Tomohawk [QC: 0/3]

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Taken over from cbrevan


QC: 0/3
GP: 0/2

+Extreme versatility - can attack, support, or stall. It can act as a physical wall and support Pokemon for Stall and Balance teams or provide Balance and Offense teams with a powerful attacker.
+Prankster is an incredible ability that allows Tomohawk to effectively use its many support move options like Roost, Stealth Rock, Reflect, Haze, and Healing Wish.
+Stops many common threats of the CAP metagame like Colossoil, Cawmodore, and Landorus-Therian
+Great STAB moves (Hurricane, Aura Sphere) along with great coverage in Earth Power.
+Great priority option in Nature Power
+Great base stats allow it to survive hits and deal good damage in return
+Typing is great for walling physical threats like Colossoil, Kitsunoh, Revenankh, Garchomp, and Scizor.
+Unpredictable, not only for its ability to fit several archetypes, but also for its ability to have varied movesets within those archetypes thanks to its massive support movepool. For example, one could give an offensive Tomohawk Stealth Rock or Rapid Spin, allowing it to serve utility purposes as well.
+Intimidate, while not as great as Prankster in general, still helps Tomohawk better wall physical threats like Dragonite and Swampert.
-Weak to common special attacking types and has mediocre Special Defense.
-Is weak to many threats like Mega Altaria, Mega Diancie, Talonflame, Aurumoth, Azumarill, Clefable, Alakazam, Mega Gardevoir, Sylveon, etc.

name: Defensive Tank
move 1: Roost
move 2: Air Slash
move 3: Haze / Earth Power
move 4: Stealth Rock / Rapid Spin / Reflect
ability: Prankster
item: Leftovers / Rocky Helmet
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spe
nature: Bold

-Roost is a great move with Prankster, allowing Tomohawk to recover HP before the foe can deal sufficient damage to KO it.
-Air Slash is likely Tomohawk's best STAB option on utility sets, as it allows it to fight other Tomohawks, may flinch opponents, and hits Pokemon like Mega Venusaur and Pyroak.
-Haze, when combined with Prankster, allows Tomohawk to stop setup sweepers like Gyarados, Cawmodore, and Scizor. It can be used as an emergency measure against Mega Altaria, Mega Charizard X, and Aurumoth, as well as other setup Pokemon.
-Earth Power is a good option for teams that don't need Haze. Flying + Ground is great coverage and Earth Power discourages Electric types like Cyclohm from switching in along with Pokemon like Heatran, Mollux, and Plasmanta that can be defeated by it.
-Stealth Rock is a viable option if your team lacks a Pokemon to set it, as it punishes the opponent for switching too much.
-Rapid Spin allows Tomohawk to support team members by removing hazards if your team lacks a good hazard remover.
-Reflect should be used when stopping as many physical attackers as possible is Tomohawk's top priority. Not only does it boost its own defense to the point where it can survive physical wallbreakers like Azumarill and Mega Medicham, it provides valuable support for the team and allows appropriate team members to switch in on these physical wallbreakers.

Set Details
-Bold nature improves Tomohawk's ability to tank physical hits
-252 HP allows Tomohawk to better survive both physical and special hits
-252 Def allows Tomohawk to be 3HKOd through Reflect by common physical attackers like Altaria Mega, Mega Metagross, Hoopa-U, and Azumarill, meaning it can defeat them with Rocky Helmet while Roosting.
-Leftovers can be used to increase survivability, although Roost helps with this already
-Rocky Helmet is the item of choice for punishing physical attackers who try to hit Tomohawk, even through Reflect.

Usage Tips
-Switch into physical attackers that can 3HKO Tomohawk at most, completely walling them.
-Do not switch into a sweeper that has set up, as Tomohawk may not survive. If the sweeper cannot be stopped in another way, use Haze following a faint.
-Use Reflect as soon as possible against a physical attacker that cannot punish it
-Switch out immediately against specially based Pokemon Tomohawk cannot outspeed and defeat with Air Slash
-Set up Stealth Rock or remove hazards on your side with Rapid Spin when Tomohawk forces out the opponent, such as against Colossoil, Conkledurr, or Mega Lopunny.

Team Options
-Tomohawk struggles against special attackers that hit it super effectively (meaning Electric types, Psychic types, Ice types, and Fairies), making Chansey a great partner, especially because Tomohawk helps it by setting Reflect.
-Tomohawk is specially walled more easily than most, making wallbreakers like Kyurem-B and Victini effective with it.

name: Life Orb Attacker
move 1: Hurricane
move 2: Aura Sphere / Nature Power
move 3: Earth Power / Nature Power
move 4: Roost / Healing Wish
ability: Prankster
item: Life Orb
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA /252 Spd
nature: modest

-Hurricane is a great move for dealing tons of damage to opponents, even bulkier ones. On this set, it can 2HKO Clefable and do large amounts of damage to many of Tomohawk's non-Electric checks (such as Mega Gardevoir). Hurricane is chosen over Air Slash because Air Slash, while more accurate, prevents Tomohawk from 2HKOing large threats like Magic Guard Clefable and Mega Sableye.
-Aura Sphere is Tomohawk's Fighting type STAB move of choice (since Focus Blast is unreliable and Aura Sphere does just fine anyway), easily defeating Dark types.
-Earth Power gives Tomohawk an answer to Electric types that may switch in and try to stop it, such as Cyclohm and Krilowatt.
-Nature Power is a great move that becomes Tri Attack with +1 priority thanks to its status as a status move. This allows Tomohawk to pick off Pokemon that outspeed and check it if they have low enough HP. For example, if Mega Gardevoir switches in on Hurricane, Nature Power will finish it.
-Roost is very useful for extending Tomohawk's longevity, allowing it to better check common Ground types like Colossoil, Landorus-Therian, and Garchomp. It is vital for healing Life Orb damage should one not want to use Tomohawk's great power.
-Healing Wish is an option for teams where Tomohawk's longevity isn't necessarily the most important and the player would benefit more from healing other Pokemon, such as sweepers that need a second chance, than Tomohawk. If Tomohawk is about to be beat by something that outspeeds it, it can use Healing Wish and preserve momentum for its team.

