The Well #39 - whistle

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"A stranger is being shown around a village that he has just become part of. He is shown a well and his guide says "On any day except Sunday, you can shout any question down that well and you'll be told the answer." The man seems pretty impressed, and so he shouts down, "Why not on Sunday?" A voice from in the well shouts back, "Because on Sunday, it's your day in the well."

Posting this because:
<&aldaron> if you know me at all you'd know me posting a well is laughable
<&aldaron> at best

Hi, I’m whistle. I found Smogon quite by accident. Early in high school I was looking for a good type chart and list of level-up moves for nostalgic runs of Pokemon Yellow and I stumbled across Azure Heights; from there I pieced together clues about the competitive scene and came across Smogon. At first I actually had no interest in battling other people… but I got pretty bored one winter break and decided to sign up. So here I am.

I guess you could call me a child of Pokemon Platinum since I joined the site around the time it was released and lost interest in the competitive scene when Black and White came out. I’ve been mostly inactive on the site for about a year and a half, so I’m a bit surprised to find myself down in this well. Back when I was active, I hung around IRC as one of the leaders of #stark (the fourth generation #pokemon) and worked in Contributions & Corrections as an indentured servant in the UU subforum and co-founder of the Grammar/Prose team. As for actual competitive battling, I liked trying out concepts on ladder and I still play with friends for fun, but I never saw the appeal in tournaments.

In real life I’m a twenty year old thoroughly white-washed Chinese-American. I’m going into my fourth year at the University of Chicago where I’m studying chemistry & mathematics with a specialization in economics. I don’t know why.

For fun, I play StarCraft 2, volleyball, and the violin; I also did debate in high school but sadly not in college. For me SC2 is much more rewarding than Pokemon since there is always clear room for improvement & creativity, and I feel that luck and coinflips are essentially non-factors for everyone but the top professional players. However, the community here is really awesome, and it’s the reason I keep coming back to IRC and team tournaments like SPL (as manager, assistant manager, and most recently head cheerleader). It’s pretty crazy that some people who I used to play against or stalk on Shoddy are the same people whom I now consider good friends, three years later.

Ask away!


World's nicest narcissist
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Please explain your relationship with Tangerine.
What do you think about Jews?

One last thing:
Who is Rihanna's ex-boyfriend?

Forget the last question. I momentarily forgot who he was, then it hit me.
Please post the obligatory rant about how the starcraft race you play is underpowered.

Favorite quotes in your sig?
What's your favorite IRC moment? If it's hard to narrow down to one, list your top moments.

Will you ever give me a pic of your lanky ass or meet up with me at MLG?

After such a long hiatus, what made you decide to return to IRC?

On a scale of 1-10, how many millimeters is your penis?

Top 5 IRC channels?



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What was your favorite thing to do in C&C? Analysis you're most proud of?

What's your dream job?

If you could have an all expense paid trip to anywhere in the world, where would you go?

What's your favorite Pokemon? Favorite DPP UU team or Pokemon?


Walking the streets with you in your worn-out jeans
is a Contributor Alumnus
hahahaha f*ckin reverb

i'm so excited for this moment i have no questions atm but i'll be back |=]
Oh I forgot one. You say you're a 20yr old, but you're going into your 4th year of college. Did you skip a grade, nerd? If so, what grade?
hey whistle

what's your favorite thing about university of chicago?

how hard is it to get decent at starcraft? ive always wanted to try, but then im like "nah it would take too long to get good"

what do you see your future career being?

your sig is fantastic
Who are your favorite and least favorite users (past or present) on Smogon?

What do you think about the image you've made for yourself on Smogon?

Isn't volleyball like the best sport ever?
share logs of your top three battles you have witnessed.. preferably ones i havent seen

do you feel old

are you looking forward to entering the workforce

which rivalry (between players) is your favourite

what was the pokemon that could check venusaur and heracross the best in dpp uu during the heracross meta


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Big Chungus Winner
Who is/are the first Smogoner you've become really friendly with ?
Favorite battling moment (your own and a one you've spectated) ?
I am honored that Setrack approved my membership request before he was banned.

blow my whistle bb?

