Gen 6 Volcarona (OU) [Done] Ready for Upload

Quiver Dance Volcarona is one of the most dangerous sweepers in ORAS OU. Its STAB moves, Giga Drain, and Hidden Power make it very difficult to switch into, its boosted attacks OHKO most Pokemon, and it outspeeds everything but a few Choice Scarf users after boosting, meaning it is more often checked than countered. Although it seems that Volcarona can sweep through a majority of teams on paper, in reality, its Stealth Rock weakness mandates entry hazard removal and limits setup opportunities. Its low bulk makes it susceptible to priority moves from Talonflame, Mega Pinsir, Crawdaunt, Dragonite, and Bisharp. Volcarona's sweeps are shut down by Chansey, and without the proper coverage, it is also be walled by bulky Fire- and Dragon-types like Heatran, Volcanion, Mega Charizard X, and Dragonite.

name: Offensive Quiver Dance
move 1: Quiver Dance
move 2: Flamethrower / Fire Blast
move 3: Bug Buzz
move 4: Giga Drain / Hidden Power [Ground]
item: Lum Berry
ability: Flame Body
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
ivs: 0 Atk

+1 Volcarona is faster than all relevant Pokemon bar Sand Rush Excadrill and rare Choice Scarf users like Garchomp, Terrakion, and Keldeo. Bug Buzz allows Volcarona to hit Psychic-types like Latios, Latias, Mew, and Reuniclus as well as Dark-types that resist Fire like Hydreigon and Tyranitar. Giga Drain provides some recovery and KOes Water-types like Keldeo, Gastrodon, Manaphy, Slowbro, Starmie, and Rotom-W after one or two boosts. Hidden Power Ground allows Volcarona to severely damage or KO a few Pokemon that would normally switch into it such as Heatran and Volcanion.

Set Details
Flame Body can punish priority users that may try to whittle Volcarona down such as Fake Out Medicham and Lopunny, which become setup fodder if burnt. Even if Volcarona is KOed, a Flame Body burn can allow other team members to set up. Lum Berry enables setup on Pokemon that can inflict status like Serperior, Amoonguss, Ferrothorn, and Slowbro. It also can save Volcarona from foes that run Prankster + Thunder Wave such as Thundurus and Klefki.

Usage Tips
When using Volcarona, always look for ways to chip its checks and counters. Volcarona enjoys Stealth Rock for wearing down checks like Talonflame and Volcanion over time and needs Stealth Rock removed from its own side before setting up. Common Pokemon that Volcarona can set up on are Ferrothorn, Serperior, Tangrowth, and Amoonguss; Volcarona can set up on Pokemon Choice locked into the wrong move such as -2 Latios and Latias locked into Draco Meteor, Magnezone locked into Hidden Power Fire, and even Keldeo locked into Secret Sword if Stealth Rock is not up. Do not underestimate Volcarona's special bulk while it is boosting. If the opponent switches to a Pokemon like Tornadus-T, Manaphy, Rotom-W, or Slowbro, Volcarona can easily use Quiver Dance again, avoiding a 2HKO while threatening to OHKO back. While Volcarona is mostly used as a mid- or late-game sweeper, it can also be used early-game to wallbreak and lure its checks into getting chipped or trapped.

Team Options
Volcarona appreciates entry hazard removal from spinners like Excadrill and Starmie and Defoggers like Latios and Latias. Excadrill can also set Stealth Rock and appreciates Volcarona's ability to deal with Pokemon such as Ferrothorn, Slowbro, Tangrowth, and Skarmory. Latias is also an excellent partner outside of Defog, as it provides dual screens, Safeguard, and Healing Wish support. On more offensive teams, Volcarona appreciates partners that can switch into and overwhelm its checks and counters. Pokemon like Manaphy can switch into Aqua Jet from Azumarill and Crawdaunt, while Thundurus can switch into Talonflame and use it to set up. Manaphy can overwhelm special walls like Chansey and help eliminate Fire-types like Heatran and Talonflame as well as Dragon- and Ground-types like Mega Altaria, Dragonite, Garchomp, and Hippowdon. Thundurus can help eliminate bulky Water-types like Suicune and checks to Volcarona such as Heatran, Talonflame, and Dragonite. Serperior is a unique utility option because it can set up dual screens for Volcarona or bait in checks like Heatran and KO them with Hidden Power. Pokemon that appreciate other Steel-types being removed such as Mega Metagross, Mega Altaria, Mega Diancie, and Dragonite also pair well with Volcarona; they support Volcarona by removing Heatran with Earthquake or Earth Power. Pokemon that appreciate bulky Psychic-types being removed such as Mega Medicham and Mega Lopunny pair well with Bug Buzz Volcarona. In return, they remove Chansey with High Jump Kick and bulky-Dragon-types like Dragonite and Garchomp with Ice Punch. On bulkier teams, Volcarona appreciates partners that can chip or trap its checks and counters. Knock Off users such as Bisharp, Weavile, Tornadus-T, and Clefable can help Volcarona sweep by removing items like Assault Vest from Tornadus-T, Eviolite from Chansey, and Leftovers from Heatran, specially defensive Garchomp, and Clefable. Pursuit users like Tyranitar can help Volcarona by trapping and chipping Pokemon like Heatran and Talonflame. Glare Serperior, Thunder Wave Clefable, and Starmie are great partners that can cripple bulky Water-types, Charizard, Heatran, Tornadus-T, Keldeo, Manaphy, and Clefable with status. If Volcarona's checks get paralyzed, it gets chances at free setup turns and has less to fear from opposing setup sweepers like Manaphy. Toxic from Pokemon like Gastrodon and Slowbro can be very important to wear down Talonflame, bulky Dragon-types like Garchomp, Dragonite, and Mega Altaria, and Fire-types like Volcarona and Charizard.

name: Sub Swarm
move 1: Substitute
move 2: Quiver Dance
move 3: Flamethrower
move 4: Bug Buzz
item: Leftovers
ability: Swarm
nature: Timid
evs: 88 HP / 236 SpA / 184 Spe
ivs: 0 Atk

Substitute beats some of Volcarona's common countermeasures such as status and priority users like Crawdaunt, Bisharp, Mega Medicham, and Mega Lopunny. With Quiver Dance, Volcarona gets the special bulk to become very hard to KO. Flamethrower is run over Fire Blast because it is easier to spam and fish for a burn, which makes Volcarona's Substitute harder to break. Bug Buzz is run along with Swarm to maximize damage output versus bulky Water- and Ground-types like Gastrodon, Hippowdon, and Garchomp, which can break Volcarona's Substitute repeatedly.

Set Details
88 HP EVs prevent +1 Volcarona's Substitute from being broken by Heatran's Lava Plume, allowing it to use Heatran as setup fodder. 184 Speed EVs with a Timid nature make Volcarona faster than Adamant Mega Medicham, Modest Manaphy, and Jolly Excadrill unboosted and faster than Choice Scarf Landorus-T after boosting. 236 Special Attack EVs give Volcarona a good chance to OHKO Hippowdon and Garchomp at +1 and Gastrodon at +2 with Swarm and some prior damage. Leftovers recovers HP against weak, passive Pokemon like Ferrothorn and Amoonguss while setting up.

Usage Tips
Entry hazard removal is even more important because this set relies on Leftovers recovery and multiple Quiver Dance boosts to tank hits. Since Volcarona is mostly used as a mid- or late-game sweeper, it is also important to weaken checks beforehand. This can be done with entry hazards, which weaken Heatran, Volcanion, and Talonflame, or status, which cripples foes like Garchomp and Gastrodon. Volcarona sets up Substitute on Pokemon like Amoonguss, Ferrothorn, Tangrowth, Magnezone locked into Hidden Power Fire, and -2 Latios and Latias. At +1, it can continue setting up versus Lava Plume Heatran, Scald Alomomola, defensive Zapdos, and Clefable.

Team Options
Entry hazard setters like Excadrill are good teammates for wearing down Volcarona answers like Heatran, Volcanion, and Talonflame with Stealth Rock. Knock Off users such as Clefable, Serperior, and Mega Scizor can lure in these Fire-types, Assault Vest Tornadus-T, and Eviolite Chansey. Serperior can deal with Water-types and bait in Fire-types to cripple them with Glare, chip them with Leech Seed, or outright KO them with boosted Hidden Power. Gastrodon can importantly switch into Keldeo and chip foes with Scald and Toxic. It also can combat the Fire-type setup sweepers that threaten Volcarona like Mega Charizard X and Talonflame with Toxic and Clear Smog. Partners that can help break through Chansey include Tail Glow Manaphy, Mega Lopunny, Mega Medicham, Keldeo, and Breloom.


Other Options
Hidden Power Ice can be used as a safer means of OHKOing bulky Ground-types like Garchomp, Landorus-T, and Gliscor. It also hits bulky Dragon-types like Mega Altaria and Dragonite harder. Fiery Dance can be used as a means of boosting while attacking; this is beneficial when faced with a Calm Mind sweeper like Clefable or Mega Latias. However, it is much less powerful than Fire Blast and is not as consistent as just using Quiver Dance. Life Orb Volcarona is an option that can be used to hit harder and sweep easier; however, its longevity is particularly bad given Volcarona's weakness to Stealth Rock. Unlike Timid Volcarona, +1 Modest Life Orb is able to surely OHKO Pokemon like Keldeo, Tyranitar, Rotom-W, Manaphy, Hippowdon, Gliscor, Gastrodon, and defensive Landorus-T. On hyper offense teams, Sitrus Berry can be a viable option if Stealth Rock is unable to be removed, giving Volcarona a slight boost in health to help it set up easier. Similarly, Passho Berry may allow Volcarona to set up more easily versus weak Water-types and reduce the likelihood of being revenge killed by Aqua Jet from Crawdaunt and Azumarill. Bulkier spreads with less Speed and Leftovers may also be used to increase Volcarona's longevity during a sweep. However, this increases Volcarona's chances of being outsped and severely damaged by Pokemon like Hydreigon and Excadrill while unboosted.

Checks and Counters
**Chansey**: Chansey's astronomical special bulk allows it to counter any variant of Volcarona and slowly KO it with Seismic Toss and Toxic.

**Entry Hazards**: Due to Volcarona's low physical bulk, it needs to be at full health to take a hit while boosting. With Stealth Rock or Spikes up, Volcarona risks getting KOed while boosting and is more easily revenge killed by priority users.

**Strong Priority**: Talonflame, Mega Pinsir, Mega Medicham, Mega Lopunny, Dragonite, Crawdaunt, Azumarill, and Bisharp can all heavily chip or KO a boosted Volcarona. Talonflame is Volcarona's best check because it is immune to burn and can use Volcarona as setup fodder.

**Rock-type Coverage**: Bulky Pokemon like Hippowdon, Garchomp, and Tornadus can take a hit from most +1 Volcarona and dent or KO them back with Rock Slide, Rock Tomb, or Smack Down.

**Bulky Fire-types**: Volcarona is usually walled by the likes of Talonflame, Mega Charizard Y, and Heatran if not running the appropriate coverage.

**Bulky Water-types**: Pokemon like Volcanion and Suicune can take hits from Volcarona at +1 and remove its boosts with Haze or Roar.

**Bulky Dragon-types**: Without the appropriate coverage, Volcarona is unable to touch Mega Altaria, Mega Charizard X, and Dragonite. These Pokemon freely set up on Volcarona with Dragon Dance or simply KO it.