Set Details
-Life Orb maximizes the damage output of Tomohawk while giving it freedom to change moves at any time.
-252 SpA allows Tomohawk to do as much damage as possible with its great special attack and coverage moves.
-Modest nature further boosts the damage that Tomohawk can deal.
-252 Spd helps Tomohawk outspeed as much as possible without sacrificing power.
-Prankster is the best ability to use on this set because it allows Roost to be a reliable recovery move or enables Tomohawk to sacrifice itself with Healing Wish before it faints. In addition, Nature Power becomes a powerful priority move with Prankster.

Usage Tips
-Once outspeeding Pokemon that defeat Tomohawk have been removed from play, unleash Tomohawk and destroy everything not named Chansey or Clefable.
-Switch Tomohawk in when it can defeat a Pokemon while taking very little or no damage (example: Colossoil) and defeat it, being careful in predicting possible switches.
-Heal whenever necessary with Roost
-Use Healing Wish instead of letting Tomohawk faint, as it benefits your team much more.

Team Options
-Steel types like Scizor, Mega Metagross, and Kitsunoh are good teammates because Tomohawk appreciates the removal of Fairies, Ice types, Flying types, and Psychic types. In addition, Tomohawk can take care of the Ground types that stop many Steel types, especially Colossoil.
-Chansey makes a great teammate thanks to its ability to wall the specially based attackers that Tomohawk has trouble with. In return, Tomohawk deals with the Fighting types and Knock Off users that defeat Chansey.

name: Rain Wallbreaker
move 1: Rain Dance
move 2: Hurricane
move 3: Aura Sphere / Earth Power
move 4: Roost
ability: Prankster
item: Damp Rock / Life Orb
evs: 248 HP / 252 SpA / 8 Spd
nature: modest

-Rain Dance is this set's defining move; it allows Tomohawk to provide great team support and use a 100% accurate STAB boosted Hurricane.
-Hurricane is Tomohawk's move for taking out opponents easily, becoming 100% accurate in the rain, making it a much better option than Air Slash.
-Aura Sphere can be used if the player desires additional STAB moves, doing great damage to the Rock and Steel types that resist Hurricane.
-Earth Power is a solid option to hit Electric types that resist Hurricane and defeat Tomohawk along with the Rock and Steel types that also resist it.
-Roost takes advantage of Prankster by giving Tomohawk a reliable recovery move so it can continue to sweep and provide team support.

Set Details
-Damp Rock allows Tomohawk to use Rain Dance fewer times, allowing it to do more useful things, like capitalize on the rain with Hurricane, heal, or switch to another team member who can also use the rain.
-Life Orb is a possible item for increasing damage, being a solid option for when your team has additional rain setters (like Politoed).
-252 SpA allows Tomohawk to deal as much damage as possible, allowing it to effectively sweep.
-Modest nature further boosts Tomohawk's power.
-248 HP allows Tomohawk to make better use of its bulk, as rain teams will often have several Pokemon that can outspeed Tomohawk and sweep more effectively, making Tomohawk better used as a wallbreaker.

Usage Tips
-When there is an opponent that can do very little or no damage to Tomohawk, send it in and set up on it with Rain Dance.
-If your opponent sends in a Pokemon that Tomohawk cannot outspeed and defeat or survive and defeat, switch out to another Pokemon that the rain helps that can stop your opponent.
-Use Roost as needed to help Tomohawk survive longer to aid its team and destroy its enemies.

Team Options
-Cyclohm makes a great teammate because it takes advantage of Rain Dance with access to moves like STAB Thunder, which becomes 100% accurate, and rain boosted Hydro Pump, giving it a good way to defeat the Ground types that plague it (like Colossoil). Also, Cyclohm walls Talonflame, which is a Pokemon that can take out Tomohawk easily, even with full defensive investment, if a Reflect is not up before Talonflame uses Brave Bird.
-Mollux can take advantage of the rain with Dry Skin, allowing it to be a defensive tank that can take out many of the Fairies that defeat Tomohawk with Poison type STAB or simply wall many other things that threaten Tomohawk.
-Steel types like Cawmodore and Scizor pair great with Rain Dance Tomohawk, as the rain prevents them from being OHKOd by most Fire type attacks, providing them with more opportunities to set up and sweep. Also, they take out Fairies that threaten Tomohawk quite easily.

Other Options
-Substitute and Toxic are viable for stalling your opponents, with Roost being helpful for healing damage from Substitute and an attacking move preventing Tomohawk from becoming Taunt / Encore / Choice bait. However, Pixilate Hyper Voice is a very common thing that prevents this set from being as strong as other possibilities.
-Healing Wish is a great team support move that gives another one of your Pokemon a second chance, allowing heavily damaged and/or statused sweepers to instantly start over. However, this move forces Tomohawk to sacrifice itself, which is not always advisable on a Pokemon of such great utility.
-Memento creates an opportunity for a team member to set up extremely easily, possibly allowing it to sweep the opponent. However, one should make sure that nothing the opponent has can stop such a sweep before using it. As with Healing Wish, Memento is not always a great move, as it sacrifices a great Pokemon. Also, the opponent can switch out to get rid of Memento's effects, meaning Healing Wish is generally more reliable.
-Baton Pass is a great move that allows Tomohawk to switch to another teammate without the need to predict whether or not the opponent will switch. However, it takes a moveslot away from more consistent and directly beneficial moves that Tomohawk could use.
-Bulk Up, while not very useful to Tomohawk itself, can be used with Baton Pass in order for Tomohawk to pass helpful boosts to its teammates, assisting in a sweep (or simply helping a wall survive). However, it is difficult to set up enough boosts for this strategy to be extremely helpful.
-Taunt is a viable move for preventing Pokemon from setting up on Tomohawk, but Haze is better because it instantly removes all stat changes once they have already happened and Rapid Spin is better because it is able to remove hazards once they are already in play.

