What If? - Alternate Timelines (AT #8 - Steel/Fighting Venomicon-E: Stats Submissions)

And with a whopping 6 votes, Scepticskep has won for AT Venomicon-P's stats! Now onto Venomicon-E's stats...

Physical Sweepiness: Limit is 135
Physical Tankiness
: Limit is 115
Special Sweepiness
: Limit is 110
Special Tankiness
: Limit is 115

: Limit is 550
Another note is that the BST  MUST match Scepticskep's 510 from their Venomicon-P stats.

I shall give about ~88 hours for y'all to submit some stats for AT Venomicon-E.

P.S. No one has submitted flavor art for the previous AT, but voting goes up when the stats go up for the current AT if anyone has something they are willing to cook up.