a 1-turn sleep, or b) I didn't misplay in the last turn, but whatever.
9-1 so far with one dc loss on a 100% won game (have to love Nintendo Servers)

Sneasels so good, literally dominates as a lead most games, I would suggest bringing that if you are not yet fully decided on a team.

Highlight games so far include:

Letting a vullaby set up Tailwind turn 1 for free because I was scared of Scarf Chandelure a lot more. Ended up having to predict perfectly from that point on.

Leading Muk + Sneasel against Shuckle and Spiritomb and being forced to watch as Shuckle got up to +6 with Contrary Shell Smash. Sub Excadrill + BD Azumarill saved my ass.
I made a Bulky Offense TR team for this, using Mimikyu, Porygon2, Ferrothorn, Azumarill, Torkoal, and Muk-A.

Day 1: went 6-4. One of these wins was actually an opponent disconnect that I would have won guaranteed.

I've noticed that my team is lacking in raw power but makes up for it in bulk. Excadrill is a huge problem if I lead with Mimikyu.

EDIT: Day 2 was bad and I also didn't finish...0-3-1, where the 1 was an opponent disconnect on turn 1.
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Was so bored I already did Day 2: Another 11-4 record for me.

Double Rock Slide flinches. I hate them. Had three on a row in one of those defeats. They were winnable... had that not happened.
Hello everyone, this is my first post here.
I just started playing competitively this year and I'm enjoying the monthly competition format.
I like this month's competition since there are lots of tricks and gimmicks and Pokemon that I'm not familiar of ^_^
Anyway, I entered this competition with: Ribombee, Oricorio (pom pom), A-Marowak, Excadrill, Porygon2 and Primeape.
I only played 5 battles in the first day and did a 5 - 0
today (day 2) Im at 1-1. lost to Chandellure + Amoongus

Nice to meet you all.
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Went 14-1 the first day, but then I got sloppy and went 9-6 today for 23-7 overall so far.

Two of those losses ended with me getting the opponent down to a Vaporeon that then defeated my remaining pokemon, ironically :P
took out 12-3 on day 1 - had a couple of mishaps with opposing speed control and with chandelure being a massive threat to everything ;( still haven't done my day 2 games yet but i'm so tired after my vgc regionals that it may not happen >.< we'll see
I've done less than optimal this tournament, and it's been mostly my fault:
I packed specs jolteon hp ice, volt switch, tbolt, shadow ball
Mimikyu adamant, sitrus Berry, atk spd max EV, dance, sneak, play rough, leech life
Sableye prankster leftovers adamant atk, hp, taunt, metal burst(useless), recover, sucker punch
Spiritomb brave infiltrator, atk hp, Berry that nerfs fairy, foul play, sneak sucker punch, taunt
P2, modest, analytic, evolite, bolt, beam, psychic, recover
A-Marowak adamant, club, atk def, rock head, bonemarang flare blitze, shadow bone, toxic (useless)

Sableye is bleh, marowak isn't great, spiritomb dies slow but lacks the cockroach tenacity of other stuff.

My findings:
Taunt is funny. But I over plan against eevee teams.

Kartana has the special defense of half a slice of Swiss cheese. Jolteon kills it with ball or bolt, easy, almost every time. Not even a concern.

A-Muk is my least favorite game ruiner in every tournament now. If he would just die to bonemarang without magic happening, he'd anger me less.

Everyone. Seriously EVERYONE. Has mimikyu. Only an eevee team didn't. And they went frail ish with sash often. Mine is normally the same time sink, but drops more on its way down.

Eevee teams aren't just a gimmick, I misplanned, and Sylveon punished me for all my dark ghost stuff. I taunted 3/4 it's team though....

My Sableye may as well have just taunt and recover. Bad investment.

Last, I'm thrilled I brought jolteon, and everyone likes water types.

Anyone seen anything interesting that was decent?
11-4 to me as well in day 1. Two defeats were due to two dual misses in the same battle that were way too costly. The other were me being outsmarted. Still a better hax-deserved defeat ratio than usual :P

Scraggy has been getting some surprise kills. Specially unsuspecting Kartana.
I had my Excadril miss 3 turns in a row with 95% accuracy Drill Run.

My opponent was spamming Blizzard and Thunder and hit every turn.

Drill Run has missed way too much.

I lost numerous battles due to missing. You don't think 1 or 2 misses would be that devastating, but yeah it has been.

Also, so many shiny Pokémon, which I have 1 on my team and my daughter has 2.

Not saying they are hacks, but to have a team olfull of shiny Pokémon all with HP, damn that is some luck on breeding.
I had my Excadril miss 3 turns in a row with 95% accuracy Drill Run.

My opponent was spamming Blizzard and Thunder and hit every turn.

Drill Run has missed way too much.