What's the best advice you can give to people who want to contribute to smogon? What should they do? Not do?
Hmm this is a pretty good question and I’ve never really thought about it before. I guess my advice would be to just start contributing in whatever area you have talent/interest, don’t sit on your thumbs wondering whether you’ll be accepted or not. If you contribute good work (it doesn’t have to be exceptional) then you will do great on the site and people will respect you. Also, contributing to Smogon isn’t a real job, but posting with proper grammar, meeting deadlines if you commit to a project, taking initiative, etc, will take you a long way. I remember being very impressed with completely unfamiliar users because they made helpful posts in C&C often, even though I had no idea who they were. One of them is now a supermod…

The exception to this is if you are extremely difficult to get along with, which is the answer to your last question. Everyone hates a jackass and perceptions are harder to shake in an online community than in real life.

Please explain your relationship with Tangerine.
Tangerine is a friend who I see occasionally because he lives very close to campus and we share interests (SC2).

What do you think about Jews?
Most of them have large noses.

Please post the obligatory rant about how the starcraft race you play is underpowered.
I actually think race balance is mostly fine now (I play Protoss) except TvZ is a bit silly. Even if there was some systemic imbalance, player skill is by far more important at my level, which is why I find it hilarious when anyone in the bottom 99.9% (that’s not an exaggeration) of the skill bracket complains about wahhh zerg OP / protoss OP / terran OP. That’s part of why I think SC2 is a good game to play. I do have some complaints about the way the Protoss race is designed but they aren’t really balance rants so much as design flaws… most of them revolve around the fact that as the race with the most expensive and high tech units, Protoss is encouraged to use a rather boring and immobile playstyle.

Favorite quotes in your sig?
It’s hard to pick a favorite but I think I’d have to go with Earthworm using a Suicune-weak team. Most of the other quotes are either references to specific inside jokes, events, crude humor, or particularly witty one-liners. This one captures a lot of memories/tendencies all at once: hilarious late nights in Phil’s IRC channel that made me fail my first year of college, Earthworm’s frequently goofy personality, and even similar ladder experiences. Plus, it just makes me giggle.

What's your favorite IRC moment? If it's hard to narrow down to one, list your top moments.
I can’t really isolate individual events that happened on IRC outside of those that are in my signature because they happened so long ago. Most memorable experience was #alpharuiners the week of SPL 3 finals since it felt like my Smogon journey had come full circle. Not just because it was a tournament victory (I didn’t do anything this season) but because it made me realize how much the friendships I’ve made here mean to me (:evan:).

Will you ever give me a pic of your lanky ass or meet up with me at MLG?
If I ever get to go to an MLG, yeah… or if you ever come to Chicago.

After such a long hiatus, what made you decide to return to IRC?
Well earlier this year it was because I missed SPL. Now it’s because I’m not getting slaughtered by classes.

On a scale of 1-10, how many millimeters is your penis?
With 1 being the least, 2 being the most, and 10 in the middle, I’d say it’s about a 3.

Top 5 IRC channels?
#nowhere and its successor

I’ve been searching desperately for it for years…

hi whoostle

I love you, do you love me? :3
:toast: How could I not?

What was your favorite thing to do in C&C? Analysis you're most proud of?
That’s a difficult question to answer because I liked everything I did in C&C… I wouldn’t have done them if I didn’t. DPP UU QC maybe? It combined my desire to improve the site in a way I felt was desperately needed with my passion for using stupid sets to tank my ladder rating.

Analysis is basically a coin toss since in terms of quality I think all of my later analyses were similar. Maybe DPP Houndoom because the previous analysis was hilariously out of date, and a lot of the current sets remind me of playing ladder around the time that they were developed and tweaked.

What's your dream job?
There is literally nothing that I want more than to know this. It's something intellectually stimulating/challenging, not monotonous, pay well enough so that I can afford anything I want (I’m not materialistic so this isn’t as absurd as it seems), and hopefully have some sort of purpose beyond circlejerking society. Nothing’s clicked for me yet.

If you could have an all expense paid trip to anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Not much of a travel dude but this popped up on my minifeed a few days ago: Of course my expenses to visit other places in Europe on this trip would also be covered…

What's your favorite Pokemon? Favorite DPP UU team or Pokemon?
Favorite Pokemon is Latias, favorite UU Pokemon is Yanmega, favorite UU team is

How old are you?

Origin of your username?
I used to play tennis with another kid who would always wear Whistler Blackcomb ski t-shirts and I thought it was a pretty cool name. At this point (middle school?) my online usernames were incredibly lame and skiing is not lame so I started using variations of it online. Also I like the way the word is shaped, it just looks nice.