Checks and Counters
**Fairies**: Pokemon like Sylveon and Mega Gardevoir handle Tomohawk fairly well with their high Special Defenses and lack of weaknesses to Tomohawk's moves. More importantly, they KO it easily. Mega Diancie is a good check for all Tomohawk sets, and Sylveon and Gardevoir can counter the defensive set well.
**Electric Types**: "People say you can clip Flying-type Pokémon's wings with a jolt of electricity..." Because it's true. Mega Manectric, Krilowatt, Cyclohm, Plasmanta, Raikou, and Thundurus are all good Tomohawk checks.
**Ice Types**: Kyurem-Black and special Syclant are both good checks to Tomohawk, with both being able to KO it around 70% with Ice Beam.
**Psychic Types**: Mega Alakazam, Latias, Latias, and Starmie are all fair checks to Tomohawk, outspeeding it and hitting it for tons of damage with their Psychic type STAB moves.
**Tornadus-Therian and Mega Pidgeot**: Hurricane hurts.
**Chansey**: Chansey stops Tomohawk in its tracks with its HP and Special Defense, recovering faster than it and dealing more damage in return.
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Umbreon if you want to work with me on this I can help you come up with some sets. Tomohawk is so easy to come up with great movesets for we could probably fill up several pages with it.
EpicUmbreon has given me permission to work on this. While there are potentially dozens of viable Tomohawk sets, I believe dividing them up into the four main overarching sets is the best way to avoid this section becoming overly long. These four sets are a purely defensive Reflect tank, a mixed offense tank, a stallbreaker and a rain sweeper. All of these have seen use on major cap player teams and I believe they are all viable in the current meta. To start with, this is the defensive tank set:


Tomohawk is arguably the most influential force in the CAP tier, gluing teams together like no other with its incredible mix of bulk and utility. Its Fighting/Flying typing combined with two excellent abilities makes it the tier's premier physical wall, while access to moves such as Steath Rock and Rapid Spin allow it to switch in and support the team reliably many times a match. It can run a wide range of offensive moves, act as an excellent rain supporter with Prankster Rain Dance and Hurricane, and even break stall teams with a Toxic/Taunt set. Tomohawk can be custom tailored as a supporter to be immensely useful to any kind of team, which has made it a staple of the CAP metagame.

All is not peachy for our karate wielding bird, however. Fairy types in particular take very little damage from any of Tomohawk's moves and easily set up on it or force it out with super effective attacks. A lack of useful resistances compared to other walls like Skarmory means Tomohawk may need to pivot into certain physical attackers rather than switch into them directly. Type synergy in general can be problematic for Tomohawk, as it shares Ice and Flying weaknesses with a number of other top CAP threats. Give it enough team support to deal with its many counters, however, and Tomohawk can make it much easier for the rest of your team to sweep.

Defensive Tank
name: Defensive Tank
move 1: Air Slash
move 2: Roost
move 3: Haze
move 4: Reflect / Taunt / Stealth Rock
ability: Prankster
item: Rocky Helmet/Shed Shell/Leftovers
evs: 252 HP / 156 Def / 100 SpD
nature: bold

This set makes the most of Tomohawks ability to halt opposing momentum, switching into attacks when possible and at the very least neutralizing opposing sweepers no matter how much they've managed to set up. A combination of priority Reflect, Roost, Haze and Rocky Helmet damage allows Tomohawk to effortlessly check every physical attacker in the tier lacking a super effective STAB move, and most of those that do. Under Reflect, Tomohawk is obscenely bulky, easily tanking hits most Fighting types would have no business staying in on:

252 Atk Tough Claws Mega Metagross Zen Headbutt vs. 252 HP / 158+ Def Tomohawk through Reflect: 159-187 (38.4 - 45.1%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
192+ Atk Pixilate Mega Altaria Return vs. 252 HP / 158+ Def Tomohawk through Reflect: 171-202 (41.3 - 48.7%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
252+ Atk Huge Power Azumarill Play Rough vs. 252 HP / 158+ Def Tomohawk through Reflect: 151-178 (36.4 - 42.9%) -- guaranteed 3HKO

Even physical attackers that barely 2HKO through Reflect such as Choice Band Azumarill can lose to this set, as Rocky Helmet damage mixed with a finishing Air Slash can allow Tomohawk to outlast even the most devastating onslaughts. Proper use of Roost can help Tomohawk weather even more attacks, giving it a temporary resistance to Rock and removing both of its Ice and Electric weaknesses.

If completely walling physical sweepers is not a priority, Tomohawk comes with plenty of extremely useful support moves that deserve consideration on any kind of team. Taunt allows Tomohawk to prevent common leads such as Garchomp or Landorus T from accomplishing much of anything while simultanously preventing bulky special walls like Chansey or Mollux from completely countering this set. Stealth Rock is always a great support move that Tomohawk is an excellent user of, not only due to Prankster but because it rarely fears Colossoil switching in to bounce the hazards back.

Set Details
252 HP is used to maximize Tomohawk's bulk on both ends as much as possible. While this set is generally used as a purely physical wall, it has enough special bulk to also take on many mixed attackers and even some weaker specially offensive ones. Specifically, 156 Defense EVs with a Bold nature allows Tomohawk to avoid being 2HKOd by Adamant Choice Band Kyurem-B's Outrage when Reflect is up, and is enough for Tomohawk to avoid being overwhelmed by Guts Facade Colossoil even without Reflect. 100 Special Defense allows Tomohawk to serve as a counter to Stratagem, tanking even Specs boosted Paleo Waves thanks to Roost allowing Tomohawk to temporarily resist the attack.

Item-wise, Rocky Helmet is usually the recommended pick due to its ability to wear down physical attackers significantly more quickly, but Shed Shell is valuable if you specifically fear being trapped by Gothitelle. Leftovers is also an option if being able to switch Tomohawk in repeatedly is a primary concern, but Tomohawk has enough bulk that the extra healing is often not necessary.