I lost numerous battles due to missing. You don't think 1 or 2 misses would be that devastating, but yeah it has been.

Also, so many shiny Pokémon, which I have 1 on my team and my daughter has 2.

Not saying they are hacks, but to have a team olfull of shiny Pokémon all with HP, damn that is some luck on breeding.
I'm fine with perfect iv shiny mons staring me down. I'm fine with with perfect iv HP stuff staring me down. But having time to breed 1+ whole team of perfect shiny HP stuff is more than lucky breeding. Functionally, it doesn't matter, but when they put blocks up for trading mons in suspicious ball combos but allow all of this on monthly tourneys, it's annoying.
Can someone crunch numbers on time required for a team of at least 5 comp shiny mons? I feel like November 19th ish to June 22nd may be doable, but not with right HA(standard can do ability capsule) and HP on any.
Not saying they are hacks, but to have a team olfull of shiny Pokémon all with HP, damn that is some luck on breeding.

To be perfectly fair, those Pokemon could be RNGed from earlier gens (or this generation itself). They don't "have" to be bred or obtained just with luck...
Haven't done well so far, although my team is kinda weird and my decision making so far hasn't been great at all. I really am not a doubles player.... Haven't kept track of win:loss but I think I finished 'day 1' with like 8-7 / 1544 points, can't remember my record since but it isn't great. Choked a bunch of games by making bad reads/plays, lost to a couple of legit teams in ggs, got destroyed by tailwind + simple beam Farfetch'd with Eevee / Vaporeon / Psych Up Porygon-Z lol. Couple of bad damage rolls stuffed me up too. Not taking this tour too seriously at all but not having much fun so far either :(

There was heaps of stuff I wanted to try for this (like Swellow + Mime Jr) but couldn't decide on anything, so ended up figuring I wanted to at least use the shiny Azelf/Mesprit LegoFigure RNGed, and also Charjabug because of Psynergy memes and it probably won't be viable ever again. Excadrill + Mesprit seems to work ok, but I don't think I've covered its weaknesses enough so when it gets walled I find I'm mostly screwed. Chandelure/Sylveon + Charjabug seems to work a treat though so I might just use those as much as possible. I chose Taunt on Azelf specifically for cheese strats / Trick Room but I keep not bringing it and losing (like the aforementioned farfetch'd + eevee strat lol). Pretty busy for the rest of the weekend, so considering that and how elusive 1600 is I may not play much more ...

tiny tour team.png

Charjabug is HP Fire because it ohkoes Kartana, but they're all Focus Sash anyway so it doesn't matter. Sylveon is also HP Fire with enough speed to get Kartana after a String Shot, but I wish I just used Quick Attack with max bulk instead so I can simply Protect while the bus takes Kart to sash, then pick it off with priority. I chose Mesprit over yung hippo (or Mold Breaker Exca + Tailwind) so I had a way of countering Torkoal + Chloro Sleep Powder stuff. Energy Ball on Chandelure is to hit Gastrodon which for some reason I saw a lot of on PS, and also does nice damage to Azumarill (which I suck against).
idk what I went but I did pretty bad started of rly good with 13-2, did bad on day 2 and 3 so i barely made 1700. I peaked at 1782 then tilted my last 4 games and ended up where I did. I thought my team was pretty bad as my Scarf Excadrill matchup was horrible was bad vs stuff like PorygonZ, Porygon2, Torkoal, Mimikyu and i never really felt I had good matchups. I thought the meta kinda sucked anyway as it was really annoying facing Torkoal and Excadrill on every team which I felt were hard to counter. I like random banlists, but this one just sucked and hopefully next one is better.


I dont really know whatd Id change, but I wish I tested a little more. HP Fire Rotom sucked as most Kartanas were sash anyway and I faced maybe 2 eeveeboost teams so I rarely used Haze and wouldve preferred Protect. Lost a few games to Hydro and Heat Wave misses so maybe could use more accurate moves.
I finally got back to the 1700s so I decided to stop.

This is my team:


Sneasel was by far the MVP of my team -- I pretty much used her as a lead for every single match up. Sometimes I wish I ran Fake Out, but each of her moves proved invaluable throughout my run. I would usually pair her with Chandelure or Excadrill and either ensure a clean knock out with Feint (to eliminate Protect/sash), eliminate healing berries, Eviolites, and scarves, and even deal pretty respectable damage on her own with Icicle Crash.

I decided to run Groundium-Z on Excadrill so that he could still use EQ for spread damage, but then have a one-use nuke to single target so I didn't need to protect or take something out immediately. This was used to great effect against the many Torkoals, Muks, and Rotoms that I faced. Iron Head to take out Mimikyus right away and other less common fairies like Sylveon. I had actually planned on running Brick Break over Rock Slide to better handle Umbreon but didn't realize that I didn't teach him the move before I locked my team -- as a result I kind of struggled against Umbreon teams and didn't use Rock Slide much anyway :(

Scarf Chandelure is pretty straightforward. Deal tons of damage right off the bat and take Fire attacks that Sneasel and Excadrill inevitably baited.

