What If? - Alternate Timelines (AT #8 - Steel/Fighting Venomicon-E: Stats Submissions)

I utilize Electric coverage in this spread!

HP: 75
Atk: 55
Def: 73
SpA: 117
SpD: 98
Spe: 82
BST: 500

PS: 64.06
SS: 117.32
PT: 76.95
ST: 98.94
BSR: 517.24
PT + ST: 175.89

I think the limits are pretty ridiculous, I could pack so much more SpA or Speed into this spread without reaching them. Anyways, Speed outspeeds +1 base 110s like Latios and Iron Moth at +2 with a neutral nature. This type of spread would be very tera reliant but overall I think it would be very powerful given the instant +2/+2 it gets!
HP: 105
Atk: 63
Def: 89
SpA: 109
SpD: 50
Spe: 95
BST: 511

PS: 77.44
SS: 122.18
PT: 109.53
ST: 69.88
BSR: 532.71
PT + ST: 179.41

Hey look at me contributing. I am assuming grass coverage (Energy Ball) and I'm above the speed cap thing, so my SS limit is 123 and my BSR limit is 540.

This was kinda half based on my Chugg spread which had a specific weakness to special attackers. In this case the physdef bias provides a few setup opportunities (you can tank a +1 Body Press from Book if needed) and helps differentiate it a little bit from mons like Iron Moth. The poor spdef leaves room for defensive checks like Raging Bolt and maybe Moltres. The speed outruns Scarf Darkrai with a neutral nature.
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HP: 95
Atk: 64
Def: 80
SpA: 101
SpD: 55
Spe: 135
BST: 530

PS 90.00
SS 132.65
PT 94.48
ST 70.75
BSR 539.11

Defining Moves: Thunderbolt, let me have Taunt or idk Rocks

This Mon has a free third and fourth slot bc it don't have moves.
Anyway this spread is all about speed.
With this you can run modest and outspeeds Cawm bc we hate steel birds.
Or yi run Timid and get to fuck up Kitsunoh and Stratagem.
The physical inclination of the spread helps matchups against Hemogoblin and Kingambit, wich can't KO you from full during a sweep, unless they are set up.

On the other hand you lose quite a lot of oomph. Tbolt requires tera to 2hko Argh and without boosts it hits pretty weak.
The aim for this is a cleaner that can only get going when checks have been weakened enough, but then can quickly spiral out of control.
HP: 80
Atk: 52
Def: 100
SpA: 115
SpD: 68
Spe: 95
BST: 510

PS 67.84
SS 127.42
PT 103.53
ST 75.81
BSR 544.70
PT+ST= 179.34

Defining Moves: Torch Song, Flash Cannon, Grass Coverage (Energy Ball)

This spread is a lot more oriented towards physical defense, allowing us to have easier time setting up with Torch Song against physical attackers. Speed allows us to outspeed scarf Darkrai and Booster Valiant after Unburden. 115 SPA allows us to guaranteed 2HKO Cresceidon through Multiscale with Energy Ball at +2.
Well it is time for us to vote!
I utilize Electric coverage in this spread!

HP: 75
Atk: 55
Def: 73
SpA: 117
SpD: 98
Spe: 82
BST: 500

PS: 64.06
SS: 117.32
PT: 76.95
ST: 98.94
BSR: 517.24
PT + ST: 175.89

I think the limits are pretty ridiculous, I could pack so much more SpA or Speed into this spread without reaching them. Anyways, Speed outspeeds +1 base 110s like Latios and Iron Moth at +2 with a neutral nature. This type of spread would be very tera reliant but overall I think it would be very powerful given the instant +2/+2 it gets!
HP: 105
Atk: 63
Def: 89
SpA: 109
SpD: 50
Spe: 95
BST: 511

PS: 77.44
SS: 122.18
PT: 109.53
ST: 69.88
BSR: 532.71
PT + ST: 179.41

Hey look at me contributing. I am assuming grass coverage (Energy Ball) and I'm above the speed cap thing, so my SS limit is 123 and my BSR limit is 540.

