This has to be one of my favorite teams I've ever made in this generation (yet!). It looks goofy, I know, but the synergy this team has is really good. The team Is built around the core of Gouging Fire, Corviknight, and Ting-Lu.
(and yes, I'm going to type an essay about my team)

Gouging Fire is the mascot and is one of the best mons on the team. Fire/Dragon is already good typing, and Burning Bulwark fits well with good HP and Defense stats. Teammates like Ting-Lu and Ogerpon benefit from Howl, and the GFW core it forms with Urshifu-R and Ogerpon.

Ting-Lu is the defensive backbone of the team. I feel like it's the only mon that can 1v1 Landorus and, to an extent Flutter Mane. It really benefits and blends well with Gouging Fire, being neutral to weaknesses and benefitting from Howl.

I wasn't sure what to run on Corviknight, but Safety Goggles + IDBP feels like the best to me IMO. With Safety Goggles, It's a reliable counter to Amoonguss (what's it gonna do, SPORE ME?!), and its typing compliments Ting-Lu's.

Although the team doesn't need TR and isn't reliant on it, Since most of the team is slow, it's nice to have as an option to Tailwind teams or teams that are really fast and focus on bombarding the opponent with attacks. Porygon2's bulk with Vessel of Ruin, and access to Recover make it really hard to remove.


I don't have much to say about these two, they add some much needed offense to the team, so I won't rely on Howl too much.