I ran Quiet 0 Spe on Gastrodon so it could effectively function in Trick Room. It took all the water attacks directed at my sweepers and helped me deal with Belly Drum Azu and Z-Conversion Pory-Z. After a Storm Drain boost, it was able to deal pretty respectable damage.

Amoonguss has HP Fire, which I used on unsuspecting Kartanas which never decided to target it for some reason. Also classic Rage Powder and Spore shenanigans.

I didn't use Murkrow as much as I did when I tested this team on showdown -- I think I preferred the additional coverage/resistance with Gastrodon when considering which PHazer to bring. But Prankster Haze was useful a handful of times against Azu/Pory-Z when I did use it.

One of my most memorable battles ended up with my Sneasel and Amoonguss against a Scarf Rotom-H locked into Thunderbolt. I ended up slowly whittling down its health with Icicle Crash and HP Fire, which took several turns. I couldn't use Knock Off because then it'd be free to kill me with a Fire move, so each of my attacks did like 5-10% damage each and I would Protect+Spore it again whenever it woke up. It was pretty hilarious, but the person rage-DCed right when I knocked the Rotom out so I couldn't save a Battle Video :(

This team kind of had issues against Azumarill if Gastrodon got knocked out, and I usually had to sac at least one of my pokemon in order to take it out (because of Aqua Jet). I also ended up losing to two Vaporeons (the irony), so I guess I was lacking a good water counter like Kartana or Rotom. Otherwise, it was able to handle commonly-used pokemon like Mimikyu, Kartana, and Torkoal fairly well.

All in all, this was a pretty fun metagame (despite some sloppy games by me on day 2) :)

EDIT: Ended up with a rating of 1704 and a overall ranking of 435 and 45th in the US.
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final score: 18-9


okay so i missed day 2 bc i had my vgc regionals that day (came 4-2 in that, 17th place, missed out on top cut but i don't mind, had fun, fun was had, ta for asking) so i didn't get all my battles done. decided to quit after 27 matches bc i was tilting away my score on day 3 and decided that i wanted to stay above 1600s tyvm. i went 12-3 day one.

this team was kind of thrown together: i knew that i wanted to use sd mimikyu + amoonguss bc sd mimikyu is an amazing set and it can sweep teams (and did sweep teams) with the dual protection of rage powder and disguise,giving me a ton of assurance in securing a free boost. mimikyu did really well here; +2 never-ending nightmare has glorious wallbreaking potential and play rough could seriously dent the muks and p2s of this format as well. the rest of the team wasn't quite as amazing in the end. scarf excadrill was a great meta call mostly, but i found that scarf wasn't doing enough damage to be the consistent win condition i'd hoped it would be, and that scarf was more or less redundant with masq's tailwind anyway. given this hindsight, i think that life orb, tectonic rage or even choice band would've been a better call. azelf did its job of checking kartana reasonably well but every team i faced bar maybe two or three was running muk, which severely reduced azelf's effectiveness. not much i could've done to mitigate that issue but it impacted azelf's value nonetheless. rotom-heat was a last minute addition to the team: originally i had rotom-wash in this slot as the designated fire resistance and answer. i regret this; rotom-heat kept kartana in check in azelf-unfriendly matchups but was completely useless at threatening the fire-types it was meant to keep under control - as such, chandelure was a massive problem for this team. lastly, opposing excadrill turned matches into a speed control struggle - if they were able to deny my tailwind and/or get their own up, then it was virtually game over because none of the things that could meaningfully damage excadrill were capable of taking a hit from it first. still, if i'd put a little more thought into this team then i feel i'd have been a lot more tilt-proof than i was; mimikyu performed outstandingly whenever i brought it and the team worked well in more favourable matchups.
So I just finished the tourney with a ranking in the 1760's. My team consisted of, in order of times used, Hawlucha, Porygon-Z, Muk-Alola, Spiritomb, Rotom-Heat, and Wishiwashi.
Hawlucha @ King's Rock
Ability: Unburden
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Fling
- Poison Jab
- Acrobatics
- High Jump Kick

Porygon-Z @ Normalium Z
Ability: Adaptability
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Thunderbolt
- Ice Beam
- Recover
- Conversion

Muk-Alola @ Figy Berry
Ability: Gluttony
EVs: 4 HP / 4 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Protect
- Shadow Sneak
- Knock Off
- Gunk Shot

Spiritomb @ Chesto Berry
Ability: Pressure
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def
Bold Nature
- Rest
- Will-O-Wisp
- Calm Mind
- Dark Pulse

Rotom-Heat @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Volt Switch
- Trick
- Thunderbolt
- Overheat

Wishiwashi @ Leftovers
Ability: Schooling
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpA
Mild Nature
- U-turn
- Earthquake
- Ice Beam
- Hydro Pump

Hawlucha and Porygon-Z were my most common leads, with the flinch from Fling allowing Porygon-Z to set up (and break those pesky disguises), which was nigh unstoppable after it gained momentum. Muk-Alola and Spiritomb worked surprisingly well as a duo for stalling and tanking damage. Rotom-Heat was used as a surprise scarf and turned the tide of some battles drastically, but Wishiwashi was only selected once and underperformed.