This was kinda half based on my Chugg spread which had a specific weakness to special attackers. In this case the physdef bias provides a few setup opportunities (you can tank a +1 Body Press from Book if needed) and helps differentiate it a little bit from mons like Iron Moth. The poor spdef leaves room for defensive checks like Raging Bolt and maybe Moltres. The speed outruns Scarf Darkrai with a neutral nature.
HP: 95
Atk: 64
Def: 80
SpA: 101
SpD: 55
Spe: 135
BST: 530

PS 90.00
SS 132.65
PT 94.48
ST 70.75
BSR 539.11

Defining Moves: Thunderbolt, let me have Taunt or idk Rocks

This Mon has a free third and fourth slot bc it don't have moves.
Anyway this spread is all about speed.
With this you can run modest and outspeeds Cawm bc we hate steel birds.
Or yi run Timid and get to fuck up Kitsunoh and Stratagem.
The physical inclination of the spread helps matchups against Hemogoblin and Kingambit, wich can't KO you from full during a sweep, unless they are set up.

On the other hand you lose quite a lot of oomph. Tbolt requires tera to 2hko Argh and without boosts it hits pretty weak.
The aim for this is a cleaner that can only get going when checks have been weakened enough, but then can quickly spiral out of control.
HP: 80
Atk: 52
Def: 100
SpA: 115
SpD: 68
Spe: 95
BST: 510

PS 67.84
SS 127.42
PT 103.53
ST 75.81
BSR 544.70
PT+ST= 179.34

Defining Moves: Torch Song, Flash Cannon, Grass Coverage (Energy Ball)

This spread is a lot more oriented towards physical defense, allowing us to have easier time setting up with Torch Song against physical attackers. Speed allows us to outspeed scarf Darkrai and Booster Valiant after Unburden. 115 SPA allows us to guaranteed 2HKO Cresceidon through Multiscale with Energy Ball at +2.
The quoted posts provide what each stat spread accomplishes, but I have provided below the stat spreads themselves for voting. Reminder that this is a single bold vote!

75/55/73/117/98/82 (500 BST) by dex
105/63/89/109/50/95 (511 BST) by viol and bass
95/64/80/101/55/135 (530 BST) by Amamama
80/52/100/115/68/95 (510 BST) by Scepticskep

Voting ends in 24 hours!
Ignore that it has been 72 hours and not 24...

And with that Scepticskep is the person behind AT Chugg's stats! Congrats to them!

Now is the time to open up anything flavor related such as art or movepools as we move onto our 4th AT which is gonna be...

What if Emergency Exit won instead of Color Change as Chromera's ability?
As we know, Chromera's concept was to make a "bad ability" work, and this came in 2nd on the poll during ST Chromera's process so let's visit this alternate timeline and see how things would have changed. We are gonna start things off by discussing typing. The main question I wanna consider going into discussing typing is: How does the typing interact with Emergency Exit and how, if it can, does it amplify the switching aspect? I wanna stress that I want some legit thought as to why you think a typing would help put Emergency Exit to the front of how AT Chromera works and how it could help the team gain momentum or possibly do a "hit and run" strategy.

I am gonna give this discussion about 48-72 hours before we vote on a typing.
The fun thing about this is honestly the lack of actual synergy we’re presented with. Golisopod at least has First Impression, and its mutual Water type with Palafin makes an auto switch at least somewhat helpful, while punishing the opponent. What is intended as self-preservation turns into a complete loss of momentum at worst, and a punishment for even using the mon at best.

However, this ends up becoming a caveat with the sheer stat potential available to a Legendary stat total. I’m not overly familiar with Chromera’s stats, so I’ll need a refresher (that might end up moot regardless, since we’d be discussing BST/BSR as per usual)

I began this with a mention of a lack of synergy, but perhaps there still is some available. My first consideration is Normal in some capacity. It offers Fake Out in much the same way as Golisopod receives First Impression. My second is Bug itself. If we’re gonna rip off G, we might as well commit, lol. A Legendary Bug has been a fun concept to me for a while and this is a great way to execute it (sorry Aurumoth…). My final is Ghost, but I must iterate that it’s purely for flavour reasons; phasing out of battle
Ooooo it's spoooooky season, have a spoooooookyyyy mon ooooo

Torcheress, the Sweet Threat Pokémon. It's the witch from Hansel and Gretel as well as the gingerbread and the oven. The witch was said to "howl frightfully" when she was pushed into the oven so that justifies Torch Song. As for Unburden uhhhh pretend this evolves from a mon based on the titular siblings themselves something something poor kids run fast.