Usage Tips
Tomohawk should not be played like physical walls that depend on type resistances to tank damage, and is not a replacement for proper team synergy. However, common ground/fighting/dark/grass sweepers are usually safe switchins- Breloom, Garchomp, Excadrill, Tyranitar, Bisharp, Colossoil and Pyroak being a few of the most notable. It is not recommended to switch directly into very hard hitting attacks such as Choice Band Dragonite's Outrage, as Tomohawk will likely be 2HKOd even if it puts Reflect up the next turn. For these kinds of attackers Tomohawk needs to either come into predicted setup moves or baited attacks that it resists, or in a worst case scenario, after a teammate is knocked out.

It cannot be overstated how incredibly useful priority Haze is on Tomohawk, especially in a tier crowded with devastating sweepers such as Necturna, Aurumoth and Syclant. Being able to neutralize a Tail Glow sweep or a speed boost passed from Scolipede may very well be worth possibly sacking Tomohawk in the process if it gives you an opportunity for a comeback. Prankster Haze even allows Tomohawk to act as one of the few reliable stops to Cawmodore- despite being weak to Flying- as Tomohawk can easily tank both a +6 Bullet Punch or an unboosted Acrobatics after removing Cawmodore's boost.

Team Options
Cyclohm is an excellent partner to Tomohawk as part of a bulky offense core, easily countering Talonflame and many of the Flying/Steel/Electric types that Tomohawk has difficulty with. In turn, Tomohawk takes on many of Ground and Dragon type attackers Cyclohm despises. Together, both Pokemon can continually set up Light Screen and Reflect to make them even more difficult to beat. A solid switchin to Fairy and Ice types is also necessary to make the most out of this set, making Scizor and Mega Metagross ideal offensive teammates. Illusion Aurumoth posing as Tomohawk is a risky but effective way of wiping out one Tomohawk's counters, either through Final Gambit or a super effective attack. Aurumoth also appreciates Tomohawk's ability to neutralize the Sucker Punch users that prevent it from sweeping. Finally, if you are running Shed Shell Tomohawk, Pursuit Colossoil as a switchin is an excellent way to checkmate Gothitelle.
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If I'm not supposed to be writing something like this here, please let me know. I just saw the set and wanted to comment on it, but I feel like I'm kinda doing QC's job...

I personally think that "Rain Dance Sweeper" Tomohawk is slightly subpar compared to "Rain Dance Wallbreaker" Tomohawk. Let me explain.

Tomohawk reaches 269 speed with 252 Spe evs and a modest nature, which is quite respectable, but it's just not fast enough to be a "sweeper" in my opinion. I'm sure it outspeeds a ton of pokes at that speed, but I'd just rather have the bulk to deal with a hit from a faster poke.

I run Tomo with a 248HP/252SpA/8Spe spread with a Modest nature. This maximizes Tomo's tanking potential while retaining its damage output. The extra 8 evs in speed gets the jump on bulky varients of Tomohawk that might invest the last 4 evs in Speed, while the 248 evs in HP give Tomohawk an odd HP stat.

You could slash Life Orb with Damp Rock too. You get less rain turns, sure, but if you're using Tomo's Rain set, you'll most likely have it on a team with Politoed. As long as you play conservatively with Politoed, rain turns shouldn't be a problem. Granted, I still run Rain Dance w/o Damp Rock on Tomo as a secondary setter has saved me in a few battles by grabbing a few more rain turns when I need to use Hurricane (and don't want to miss) or if Politoed faints, but I don't think that a whole rain team could function off of just Tomo as a rain setter. Not sure about calcs with Life Orb (Art2D2 isn't in the room while I'm typing this out), but you can easily Roost off the Life Orb damage with the increased bulk.

Just my two cents. I'll run some calcs tomorrow morning if Art2D2 is back so I can actually get the damage calculator. If I'm wrong about anything, let me know please.

Also I thought about it and my rain team has an absurd amount of ground coverage, so I'm not sure why I haven't swapped Earth Power for Aura Sphere yet lol
I have to agree with Snake_rattler on the EV's for the rain set. Tomohawk, on a rain team, often has several faster members and is not fast enough to warrant the speed EV's, when the HP investment takes advantage of its bulk and Roost. Speed can be useful for outspeeding stuff like Mollux.

Life Orb is also a fine secondary item, Tomohawk hits really hard with it, and 100% accuracy life orb Hurricanes are a nightmare to switch into.
Calcs for Life Orb Rain Tomo. It takes out some of its conventional counters, most on the switch though.

252+ SpA Life Orb Tomohawk Hurricane vs. 88 HP / 0 SpD Azumarill: 285-335 (78.5 - 92.2%) -- 31.3% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock
Band Azumarill? Eat a Hurricane. You outspeed too, so IF Azu lives, it can't use Play Rough to knock out Tomo. The worst it can do is:
252+ Atk Choice Band Huge Power Azumarill Aqua Jet vs. 248 HP / 0 Def Tomohawk in Rain: 195-231 (47.2 - 55.9%) -- 78.5% chance to 2HKO
Which is still bad, but Tomo can definitely live it.

252+ SpA Life Orb Tomohawk Hurricane vs. 252 HP / 156+ SpD Ferrothorn: 165-195 (46.8 - 55.3%) -- 74.2% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery
You don't have to run Aura Sphere to get rid of this thing now! Tomo may be slower with my ev spread, but Ferro isn't outspeeding it anytime soon.

252+ SpA Life Orb Tomohawk Hurricane vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Sylveon: 187-222 (47.4 - 56.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock
You outspeed anyways, so if you catch it on the switch, it nails the OHKO on Specs set. Wish Passers can still Protect to get lefties recovery.

Earth Power:
252+ SpA Life Orb Tomohawk Earth Power vs. 248 HP / 0 SpD Cyclohm: 346-408 (82.5 - 97.3%) -- 68.8% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock
Defensive Cyclohm normally forces out Tomo, but now it has a good chance to OHKO it. Choice variants still give Tomo trouble though.