- Written by: [[Anvil Head, 440741]]
- Quality checked by: [[Savouras, 409438], [Vulpix03, 306299]]
- Grammar checked by: [[dex, 277988], [CryoGyro, 331519]]
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I wouldnt mention Char X as competition, although char X has alot of potential and its v good and strong Volcarona is clearly the superior option currently for many reasons including that u waste your Mega Slot, it fits way better in HO teams and has overall more sweeping potential without taking recoil n such.

Quiver Dance
Flamethrower / Fire Blast
Bug Buzz
Giga Drain / HP Ground

Bug Buzz is abit more important than Giga Drain and HP Ground for the most part.
There are scenarios u can skip it for having both options but usually hitting Tyranitar and Dragons mainly Garchomp is more important. If Fire Blast BBuzz provides a strong not missing option too

Set Comments

Dont mention empoleon or specify that fblast is just for steels, in general fire blast / flamethrower its the strongest atk volcarona can go for to ohko various mons and typings.
Empoleon is super gimmicky

Set Details

While unboosted u could mention other pokemons more relevant in the meta, something like Mega Medicham, Modest Manaphy and Jolly Excadrill.

Team Options

I wouldnt mention Spikes with Volcarona. Its a pokemon that very rarely makes use of them because of how pressured it is by hazards itsself and there is no good synergy with those heavy spikes setting mons in bulky offense or balance teams. Usually u dont wanna get into hazard wars when using Volcarona at all, either get up your rocks in hyper offensive teams and apply pressure with various setup hitters or just avoid them in general. An exception where u value hazards alot in a Volcarona team is against Talonflame and Pinsir but its Stealth rocks not Spikes.

Instead u could mention the utility Knock Off users provide, getting rid of Assault Vest from Tornadus, Eviolite from Chansey, Leftovers from Heatran, spdef Garchomp, Clefable etc.

Another great option u could mention is Status, mainly in forms of Thunder Wave / Glare and Toxic.
Thunderwave can slowdown various threats and give Volcarona many more opportunities to get value or even sweep. Against things like bulky waters, Charizard, Heatran, Tornadus-T, Keldeo, Manaphy, Clefable and more u absorb their hits and setup alot easier when they are slower than u and have that nasty chance to have their hits, status and utility moves like Taunt and Tailglow stopped.
Toxic utility can be very important in Talonflame matchups, against bulky Dragons like Garchomp Dragonite and Mega Altaria aswell as opposing fire types like Volc and Char.

Finally i wouldnt add LO Volcarona as a set, i would keep the 3 atks Lum and Sub Swarm as the main 2 sets.
LO, Sitrus or other things like passho and leftovers (outside of Swarm set) i would keep them in other options. Mainly cuz although LO is strong and kills many threats, its not as consistent and reliable as the other 2 sets.

Overall great analysis, QC 1/2 with the changes i talked above.

I wouldnt mention Char X as competition, although char X has alot of potential and its v good and strong Volcarona is clearly the superior option currently for many reasons including that u waste your Mega Slot, it fits way better in HO teams and has overall more sweeping potential without taking recoil n such.

Quiver Dance
Flamethrower / Fire Blast
Bug Buzz
Giga Drain / HP Ground

Bug Buzz is abit more important than Giga Drain and HP Ground for the most part.
There are scenarios u can skip it for having both options but usually hitting Tyranitar and Dragons mainly Garchomp is more important. If Fire Blast BBuzz provides a strong not missing option too

Set Comments

Dont mention empoleon or specify that fblast is just for steels, in general fire blast / flamethrower its the strongest atk volcarona can go for to ohko various mons and typings.
Empoleon is super gimmicky

Set Details

While unboosted u could mention other pokemons more relevant in the meta, something like Mega Medicham, Modest Manaphy and Jolly Excadrill.

Team Options

I wouldnt mention Spikes with Volcarona. Its a pokemon that very rarely makes use of them because of how pressured it is by hazards itsself and there is no good synergy with those heavy spikes setting mons in bulky offense or balance teams. Usually u dont wanna get into hazard wars when using Volcarona at all, either get up your rocks in hyper offensive teams and apply pressure with various setup hitters or just avoid them in general. An exception where u value hazards alot in a Volcarona team is against Talonflame and Pinsir but its Stealth rocks not Spikes.

Instead u could mention the utility Knock Off users provide, getting rid of Assault Vest from Tornadus, Eviolite from Chansey, Leftovers from Heatran, spdef Garchomp, Clefable etc.

Another great option u could mention is Status, mainly in forms of Thunder Wave / Glare and Toxic.
Thunderwave can slowdown various threats and give Volcarona many more opportunities to get value or even sweep. Against things like bulky waters, Charizard, Heatran, Tornadus-T, Keldeo, Manaphy, Clefable and more u absorb their hits and setup alot easier when they are slower than u and have that nasty chance to have their hits, status and utility moves like Taunt and Tailglow stopped.
Toxic utility can be very important in Talonflame matchups, against bulky Dragons like Garchomp Dragonite and Mega Altaria aswell as opposing fire types like Volc and Char.

Finally i wouldnt add LO Volcarona as a set, i would keep the 3 atks Lum and Sub Swarm as the main 2 sets.
LO, Sitrus or other things like passho and leftovers (outside of Swarm set) i would keep them in other options. Mainly cuz although LO is strong and kills many threats, its not as consistent and reliable as the other 2 sets.

Overall great analysis, QC 1/2 with the changes i talked above.

AM checker here! Feel free to implement what you wish.
add remove conjecture
With great offensive stats, typing, and access to Quiver Dance, Volcarona establishes itself as one of the most dangerous sweepers in the tier. Its STAB attacks coupled with coverage options like Giga Drain and Hidden Power allow Volcarona to have a wide range of coverage options, making it Ground make Volcarona very difficult to switch into. After a single Quiver Dance, (AC) Volcarona is able to outspeed outspeeds the entire unboosted metagame barring a few Choice Scarf users, while also being and is able to OHKO a large majority of the tier as well, making this a threat that is often checked and rarely countered. Although it seems that Volcarona can sweep through a Volcarona can sweep the majority of teams on paper, in reality, (AC) it is held back by its 4x weakness to Stealth Rocks, requiring Rock and requires Defog or Rapid Spin support. Its low Defenses Defense also make makes it susceptible to being revenge killed by strong priority users like Talonflame, Mega-Pinsir Mega Pinsir, Crawdaunt, Dragonite, and Bisharp. Volcarona's sweeps are shut down by is walled by Chansey, and without the proper coverage, (AC) it can also be walled by bulky Fire- and Dragon-types like Heatran, Volcanion, Mega Charizard X, and Dragonite.

name: Offensive Quiver Dance
move 1: Quiver Dance
move 2: Flamethrower / Fire Blast
move 3: Bug Buzz
move 4: Giga Drain / Hidden Power [Ground] Ground
item: Lum Berry
ability: Flame Body
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
ivs: 0 Atk

Quiver Dance allows Volcarona to outspeed most of the tier at +1 after a boost barring Sand Rush Excadrill and rare Choice Scarf users like Garchomp, Terrakion, and Keldeo. Flamethrower / Fire Blast are Flamethrower and Fire Blast are both options for Volcarona's main STAB move; explain how to choose between Flamethrower and Fire Blast here, for example: "Fire Blast secures important OHKOes like X and Y, while Flamethrower offers perfect accuracy". STABs being able to OHKO most Pokemon in the tier that don't resist it at +1 with the exception of Heatran. Bug Buzz allows Volcarona to hit hits Psychic-types like Latios, Latias, Mew, and Reuniclus, as well as Dark-types like Hydreigon and Tyranitar. Giga Drain provides Volcarona a means of recovery while also threatening KOs KOes on Water-types like Keldeo, Gastrodon, Manaphy, Slowbro, Starmie, and Rotom-W after a +1 or +2 boost a boost or two. Hidden Power Ground allows Volcarona to severely damage or KO a few Pokemon that would normally switch into it severely damages or KOes a few otherwise reliable checks such as Heatran and Volcanion.

Set Details
Maximum Special Attack and Speed EVs with a Timid Nature allow Volcarona to outspeed Choice Scarf Landorus-T and OHKO most of the metagame at +1 maximize its offensive capabilities you go into more detail later in the paragraph and repeat these points. While unboosted, the Speed EVs allow Volcarona to outspeed a few Pokemon like Hydreigon, Mega Medicham, Modest Manaphy, and Jolly Excadrill threatening and threaten them out. After a Quiver Dance boost, Volcarona is able to outspeed outspeeds and threaten OHKOs versus OHKOes many Pokemon that would normally check it such as Keldeo, Latios, Mega Diancie, Scarf Landorus-T, and Starmie. Flame Body is run to help punish revenge killers that may try to whittle Volcarona down with priority such as Fake Out punishes revenge killers like Mega Pinsir and Bisharp, which are crippled by a burn, and Fake Out users like Medicham and Lopunny, which can become setup fodder if burnt burned. Even if Volcarona is KO'd by a strong priority user like Mega Pinsir or Bisharp, a Flame Body burn can still be useful to facilitate the setup of other team members. these two sentences were saying similar things and should be combined Lum Berry allows Volcarona to freely set up on status-inflicting status inflicting Pokemon like Glare Serperior, Spore Amoonguss, and Thunder Wave Ferrothorn and Slowbro. It also prevents Prankster status inflectors such as Thundurus and Klefki from prematurly stopping a sweep. can prevent a Volcarona sweep from stopping prematurely by Prankster status inflictors such as Thundurus and Klefki.

Usage Tips
When using Volcarona, (AC) it is important to always look for identify any checks and counters and find out ways to chip them how to prevent them from checking Volcarona. Some Pokemon that can normally switch into Volcarona, (AC) like Talonflame and Volcanion, (AC) are pressured by Stealth Rocks Rock, which can be integral to wearing down these checks over time and ultimately allowing for a sweep wear them down over time until they can no longer check Volcarona. On a similar note, it is also vital that Stealth Rocks Rock are removed on your side to allow Volcarona to set up. Prior to the attempting a sweep, it is also important to identify which of the opponent's Pokemon Volcarona can set up on. Most of the time, (AC) it will be versus on passive Pokemon that cannot threaten it back like Ferrothorn, Serperior, Tangrowth, and Amoonguss. But it can also be used versus Volcarona can also set up on Choice Locked locked Pokemon such as -2 Latios/Latias, Hidden Power Fire locked Magnezone, and even Secret Sword locked Keldeo Draco Meteor Latios or Latias, Hidden Power Fire Magnezone, and Secret Sword Keldeo if no Stealth Rocks are Stealth Rock is not up. Do not underestimate Volcarona's special bulk while it is boosting. Even boosting; even if the opponent switches to Pokemon like Tornadus-T, Manaphy, Rotom-W, or Slowbro while Volcarona Quiver Dances once uses Quiver Dance, it can easily Quiver Dance again on these Pokemon, use Quiver Dance again and avoid getting 2HKO'd 2HKOed, and then OHKO these Pokemon back. While Volcarona is mostly used as a mid mid- to late-game sweeper, depending on the team composition, it can also be used early game early-game to wall break wallbreak and lure out its checks to be chipped or trapped.

