GameStop Deoxys

Serebii says there are rumors of special moves and a special item. I hope to god this is true.
Gold Ursaring (who knows a thing or two about events) from The FAQs speculates that it might be similar to the Deoxys event that was held in Japan. The only DS related Deoxys event so far (according to is:

Level: 50
OT: 10th
ID No.: 07147
Ball: Cherish
Item: Nevermelt Ice
Ribbon: Classic

Then again, it doesn't take a genius to say that it'll probably come in a Cherish Ball with a Classic Ribbon and most likely level 50. Interestingly enough, the moves that Gold Ursaring listed for the Japanese Deoxys event did not contain any special moves.


formerly DoubleJG
In order to get multiple Deoxys per cartridge, don't you have to re-obtain Mystery Gift after doing a hard reset? Sounds like it'd take quite a bit of time.. But worth it, I suppose.
In order to get multiple Deoxys per cartridge, don't you have to re-obtain Mystery Gift after doing a hard reset? Sounds like it'd take quite a bit of time.. But worth it, I suppose.
The DS will automatically detect and activate Mystery Gift in that menu screen just before you load the game. All you need is the Pokedex. Takes around 10 minutes to delete the game and get the Pokedex.
In order to get multiple Deoxys per cartridge, don't you have to re-obtain Mystery Gift after doing a hard reset? Sounds like it'd take quite a bit of time.. But worth it, I suppose.
The Mystery Gift signal, itself, activates Mystery Gift, making it fairly fast. All you have to do is start a new game, spend the ~8 minutes to get the Pokedex, save, and then you can download the Mystery Gift event. Again, I did this for the Toys-R-Us Darkrai Event in order to obtain 13 Darkrais (despite having only six games for this event.)

Edit: Shouldn't take so long to write my posts. ^.^;;


formerly DoubleJG
The DS will automatically detect and activate Mystery Gift in that menu screen just before you load the game. All you need is the Pokedex. Takes around 10 minutes to delete the game and get the Pokedex.
That's great! Thanks.
Interestingly enough, the moves that Gold Ursaring listed for the Japanese Deoxys event did not contain any special moves.
The 10th Deoxys was "special" in that it had moves from each of its other forms, like Extremespeed. It didn't get any new moves like Spatial Rend.
Does anyone know if this event is happening in Canada? I'm not sure if we have Gamestop up here (my guess is no), but we do have EB games which is apparently run by Gamestop.
This is fantastic, I can get a bunch of my friends together like the Darkrai event. Having both versions of the game will be kinda cool, so I can get a Deoxys-D and a Deoxys-A, although it kinda sucks being the only really competitive pokemon player out of my friends.
Bulbapedia specifically says in the United States; same as always. We Canadians never get this stuff.
At least now you can trade online. I wouldn't say "same as always" either. The US got shafted in much the same way for a long time. It's only been recently that they've given us event pokemon.
Can't really see the point in restarting a game multiple times for more events. Surely getting one or two decent ones is worth more than 10+ random ones?
Does anyone know if this event will be mirrored by JB-HIFI in Australia like the Manaphy event? With his recent demotion, a Deoxys would be interesting to play around with.
Can't really see the point in restarting a game multiple times for more events. Surely getting one or two decent ones is worth more than 10+ random ones?
Yes, but the fun thing about restarting the game to obtain multiples is for half to be random, the other half to be in a soft-reset state. For example, I've got six game so for the Deoxys Event we can see how many I might decide to get...

1 Deoxys for my main game's "untouched legendaries collection"
4 Deoxys for my "My Pokemon Ranch" living Pokedex (1 of each form)
6 to Soft Reset for usable Deoxys (1 of each form, 2 extras)

The first five won't need any specific natures so I'll be able to restart-game to obtain those using a single game, leaving the final Deoxys in that game in the delivery man's queue so that I can soft reset for the sixth usable Deoxys.

Even more, I can immediately begin trying to obtain a usable Deoxys from that game... obtaining one fast enough, I'll be able to go back the next day or the next weekend and obtain more from that game, possibly only a seventh usable Deoxys.

And all of this is ignoring the fact that it's nice to have a few extra Deoxys around for the sake of having some Deoxys that can be traded / given to people that missed the event and simply want a Deoxys, any Deoxys.
Awesome. I will be checking with my local gamestop to see if they are him out.

I need a good deoxys.
Looks like it's a good month for pokemon fans. I'm looking forward to seeing what I can nab. I am also going to be disappointed by an OT of "gamestp" though. At least TRU put a name on the Darkrais.
For sure I'm going to this one. When I went to get Drakrai from Toys R us I had to go to a different city and know with game stop all i have to do is walk 3 blocks and I'm there.
This is fantastic. First Darkrai, then Deoxys. I'm wondering if they're gonna give away more Event Poke's at the upcoming VG Showdown in NYC?
I've got two Gamestops here at home. One at the mall, one near my WalMart. I guess the one at the mall would be easier to discreetly get Deoxys from.
In ToysRUs I set my DS to to receive the gift then stuck it in my pocket and walked past the display. I really don't know if any of the employees noticed that I walked through the store twice without even looking at anything.


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Wish they'd hurry up and have a SR-able Celebi giveaway, so we're not stuck with a limited number of them with IVs and natures that were set before the players even got them.

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