(Kinda) notable that Diance has no chance to live Tomo's LO Earth Power, where before it had a 25% chance of living.

Aura Sphere:
252+ SpA Life Orb Tomohawk Aura Sphere vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Cawmodore: 218-257 (90 - 106.1%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock
Caw gets hit super hard on the switch, or if Caw uses Belly Drum thinking it forces Tomo out.

I tried out more calcs on some of its other counters, but it still barely missed the OHKOs with Hurricane...
Also losing your Life Orb is much less harmful than losing Damp Rock if your team depends on it for Rain.

And sadly:
252+ SpA Life Orb Tomohawk Aura Sphere vs. 4 HP / 252 SpD Eviolite Chansey: 174-211 (27.1 - 32.8%) -- 79.5% chance to 3HKO after Stealth Rock
The Pink Blob lives strikes again.
Ok, I changed the name to "Rain Wallbreaker", slashed Life Orb as an item, and fixed the EVs to 248 HP / 252 SpA / 8 Spd, as well as adding in the details section why these were chosen.
Hey EpicUmbreon29, the entire skeleton will probably take a good amount of time for us to check, so I'll get the ball rolling with a few comments on the offensive set:
  • Hurricane is really good and should be the first slash in my opinion; LO-boosted Hurricane is plain strong and muscles past stuff like Clefable (solid 2HKO) and Mega Gardevoir (Hurricane + Nature Power KOes), making it difficult for a good amount of Tomohawk's usual checks to switch in, which is one of the big draws of the set. Air Slash is weak sauce in comparison.
  • On the topic of Nature Power, I think it's worth a slash, having access to priority is just that good tbh. Change the point in Set Details accordingly, as Prankster gives Nature Power priority in addition to Roost.
  • I'm kinda skeptical if Heat Wave really deserves a slash. Sure it OHKOes ferro and zor, but they already take truckloads from tomo's STABs anyway and it doesn't help too much outside of this iirc.
A few other comments before the full check. Haze, while definitely a solid option, isn't absolutely mandatory on Defensive Tomo, so I'd probably shift some emphasis towards its other support moves a bit. Also, running two attacks isn't a bad option either; running Earth Power for example prevents it from being a free switch-in to Electrics and Steels such as Cyclohm, Krilowatt, Heatran, and more, so it has merit. Checks and Counters are kinda bare-bones atm, providing examples in each category would be good.

Good stuff so far, QC will do a full check on this Soon™
Just curious, on the LO attacker set, does Tomo need Flying STAB, Aura Sphere, and Earth Power? I feel like Nature Power could be slashed over Aura Sphere or Earth Power so that Tomo has Roost in the last slot. It's just a thought though, I have almost no experience with this Tomo, but it seems almost criminal to ignore priority recovery with a CAPmon with such good natural bulk.
Roost should absolutely be first slash on the Life Orb set, it's still one of its best moves even when you're aiming for damage. Healing off life orb recoil and random switch-ins is really nice, and it keeps Tomohawk a threat for much longer.

I feel Nature Power ought to be slashed with Earth Power, as coverage can be ditched for priority in some cases.
The offensive set should look like this.
name: Life Orb Attacker
move 1:Hurricane
move 2: Aura Sphere / Nature Power
move 3: Earth Power / Nature Power
move 4: Roost / Healing Wish
ability: Prankster
item: Life Orb
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA /252 Spd
nature: Modest

The biggest appeal of offensive Tomohawk is its ability to OHKO or 2HKO a great deal of the metagame with its powerful Hurricanes, and Air Slash is just so weak when compared to Hurricane there is really no way to justify its use over it. Yes its a lot more accurate, but its also a hell of a lot weaker and misses out on a ton of important OHKOs and 2HKOs. At the most Air Slash can be mentioned in Moves section as a more accurate option that gives up important 2HKOs such as Magic Guard Clefable and Mega Sableye.

I agree with Exclaimer that Roost should have its own slash, as it significantly extends Tomohawk's longevity and allows it to function as a check to common Ground-types such as Colossoil, Landorus-T, and Garchomp without being worn down. Healing Wish should be slashed with Roost here for use on hyper offense teams that would value the full heal on a sweeper over increased longevity.It also preserves momentum against stuff that outspeeds or beats it after it's been worn down, it's a legitimate option.

Heat Wave has absolutely no reason to be listed on the main set, and is barely fit for Other Options as well. The additional coverage it has to offer is restricted to Skarmory and Cawmodore since Fire-type coverage is incredibly redundant with Fighting- and Flying-type STAB moves. It's like running Air Slash on Mega Charizard-Y, except worst because it doesn't even get a STAB boost. Furthermore, Skarmory and Cawmodore are already 2HKOed by Aura Sphere.

Nature Power can be slashed with Aura Sphere and Earth Power, both options function to remove Steels and hit Electric-types for more damage than Hurricane, with Aura Sphere providing coverage on Ferrothorn, Skarmory, Cawmdore, and Rotom-W, and Earth Power allowing Tomohawk to 2HKO Jirachi, a good chance to 2HKO Mega Metagross with Earth Power + Nature Power, and the ability to OHKO Plasmanta and other grounded Electric-types. Either one of these can work fine with Nature Power depending on what the user wants Tomohawk to break through.

Intimidate is removed from the set since the fourth moveslot appreciates the Prankster boost over the added bulk.

Also you need to make Team Options more substantial, think of Pokemon that synergize well with Tomohawk beyond Kitsunoh, and of mons that appreciate what Tomohawk removes and weakens.

You can take Nature Power out of Other Options now too.
Since you have it slashed with Roost, you could maybe add Healing Wish partners that have synergy with Tomo, particularly those who would beat one of Tomo's checks and counters.
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I think hurricane deserves a slash on the defensive set. I use it, and it performs rather well. With stealth rocks and a tiny bit of prior damage, tomo's hurricane can outright kill other Max HP tomos. That little bit of extra damage can really come in handy as well. I'll find more calcs and post em here.