Team Options
In general, Volcarona appreciates support in the form of entry hazard removal, which can be done by Rapid Spin users spinners like Excadrill and Starmie, as well as Defog users Defoggers like Latios and Latias. In particular, Excadrill is a reliable Rapid Spin user spinner that can also keep up set Stealth Rocks Rock to chip down Volcarona switchins Volcarona's switch-ins, while also appreciating and also appreciates Volcarona's ability to deal with Pokemon its checks such as Ferrothorn, Slowbro, Tangrowth, and Skarmory. Latias is also an excellent partner to help Volcarona sweep as it can provide Screens dual screens, Safeguard, and Healing Wish support in addition to removing entry hazards. On more offensive teams, Volcarona appreciates partners that can switch into and overwhelm its checks and counters. Pokemon like Manaphy can switch into Aqua Jet from Azumarill and Crawdaunt, while Thundurus can switch into Talonflame and use the opportunity to set up talk about Manaphy first, then Thundurus Manaphy is an excellent teammate since it can overwhelm Special special walls like Chansey, (RC) and help eliminate Fire-types like Heatran and Talonflame as well as Dragon- and Ground-types like Mega Altaria, Dragonite, Garchomp, and Hippowdon Fire-, Dragon-, and Ground-types that check Volcarona like Heatran, Talonflame, Mega Altaria, Dragonite, Garchomp, and Hippowdon maybe just one example of each? long list. It can also switch into Aqua Jet from Azumarill and Crawdaunt. Thundurus is also a good teammate since it can help eliminate bulky Water-types like Suicune and checks to Volcarona such as Heatran, Talonflame, and Dragonite. Serperior is also a unique an unique option in terms of utility since it can either set up dual screens for Volcarona or act as a lure to bait in checks like Heatran and KO them with Hidden Power Ground I assume. Pokemon that appreciate other Steel-types being removed such as Mega Metagross, Mega Altaria, Mega Diancie, and Dragonite can also pair well with Volcarona and, (AC) in return, (AC) can support Volcarona by removing Heatran with Earthquake / or Earth Power. Similarly, Pokemon that appreciate bulky-Psychic types bulky Psychic-types removed such as Mega Medicham and Mega Lopunny pair well with Bug Buzz Volcarona. In return, (AC) they can support Volcarona by removing Chansey with High Jump Kick and bulky-Dragons bulky Dragon-types like Dragonite and Garchomp with Ice Punch. On more bulkier teams, Volcarona appreciates partners that can chip down or trap its checks and counters. Knock Off users such as Bisharp, Weavile, Tornadus-T, and Clefable can help Volcarona sweep by removing items like Assault Vest from Tornadus-T, Eviolite from Chansey, and Leftovers from Heatran, specially defensive Garchomp, and Clefable, ultimately reducing their longevity. Pursuit users like Tyranitar can also help Volcarona by trapping and chipping chip down Pokemon like Heatran and Talonflame. They can also be used to trap and eliminate Psychic-types like Latias and Latios that wall the Hidden Power Ground set. Status, mainly in the forms of Thunder Wave, Glare and Toxic, (AC) could also be are also great options to cripple would be Volcarona checks, making it easier to sweep. Glare Serperior, Thunder Wave Clefable, and Starmie Glare Serperior and Thunder Wave Clefable and Starmie I am assuming Starmie is also a Thunder Wave user? are great partners that can cripple bulky waters Water-types, Charizard, Heatran, Tornadus-T, Keldeo, Manaphy, and Clefable. With Volcarona's checks being paralyzed, Volcarona has more opportunities to set up free Quiver Dances user Quiver Dance and avoid hits, status, utility moves like Taunt, and opposing set up like Tail Glow. Toxic users like Gastrodon and Slowbro can be very important to wear down Talonflame, bulky Dragon-Types Dragon-types like Garchomp, Dragonite, and Mega Altaria, (AC) as well as opposing Fire-types like Volcarona and Charizard.

name: Sub Substitute Swarm
move 1: Substitute
move 2: Quiver Dance
move 3: Flamethrower
move 4: Bug Buzz
item: Leftovers
ability: Swarm
nature: Timid
evs: 88 HP / 236 SpA / 184 Spe
ivs: 0 Atk

Substitute allows Volcarona to beat some of the its checks and revenge killers often used against it. Not only can it avoid status behind a Substitute, but is also able to KO Pokemon like Crawdaunt, Bisharp, Mega Medicham, and Mega Lopunny that would normally chip it down or KO it without a Substitute up with their priority moves. With Quiver Dance, this Volcarona set is able to use its special bulk to become very hard to KO with special attacks. Flamethrower is ran as a more accurate STAB move that is spammable an accurate and reliable STAB move and can be used to fish for burns, making it even harder for physical attackers to break this Pokemon's its Substitutes. Bug Buzz is ran along with Swarm to maximize along with Swarm maximizes Volcarona's damage output versus bulky Water- and Ground-types like Gastrodon, Hippowdon, and Garchomp that may threaten to reliably break Volcarona's Substitutes repeatedly to KO it.

Set Details
88 HP EVs prevents Volcarona's Substitute from being broken by Heatran's Lava Plume at +1 after a Quiver Dance, allowing Volcarona to use Heatran as setup fodder. 184 Speed EVs with a Timid Nature allows Volcarona to outspeed outspeeds Choice Scarf Landorus-T at +1 after a boost, and Adamant Mega Medicham, Modest Manaphy, and Jolly Excadrill while unboosted. 236 Special Attack EVs with a Swarm Boost, allows Volcarona to have a good chance for Bug Buzz to OHKO Hippowdon and Garchomp at +1, as well as Gastrodon at +2, with a bit of hazard chip give Bug Buzz a good chance to OHKO Hippowdon and Garchomp after a Quiver Dance with Swarm active, as well as OHKO Gastrodon after a second Quiver Dance and entry hazard damage. Leftovers are ran to improve Volcarona's longevity and allows it to regain HP versus recover HP against weak, (AC) passive Pokemon like Ferrothorn and Amoonguss while setting up.

Usage Tips
Hazard removal is more important Entry hazard removal is important with this set since it lacks Giga Drain and must rely on Leftovers for recovery and needs multiple Quiver Dance boosts to tank hits. Since this type of Volcarona set is mostly used as a mid- to late-game sweeper, it is also important to weaken opposing checks to Volcarona prior to attempting the sweep. This can be done either with hazards chip entry hazards to weaken opposing Heatran, Volcanion, and Talonflame, or also with statusing by buring Pokemon like Garchomp and Gastrodon with burns, making it difficult to so they cannot break Volcarona's Substitutes. Volcarona clicks uses Substitute on Pokemon that cannot touch it back do significant damage to it like Amoonguss, Ferrothorn, Tangrowth, Hidden Power Fire locked Magnezone Choice locked into Hidden Power Fire, and -2 Latios and Latias after a Draco Meteor. At +1 it can continue setting up versus After a Quiver Dance, it can set up on Lava Plume Heatran, Scald Alomomola, Defensive Zapdos, and Clefable since these Pokemon cannot break Volcarona's Substitutes.

Team Options
Since this Volcarona set struggles with bulky Fire- and Water-types that resist its STABs STAB moves, entry hazard setters like Stealth Rocks Rock Excadrill can help wear down Heatran, Volcanion, and Talonflame for Volcarona. Knock Off users such as Clefable, Serperior, and Mega Scizor can lure in these Fire-types, Assault Vest Tornadus-T, and Eviolite Chansey reducing the and reduce their longevity of these Volcarona checks by removing their items. Pokemon like Serperior and Gastrodon that can deal with Water-types can also be are also useful partners.; make this period a semi-colon Serperior, (AC) in particular, (AC) is also able to act as a great lure for Fire types Fire-types, since it can remove their item, Glare paralyze them, chip them with Leech Seed, or outright KO them with boosted Hidden Powers Power Ground. Gastrodon is able to switch into Water-types like Keldeo and can chip them down with Scald or a potential Toxic. It also has more utility versus boosting can check setup Fire-types like Charizard-X and Talonflame where it can put by putting them on a timer with Toxic I assume, is some other way, say that and remove their boosts with Clear Smog. Partners that can help break through Chansey, such as Tail Glow Manaphy, Mega Lopunny, Mega Medicham, Keldeo, and Breloom, (AC) are also useful to allow a Volcarona sweep.


Other Options
Hidden Power Ice can be used as a safer is a more reliable means of OHKOing bulky Ground types Ground-types like Garchomp, Landorus-T, and Gliscor. It also allows Volcarona to be able to hit bulky Dragon-types like Mega-Altaria Mega Altaria and Dragonite harder after a Quiver Dance than its normal coverage options. Fiery Dance can be used as a means of boosting without setting up while also attacking, (RC) which can be beneficial if boosting alongside Calm Mind Clefable or Calm Mind Mega Latias. However,; however, it is much less powerful than Fire Blast and not as consistent as just using Quiver Dance to boost. Life Orb Volcarona is also an option that can be used to help can hit harder and sweep easier. Unlike Timid Volcarona, Modest Life Orb after a Quiver Dance is able to pick up guaranteed OHKO's at +1 versus Pokemon like OHKO Keldeo, Tyranitar, Rotom-W, and Manaphy, (AC) as well as on bulky Ground types Ground-types like Hippowdon, Gliscor, Gastrodon, and defensive Landorus-T. On hyper-offensive hyper offense teams, Sitrus Berry can be is a viable option to use if Stealth Rocks are unable to be removed, giving along with reliable entry hazard removal and gives Volcarona a slight boost in health to help set up easier more easily. Similarly, (AC) an item like Passho Berry may be used to allow allows easier set up versus against weak Water-types and reduces the likelihood of being revenge killed by Aqua Jet users like Crawdaunt and Azumarill. Bulkier spreads with Leftovers and less Speed and Leftovers may also be used to increase increases Volcarona's longevity during a sweep. However; however, this also increases Volcarona's chances chance of being outsped and severely damaged by Pokemon like Hydreigon and Excadrill while being unboosted. While these sets are useful in a few scenarios they are not as consistent as the 3 Attacks Lum and Sub Swarm sets. unnecessary, since that's why they're other options

Checks and Counters
**Chansey**: Chansey's astronomical HP and good Special Defense allows it to counter any variant of Volcarona and chip it down beat it with Seismic Toss or Toxic. (AP)

**Entry Hazards**: Due to Volcarona's low physical bulk, it needs to be at full health to take a hit while Quiver Dancing setting up. However, (AC) with Stealth Rocks Rock or Spikes damage, Volcarona risks being KO'd while Quiver Dancing or is easily revenge killed by a priority user KOed while setting up or being revenge killed.

**Strong Priority**: Quick Attack Mega Pinsir, Fake Out Mega Medicham / and Lopunny, Extreme Speed Dragonite, Aqua Jet Crawdaunt / Azumarill, and Sucker Punch Bisharp Strong priority users like Mega Pinsir, Mega Medicham, Mega Lopunny, Dragonite, Crawdaunt, Azumarill, and Bisharp this is a long list, I would pick the three most relevant and use those can all chip down or KO revenge kill a boosted Volcarona. Talonflame is the most dangerous check, (AC) since it cannot get burnt and can instead use Volcarona as setup fodder be burned and can set up on Volcarona.

**Rock-type coverage**: Bulky Pokemon like Hippowdon, Garchomp, and Tornadus can live a hit from most variants of Volcarona at +1 even after a Quiver Dance and can severely damage or KO it with Rock Slide, Rock Tomb, or Smack Down, (AC) respectively. (AP)

**Bulky Fire-types**: Volcarona is usually walled by the likes of Talonflame, Charizard Y, and Heatran if not running the appropriate coverage. In return, (AC) these Pokemon can either KO Volcarona back or cripple it with status. (AP)

**Bulky Water-types**: Pokemon like Volcanion and Suicune can take hits from Volcarona at +1 even after a Quiver Dance and may either Haze it clear its boosts with Haze or phase phaze it out with Roar.

**Bulky Dragon-types**: Without the appropriate coverage, Volcarona is unable to touch beat Mega Altaria, Mega Charizard X, and Dragonite. These Pokemon are then able to Dragonite, and they can freely set up on Volcarona with Dragon Dance up and threaten KOs on Volcarona.

