Pokémon Showdown
The Smog
Issue 36
The Smog Community Webzine
Smogon's Web-zine
Released September 29, 2014
This issue of The Smog is brought to you by
these contributors
Note from the Editor
Puzzle Page
The Community Mentoring Room
Battle Spot: Nope, It's not BS
Interview with Toast++
Battling Strategy
OU Spotlight: Thundurus
RU Spotlight: Moltres
LC Spotlight: Zigzagoon
Beginner's Guide to Entry Hazards: XY Edition
Follow the Leader - Redirection in Doubles
VoltTurn and Knock Off: An Explosive Mix
XY LC Scarves are Still in Style
Moves That Would Make Life More Interesting
Arts & Recreation
Judge A Pokémon: Wingin' It
Smeargle's Studio Update
XY OU: Recent Metagame Trends
What's Missing From OU
The Post-Aegislash Metagame
Sun Viability in OU
RU Suspect Coverage: Stages 1 - 3
Into the Trash Heap: The Most Overrated RU Pokémon
Dark Horses: Underrated Pokémon in RU
XY Little Cup: The Ban of Misdreavus
LC: Rank B for Badass
Viability Doesn't Always Run in The Family - Part 3
Climbing the Ropes: A Guide to Learning a New Tier
Underrated Abilities in the Balanced Hackmons Metagame
Normal-types in the STABmons Metagame
Remembering Our Roots Redux: Where Are They Now (Part 2: RSE)
BW OU Final Metagame Analysis
Other Features
Pokémon History: Rivalries Over the Generations
Steven Stone: Then and Now
The different types of Pokémon Battlers
Theorymonning the Pokémon Spectacular