You’ll NEVER Believe These Weird Facts About Pokemon

Flareon actually has really long legs. When it's relaxed, it retracts its legs like a telescope, but when threatened Flareon extends its legs fully to increase its size and intimidate foes.
Listen. I understand that you're trying to chase the high from that other deez nuts joke. I get it. It was an excellent joke. You got us good. But c'mon. Someone's gotta draw the line before you take it too far

For those unaware, the joke is that Rhydon is the first Pokemon designed. And 'Rhydon' can be used in a similar fashion to Ligma, Sugma, etc. "Rhydon this dick/these nuts/etc". The accused was attempting to lure some gullible fool into falling for their trap, so that they then might make the deez nutz joke and prove themselves again to be a top tier comedian. Nice try brightobject, but it seems as though you're not so bright after all LOL rekt

Anyways Albatross's fun Pokemon fact is that you shouldn't look up Mandibuzz's japanese name if you're under the age of 18
I'd honestly argue the first Pokemon made is Diglett. In SM, if you bring a Diglett from RBY to the dev guy, he'll say he made Diglett as a kid. Rhydon was the first Pokemon made with the intent of being a Pokemon, and everyone i've mentioned this to yells at me, but still
Gary goes by 3 names.
Gary, Blue and Green,
Green would soon become someone else as a girl you can find in a cave in LGPE. (sorry if this is wrong LGPEople, didnt play LGPE, only watched gameplay)