- Written by: [[Anvil Head, 440741]]
- Quality checked by: [[Savouras, 409438], [Vulpix03, 306299]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
GP Check
With great offensive stats, an excellent typing, and access to Quiver Dance, Volcarona establishes itself as one of the most dangerous sweepers in the tier. Its STAB attacks coupled with, alongside Giga Drain and Hidden Power allow Volcarona to have, give Volcarona a wide range of coverage options, making it very difficult to switch into. After a single Quiver Dance, Volcarona is able to outspeed the entire unboosted metagame barring a few Choice Scarf users, while also being able to OHKOing a large majority of the tier as well, making this a threat that is, causing Volcarona to be more often checked thand rarely countered. Although it seems that Volcarona can sweep through a majority of teams on paper, in reality, it is held back by its 4x weakness to Stealth Rocks, requiring Defog or Rapid Spin support. Its low Defenses also make it susceptible to be, forcing entry hazard removal. Its low bulk makes it susceptible to getting revenge killed by strong priority users like Talonflame, Mega- Pinsir, Crawdaunt, Dragonite, and Bisharp. Volcarona's sweeps are shut down by Chansey, and without the proper coverage it can, it is also be walled by bulky Fire- and Dragon-types like Heatran, Volcanion, Mega Charizard X, and Dragonite.

name: Offensive Quiver Dance
move 1: Quiver Dance
move 2: Flamethrower / Fire Blast
move 3: Bug Buzz
move 4: Giga Drain / Hidden Power [Ground]
item: Lum Berry
ability: Flame Body
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
ivs: 0 Atk

Quiver Dance allows Volcarona to outspeed most of the tier at +1 barring Sand Rush Excadrill and rare Choice Scarf users like Garchomp, Terrakion, and Keldeo. Flamethrower / Fire Blast are Volcarona's main STABs beingor Fire Blast is Volcarona's main STAB move, able to OHKO most Pokemon in the tier that don't resist it at +1 with the notable exception of Heatran. Bug Buzz allows Volcarona to hit Psychic-types like Latios, Latias, Mew, and Reuniclus, as well as Dark-types like Hydreigon and Tyranitar. Giga Drain provides Volcarona a means of recovery while also threatening to KOs on Water-types like Keldeo, Gastrodon, Manaphy, Slowbro, Starmie, and Rotom-W after a +1 or +2 boostone or two boosts. Hidden Power Ground allows Volcarona to severely damage or KO a few Pokemon that would normally switch into it such as Heatran and Volcanion.

Set Details
Maximum Special Attack and Speed EVs with a Timid Nature allow Volcarona to outspeed Choice Scarf Landorus-T and OHKO most of the metagame at +1. While unboosted, the Speed EVs allow Volcarona to outspeed a few Pokemon like Hydreigon, Mega Medicham, Modest Manaphy, and Jolly Excadrill threatening them out. After a Quiver Dance boost, Volcarona is able to outspeed and threaten OHKOs versuson many Pokemon that would normally check it such as Keldeo, Latios, Mega Diancie, Scarf Landorus-T, and Starmie. Flame Body is run to helpcan punish revenge killers that may try to whittle Volcarona down with priority such as Fake Out Medicham and Lopunny, both of which can become setup fodder if burnt. Even if Volcarona is KO'ed by a strong priority user like Mega Pinsir or Bisharp, a Flame Body burn can still be useful to facilitate the setup ofallow other team members to set up. Lum Berry allows Volcarona to freely set up on status-inflicting Pokemon like Glare Serperior, Spore Amoonguss, Thunder Wave Ferrothorn and Slowbro. It also can prevent a Volcarona sweep from stopping prematurely by Prankster status inflictorsPokemon that can inflict status like Serperior, Amoonguss, Ferrothorn, and Slowbro. It also can save Volcarona from foes that run Prankster + Thunder Wave such as Thundurus and Klefki.

Usage Tips
When using Volcarona, it is important to always look for any checks and counters and find out ways to chip them. Some Pokemon that can normally switch into Volcarona like Talonflame and Volcanion are pressured by Stealth Rocks, which can be integral to wearing down these checks over time and ultimately allowing for a sweepways to chip its checks and counters. Volcarona enjoys Stealth Rock for wearing down checks like Talonflame and Volcanion over time. On a similar note, it is also vital that Stealth Rocks are removed on your side to allow Volcarona to set up. Prior to the sweep, it is also is removed from Volcarona's side before it comes in to set up. Prior to its sweep, it is important to identify which of the opponent's Pokemon Volcarona can set up on. Most of the time it will be versus passive Pokemon that cannot threaten it back likCommon Pokemon that Volcarona can set up on are Ferrothorn, Serperior, Tangrowth, and Amoonguss. But it can also be used versus Choice Locked Pokemon such as -2 Latios/Latias, Hidden Power Fire locked Magnezone, and even Secret Sword locked Keldeo if no Stealth Rocks are; Volcarona can set up on Choice item Pokemon locked into the wrong move such as -2 Latios and Latias locked into Draco Meteor, Magnezone locked into Hidden Power Fire, and even Keldeo locked into Secret Sword if Stealth Rock is not up. Do not underestimate Volcarona's special bulk while it is boosting. Even iIf the opponent switches to Pokemon like Tornadus-T, Manaphy, Rotom-W, or Slowbro while Volcarona Quiver Dances once, iton Quiver Dance, Volcarona can easily Quiver Dance again on these Pokemon, avoid getting 2HKO'd, and then OHKO these Pokemon, avoiding a 2HKO while threatening to OHKO back. While Volcarona is mostly used as a mid- tor late-game sweeper, depending on the team composition, it can also be used early game to wall break and lure out its checks to be-game to wallbreak and lure its checks into getting chipped or trapped.

Team Options
In general, Volcarona appreciates support in the form of hazard removal, which can be done by Rapid Spin usentry hazard removal from spinners like Excadrill and Starmie, as well as Defog us and Defoggers like Latios and Latias. Excadrill is a reliable Rapid Spin user that can also keep up Stealth Rockscan also set Stealth Rock to chip down Volcarona's switch-ins, while also appreciating Volcarona's ability to deal with Pokemon such as Ferrothorn, Slowbro, Tangrowth, and Skarmory. Latias is also an excellent partner to help Volcarona sweep as it can provide Soutside of Defog, as it provides dual screens, Safeguard, and Healing Wish support in addition to removing hazards. On more offensive teams, Volcarona appreciates partners that can switch into and overwhelm its checks and counters. Pokemon like Manaphy can switch into Aqua Jet from Azumarill and Crawdaunt, while Thundurus can switch into Talonflame and use the opportunity to set up. Manaphy is an excellent teammate since it can overwhelm Sspecial walls like Chansey, and help eliminate Fire-types like Heatran and Talonflame as well as Dragon- and Ground-types like Mega Altaria, Dragonite, Garchomp, and Hippowdon. Thundurus is also a good teammate since it can help eliminate bulky Water-types like Suicune and checks to Volcarona such as Heatran, Talonflame, and Dragonite. Serperior is also a unique option in terms of utility sinc unique utility option because it can either set up dual screens for Volcarona or act as a lure to bait in checks like Heatran and KO them with Hidden Power. Pokemon that appreciate other Steel-types being removed such as Mega Metagross, Mega Altaria, Mega Diancie, and Dragonite can also pair well with Volcarona and in return can; they support Volcarona by removing Heatran with Earthquake / Earth Power. Similarly, Pokemon that appreciate bulky-Psychic types Psychic-types being removed such as Mega Medicham and Mega Lopunny pair well with Bug Buzz Volcarona. In return, they can support Volcarona by removing Chansey with High Jump Kick and bulky-Dragon-types like Dragonite and Garchomp with Ice Punch. On more bulkier teams, Volcarona appreciates partners that can chip down or trap its checks and counters. Knock Off users such as Bisharp, Weavile, Tornadus-T, and Clefable can help Volcarona sweep by removing items like Assault Vest from Tornadus-T, Eviolite from Chansey, and Leftovers from Heatran, specially defensive Garchomp, and Clefable, ultimately reducing their longevity. Pursuit users like Tyranitar can also help Volcarona by trapping and chipping down Pokemon like Heatran and Talonflame. They can also be used to trap Psychic-types like Latias and Latios that wall the Hidden Power Ground set. Status, mainly in the forms of Thunder Wave, Glare and Toxic could also be great options to cripple would be Volcarona checks, making it easier to sweepvariants without Bug Buzz. Glare Serperior, Thunder Wave Clefable, and Starmie are great partners that can cripple bulky waterWater-types, Charizard, Heatran, Tornadus-T, Keldeo, Manaphy, and Clefable. With Volcarona's checks being paralyzed, Volcarona ha with status. If Volcarona's checks get paralyzed, it gains more opportunities to set up free Quiver Dances and avoidwhile avoiding hits, status, and utility moves like Taunt, and opposing set up like Tail Glow. Toxic users as well as not being as threatened by opposing set up sweepers like Manaphy. Toxic from Pokemon like Gastrodon and Slowbro can be very important to wear down Talonflame, bulky Dragon-Ttypes like Garchomp, Dragonite, and Mega Altaria as well as opposing, and Fire-types like Volcarona and Charizard.

name: Sub Swarm
move 1: Substitute
move 2: Quiver Dance
move 3: Flamethrower
move 4: Bug Buzz
item: Leftovers
ability: Swarm
nature: Timid
evs: 88 HP / 236 SpA / 184 Spe
ivs: 0 Atk

Substitute allows Volcarona to beat some of the checks and revenge killers often used against it. Not only can it avoid status behind a Substitute, but is also able to KO Pokemon such as status and priority users like Crawdaunt, Bisharp, Mega Medicham, and Mega Lopunny that would normally chip it down or KO it without a Substitute up. With Quiver Dance, this Volcarona set is able to use its special bulk to become very hard to KO. Flamethrower is ran as a more accurate STAB move that is spammable and can be used to fish for burns, making it even harder to break this Pokemon's Substitutes. Bug Buzz is raun over Fire Blast because it is more accurate, making it easier to spam and fish for a burn, which, in turn, makes Volcarona's Substitute harder to break. Bug Buzz is run along with Swarm to maximize damage output versus bulky Water- and Ground-types like Gastrodon, Hippowdon, and Garchomp that may threaten to break Volcarona's Substitutes repeatedly to KO it.

Set Details
88 HP EVs prevents Volcarona's Substitute from being broken by Heatran's Lava Plume at +1, allowing Volcaronait to use Heatran as setup fodder. 184 Speed EVs with a Timid Nature allows Volcarona to outspeed Choice Scarf Landorus-T at +1, and Adamant Mega Medicham, Modest Manaphy, and Jolly Excadrill while unboosted. 236 Special Attack EVs with a Swarm Boost, allows Volcarona to have a good chance for Bug Buzz to OHKO Hippowdon and Garchomp at +1, as well as and Gastrodon at +2, with a bit of hazard chip. Leftovers are rachip, if Swarm is activated. Leftovers is run to improve Volcarona's longevity and; it allows it to regain HP versus weak, passive Pokemon like Ferrothorn and Amoonguss while setting up.