Oh I forgot one. You say you're a 20yr old, but you're going into your 4th year of college. Did you skip a grade, nerd? If so, what grade?
<~Stellar> Philip7086
<~Stellar> ur dum
<~Stellar> im 20 and going into my fourth year of college
<~Stellar> whistle will be 21 when he starts his
<~Stellar> as will i

August birthday…

what's your favorite thing about university of chicago?
There are a lot of people who like learning for the sake of learning and thinking about concepts beyond what’s needed for class. Most of them aren’t obnoxious about it (“that kid”).

how hard is it to get decent at starcraft? ive always wanted to try, but then im like "nah it would take too long to get good"
I spent a decent amount of time (couple hours a week, basically think of how much time a student spends following TV shows) my sophomore year watching first-person view streams and tournaments. I didn’t really expect to get a laptop that could run the game so it was just a hobby that I followed. Over the summer I got a new computer and SC2, and since it was summer and it was a new game I played pretty much every day. I started around the 50th percentile of players, within a month I was in the 80th, and after two months I was in the 98th (~300 games, between 5-15 minutes/game). I didn’t play too much during the school year, maybe a few hours every week or two weeks, but I improved a lot as well.

Mechanically, SC2 is not a very difficult game. The technical learning curve (hitting the right keys, moving your units the way you want them to move) is pretty low up to a certain point, then it skyrockets afterwards. I haven’t hit this point yet, I’d guess it’s around the point where you start to make serious money playing the game--I’m confident that a player can make it onto Blizzard’s Top 200 list for each server region (ex: Americas, Europe, Korea/Taiwan) with poor mechanics. The strategy learning curve is a bit odd; I think it’s got a big bump in the middle that separates casual players who like to fool around in team games from the more serious 1v1 players, and another massive bump at the top professional end. So if your goal is to become a decent player you’ll have to spend a bunch of time initially building your game sense, but then you can kinda chill out and just have fun with the game.

what do you see your future career being?
No idea (see Oglemi’s question) but it’s looking like medical school…

Who are your favorite and least favorite users (past or present) on Smogon?
In general I don’t really dislike users. There are users I find annoying, immature, insufferably full of themselves, out of touch, etc, but it doesn’t really make me dislike them. I bet I annoyed the hell out of panamaxis when I used to stalk his battles on Shoddy. It’s hard for a 13-year old to match the maturity level of a 20-year old. A lot of my Smogon friends have super cocky external personas, it’s just a funny gimmick for a lot of them (at least that’s what I think). I don’t have a favorite user but if we speak often I’m sure you can tell if I like you.

What do you think about the image you've made for yourself on Smogon?
I know what image I’ve made among my closer Smogon friends and I’m happy with it. I can guess what image I have with acquaintances and it’s not so bad. I have no idea how most of the userbase sees me, and since I don’t know most of the userbase, I don’t care.

Isn't volleyball like the best sport ever?
Yeah, I wish I played on my school team in middle school and joined club teams later on, but oh well. It’s still fun just to play recreationally.

I'll do everything else later since they require looking up logs (-_-).


One Pixel
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I used to play tennis with another kid who would always wear Whistler Blackcomb ski t-shirts and I thought it was a pretty cool name.
Whistler Blackcomb is an amazing place. You should definitely check it out sometime in the future if you like skiing/snowboarding or just for sightseeing.

Where does Noelle (your irc name) come from?

Do you ever see yourself playing Starcraft 2 competitively?

PK Gaming

Persona 5
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Obligatory top 6 favorite Pokemon of all time question.

-Thoughts on the BW metagame(s)? Like BW OU, UU, etc.

-DPP UU: 10/10 Metagame or a A+ metagame?

-If you could change ONE THING about SC2, what would you change?

-Should I get into the SC2 scene? I was forced into playing SC1 shortly before SC2 was released because of my friends and I really sucked at it.
Since you just described your ideal career, it reminded me of somebody my dad knew who got a PhD in Math and then was recruited by the FBI to be a professional code-breaker and I thought that was the coolest and most intellectually stimulating job ever. I thought that might possibly interest you.

ANYWAYS what other colleges did you apply to, and why did you pick University of Chicago?

How many majors have you had and which one lasted the shortest amount of time?

and I only now have read your sig, the thing with Scofield and zoroark had me in stitches
I feel as if when you first started playing UU on the ladder, you watched a lot of ladder matches too? Am I remembering this correctly? If so, why'd you enjoy watching matches?
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