I finally got back to the 1700s so I decided to stop.
This is my team:
Sneasel was by far the MVP of my team -- I pretty much used her as a lead for every single match up. Sometimes I wish I ran Fake Out, but each of her moves proved invaluable throughout my run. I would usually pair her with Chandelure or Excadrill and either ensure a clean knock out with Feint (to eliminate Protect/sash), eliminate healing berries, Eviolites, and scarves, and even deal pretty respectable damage on her own with Icicle Crash.
I decided to run Groundium-Z on Excadrill so that he could still use EQ for spread damage, but then have a one-use nuke to single target so I didn't need to protect or take something out immediately. This was used to great effect against the many Torkoals, Muks, and Rotoms that I faced. Iron Head to take out Mimikyus right away and other less common fairies like Sylveon. I had actually planned on running Brick Break over Rock Slide to better handle Umbreon but didn't realize that I didn't teach him the move before I locked my team -- as a result I kind of struggled against Umbreon teams and didn't use Rock Slide much anyway :(
Scarf Chandelure is pretty straightforward. Deal tons of damage right off the bat and take Fire attacks that Sneasel and Excadrill inevitably baited.
I ran Quiet 0 Spe on Gastrodon so it could effectively function in Trick Room. It took all the water attacks directed at my sweepers and helped me deal with Belly Drum Azu and Z-Conversion Pory-Z. After a Storm Drain boost, it was able to deal pretty respectable damage.
Amoonguss has HP Fire, which I used on unsuspecting Kartanas which never decided to target it for some reason. Also classic Rage Powder and Spore shenanigans.
I didn't use Murkrow as much as I did when I tested this team on showdown -- I think I preferred the additional coverage/resistance with Gastrodon when considering which PHazer to bring. But Prankster Haze was useful a handful of times against Azu/Pory-Z when I did use it.
One of my most memorable battles ended up with my Sneasel and Amoonguss against a Scarf Rotom-H locked into Thunderbolt. I ended up slowly whittling down its health with Icicle Crash and HP Fire, which took several turns. I couldn't use Knock Off because then it'd be free to kill me with a Fire move, so each of my attacks did like 5-10% damage each and I would Protect+Spore it again whenever it woke up. It was pretty hilarious, but the person rage-DCed right when I knocked the Rotom out so I couldn't save a Battle Video :(
This team kind of had issues against Azumarill if Gastrodon got knocked out, and I usually had to sac at least one of my pokemon in order to take it out (because of Aqua Jet). I also ended up losing to two Vaporeons (the irony), so I guess I was lacking a good water counter like Kartana or Rotom. Otherwise, it was able to handle commonly-used pokemon like Mimikyu, Kartana, and Torkoal fairly well.
All in all, this was a pretty fun metagame (despite some sloppy games by me on day 2) :)
EDIT: Ended up with a rating of 1704 and a overall ranking of 435 and 45th in the US.