Usage Tips
Hazard removal is more important with this set since iEntry hazard removal is important since this set lacks Giga Drain and must rely on Leftovers recovery and multiple Quiver Dance boosts to tank hits. Since this type of Volcarona is mostly used as a mid- tor late-game sweeper, it is also important to weaken opposing checks to Volcarona prior to atthempting to sweep. This can be done either with hazards chip to weaken opposingentry hazards, which weaken Heatran, Volcanion, and Talonflame, or also with statusing Pokemonstatus, which cripple foes like Garchomp and Gastrodon with burns, making it more difficult for these Pokemon to break Volcarona's Substitutes. Volcarona clicks. Volcarona sets up Substitute on Pokemon that cannot touch it back like Amoonguss, Ferrothorn, Tangrowth, Magnezone locked into Hidden Power Fire locked Magnezone, and -2 Latios and Latias. At +1 it can continue setting up versus Lava Plume Heatran, Scald Alomomola, Defensive Zapdos, and Clefable since these Pokemon cannot break Volcarona's Substitutes.

Team Options
Since this Volcarona set struggles with bulky Fire- and Water-types that resist its STAB moves, entry hazard setters like Stealth Rocks Excadrill can help wear downExcadrill are good teammates for wearing down foes like Heatran, Volcanion, and Talonflame for Volcaronawith Stealth Rock. Knock Off users such as Clefable, Serperior, and Mega Scizor can lure in these Fire-types, Assault Vest Tornadus-T, and Eviolite Chansey, reducing the longevity of these Volcarona checks. Pokemon like Serperior and Gastrodon that can deal with Water-types can also be useful partners. Serperior in particular is also able to act as a great lure for Fire types, since it can remove their item, Glare themand bait in Fire-types and cripple them with Glare, chip them with Leech Seed, or outright KO them with a boosted Hidden Powers. Gastrodon is able to switch into Water-types like Keldeo and can chip them down with Scald or a potential Toxic. It also has more utility versus boosting Fire-types like Charizard-X and Talonflame where it can put them on a timer and remove their boosts withnother Pokemon that can take on Water-types; it can importantly switch into Keldeo and can chip foes with Scald and Toxic. It also can combat the Fire-type setup sweepers that threaten Volcarona like Mega Charizard X and Talonflame with Toxic and Clear Smog. Partners that can help break through Chansey, such as Tail Glow Manaphy, Mega Lopunny, Mega Medicham, Keldeo, and Breloom are also useful to allow a Volcarona, are helpful to pave the way for Volcarona's sweep.


Other Options
Hidden Power Ice can be used as a safer means of OHKOing bulky Ground-types like Garchomp, Landorus-T, and Gliscor. It also allows Volcarona to be able to hit bulky Dragon-types like Mega- Altaria and Dragonite harder after a Quiver Dance. Fiery Dance can be used as a means of boosting without setting up, which can be beneficial if boosting alongside Calm Mind Clefable or Calm Mindhile attacking; this is beneficial when faced with a Calm Mind sweeper like Clefable or Mega Latias. However, it is much less powerful than Fire Blast and is not as consistent as just using Quiver Dance to boost. Life Orb Volcarona is also an option that can be used to help hit harder and sweep easier; however, its longevity is particularly bad given Volcarona's weakness to Stealth Rock. Unlike Timid Volcarona, Modest Life Orb is able to pick up guaranteed OHKO's at +1 versus Pokemon like Keldeo, Tyranitar, Rotom-W, Manaphy as well as on bulky Ground types like, Hippowdon, Gliscor, Gastrodon, and defensive Landorus-T. On hyper-offensiv offense teams, Sitrus Berry can be a viable option to use if Stealth Rocks are is unable to be removed, giving Volcarona a slight boost in health to help it set up easier. Similarly, an item like Passho Berry may be used to allow easier set upVolcarona to set up more easily versus weak Water-types and reduces the likelihood of being revenge killed by Aqua Jet users likefrom Crawdaunt and Azumarill. Bulkier spreads with less Speed and Leftovers may also be used to increase Volcarona's longevity during a sweep. However, this also increases Volcarona's chances of being outsped and severely damaged by Pokemon like Hydreigon and Excadrill while being unboosted. While these sets are useful in a few scenarios they are not as consistent as the 3 Attacks Lum and Sub Swarm sets.

Checks and Counters
**Chansey**: Chansey's astronomical HP and good Special Defensespecial bulk allows it to counter any variant of Volcarona and chip it down with Seismic Toss orslowly KO it with Seismic Toss and Toxic

**Entry Hazards**: Due to Volcarona's low physical bulk, it needs to be at full health to take a hit while Quiver Dancing. However, with Stealth Rocks or Spikes damage, Volcarona risks being KO'd while Quiver Dancing or is or Spikes up, Volcarona risks getting KOed while boosting and is more easily revenge killed by a priority users.

**Strong Priority**: Quick Attack Mega Pinsir, Fake Out Mega Medicham / Lopunny, Extreme Speed Dragonite, Aqua Jet Crawdaunt /Talonflame, Mega Pinsir, Mega Medicham, Mega Lopunny, Dragonite, Crawdaunt, Azumarill, and Sucker Punch Bisharp can all heavily chip down or KO a boosted Volcarona. Talonflame is theVolcarona's most dangerous check since it cannot get burnt and can insteadis immune to burn and can use Volcarona as setup fodder

**Rock-type coverage**: Bulky Pokemon like Hippowdon, Garchomp, and Tornadus can live a hit from most variants of Volcarona at +1 and can severely damage or KO it with Rock Slide, Rock Tomb, or Smack Down respectively.

**Bulky Fire-types**: Volcarona is usually walled by the likes of Talonflame, Charizard Y, and Heatran if not running the appropriate coverage. In returnFurthermore, these Pokemon can either KO Volcarona back or cripple it with status

**Bulky Water-types**: Pokemon like Volcanion and Suicune can take hits from Volcarona at +1 and may either remove its boosts with Haze it or phase it out with Roar.

**Bulky Dragon-types**: Without the appropriate coverage, Volcarona is unable to touch Mega Altaria, Mega Charizard X, and Dragonite. These Pokemon are then able to freely Dragon Dance up and threaten KOs on Volcaronaset up on Volcarona with Dragon Dance or simply KO it.

- Written by: [[Anvil Head, 440741]]
- Quality checked by: [[Savouras, 409438], [Vulpix03, 306299]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1dex, 277988], [username2, userid2]]
stag stamp.gif

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GP Check
With great offensive stats, an excellent typing, and access to Quiver Dance, Volcarona establishes itself as one of the most dangerous sweepers in the tier. Its STAB attacks, alongside Giga Drain and Hidden Power, give Volcarona a wide range of coverage options, making it very difficult to switch into. After a single Quiver Dance, Volcarona is able to outspeed the entire unboosted metagame barring a few Choice Scarf users, while also OHKOing a large majority of the tier, causing Volcarona to be more often checked than countered. Although it seems that Volcarona can sweep through a majority of teams on paper, in reality, it is held back by its 4x weakness to Stealth Rock, forcing entry hazard removal. Its low bulk makes it susceptible to getting revenge killed by strong priority users like Talonflame, Mega Pinsir, Crawdaunt, Dragonite, and Bisharp. Volcarona's sweeps are shut down by Chansey, and without the proper coverage, it is also be walled by bulky Fire- and Dragon-types like Heatran, Volcanion, Mega Charizard X, and Dragonite.

name: Offensive Quiver Dance
move 1: Quiver Dance
move 2: Flamethrower / Fire Blast
move 3: Bug Buzz
move 4: Giga Drain / Hidden Power [Ground]
item: Lum Berry
ability: Flame Body
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
ivs: 0 Atk

Quiver Dance allows Volcarona to outspeed most of the tier at +1 barring Sand Rush Excadrill and rare Choice Scarf users like Garchomp, Terrakion, and Keldeo. Flamethrower or Fire Blast is Volcarona's main STAB move, able to OHKO most Pokemon in the tier that don't resist it at +1 with the notable exception of Heatran. Bug Buzz allows Volcarona to hit Psychic-types like Latios, Latias, Mew, and Reuniclus, as well as Dark-types like Hydreigon and Tyranitar. Giga Drain provides Volcarona a means of recovery while also threatening to KO Water-types like Keldeo, Gastrodon, Manaphy, Slowbro, Starmie, and Rotom-W after one or two boosts. Hidden Power Ground allows Volcarona to severely damage or KO a few Pokemon that would normally switch into it such as Heatran and Volcanion.

Set Details
After a Quiver Dance boost, Volcarona is able to outspeed and threaten OHKOs on many Pokemon that would normally check it such as Keldeo, Latios, Mega Diancie, Scarf Landorus-T, and Starmie. Flame Body can punish revenge killers that may try to whittle Volcarona down with priority such as Fake Out Medicham and Lopunny, both of which become setup fodder if burnt. Even if Volcarona is KOed by a strong priority user like Mega Pinsir or Bisharp, a Flame Body burn can still be useful to allow other team members to set up. Lum Berry allows Volcarona to freely set up on Pokemon that can inflict status like Serperior, Amoonguss, Ferrothorn, and Slowbro. It also can save Volcarona from foes that run Prankster + Thunder Wave such as Thundurus and Klefki.

Usage Tips
When using Volcarona, it is important to always look for ways to chip its checks and counters. Volcarona enjoys Stealth Rock for wearing down checks like Talonflame and Volcanion over time. On a similar note, it is also vital that Stealth Rock is removed from Volcarona's side before it comes in to set up. Prior to its sweep, it is important to identify which of the opponent's Pokemon Volcarona can set up on. Common Pokemon that Volcarona can set up on are Ferrothorn, Serperior, Tangrowth, and Amoonguss; Volcarona can set up on Choice item Pokemon locked into the wrong move such as -2 Latios and Latias locked into Draco Meteor, Magnezone locked into Hidden Power Fire, and even Keldeo locked into Secret Sword if Stealth Rock is not up. Do not underestimate Volcarona's special bulk while it is boosting. If the opponent switches to Pokemon like Tornadus-T, Manaphy, Rotom-W, or Slowbro on Quiver Dance, Volcarona can easily Quiver Dance again, avoiding a 2HKO while threatening to OHKO back. While Volcarona is mostly used as a mid- or late-game sweeper, depending on the team composition, it can also be used early-game to wallbreak and lure its checks into getting chipped or trapped.

