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Vanguard: Not everyone is a christian.
I'm pretty sure over 99% of the world would find necrophilia disgusting.

Where I'm from it's legal for an 18 year old to have sex with a 16 year old provided the female is the older party. Pretty weird hey? I don't really understand the laws myself but I think they should be changed.

lol http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ephebophilia

Glen pretty much summed up my reaction to your posts.
I think the age of consent is like 14 in Canada, though I don't plan on hitting up any minors so I haven't bothered to look.
I think it's preposterous for one to fear or despise something they cannot understand. I like and respect anyone who doesn't bring too much attention to themselves or me. Admittedly, stereotypes can sometimes be irritating; I suppose it's the level of stereotypicalness that determines my feelings for me.

Edit: The "attention" thing doesn't mean I wouldn't want people to know I'm around someone with a certain sexual orientation, it merely means I wouldn't want them causing types of commotion that could bring forth embarrassment.
What about Zoophilia? If a dog comes up from behind and just starts humping you isn't that consent? Aren't you then entitled to have sexual intercourse with it?
Mormoopid: I think it got changed to 16 recently, IIRC. And I'm allowed to know because I'm still 17. ;)

But honestly, I feel you could treat it as evolution or christmas/bible shit. Maybe just make it optional to learn about it. But what's really to learn? I mean obviously you tell kids "Some people like other people of the same sex, they are called homosexuals". Then when the one curious kid asked "How do they do it?", how would that be handled? When I took it last year they still told us about every kind of sex, everything from good old vaginal sex down to stuff like mouth-to-ass. So I'm sure learning about alternatives for homosexuals would be acceptable too. But, touchy subject indeed...
What about Zoophilia? If a dog comes up from behind and just starts humping you isn't that consent? Aren't you then entitled to have sexual intercourse with it?
It's how I met your mother.

In all seriousness I think that animals don't know what they're getting themselves into either. It'd be the same as if a child of five or six stripped naked and told you to fuck them. And even then I think that a five or six year old child is more intelligent than an animal.
your first post made me think you were stupid, this post cleared up any doubt

this post is absolute fucking drivel, seriously. you sum up 4 paragraphs of absolute bullshit with 'given the choice, id rather give up sex than go gay'? what the fuck does that have to do with anything lol

yeah, my first post was pretty stupid.

and the "conclusion" of that drivel was a response to morms statement that gay sex is a natural response to overpopulation.
and i was trying to imply that if overpopulation were to become a bigger problem, then i would not go the path taken by rabbits. which he said was gay sex.

Vanguard: Not everyone is a christian.
I'm pretty sure over 99% of the world would find necrophilia disgusting.
unfortunately, what youre pretty sure of and whats actually true are not the same. also, the same could be said of homosexuality 50/100 years ago.

Where I'm from it's legal for an 18 year old to have sex with a 16 year old provided the female is the older party. Pretty weird hey? I don't really understand the laws myself but I think they should be changed.
yeah, that law should probably be changed. what that law basically implies is that an 16 year old boy is can make the same decisions as an 18 year old girl, which i take to mean that an 18 year old girl is as mature as a 16 year old boy.
Time for fun! I'll just respond in red. I'm lazy.

Gay people aren't special. But you are. Seriously. You give God a boner. They're just people with a different sexual attraction. We're off to a decent start.... They aren't some poor aggrieved victim class who have been given the short shift in life. I haven't been, but I'm sure that there are some who are. Look at the statistics on self-identified gay folks. The juxtaposition of the words "gay" and "folks" holds a great deal of appeal. Yeah they have a higher propensity to commit suicide. True. They also tend to have much more income than straights. I wonder why.... It may very well be that we're.... hmm.

Can you feel the burning discrimination? Like gonorrhea peeing. America is forcing gay men and lesbians to be fabulously wealthy against their will. You aren't in an aggrieved class, you're just overly emotional and can't stand it when the facts don't add up to discrimination. The facts do, but I don't expect you to understand this. Maybe homosexuality causes a hormonal imbalance that leads to suicide. Maybe the damage over time of anal scarring and feelings of pain, emptiness, and brokenness does it. Yep. Gotta admit though, I doubt that most of these promiscuous gay men would feel empty. You know, all the anal sex. You're sending mixed messages. Although, in terms of feeling broken.... Maybe all of the other things associated with the generally more voracious and reckless sexual appetites of homosexuals is what gets them in trouble. Because when I'm not trolling for sex, then I'm not happy. Yep. Sounds about right. Maybe instead of looking outward to transfix your blame on the 90% of us who don't shack-up with samey you could look into your own community for answers.

Homosexuals have become just another lefty victim class demanding free food at the trough of the grievance-mongers. One wonders what they have to be so proud about when they make their living crying injustice and woe is them. Woe is we. One wonders why they go on violent rampages against the religious when they don't get their way through legislation, as happened to several Mormons after the passage of Prop 8, and then complain when no one takes their crusade for "justice" seriously anymore. I think a few went on violent rampages, but that's to be expected when someone is kinda stripped of their rights. More hate crimes have been perpetrated on gays, but the numbers aren't tracked because it's not under the umbrella of "hate crimes". More people take the gay rights agenda seriously than before because support for Christofascism is rapidly declining since, well, it works about as well as a prolapsed anus.
Eh, I'd take more time to edit for reality, but I'm too tired to be witty. Were you raped as a kid or something?

