Tournament UUPL VII Player Signups

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Player Name: Cash
Tiers Played: SM, ORAS
Timezone: EST

I'll be around, probably worth a last pick in garbage auction time. I have no problem bench riding and just working on teams and stuff. Also im fun to have in discord I promise.

EDIT: I should say I can actually play though if I needed to, I'm not washed yet

Heroic Troller

Through the Sea of Time
is a Tiering Contributoris a Tournament Director Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a defending SPL Champion
Player Name: Heroic Troller
Tiers Played: X UU
Timezone: GMT -1

I love team tours and never played any uu for more than a month, so what do i do here? I offer to try learning any tier requested for if given support in teams+testing, or just be a sub/chat guy. I could suck or be decent, who's rolling the dices?

Oooh right, i can post bad paint memes! That's good right?
Player Name: Casey90
Tiers Played: SM UU
Timezone: GMT-8

I’ve been an avid UU fan since the days of gen 4, although I’ve lost touch with older gens, a quick history look and I’ll be back on that horse easily enough. I’m by no means an incredible player, but I can hold my own on the ladder and the room tournaments I’ve played in :)
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