0 SpA Tomohawk Air Slash vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Tomohawk: 218-260 (52.6 - 62.8%) -- 99.6% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
0 SpA Tomohawk Hurricane vs. 248 HP / 0 SpD Tomohawk: 320-380 (77.4 - 92%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
I removed mentions of Gothitelle (and Wobbuffet). I also removed Shed Shell as an item now that Shadow Tag is gone. Basically, I got rid of stuff about trapping since Arena Trap doesn't apply and Whirlpool, Infestation, and Magma Storm aren't exactly common moves that Tomohawk is afraid of.
+Extreme versatility - can attack, support, or stall Clarify how this means Tomohawk can work on Stall, Balance, and Offense well
+Stops many common threats of the CAP metagame Such as?
+Great STAB moves along with great coverage The coverage being Earth Power, and mention priority Nature Power.
+Great base stats allow it to survive hits and deal good damage in return
+Typing is great for walling physical threats Such as?
+Unpredictable Expand on this.
-Weak to common special attacking types and has mediocre Special Defense Weak to a lot of top tier threats in general, Alt, Diancie, Talonflame, Aurumoth, Azumarill, Clefable, etc.
You need to mention how amazing Prankster and even Intimidate are, as well as how massive Tomohawk's support movepoll is. This can be tied into unpredictability.

name: Defensive Tank
move 1: Air Slash
move 2: Roost
move 3: Haze
move 4: Reflect / Rapid Spin / Stealth Rock
ability: Prankster
item: Rocky Helmet / Leftovers
evs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD

Change the set to this:

name: Defensive Tank
move 1: Roost
move 2: Air Slash
move 3: Haze / Earth Power
move 4: Stealth Rock / Rapid Spin / Reflect
ability: Prankster
item: Leftovers / Rocky Helmet
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD (we shouldn't encourage 248 HP spreads unless they actually reduce SR damage, which it doesn't in Tomo's case)
nature: Bold

-Air Slash is likely Tomohawk's best STAB option on utility sets, as it allows it to fight other Tomohawks, may flinch opponents, and hits Pokemon like Mega Venusaur. Pyroak too.
-Roost is a great move with Prankster, allowing Tomohawk to recover HP before the foe can deal sufficient damage to KO it (except for Talonflame). You don't need to mention Talonflame, its implied that its outspeed by faster priority users.
-Haze, when combined with Prankster, crushes your opponent's hopes of sweeping you or walling you to death. Allows Tomohawk to stop setup sweepers such as Gyarados, Cawmodore, and Scizor in their tracks. Emergency stop to Mega Alt, Char-x, Auru.
-Reflect should be used when stopping as many physical attackers as possible is Tomohawk's top priority. Not only does it boost its own defense, it provides valuable support for the team.Mention how Reflect lets it beat Cawmodore as well as how it stops a lot of notable physical wallbreakers, allowing Tomohawk to survive their attacks and less the damage to an appropiate switch in. Physical wallbreakers you can mention are Azumarill and Mega Medicham.
-Rapid Spin allows Tomohawk to support team members by removing hazards if your team lacks a good hazard remover.
-Stealth Rock is a viable option if your team lacks a Pokemon to set it, as it punishes the opponent for switching too much.
Reorder this stuff to match new set order.

Add Earth Power; its for teams that don't need Haze and Flying + Ground coverage lets Tomohawk hit most mons for neutral damage and most notably lets Tomohawk get past Cyclohm, Heatran, Mollux, and Plasmanta by itself.

Set Details
-Bold nature improves Tomohawk's ability to tank physical hits
-252 HP allows Tomohawk to better survive both physical and special hits change to 252
-252 Def allows Tomohawk to be 3HKOd through Reflect by common physical attackers like Altaria Mega, Mega Metagross, Hoopa-U, and Azumarill, meaning it can defeat them with Rocky Helmet while Roosting.
-Rocky Helmet is the item of choice for punishing physical attackers who try to hit Tomohawk, even through Reflect.
-Leftovers can be used to increase survivability, although Roost helps with this already
Move Leftovers in front.

Usage Tips
-Switch into physical attackers that can 3HKO Tomohawk at most, completely walling them.
-Do not switch into a sweeper that has set up, as Tomohawk may not survive. If the sweeper cannot be stopped in another way, use Haze following a faint.
-Use Reflect as soon as possible against a physical attacker that cannot punish it
-Switch out immediately against specially based Pokemon Tomohawk cannot outspeed and defeat with Air Slash
Since we're not only focusing on Haze Tomo, put some stuff about hazard setting and control in here too; setting up Stealth Rock or Rapid Spinning on mons it forces out like colo

Team Options
-Tomohawk struggles against special attackers that hit it super effectively (meaning Electric types, Psychic types, Ice types, and Fairies), making Chansey a great partner, especially because Tomohawk helps it by setting Reflect.
-Tomohawk is specially walled more easily than most, making wallbreakers like Kyurem-B and Victini effective with it. Hoopa-U, Mega Gardevoir, and Manaphy are all very effective at wallbreaking Clefable and Chansey.
-Add more defensive partners due to the nature of this set. Chansey is good as it covers special attackers, but we also need to mention more.
-Mention Fairy and Flying checks

name: Life Orb Attacker
move 1: Hurricane
move 2: Aura Sphere / Nature Power
move 3: Earth Power / Nature Power
move 4: Roost / Healing Wish
ability: Prankster
item: Life Orb
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA /252 Spe(Make sure to use the proper appreviations for Speed. Spe= Speed, SpD = Special Defense.)
nature: modest