So, in response to the OP, I really don't care if kids are taught about homosexuals in sex ed classes. Either way, it won't kill me. There will still be gays, and there will still be others who are on a rather pitiful and misdirected crusade to destroy us. They are to be pitied rather than censured.

Homosexuality is offensive because it disrespects a lot of christians, I'm pretty sure this is a universal belief amongst them, and also because two men getting it on is disgusting.
Oh no! I just disrespected some Christians! It's almost like I poured beer in their collective weaves. I'm fairly sure it's not a universal belief, either. I'm pretty sure that the things that all Christians share in terms of belief are actually ones of relative importance, such as the saving power of Jesus Christ. You know, the things that decide if you're going upstairs or not. Feel me?
adam said:
But honestly, I feel you could treat it as evolution or christmas/bible shit. Maybe just make it optional to learn about it
if they don't like it, go to a christian school instead of one that teaches actual science.

and also vanguard missed the WHOLE mark on my post and clearly doesn't understand the mechanics behind population dynamics, evolution or common sense.

Deck Knight

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Deck Knight has proven to be the definition of both offensive, insulting and hatemongering to homosexuals- all in one post!
Going back to our semantical aside, it's improper to use both with more than two items.

Have you ever heard the principle of the inherent virtue of the oppressed? If someone were to go on a rant about how backwards, evil, racist, and hateful white males are would you even bat an eye? Probably not. Jrrr routinely accuses America of being racist, homophobic, and xenophobic without so much as a challenge from anyone but well, me.

The principle states in essence that all the negative traits of a minority group are ignored and all the positive one's emphasized. The minority thus becomes inherently virtuous because of its minority status.

Taking this example, you would agree there are people who are fighting for "gay rights," would you not? They treat gays as a separate and single collective with unifying traits. A monolith comprised of people with roughly the same behaviors, sufferings, and outlooks.

I do the same thing as they do, but where they are held as warriors for equality and virtue, I am lambasted because I ask them to self-police their own self-identified collective and its relevant collected statistics. In short they want it both ways Morm. Government must accede to the demands to fight discrimination against all gays by all straights, but don't you dare criticize gays collectively as a group, homophobe!

You're a smart person Morm, so why can't you see the double-standard? It would be like if someone in your field were pushing for the bulk of all investigational funding be shifted entirely into the Jurassic period, and then when you brought up how unimportant the Jurassic was relative to other periods like the Cretaceous, you were suddenly labeled anti-paleontology and derided as a Jurassiphobe for arguing there was nothing particularly special about the period. The board then threatened to rescind your license if you didn't accede to their demands to hush up. The Jurassic is very special and you will believe it so. Say otherwise and your job is toast.
I'm with Deck Knight on this one homosexuals just have this gay inferiority complex where if they don't have something up their ass (hand, dildo, dick, pickle) they get crabby. I'm perfectly fine with lesbians though.
if they don't like it, go to a christian school instead of one that teaches actual science.

and also vanguard missed the WHOLE mark on my post and clearly doesn't understand the mechanics behind population dynamics, evolution or common sense.
yeah, i know when im beat.

the main point of my posts were at what point does a sexual deviance become a valid sexual orientation?

but the execution of attempted tirade failed miserably.

I'm pretty sure over 99% of the world would find necrophilia disgusting.
also, i just remembered my court cases.

texas vs. johnson

learn it.
the point where deviance is acceptable is when both recipients of the act aren't harmed (ie two consenting adults), when both parties understand what is going on (ie not animals) or when the relatives of the deceased won't be offended and disgusted.

Gay people have a reason for feeling the way they feel; it's because assholes throughout time have prosecuted them for being themselves for a long, long time. Not only do they more often than not encounter it in their own lives, but the precident is so insanely overwhelming that it makes homosexuals who haven't fully come to terms with it feel like shit and disgusting. Lets not even bother to talk about the suicide rate, that shit is imposed by the way people treat homosexuals- particularily gay men.

How would you feel, as a gay man, to have lesbians welcomed with open arms by the majority of your gender only to have your way of life prosecuted and discriminated?

Man I can't believe the level of ignorance that is being hit in this thread.
Pretty much agreeing with Mormoopids post but also saying that I'm sure many lesbians find it offensive that they're seen as sex objects by straight males and not taken seriously.
an argument between a christian and a non-christian will just result to NOTHING..

if you believe in REALLY TRULY believe in Christ and God, homosexuality is offensive and a sin. If not, then it's not. You can't make them understand that and vice versa. It's impossible for a TRUE christian to accept homosexuality, if you do, then you're not a christian anymore cause a christian believes ALL the words written in the Bible..

