If you have the Zoroark from the new event that has Snarl, the move can be pretty useful. His Special Attack is so high that I found using Nasty Plot, followed by repeated Snarl attacks is pretty effective in Double Battles.
Haxorus and Zoroark are the best partners IMO.The 2 solid counters to Haxorus are Gliscor and Skarm. You send in Zoro (disguised as HAx, both take same entry damage) and SD. Then use HP Ice or Flamethrower to take Skarm/Glis out and get ready for a DD Haxorus sweep.
I use the zoro set as:
Zoroark@Expert Belt
252 Spe/252 S. Atk/4 HP
-Swords Dance
-Sucker Punch
-HP Ice
SD on the switch, lure Skarm/Glis out while being Haxorus, KO and then Hit stuff with Sucker Punch or your other 2 coverage moves
The problem with that is that Haxorus will be forced to use Rivalry, since Mold Breaker gives a visual cue. While Rivalry may have merit in Pokemon Online, Rivalry is garbage and inferior to Mold Breaker in every way in-game. A player can take advantage of the common knowledge that Rivalry sucks in-game and use that information to make a prediction that the "Haxorus" you just sent out is actually Zoroark.
Honestly, I think Infernape is the better partner. It takes the same hazards damage and its ability doesn't give a visual cue, and both also take damage from Sandstorm and Hail. The two also have some moves in common, such as Nasty Plot and Focus Blast. Both can also run a Swords Dance set.
i doubt so. Haxorus can still use Rivalry, thus when they don't see Mold Breaker 99% of all players will assume its Rivalry. Come on, who will predict that the Haxorus without MB is Zoroark? Zoroark isn't used at all in the metagame, the only people who have a small chance of catching on are those who have a Zoroark and know how to use it. Anyway, its not like Gliscor/Skarm can threaten Zoroark anyway
Have you honestly seen anyone using Rivalry Haxorus outside of PO? Any player with a brain would think "Hey, this isn't PO! People probably use female Pokemon! I'm gonna use Mold Breaker!".
I'm saying this as someone who has used and currently uses Zoroark in Standard OU. Haxorus is not a good idea for something to disguise Zoroark as.
Yes, Haxorus CAN use Rivalry, but the ability is so terrible outside of PO that you may as well never use it. Also, this noob help called team preview shows your opponent that you have a Zoroark. Zoroark users have to work around team preview, and using Pokemon with abilities that give visual cues aren't gonna help.
It would be like disguising Zoroark as Politoed. Yes, Politoed can use something other than Drizzle, but the other abilities are so inferior to Drizzle that it's not like they'll actually be used. And yet again, team preview.
Have you even competed against any Zoroark users?
Yes I have, and on a side note, one guy had the best disguise ever; Shedinja. (being sarcastic if you didn't notice). I used Zoroark before for many matches and I am glad that it has served me well
And I think you misunderstand. I did not mean that Haxorus can be a good partner for Zoroark, I meant that practically no one will predict that this Haxorus is a Zoroark simply because it doesn't have Mold Breaker! I completely agree with your argument that haxorus is not the best partner for Zoroark, I personally used Dusclops, its just that it is very unlikely someone will be able to predict this!
Yes I have, and on a side note, one guy had the best disguise ever; Shedinja. (being sarcastic if you didn't notice). I used Zoroark before for many matches and I am glad that it has served me well
And I think you misunderstand. I did not mean that Haxorus can be a good partner for Zoroark, I meant that practically no one will predict that this Haxorus is a Zoroark simply because it doesn't have Mold Breaker! I completely agree with your argument that haxorus is not the best partner for Zoroark, I personally used Dusclops, its just that it is very unlikely someone will be able to predict this!
Honestly, I can't see that working against anyone who has an understanding of the metagame.
he can work sometimes, depending on what type of mindgames you use and how good the enemy is at seeing through them, but most of the time Zoroark will simply be a inferior sweeper on your team that can be easily replaced.
he is still really Badass though.
Why would you use Dusclops as a partner for Zoroark? Sure, Dark and Ghost go together like peanut butter and jelly, but Dusclops's only ability is Pressure, meaning your opponent will immediately figure out that your "Dusclops" is a Zoroark.
Honestly, I can't see that working against anyone who has an understanding of the metagame.
The problem with that is that Haxorus will be forced to use Rivalry, since Mold Breaker gives a visual cue. While Rivalry may have merit in Pokemon Online, Rivalry is garbage and inferior to Mold Breaker in every way in-game. A player can take advantage of the common knowledge that Rivalry sucks in-game and use that information to make a prediction that the "Haxorus" you just sent out is actually Zoroark.
Honestly, I think Infernape is the better partner. It takes the same hazards damage and its ability doesn't give a visual cue, and both also take damage from Sandstorm and Hail. The two also have some moves in common, such as Nasty Plot and Focus Blast. Both can also run a Swords Dance set.
You can take it a step further. Skarmory "counters" Haxorus by absorbing its attacks and then whirlwinding it out, or by Brave Bird. Using Nasty plot or swords dance either has your Zoroark phased, or massively damaged by a pretty sad attack.