-Hurricane is a great move for dealing tons of damage to opponents, even bulkier ones. On this set, it can 2HKO Clefable and do large amounts of damage to many of Tomohawk's non-Electric checks (such as Mega Gardevoir). Hurricane is chosen over Air Slash because Air Slash, while more accurate, prevents Tomohawk from 2HKOing large threats like Magic Guard Clefable and Mega Sableye.
-Aura Sphere is Tomohawk's Fighting type STAB move of choice (since Focus Blast is unreliable and Aura Sphere does just fine anyway), easily defeating Dark types.
-Earth Power gives Tomohawk an answer to Electric types that may switch in and try to stop it, such as Cyclohm and Krilowatt. Also is the only move that hits Kitsunoh super effectively.
-Nature Power is a great move that becomes Tri Attack with +1 priority thanks to its status as a status move. This allows Tomohawk to pick off Pokemon that outspeed and check it if they have low enough HP. For example, if Mega Gardevoir switches in on Hurricane, Nature Power will finish it. Hurricane + Nature Power + Stealth Rock damage also gets past a bunch of Tomo's offensive checks, koing Latios, Thundurus, and Tornadus-T
-Roost is very useful for extending Tomohawk's longevity, allowing it to better check common Ground types like Colossoil, Landorus-Therian, and Garchomp. It is vital for healing Life Orb damage should one not want to use Tomohawk's great power.
-Healing Wish is an option for hyper offense teams where Tomohawk's longevity isn't necessarily the most important and the player would benefit more from healing other Pokemon, such as sweepers that need a second chance, than Tomohawk. If Tomohawk is about to be beat by something that outspeeds it, it can use Healing Wish and preserve momentum for its team.

Set Details
-Life Orb maximizes the damage output of Tomohawk while giving it freedom to change moves at any time.
-252 SpA allows Tomohawk to do as much damage as possible with its great special attack and coverage moves.
-Modest nature further boosts the damage that Tomohawk can deal.
-252 Spe helps Tomohawk outspeed as much as possible without sacrificing power.
-Prankster is the best ability to use on this set because it allows Roost to be a reliable recovery move or enables Tomohawk to sacrifice itself with Healing Wish before it faints. In addition, Nature Power becomes a powerful priority move with Prankster.

Usage Tips
-Once outspeeding Pokemon that defeat Tomohawk have been removed from play, unleash Tomohawk and destroy everything not named Chansey or Clefable.Tomohawk can be used well before this, it just has to switch out on these threats.
-Switch Tomohawk in when it can defeat a Pokemon while taking very little or no damage (example: Colossoil) and defeat it, being careful in predicting possible switches.
-Heal whenever necessary with Roost
-Use Healing Wish instead of letting Tomohawk faint, as it benefits your team much more.
Spam hurricane since it hits like a truck

Team Options
-Steel types like Scizor, Mega Metagross, and Kitsunoh are good teammates because Tomohawk appreciates the removal of Fairies, Ice types, Flying types, and Psychic types. In addition, Tomohawk can take care of the Ground types that stop many Steel types, especially Colossoil.
-Chansey makes a great teammate thanks to its ability to wall the specially based attackers that Tomohawk has trouble with. In return, Tomohawk deals with the Fighting types and Knock Off users that defeat Chansey. Remove Chansey as you're not going to use Chansey on the offensive teams Offensive Tomohawk is used on.
Add more HO teammates, Talonflame can set up on Fairy types once Tomo goes down for example, lots of fast attackers appreciate Healing Wish support like Serperior.

name: Rain Wallbreaker <-- considering damp rock is the first item listed, perhaps we could rename this "Rain Support"?
move 1: Rain Dance
move 2: Hurricane
move 3: Aura Sphere / Earth Power
move 4: Roost
ability: Prankster
item: Damp Rock / Life Orb
evs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD see my earlier point
nature: modest

-Rain Dance is this set's defining move; it allows Tomohawk to provide great team support and use a 100% accurate STAB boosted Hurricane.
-Hurricane is Tomohawk's move for taking out opponents easily, becoming 100% accurate in the rain, making it a much better option than Air Slash.
-Aura Sphere can be used if the player desires additional STAB moves, doing great damage to the Rock and Steel types that resist Hurricane. Hits Rotom-W for the most damage
-Earth Power is a solid option to hit Electric types that resist Hurricane and defeat Tomohawk along with the Rock and Steel types that also resist it. Gets past Mollux and Plasmanta.
-Roost takes advantage of Prankster by giving Tomohawk a reliable recovery move so it can continue to sweep and provide team support.

Set Details
-Damp Rock allows Tomohawk to use Rain Dance fewer times, allowing it to do more useful things, like capitalize on the rain with Hurricane, heal, or switch to another team member who can also use the rain.
-Life Orb is a possible item for increasing damage, being a solid option for when your team has additional rain setters (like Politoed).
-252 SpA allows Tomohawk to deal as much damage as possible, allowing it to effectively sweep.
-Modest nature further boosts Tomohawk's power.
-252 HP allows Tomohawk to make better use of its bulk, as rain teams will often have several Pokemon that can outspeed Tomohawk and sweep more effectively, making Tomohawk better used as a wallbreaker.

Usage Tips
-When there is an opponent that can do very little or no damage to Tomohawk, send it in and set up on it with Rain Dance.
-If your opponent sends in a Pokemon that Tomohawk cannot outspeed and defeat or survive and defeat, switch out to another Pokemon that the rain helps that can stop your opponent.
-Use Roost as needed to help Tomohawk survive longer to aid its team and destroy its enemies.
Use Tomohawk as your secondary Rain setter to Politoed and make sure you keep at least one of them alive.

Team Options
First, mention Politoed as a partner for dedicated rain teams.
Secondly, mention other mons that take advantage of Rain besides just Cyclohm and Mollux. Mega Swampert, Tornadus-t, and other Swift Swim users such a Kingdra.