I'm a christian and I'm offended by homosexuality. But I don't treat them like they are different unless they do something different to me or to those people who are important for me, get it? Just like criminals, you don't really treat them different unless they do something different right? Even though homosexuality is natural nowadays, it doesn't mean it's the right thing to do. And remember Sodom and Gomorah (did I spell it right?)

But for those who treat them as if they are criminals, well I guess it's natural like because for them homosexuality is a crime. I have friends who are gay but I treat them as a human. Though they are gay, they're still human.
Replace the words gay, homosexuality and etc with christian and we'll see how you feel. Thanks for excluding a whole group of people based on a characteristic about them. That's the same as saying black people can't be christians because of their skin color; it has the same biological foundation. You are a hypocrite if you exclude one group based on a characteristic and not others based on characteristics.

How can you be offended by something that not only doesn't impact you, but you aren't obligated to deal with? I feel kinda bad for you; your first post and you've already bitten off more than you can chew.

Your faith is every single thing that I find to be wrong with this planet. It should be criminal. How does it feel? I'm sure you'll laugh it off, being that your superiority complex is off the charts.

Edit: wait a second here, I'm not done with you yet. You claim that you don't treat homosexuals any different, but you advocate those that hold their actions as a crime and you say that they offend you? I see a great conflict in that and I think you need to be slapped in the face hard enough to see how rational people, particularily those on this forum for the most part, conduct themselves. You then go on to say you have gay friends and you don't treat them any different as if to say that you are a non-biased view? That is so clearly a method to try to lend weight to your own piss poor, laden-with-holes arguement it's not even funny.
if you believe in REALLY TRULY believe in Christ and God, homosexuality is offensive and a sin. If not, then it's not. You can't make them understand that and vice versa. It's impossible for a TRUE christian to accept homosexuality, if you do, then you're not a christian anymore cause a christian believes ALL the words written in the Bible..
And remember Sodom and Gomorah (did I spell it right?)
Hmm. This has been a procession of idiocy. The problem with believing ALL the words in the Bible is that it would lead to some very odd reactions to everyday occurances. Rather than looking it up and wasting the effort (as I'm already sure it'll be wasted. How'd I know? Magical gay psychic powers) I'll just say this: I hope you never have daughters. You might end up having to kill a few.

And no, you didn't spell Gomorrah correctly. You can't be Christian anymore. You had your chance, but you obviously don't believe in it enough to spell it correctly.
Don't hate them just stigmatize them and treat them like a criminal! I'm not a psycho christian at all!

If you believe everything written in the old testament then don't eat pork or grow wheat and barley in the same furrow, if you eat seafood you're going to burn in hell and if your penis is crush then you can forget about entering the house of the lord thank you very much!

www.truechristian.com fascinating.
It's impossible for a TRUE christian to accept homosexuality, if you do, then you're not a christian anymore cause a christian believes ALL the words written in the Bible..
oh my god did you really register to say something this stupid
an argument between a christian and a non-christian will just result to NOTHING..

if you believe in REALLY TRULY believe in Christ and God, homosexuality is offensive and a sin. If not, then it's not. You can't make them understand that and vice versa. It's impossible for a TRUE christian to accept homosexuality, if you do, then you're not a christian anymore cause a christian believes ALL the words written in the Bible..

I'm a christian and I'm offended by homosexuality. But I don't treat them like they are different unless they do something different to me or to those people who are important for me, get it? Just like criminals, you don't really treat them different unless they do something different right? Even though homosexuality is natural nowadays, it doesn't mean it's the right thing to do. And remember Sodom and Gomorah (did I spell it right?)

But for those who treat them as if they are criminals, well I guess it's natural like because for them homosexuality is a crime. I have friends who are gay but I treat them as a human. Though they are gay, they're still human.
And therefore you are acting in an ignorant manner when you are offended by homosexuality because you take the world of the bible without any rational reasoning behind it. If you had an arguable reason for being offended by homosexuality besides what is written in a book that does not provide, again, a rational reason, then that would be appropriate in this thread..
Sorry I missed something deck!
You're a smart person Morm, so why can't you see the double-standard? It would be like if someone in your field were pushing for the bulk of all investigational funding be shifted entirely into the Jurassic period, and then when you brought up how unimportant the Jurassic was relative to other periods like the Cretaceous, you were suddenly labeled anti-paleontology and derided as a Jurassiphobe for arguing there was nothing particularly special about the period. The board then threatened to rescind your license if you didn't accede to their demands to hush up. The Jurassic is very special and you will believe it so. Say otherwise and your job is toast.

Having a specialization in a subspeciality within palaeontology is entirely different than hatemongering a group of people. Of course people will advocate more funding for their own area of study. It's not that one area is more important overall, but one area is more important for certain groups than others- if you are looking at trilobites, for example, you won't go sniffing around in the paleocene. Instead, you'll maybe focus your efforts before the permian extinction. It has nothing to do with hatemongering bias, it has everything to do with specialization. Your comparission is as ineffective as it is inappropriate.
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