Team Options
Volcarona appreciates entry hazard removal from spinners like Excadrill and Starmie and Defoggers like Latios and Latias. Excadrill can also set Stealth Rock to chip down Volcarona's switch-ins while appreciating Volcarona's ability to deal with Pokemon such as Ferrothorn, Slowbro, Tangrowth, and Skarmory. Latias is also an excellent partner outside of Defog, as it provides dual screens, Safeguard, and Healing Wish support. On more offensive teams, Volcarona appreciates partners that can switch into and overwhelm its checks and counters. Pokemon like Manaphy can switch into Aqua Jet from Azumarill and Crawdaunt, while Thundurus can switch into Talonflame and use it to set up. Manaphy is an excellent teammate since it can overwhelm special walls like Chansey and help eliminate Fire-types like Heatran and Talonflame as well as Dragon- and Ground-types like Mega Altaria, Dragonite, Garchomp, and Hippowdon. Thundurus is also a good teammate since it can help eliminate bulky Water-types like Suicune and checks to Volcarona such as Heatran, Talonflame, and Dragonite. Serperior is a unique utility option because it can either set up dual screens for Volcarona or act as a lure to bait in checks like Heatran and KO them with Hidden Power. Pokemon that appreciate other Steel-types being removed such as Mega Metagross, Mega Altaria, Mega Diancie, and Dragonite also pair well with Volcarona; they support Volcarona by removing Heatran with Earthquake / Earth Power. Similarly, Pokemon that appreciate bulky Psychic-types being removed such as Mega Medicham and Mega Lopunny pair well with Bug Buzz Volcarona. In return, they support Volcarona by removing Chansey with High Jump Kick and bulky-Dragon-types like Dragonite and Garchomp with Ice Punch. On bulkier teams, Volcarona appreciates partners that can chip or trap its checks and counters. Knock Off users such as Bisharp, Weavile, Tornadus-T, and Clefable can help Volcarona sweep by removing items like Assault Vest from Tornadus-T, Eviolite from Chansey, and Leftovers from Heatran, specially defensive Garchomp, and Clefable, ultimately reducing their longevity. Pursuit users like Tyranitar can also help Volcarona by trapping and chipping Pokemon like Heatran and Talonflame. They can also be used to trap Psychic-types like Latias and Latios that wall variants without Bug Buzz. Glare Serperior, Thunder Wave Clefable, and Starmie are great partners that can cripple bulky Water-types, Charizard, Heatran, Tornadus-T, Keldeo, Manaphy, and Clefable with status. If Volcarona's checks get paralyzed, it gains more opportunities to set up while avoiding hits, status, and utility moves like Taunt as well as not being as threatened by opposing set up sweepers like Manaphy. Toxic from Pokemon like Gastrodon and Slowbro can be very important to wear down Talonflame, bulky Dragon-types like Garchomp, Dragonite, and Mega Altaria, and Fire-types like Volcarona and Charizard.

name: Sub Swarm
move 1: Substitute
move 2: Quiver Dance
move 3: Flamethrower
move 4: Bug Buzz
item: Leftovers
ability: Swarm
nature: Timid
evs: 88 HP / 236 SpA / 184 Spe
ivs: 0 Atk

Substitute allows Volcarona to beat some of the checks and revenge killers often used against it such as status and priority users like Crawdaunt, Bisharp, Mega Medicham, and Mega Lopunny. With Quiver Dance, Volcarona is able to use its special bulk to become very hard to KO. Flamethrower is run over Fire Blast because it is more accurate, making it easier to spam and fish for a burn, which, in turn, makes Volcarona's Substitute harder to break. Bug Buzz is run along with Swarm to maximize damage output versus bulky Water- and Ground-types like Gastrodon, Hippowdon, and Garchomp that may threaten to break Volcarona's Substitutes repeatedly.

Set Details
88 HP EVs prevent Volcarona's Substitute from being broken by Heatran's Lava Plume at +1, allowing it to use Heatran as setup fodder. 184 Speed EVs with a Timid Nature allow Volcarona to outspeed Choice Scarf Landorus-T at +1, and Adamant Mega Medicham, Modest Manaphy, and Jolly Excadrill while unboosted. 236 Special Attack EVs allow Volcarona to have a good chance to OHKO Hippowdon and Garchomp at +1 and Gastrodon at +2, with a bit of chip, if Swarm is activated. Leftovers is run to improve Volcarona's longevity; it allows it to regain HP versus weak, passive Pokemon like Ferrothorn and Amoonguss while setting up.

Usage Tips
Entry hazard removal is important since this set lacks Giga Drain and must rely on Leftovers recovery and multiple Quiver Dance boosts to tank hits. Since Volcarona is mostly used as a mid- or late-game sweeper, it is also important to weaken opposing checks to Volcarona prior to attempting to sweep. This can be done either with entry hazards, which weaken Heatran, Volcanion, and Talonflame, or status, which cripple foes like Garchomp and Gastrodon, making it more difficult for these Pokemon to break Volcarona's Substitute. Volcarona sets up Substitute on Pokemon like Amoonguss, Ferrothorn, Tangrowth, Magnezone locked into Hidden Power Fire, and -2 Latios and Latias. At +1 it can continue setting up versus Lava Plume Heatran, Scald Alomomola, Defensive Zapdos, and Clefable since these Pokemon cannot break Volcarona's Substitute.

Team Options
Since Volcarona struggles with bulky Fire- and Water-types that resist its STAB moves, entry hazard setters like Excadrill are good teammates for wearing down foes like Heatran, Volcanion, and Talonflame with Stealth Rock. Knock Off users such as Clefable, Serperior, and Mega Scizor can lure in these Fire-types, Assault Vest Tornadus-T, and Eviolite Chansey, reducing the longevity of these checks. Serperior can deal with Water-types and bait in Fire-types and cripple them with Glare, chip them with Leech Seed, or outright KO them with a boosted Hidden Power. Gastrodon is another Pokemon that can take on Water-types; it can importantly switch into Keldeo and can chip foes with Scald and Toxic. It also can combat the Fire-type setup sweepers that threaten Volcarona like Mega Charizard X and Talonflame with Toxic and Clear Smog. Partners that can help break through Chansey, such as Tail Glow Manaphy, Mega Lopunny, Mega Medicham, Keldeo, and Breloom, are helpful to pave the way for Volcarona's sweep.


Other Options
Hidden Power Ice can be used as a safer means of OHKOing bulky Ground-types like Garchomp, Landorus-T, and Gliscor. It also allows Volcarona to hit bulky Dragon-types like Mega Altaria and Dragonite harder after a Quiver Dance. Fiery Dance can be used as a means of boosting while attacking; this is beneficial when faced with a Calm Mind sweeper like Clefable or Mega Latias. However, it is much less powerful than Fire Blast and is not as consistent as just using Quiver Dance to boost. Life Orb Volcarona is an option that can be used to hit harder and sweep easier; however, its longevity is particularly bad given Volcarona's weakness to Stealth Rock. Unlike Timid Volcarona, Modest Life Orb is able to pick up guaranteed OHKOs at +1 versus Pokemon like Keldeo, Tyranitar, Rotom-W, Manaphy, Hippowdon, Gliscor, Gastrodon, and defensive Landorus-T. On hyper offense teams, Sitrus Berry can be a viable option to use if Stealth Rock is unable to be removed, giving Volcarona a slight boost in health to help it set up easier. Similarly, an item like Passho Berry may be used to allow Volcarona to set up more easily versus weak Water-types and reduces the likelihood of being revenge killed by Aqua Jet from Crawdaunt and Azumarill. Bulkier spreads with less Speed and Leftovers may also be used to increase Volcarona's longevity during a sweep. However, this increases Volcarona's chances of being outsped and severely damaged by Pokemon like Hydreigon and Excadrill while unboosted.

Checks and Counters
**Chansey**: Chansey's astronomical special bulk allows it to counter any variant of Volcarona and slowly KO it with Seismic Toss and Toxic

**Entry Hazards**: Due to Volcarona's low physical bulk, it needs to be at full health to take a hit while Quiver Dancing. However, with Stealth Rock or Spikes up, Volcarona risks getting KOed while boosting and is more easily revenge killed by priority users.

**Strong Priority**: Talonflame, Mega Pinsir, Mega Medicham, Mega Lopunny, Dragonite, Crawdaunt, Azumarill, and Bisharp can all heavily chip or KO a boosted Volcarona. Talonflame is Volcarona's most dangerous check since it is immune to burn and can use Volcarona as setup fodder

**Rock-type coverage**: Bulky Pokemon like Hippowdon, Garchomp, and Tornadus can live a hit from most variants of Volcarona at +1 and can severely damage or KO it with Rock Slide, Rock Tomb, or Smack Down.

**Bulky Fire-types**: Volcarona is usually walled by the likes of Talonflame, Charizard Y, and Heatran if not running the appropriate coverage. Furthermore, these Pokemon can either KO Volcarona back or cripple it with status

**Bulky Water-types**: Pokemon like Volcanion and Suicune can take hits from Volcarona at +1 and either remove its boosts with Haze or phase it out with Roar.

**Bulky Dragon-types**: Without the appropriate coverage, Volcarona is unable to touch Mega Altaria, Mega Charizard X, and Dragonite. These Pokemon are then able to freely set up on Volcarona with Dragon Dance or simply KO it.

- Written by: [[Anvil Head, 440741]]
- Quality checked by: [[Savouras, 409438], [Vulpix03, 306299]]
- Grammar checked by: [[dex, 277988], [username2, userid2]]
View attachment 413736

Implemented, thanks for the GP check
GP 2/2
With great offensive stats, an excellent typing, and access to Quiver Dance, Volcarona establishes itself as Quiver Dance Volcarona is one of the most dangerous sweepers in the tier ORAS OU. Its STAB attacks, alongside Giga Drain and Hidden Power, give Volcarona a wide range of coverage options, making it very difficult to switch into. After a single Quiver Dance, Volcarona is able to outspeed the entire unboosted metagame barring a few Choice Scarf users, while also OHKOing a large majority of the tier, causing Volcarona to be more often checked than countered. Its STAB moves, Giga Drain, and Hidden Power make it very difficult to switch into, its boosted attacks OHKO most Pokemon, and it outspeeds everything but a few Choice Scarf users after boosting, meaning it is more often checked than countered. Although it seems that Volcarona can sweep through a majority of teams on paper, in reality, it is held back by its 4x weakness to Stealth Rock, forcing entry hazard removal its Stealth Rock weakness mandates entry hazard removal and limits setup opportunities. Its low bulk makes it susceptible to getting revenge killed by strong priority users like priority moves from Talonflame, Mega Pinsir, Crawdaunt, Dragonite, and Bisharp. Volcarona's sweeps are shut down by Chansey, and without the proper coverage, it is also be walled by bulky Fire- and Dragon-types like Heatran, Volcanion, Mega Charizard X, and Dragonite.

name: Offensive Quiver Dance
move 1: Quiver Dance
move 2: Flamethrower / Fire Blast
move 3: Bug Buzz
move 4: Giga Drain / Hidden Power [Ground]
item: Lum Berry
ability: Flame Body
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
ivs: 0 Atk

Quiver Dance allows Volcarona to outspeed most of the tier at +1 barring +1 Volcarona is faster than all relevant Pokemon bar Sand Rush Excadrill and rare Choice Scarf users like Garchomp, Terrakion, and Keldeo. Flamethrower or Fire Blast is Volcarona's main STAB move, able to OHKO most Pokemon in the tier that don't resist it at +1 with the notable exception of Heatran. Bug Buzz allows Volcarona to hit Psychic-types like Latios, Latias, Mew, and Reuniclus, (comma) as well as Dark-types that resist Fire like Hydreigon and Tyranitar. Giga Drain provides Volcarona a means of some recovery while also threatening to KO and KOes Water-types like Keldeo, Gastrodon, Manaphy, Slowbro, Starmie, and Rotom-W after one or two boosts. Hidden Power Ground allows Volcarona to severely damage or KO a few Pokemon that would normally switch into it such as Heatran and Volcanion.

Set Details
After a Quiver Dance boost, Volcarona is able to outspeed and threaten OHKOs on many Pokemon that would normally check it such as Keldeo, Latios, Mega Diancie, Scarf Landorus-T, and Starmie. Flame Body can punish revenge killers that may try to whittle Volcarona down with priority priority users that may try to whittle Volcarona down such as Fake Out Medicham and Lopunny, both of which become setup fodder if burnt. Even if Volcarona is KOed by a strong priority user like Mega Pinsir or Bisharp, a Flame Body burn can still be useful to allow other team members to set up. Lum Berry allows Volcarona to freely set up enables setup on Pokemon that can inflict status like Serperior, Amoonguss, Ferrothorn, and Slowbro. It also can save Volcarona from foes that run Prankster + Thunder Wave such as Thundurus and Klefki.