I've been washed in comp and I'm not smart enough to zero in on a proper typing but when it comes to Emergency Exit, typings that aren't dumpstered by hazards are ideal. One of the biggest issues Golisopod faces is its weakness to rocks. Without boots it stuggles to keep itself healthy which means Exit is more likely to proc at an inoppurtune turn. So strong typings that feature Ground, Fighting or Steel would work well here; preferably the latter two since Ground is a very crowded type. These latter types could be paired with Flying to avoid Spikes while still being Rock-neutral as well.
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Ok Chromera Typing:
EExit makes you kind of a weird pivot. And for pivots one of the best things you can be is hazard resilient. Lando T is an excellent pivot bc of its typing. Similar for Mons Like Genesect/Scizor, Pheromosa for offensive pivots or Corviknight Tomohawk or Ferrothorn for defensive.
There are offensive pivots with less than ideal types that make up for it via speed or ability. Since ability falls flat for us speed would likely be the way to go.
Another place where EExit might shine is as a Hybrid Hazard Setter -> Late game Cleaner Mon (imagine something like Deo S that can set rocks turn one and clean with half health and a three attacks set late game).
For this having both very spammable STAB and a good Matchup into Hazard removal/other leads is really cool.
Imo two premier base types here would be either ghost or flying types. Both have really spammable mono STAB and solid matchups into Hazard removal and other Leads.
Flying having a built in Spikes immunity is great too.
These types would best be complemented by Ground or Fighting for better hazard resilience and complementary STAB.

There's a third potential that makes EExit interesting, which is high power nukes with offensive Stat drops/HP cut, which you can click and be immidietly switched out after
Fire types not weak to rocks, Grass Types, Psychic and Steel types as well as Rock types have access to such moves.
Of these I think Fire and Grass are best just bc -SpA moves are easier to handle than -HP.
Of all of these I like Grass and Fighting most, bc they have access to draining moves (or fire if you want bitter blade), which could enable you to potentially get back over the EExit barrier.
A last consideration is that a lot of leads are Ghost or Ground types (Pult, Kit, Lando, Ting Lu)

I don't think I have a clear favorite now, but some combination of Fighting or Grass with Flying, Ghost, Fire or Psychic would be cool, with some room for Dark types.
Combos that don't suck:

A+ Tier:
Psychic/Fighting: cool anti hazard removal matchup, stealthrock resist, great STAB Combo in CAP. Sucks into Ghosts
A: Fighting/Flying solid anti lead matchup, great STAB combo, great hazard resilience, pretty limited with moves though
A-: Fire/Fighting: Great offensive type, Solid anti lead, good variety of moves. Sucks into Pult and Lando, no hazard resilience.
Ice/Fighting or Ground: absurd Stab combo, solid anti Lead and anti removal matchups, no hazard resilience
Ghost/Grass great hazard removal matchup, solid anti lead matchup, solidly spammable Stab. No hazard resilience. Grass is weird
Ghost/Fighting: Great STAB combo, great anti lead matchup. Weird split between wanting Spa or Atk
Dark/Flying: great anti lead, solid anti hazard matchup, great Stab combo, spikes immune
B+ Ground/Flying: No draining, ok Hazard matchup, great hazard resilience, really spammable stabs
Fighting/Dark great lead matchup, stealthrock resists, solidly spammable stabs.
Fighting/Grass can take different directions with moves, has a solid anti lead matchup and stealth rock resist.
B: Grass/Psychic weirdest defensive profile. Pretty solid anti Hazard matchup, pretty good Offensive typing. No hazard resilience. Sucks into Ghosts.

Overall I'm looking for a typing, that can be really threatening Turn 1 meaning it's not too passive and can threaten a variety of mons, while being solid for a Pivot to come back later, either setting hazards/screens again or getting to cleaning/breaking with good STAB coverage.
Ideally if it's a Setter/Lead having a type that pairs well with spin blockers is cool.

We don't have a role here yet and boots likely is the best item. But looking at stat dropping moves, abusing Eject Pack plus EExit for a Hazard Setter/Taunt Lead seems really funny.
Also consider fairy Lock/Jaw Lock plus EExit
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