-Cyclohm makes a great teammate because it takes advantage of Rain Dance with access to moves like STAB Thunder, which becomes 100% accurate, and rain boosted Hydro Pump, giving it a good way to defeat the Ground types that plague it (like Colossoil). Also, Cyclohm walls Talonflame, which is a Pokemon that can take out Tomohawk easily, even with full defensive investment, if a Reflect is not up before Talonflame uses Brave Bird.
-Mollux can take advantage of the rain with Dry Skin, allowing it to be a defensive tank that can take out many of the Fairies that defeat Tomohawk with Poison type STAB or simply wall many other things that threaten Tomohawk.
-Steel types like Cawmodore and Scizor pair great with Rain Dance Tomohawk, as the rain prevents them from being OHKOd by most Fire type attacks, providing them with more opportunities to set up and sweep. Also, they take out Fairies that threaten Tomohawk quite easily.

Other Options
-Substitute and Toxic are viable for stalling your opponents, with Roost being helpful for healing damage from Substitute and an attacking move preventing Tomohawk from becoming Taunt / Encore / Choice bait. However, Pixilate Hyper Voice is a very common thing that prevents this set from being as strong as other possibilities.
-Healing Wish is a great team support move that gives another one of your Pokemon a second chance, allowing heavily damaged and/or statused sweepers to instantly start over. However, this move forces Tomohawk to sacrifice itself, which is not always advisable on a Pokemon of such great utility. Remove this becaue it's on a set now.
-Memento creates an opportunity for a team member to set up extremely easily, possibly allowing it to sweep the opponent. However, one should make sure that nothing the opponent has can stop such a sweep before using it. As with Healing Wish, Memento is not always a great move, as it sacrifices a great Pokemon. Also, the opponent can switch out to get rid of Memento's effects, meaning Healing Wish is generally more reliable. Most of this is fluff, just mention that it's an alternative to Healing Wish on HO to provide an easy setup opportunity. You don't need to remind the reader to not play like a dingus. Try not to downplay the move so much, its already in other options do you don't need to try to justify why by mentioning downsides
-Baton Pass is a great move that allows Tomohawk to switch to another teammate without the need to predict whether or not the opponent will switch. However, it takes a moveslot away from more consistent and directly beneficial moves that Tomohawk could use. Move BP + boosting moves to the top and expand on this as they're almost always used in tandem with each other (drypass isn't as good with Shadow Tag ban). Add Substitute + Baton Pass.
-Bulk Up, while not very useful to Tomohawk itself, can be used with Baton Pass in order for Tomohawk to pass helpful boosts to its teammates, assisting in a sweep (or simply helping a wall survive). However, it is difficult to set up enough boosts for this strategy to be extremely helpful. Bulk Up also allows Tomohawk to set up more easily on physical attackers, often to the point where they're unable to break its subs. Work up should also get a mention for mixed/special attackers.
-Taunt is a viable move for preventing Pokemon from setting up on Tomohawk, but Haze is better because it instantly removes all stat changes once they have already happened and Rapid Spin is better because it is able to remove hazards once they are already in play.Mention how Taunt stops a lot of walls and hazard setters. Fidgit, Chansey, etc. It also needs to be near the top along with Boost + Baton Pass and Sub Toxic as they're actual movesets as opposed to singular move options. Also the reasoning for taunt and why its worse is flawed, its a preventative measure that stops recovery hazards and set up all in one moveslot and shouldn't be compared to Rapid Spin or Haze.

In regards to most of these, you don't need to list the downsides for every single option. You're not justifying to the reader why they aren't on a set, you're telling them what they're used for. If the downside is big enough to affect how Tomohawk plays, such as how Tomohawk is sacrificed through using Memento, thats fine. You don't need to say something like "However, it takes a moveslot away from more consistent and directly beneficial moves that Tomohawk could use." because most of that is implied if its in Other Options.

Checks and Counters
**Fairies**: Pokemon like Sylveon and Mega Gardevoir handle Tomohawk fairly well with their high Special Defenses and lack of weaknesses to Tomohawk's moves. More importantly, they KO it easily. Mega Diancie is a good check for all Tomohawk sets, and Sylveon and Gardevoir can counter the defensive set well. Sylveon is the hard counter so emphasize that, the others are great too, but Mega Gardevoir and Diancie can't switch into offensive Tomo safely (Hurricane+Nature Power two shots garde, Earth Power OHKOes diancie)
**Electric Types**: "People say you can clip Flying-type Pokémon's wings with a jolt of electricity..." Because it's true. Mega Manectric, Krilowatt, Cyclohm, Plasmanta, Raikou, and Thundurus are all good Tomohawk checks. Mention how Earth Power hits all of these except Thundurus and Rotom super effectively. Also, offensive moves such as Aura Sphere and Nature power do a massive chunk to a lot of these on top of earth power. Add zapdos as a hard counter.
**Ice Types**: Kyurem-Black and special Syclant are both good checks to Tomohawk, with both being able to KO it around 70% with Ice Beam. (what does 70% mean)
252+ SpA Life Orb Teravolt Kyurem-B Ice Beam vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Tomohawk: 476-562 (114.9 - 135.7%) -- guaranteed OHKO
244 SpA Life Orb Syclant Ice Beam vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Tomohawk: 416-491 (100.4 - 118.5%) -- guaranteed OHKO

**Psychic Types**: Mega Alakazam, Latias, Latias, and Starmie are all fair checks to Tomohawk, outspeeding it and hitting it for tons of damage with their Psychic type STAB moves. Since we're mentioning checks too, add Aurumoth because LO psychic destroys it. Mention Hoopa-U as well and Mega Metagross
**Tornadus-Therian and Mega Pidgeot**: Hurricane hurts. This needs to be changed to a Flying Type section, with mentions of Talonflame, Mega Pinsir. Also mention how none of these mons can switch in safely, aside from AV Torn.
**Chansey**: Chansey stops Tomohawk in its tracks with its HP and Special Defense, recovering faster than it and dealing more damage in return. Mention Taunt and Sub Toxic and why they stop Chansey.

Add a special wallbreaker section as stuff like Specs Volkraken/Keldeo and Charizard-Y are reliable ways to get past defensive sets, and are more than capable of ohkoing offensive sets. They can't switch into offensive Tomohawk reliably.
Do all of this and you can consider Tomohawk QC 1/3.

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