In terms of foes, there was Torkoal. Freaking Torkoal with its Eruption spam and Chlorophyll/After You partners. I got three of these in a row and my leads got KO'd on the first attack of the match more than I'd like to admit. And then Sleep Powder/Rage Powder Jumpluff alongside Torkoal. I dropped from 1790 to 1740 just because of those infuriating leads. I respect it as a valid strategy, but I hated every minute of it. There were also Eevoboost Eevees with Baton Pass, but they weren't nearly as bad for me as the Torkoal.
Managed to finish above 1600 which is honestly satisfying for me. I really didn't like this format but it gave me a chance to use 6 mons I really like (5 being ones I wouldn't normally consider either) so that was nice I guess. Didn't see any Azu/Raichu/Amoon here (or on PS either really) which I thought would be meta af. Not complaining because I had no real plan against them at all lol. My last post is only a small scroll up but I'll quote it anyway ...
Haven't done well so far, although my team is kinda weird and my decision making so far hasn't been great at all. I really am not a doubles player.... Haven't kept track of win:loss but I think I finished 'day 1' with like 8-7 / 1544 points, can't remember my record since but it isn't great. Choked a bunch of games by making bad reads/plays, lost to a couple of legit teams in ggs, got destroyed by tailwind + simple beam Farfetch'd with Eevee / Vaporeon / Psych Up Porygon-Z lol. Couple of bad damage rolls stuffed me up too. Not taking this tour too seriously at all but not having much fun so far either :(

There was heaps of stuff I wanted to try for this (like Swellow + Mime Jr) but couldn't decide on anything, so ended up figuring I wanted to at least use the shiny Azelf/Mesprit LegoFigure RNGed, and also Charjabug because of Psynergy memes and it probably won't be viable ever again. Excadrill + Mesprit seems to work ok, but I don't think I've covered its weaknesses enough so when it gets walled I find I'm mostly screwed. Chandelure/Sylveon + Charjabug seems to work a treat though so I might just use those as much as possible. I chose Taunt on Azelf specifically for cheese strats / Trick Room but I keep not bringing it and losing (like the aforementioned farfetch'd + eevee strat lol). Pretty busy for the rest of the weekend, so considering that and how elusive 1600 is I may not play much more ...


Charjabug is HP Fire because it ohkoes Kartana, but they're all Focus Sash anyway so it doesn't matter. Sylveon is also HP Fire with enough speed to get Kartana after a String Shot, but I wish I just used Quick Attack with max bulk instead so I can simply Protect while the bus takes Kart to sash, then pick it off with priority. I chose Mesprit over yung hippo (or Mold Breaker Exca + Tailwind) so I had a way of countering Torkoal + Chloro Sleep Powder stuff. Energy Ball on Chandelure is to hit Gastrodon which for some reason I saw a lot of on PS, and also does nice damage to Azumarill (which I suck against).
Had some fun battles so saved them, if you can be bothered using the VS Recorder you can give them a watch.



I figured this would be eviolite follow me Toge + Z conversion PZ and kinda figured welp gg but I was wrong



Had to save this one because my man over here was also using Charjabug memes but manned up and used Swellow like I should have. Charjabug comes up big here



I mess this one up badly and get styled on. I missplay turn 1 and 2 and it's over. I liked the guy's team though, Munchlax seems funny as hell.

Anyway, after the inevitable 'July IC' we'll get next, I hope we get something cool that's singles or something I don't suck at lol
I had a horrible third day (7-8) and I ended up back at my average of ~1620 and a 29-16 record overall. I hate how I can't break out of those numbers. It's starting to get frustrating.
Ended up 1798 with about 7 games left, truthfully don't remember my win loss ratio except that I went 13-2 D1.

Follow Me Wartortle was the crux of this team (For those of you who don't know Squirtle had an Japanese event promotion in 2012 for "catching Pokémon" and came with the egg moves "Block, False Swipe, and Follow Me). Surprisingly bulky, Wartortle was a really good Pokémon for this team. Big thanks to my friend who had a spare Bold one

Amoonguss was also there to provide support, but Wartortle was used in almost every other instance.

Excadrill was by far the worst Pokémon on the team, but it did its job against Muk and Rotom formes sans fan.


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