Usage Tips
When using Volcarona, it is important to always look for ways to chip its checks and counters. Volcarona enjoys Stealth Rock for wearing down checks like Talonflame and Volcanion over time and needs Stealth Rock removed from its own side before setting up. On a similar note, it is also vital that Stealth Rock is removed from Volcarona's side before it comes in to set up. Prior to its sweep, it is important to identify which of the opponent's Pokemon Volcarona can set up on. Common Pokemon that Volcarona can set up on are Ferrothorn, Serperior, Tangrowth, and Amoonguss; Volcarona can set up on Choice item Pokemon Choice locked into the wrong move such as -2 Latios and Latias locked into Draco Meteor, Magnezone locked into Hidden Power Fire, and even Keldeo locked into Secret Sword if Stealth Rock is not up. Do not underestimate Volcarona's special bulk while it is boosting. If the opponent switches to a Pokemon like Tornadus-T, Manaphy, Rotom-W, or Slowbro on Quiver Dance, Volcarona can easily use Quiver Dance again, avoiding a 2HKO while threatening to OHKO back. While Volcarona is mostly used as a mid- or late-game sweeper, depending on the team composition, (unclear whether this refers to the prior or following statement) it can also be used early-game to wallbreak and lure its checks into getting chipped or trapped.

Team Options
Volcarona appreciates entry hazard removal from spinners like Excadrill and Starmie and Defoggers like Latios and Latias. Excadrill can also set Stealth Rock to chip down Volcarona's switch-ins while appreciating and appreciates Volcarona's ability to deal with Pokemon such as Ferrothorn, Slowbro, Tangrowth, and Skarmory. Latias is also an excellent partner outside of Defog, as it provides dual screens, Safeguard, and Healing Wish support. On more offensive teams, Volcarona appreciates partners that can switch into and overwhelm its checks and counters. Pokemon like Manaphy can switch into Aqua Jet from Azumarill and Crawdaunt, while Thundurus can switch into Talonflame and use it to set up. Manaphy is an excellent teammate since it can overwhelm special walls like Chansey and help eliminate Fire-types like Heatran and Talonflame as well as Dragon- and Ground-types like Mega Altaria, Dragonite, Garchomp, and Hippowdon. Thundurus is also a good teammate since it can help eliminate bulky Water-types like Suicune and checks to Volcarona such as Heatran, Talonflame, and Dragonite. Serperior is a unique utility option because it can either set up dual screens for Volcarona or act as a lure to bait in checks like Heatran and KO them with Hidden Power. Pokemon that appreciate other Steel-types being removed such as Mega Metagross, Mega Altaria, Mega Diancie, and Dragonite also pair well with Volcarona; they support Volcarona by removing Heatran with Earthquake / or Earth Power. Similarly, Pokemon that appreciate bulky Psychic-types being removed such as Mega Medicham and Mega Lopunny pair well with Bug Buzz Volcarona. In return, they support Volcarona by removing remove Chansey with High Jump Kick and bulky-Dragon-types like Dragonite and Garchomp with Ice Punch. On bulkier teams, Volcarona appreciates partners that can chip or trap its checks and counters. Knock Off users such as Bisharp, Weavile, Tornadus-T, and Clefable can help Volcarona sweep by removing items like Assault Vest from Tornadus-T, Eviolite from Chansey, and Leftovers from Heatran, specially defensive Garchomp, and Clefable, ultimately reducing their longevity. Pursuit users like Tyranitar can also help Volcarona by trapping and chipping Pokemon like Heatran and Talonflame. They can also be used to trap Psychic-types like Latias and Latios that wall variants without Bug Buzz. (bug buzz has not been presented as optional) Glare Serperior, Thunder Wave Clefable, and Starmie are great partners that can cripple bulky Water-types, Charizard, Heatran, Tornadus-T, Keldeo, Manaphy, and Clefable with status. If Volcarona's checks get paralyzed, it gains more opportunities to set up while avoiding hits, status, and utility moves like Taunt as well as not being as threatened by opposing set up sweepers like Manaphy gets chances at free setup turns and has less to fear from opposing setup sweepers like Manaphy. Toxic from Pokemon like Gastrodon and Slowbro can be very important to wear down Talonflame, bulky Dragon-types like Garchomp, Dragonite, and Mega Altaria, and Fire-types like Volcarona and Charizard.

name: Sub Swarm
move 1: Substitute
move 2: Quiver Dance
move 3: Flamethrower
move 4: Bug Buzz
item: Leftovers
ability: Swarm
nature: Timid
evs: 88 HP / 236 SpA / 184 Spe
ivs: 0 Atk

Substitute allows Volcarona to beat some of the checks and revenge killers often used against it beats some of Volcarona's common countermeasures such as status and priority users like Crawdaunt, Bisharp, Mega Medicham, and Mega Lopunny. With Quiver Dance, Volcarona is able to use its gets the special bulk to become very hard to KO. Flamethrower is run over Fire Blast because it is more accurate, making it easier to spam and fish for a burn, which, in turn, makes Volcarona's Substitute harder to break. Bug Buzz is run along with Swarm to maximize damage output versus bulky Water- and Ground-types like Gastrodon, Hippowdon, and Garchomp, (comma) which can that may threaten to break Volcarona's Substitute repeatedly.

Set Details
88 HP EVs prevent +1 Volcarona's Substitute from being broken by Heatran's Lava Plume at +1, allowing it to use Heatran as setup fodder. 184 Speed EVs with a Timid Nature allow Volcarona to outspeed Choice Scarf Landorus-T at +1, and Adamant Mega Medicham, Modest Manaphy, and Jolly Excadrill while unboosted nature make Volcarona faster than Adamant Mega Medicham, Modest Manaphy, and Jolly Excadrill unboosted and faster than Choice Scarf Landorus-T after boosting. 236 Special Attack EVs allow Volcarona to have give Volcarona a good chance to OHKO Hippowdon and Garchomp at +1 and Gastrodon at +2, (comma) with a bit of chip, if Swarm is activated with Swarm and some prior damage. Leftovers is run to improve Volcarona's longevity; it allows it to regain HP versus recovers HP against weak, passive Pokemon like Ferrothorn and Amoonguss while setting up.

Usage Tips
Entry hazard removal is even more important since this set lacks Giga Drain and must rely because this set relies on Leftovers recovery and multiple Quiver Dance boosts to tank hits. Since Volcarona is mostly used as a mid- or late-game sweeper, it is also important to weaken opposing checks to Volcarona prior to attempting to sweep checks beforehand. This can be done either with entry hazards, which weaken Heatran, Volcanion, and Talonflame, or status, which cripples foes like Garchomp and Gastrodon, making it more difficult for these Pokemon to break Volcarona's Substitute. Volcarona sets up Substitute on Pokemon like Amoonguss, Ferrothorn, Tangrowth, Magnezone locked into Hidden Power Fire, and -2 Latios and Latias. At +1, (comma) it can continue setting up versus Lava Plume Heatran, Scald Alomomola, defensive Zapdos, and Clefable since these Pokemon cannot break Volcarona's Substitute.

Team Options
Since Volcarona struggles with bulky Fire- and Water-types that resist its STAB moves, Entry hazard setters like Excadrill are good teammates for wearing down foes Volcarona answers like Heatran, Volcanion, and Talonflame with Stealth Rock. Knock Off users such as Clefable, Serperior, and Mega Scizor can lure in these Fire-types, Assault Vest Tornadus-T, and Eviolite Chansey, reducing the longevity of these checks. Serperior can deal with Water-types and bait in Fire-types and to cripple them with Glare, chip them with Leech Seed, or outright KO them with a boosted Hidden Power. Gastrodon is another Pokemon that can take on Water-types; it can importantly switch into Keldeo and can chip foes with Scald and Toxic. It also can combat the Fire-type setup sweepers that threaten Volcarona like Mega Charizard X and Talonflame with Toxic and Clear Smog. Partners that can help break through Chansey, (comma) such as include Tail Glow Manaphy, Mega Lopunny, Mega Medicham, Keldeo, and Breloom, are helpful to pave the way for Volcarona's sweep.


Other Options
Hidden Power Ice can be used as a safer means of OHKOing bulky Ground-types like Garchomp, Landorus-T, and Gliscor. It also allows Volcarona to hit hits bulky Dragon-types like Mega Altaria and Dragonite harder after a Quiver Dance. Fiery Dance can be used as a means of boosting while attacking; this is beneficial when faced with a Calm Mind sweeper like Clefable or Mega Latias. However, it is much less powerful than Fire Blast and is not as consistent as just using Quiver Dance to boost. Life Orb Volcarona is an option that can be used to hit harder and sweep easier; however, its longevity is particularly bad given Volcarona's weakness to Stealth Rock. Unlike Timid Volcarona, +1 Modest Life Orb is able to pick up guaranteed OHKOs at +1 versus surely OHKO Pokemon like Keldeo, Tyranitar, Rotom-W, Manaphy, Hippowdon, Gliscor, Gastrodon, and defensive Landorus-T. On hyper offense teams, Sitrus Berry can be a viable option to use if Stealth Rock is unable to be removed, giving Volcarona a slight boost in health to help it set up easier. Similarly, an item like Passho Berry may be used to allow Volcarona to set up more easily versus weak Water-types and reduce the likelihood of being revenge killed by Aqua Jet from Crawdaunt and Azumarill. Bulkier spreads with less Speed and Leftovers may also be used to increase Volcarona's longevity during a sweep. However, this increases Volcarona's chances of being outsped and severely damaged by Pokemon like Hydreigon and Excadrill while unboosted.

Checks and Counters
**Chansey**: Chansey's astronomical special bulk allows it to counter any variant of Volcarona and slowly KO it with Seismic Toss and Toxic. (per)

**Entry Hazards**: Due to Volcarona's low physical bulk, it needs to be at full health to take a hit while Quiver Dancing boosting. However, With Stealth Rock or Spikes up, Volcarona risks getting KOed while boosting and is more easily revenge killed by priority users.

**Strong Priority**: Talonflame, Mega Pinsir, Mega Medicham, Mega Lopunny, Dragonite, Crawdaunt, Azumarill, and Bisharp can all heavily chip or KO a boosted Volcarona. Talonflame is Volcarona's most dangerous best check since because it is immune to burn and can use Volcarona as setup fodder.

**Rock-type Coverage**: Bulky Pokemon like Hippowdon, Garchomp, and Tornadus can live a hit from most variants of Volcarona at +1 and can severely damage or KO it with Rock Slide, Rock Tomb, or Smack Down take a hit from most +1 Volcarona and dent or KO them back with Rock Slide, Rock Tomb, or Smack Down.

**Bulky Fire-types**: Volcarona is usually walled by the likes of Talonflame, Mega Charizard Y, and Heatran if not running the appropriate coverage. Furthermore, these Pokemon can either KO Volcarona back or cripple it with status

**Bulky Water-types**: Pokemon like Volcanion and Suicune can take hits from Volcarona at +1 and either remove its boosts with Haze or phase it out with Roar.

**Bulky Dragon-types**: Without the appropriate coverage, Volcarona is unable to touch Mega Altaria, Mega Charizard X, and Dragonite. These Pokemon are then able to freely set up on Volcarona with Dragon Dance or simply KO it.

