I've done less than optimal this tournament, and it's been mostly my fault:
I packed specs jolteon hp ice, volt switch, tbolt, shadow ball
Mimikyu adamant, sitrus Berry, atk spd max EV, dance, sneak, play rough, leech life
Sableye prankster leftovers adamant atk, hp, taunt, metal burst(useless), recover, sucker punch
Spiritomb brave infiltrator, atk hp, Berry that nerfs fairy, foul play, sneak sucker punch, taunt
P2, modest, analytic, evolite, bolt, beam, psychic, recover
A-Marowak adamant, club, atk def, rock head, bonemarang flare blitze, shadow bone, toxic (useless)
Sableye is bleh, marowak isn't great, spiritomb dies slow but lacks the cockroach tenacity of other stuff.
My findings:
Taunt is funny. But I over plan against eevee teams.
Kartana has the special defense of half a slice of Swiss cheese. Jolteon kills it with ball or bolt, easy, almost every time. Not even a concern.
A-Muk is my least favorite game ruiner in every tournament now. If he would just die to bonemarang without magic happening, he'd anger me less.
Everyone. Seriously EVERYONE. Has mimikyu. Only an eevee team didn't. And they went frail ish with sash often. Mine is normally the same time sink, but drops more on its way down.
Eevee teams aren't just a gimmick, I misplanned, and Sylveon punished me for all my dark ghost stuff. I taunted 3/4 it's team though....
My Sableye may as well have just taunt and recover. Bad investment.
Last, I'm thrilled I brought jolteon, and everyone likes water types.
Anyone seen anything interesting that was decent?