- Written by: [[Anvil Head, 440741]]
- Quality checked by: [[Savouras, 409438], [Vulpix03, 306299]]
- Grammar checked by: [[dex, 277988], [username2, userid2]]
GP 2/2
Quiver Dance Volcarona is one of the most dangerous sweepers in ORAS OU. Its STAB moves, Giga Drain, and Hidden Power make it very difficult to switch into, its boosted attacks OHKO most Pokemon, and it outspeeds everything but a few Choice Scarf users after boosting, meaning it is more often checked than countered. Although it seems that Volcarona can sweep through a majority of teams on paper, in reality, its Stealth Rock weakness mandates entry hazard removal and limits setup opportunities. Its low bulk makes it susceptible to priority moves from Talonflame, Mega Pinsir, Crawdaunt, Dragonite, and Bisharp. Volcarona's sweeps are shut down by Chansey, and without the proper coverage, it is also be walled by bulky Fire- and Dragon-types like Heatran, Volcanion, Mega Charizard X, and Dragonite.

name: Offensive Quiver Dance
move 1: Quiver Dance
move 2: Flamethrower / Fire Blast
move 3: Bug Buzz
move 4: Giga Drain / Hidden Power [Ground]
item: Lum Berry
ability: Flame Body
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
ivs: 0 Atk

+1 Volcarona is faster than all relevant Pokemon bar Sand Rush Excadrill and rare Choice Scarf users like Garchomp, Terrakion, and Keldeo. Bug Buzz allows Volcarona to hit Psychic-types like Latios, Latias, Mew, and Reuniclus as well as Dark-types that resist Fire like Hydreigon and Tyranitar. Giga Drain provides some recovery and KOes Water-types like Keldeo, Gastrodon, Manaphy, Slowbro, Starmie, and Rotom-W after one or two boosts. Hidden Power Ground allows Volcarona to severely damage or KO a few Pokemon that would normally switch into it such as Heatran and Volcanion.

Set Details
Flame Body can punish priority users that may try to whittle Volcarona down such as Fake Out Medicham and Lopunny, which become setup fodder if burnt. Even if Volcarona is KOed, a Flame Body burn can allow other team members to set up. Lum Berry enables setup on Pokemon that can inflict status like Serperior, Amoonguss, Ferrothorn, and Slowbro. It also can save Volcarona from foes that run Prankster + Thunder Wave such as Thundurus and Klefki.

Usage Tips
When using Volcarona, always look for ways to chip its checks and counters. Volcarona enjoys Stealth Rock for wearing down checks like Talonflame and Volcanion over time and needs Stealth Rock removed from its own side before setting up. Common Pokemon that Volcarona can set up on are Ferrothorn, Serperior, Tangrowth, and Amoonguss; Volcarona can set up on Pokemon Choice locked into the wrong move such as -2 Latios and Latias locked into Draco Meteor, Magnezone locked into Hidden Power Fire, and even Keldeo locked into Secret Sword if Stealth Rock is not up. Do not underestimate Volcarona's special bulk while it is boosting. If the opponent switches to a Pokemon like Tornadus-T, Manaphy, Rotom-W, or Slowbro, Volcarona can easily use Quiver Dance again, avoiding a 2HKO while threatening to OHKO back. While Volcarona is mostly used as a mid- or late-game sweeper, it can also be used early-game to wallbreak and lure its checks into getting chipped or trapped.

Team Options
Volcarona appreciates entry hazard removal from spinners like Excadrill and Starmie and Defoggers like Latios and Latias. Excadrill can also set Stealth Rock and appreciates Volcarona's ability to deal with Pokemon such as Ferrothorn, Slowbro, Tangrowth, and Skarmory. Latias is also an excellent partner outside of Defog, as it provides dual screens, Safeguard, and Healing Wish support. On more offensive teams, Volcarona appreciates partners that can switch into and overwhelm its checks and counters. Pokemon like Manaphy can switch into Aqua Jet from Azumarill and Crawdaunt, while Thundurus can switch into Talonflame and use it to set up. Manaphy can overwhelm special walls like Chansey and help eliminate Fire-types like Heatran and Talonflame as well as Dragon- and Ground-types like Mega Altaria, Dragonite, Garchomp, and Hippowdon. Thundurus can help eliminate bulky Water-types like Suicune and checks to Volcarona such as Heatran, Talonflame, and Dragonite. Serperior is a unique utility option because it can set up dual screens for Volcarona or bait in checks like Heatran and KO them with Hidden Power. Pokemon that appreciate other Steel-types being removed such as Mega Metagross, Mega Altaria, Mega Diancie, and Dragonite also pair well with Volcarona; they support Volcarona by removing Heatran with Earthquake or Earth Power. Pokemon that appreciate bulky Psychic-types being removed such as Mega Medicham and Mega Lopunny pair well with Bug Buzz Volcarona. In return, they remove Chansey with High Jump Kick and bulky-Dragon-types like Dragonite and Garchomp with Ice Punch. On bulkier teams, Volcarona appreciates partners that can chip or trap its checks and counters. Knock Off users such as Bisharp, Weavile, Tornadus-T, and Clefable can help Volcarona sweep by removing items like Assault Vest from Tornadus-T, Eviolite from Chansey, and Leftovers from Heatran, specially defensive Garchomp, and Clefable. Pursuit users like Tyranitar can help Volcarona by trapping and chipping Pokemon like Heatran and Talonflame. Glare Serperior, Thunder Wave Clefable, and Starmie are great partners that can cripple bulky Water-types, Charizard, Heatran, Tornadus-T, Keldeo, Manaphy, and Clefable with status. If Volcarona's checks get paralyzed, it gets chances at free setup turns and has less to fear from opposing setup sweepers like Manaphy. Toxic from Pokemon like Gastrodon and Slowbro can be very important to wear down Talonflame, bulky Dragon-types like Garchomp, Dragonite, and Mega Altaria, and Fire-types like Volcarona and Charizard.

name: Sub Swarm
move 1: Substitute
move 2: Quiver Dance
move 3: Flamethrower
move 4: Bug Buzz
item: Leftovers
ability: Swarm
nature: Timid
evs: 88 HP / 236 SpA / 184 Spe
ivs: 0 Atk

Substitute beats some of Volcarona's common countermeasures such as status and priority users like Crawdaunt, Bisharp, Mega Medicham, and Mega Lopunny. With Quiver Dance, Volcarona gets the special bulk to become very hard to KO. Flamethrower is run over Fire Blast because it is easier to spam and fish for a burn, which makes Volcarona's Substitute harder to break. Bug Buzz is run along with Swarm to maximize damage output versus bulky Water- and Ground-types like Gastrodon, Hippowdon, and Garchomp, which can break Volcarona's Substitute repeatedly.

Set Details
88 HP EVs prevent +1 Volcarona's Substitute from being broken by Heatran's Lava Plume, allowing it to use Heatran as setup fodder. 184 Speed EVs with a Timid nature make Volcarona faster than Adamant Mega Medicham, Modest Manaphy, and Jolly Excadrill unboosted and faster than Choice Scarf Landorus-T after boosting. 236 Special Attack EVs give Volcarona a good chance to OHKO Hippowdon and Garchomp at +1 and Gastrodon at +2 with Swarm and some prior damage. Leftovers recovers HP against weak, passive Pokemon like Ferrothorn and Amoonguss while setting up.

Usage Tips
Entry hazard removal is even more important because this set relies on Leftovers recovery and multiple Quiver Dance boosts to tank hits. Since Volcarona is mostly used as a mid- or late-game sweeper, it is also important to weaken checks beforehand. This can be done with entry hazards, which weaken Heatran, Volcanion, and Talonflame, or status, which cripples foes like Garchomp and Gastrodon. Volcarona sets up Substitute on Pokemon like Amoonguss, Ferrothorn, Tangrowth, Magnezone locked into Hidden Power Fire, and -2 Latios and Latias. At +1, it can continue setting up versus Lava Plume Heatran, Scald Alomomola, defensive Zapdos, and Clefable.

Team Options
Entry hazard setters like Excadrill are good teammates for wearing down Volcarona answers like Heatran, Volcanion, and Talonflame with Stealth Rock. Knock Off users such as Clefable, Serperior, and Mega Scizor can lure in these Fire-types, Assault Vest Tornadus-T, and Eviolite Chansey. Serperior can deal with Water-types and bait in Fire-types to cripple them with Glare, chip them with Leech Seed, or outright KO them with boosted Hidden Power. Gastrodon can importantly switch into Keldeo and chip foes with Scald and Toxic. It also can combat the Fire-type setup sweepers that threaten Volcarona like Mega Charizard X and Talonflame with Toxic and Clear Smog. Partners that can help break through Chansey include Tail Glow Manaphy, Mega Lopunny, Mega Medicham, Keldeo, and Breloom.


Other Options
Hidden Power Ice can be used as a safer means of OHKOing bulky Ground-types like Garchomp, Landorus-T, and Gliscor. It also hits bulky Dragon-types like Mega Altaria and Dragonite harder. Fiery Dance can be used as a means of boosting while attacking; this is beneficial when faced with a Calm Mind sweeper like Clefable or Mega Latias. However, it is much less powerful than Fire Blast and is not as consistent as just using Quiver Dance. Life Orb Volcarona is an option that can be used to hit harder and sweep easier; however, its longevity is particularly bad given Volcarona's weakness to Stealth Rock. Unlike Timid Volcarona, +1 Modest Life Orb is able to surely OHKO Pokemon like Keldeo, Tyranitar, Rotom-W, Manaphy, Hippowdon, Gliscor, Gastrodon, and defensive Landorus-T. On hyper offense teams, Sitrus Berry can be a viable option if Stealth Rock is unable to be removed, giving Volcarona a slight boost in health to help it set up easier. Similarly, Passho Berry may allow Volcarona to set up more easily versus weak Water-types and reduce the likelihood of being revenge killed by Aqua Jet from Crawdaunt and Azumarill. Bulkier spreads with less Speed and Leftovers may also be used to increase Volcarona's longevity during a sweep. However, this increases Volcarona's chances of being outsped and severely damaged by Pokemon like Hydreigon and Excadrill while unboosted.

Checks and Counters
**Chansey**: Chansey's astronomical special bulk allows it to counter any variant of Volcarona and slowly KO it with Seismic Toss and Toxic. (per)

**Entry Hazards**: Due to Volcarona's low physical bulk, it needs to be at full health to take a hit while boosting. With Stealth Rock or Spikes up, Volcarona risks getting KOed while boosting and is more easily revenge killed by priority users.

**Strong Priority**: Talonflame, Mega Pinsir, Mega Medicham, Mega Lopunny, Dragonite, Crawdaunt, Azumarill, and Bisharp can all heavily chip or KO a boosted Volcarona. Talonflame is Volcarona's best check because it is immune to burn and can use Volcarona as setup fodder.

**Rock-type Coverage**: Bulky Pokemon like Hippowdon, Garchomp, and Tornadus can take a hit from most +1 Volcarona and dent or KO them back with Rock Slide, Rock Tomb, or Smack Down.

**Bulky Fire-types**: Volcarona is usually walled by the likes of Talonflame, Mega Charizard Y, and Heatran if not running the appropriate coverage.

**Bulky Water-types**: Pokemon like Volcanion and Suicune can take hits from Volcarona at +1 and remove its boosts with Haze or Roar.

**Bulky Dragon-types**: Without the appropriate coverage, Volcarona is unable to touch Mega Altaria, Mega Charizard X, and Dragonite. These Pokemon freely set up on Volcarona with Dragon Dance or simply KO it.

- Written by: [[Anvil Head, 440741]]
- Quality checked by: [[Savouras, 409438], [Vulpix03, 306299]]
- Grammar checked by: [[dex, 277988], [username2, userid2]]

Implemented, thanks for the GP!
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Anvil Head

I don't know anything about gen 6. Please double check if everything I uploaded (including the tier where I uploaded) is correct.

Thanks for the help, just checked over the upload, it looks like there might've been an artifact left on my end (at the end of that Chansey sentence). I fixed it up, but other than that everything else looks perfect.

Thanks again for uploading this
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