Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 36 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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Hi! I have this one:
  • Snorunt: Timid [Moody], 31/xx/31/31/31/31 | Female | Premier Ball | Egg moves: Switcheroo, Weather Ball, Disable, Spikes
I was interested in your female Supersize Pumpkaboo.
Awesome! I've got one for you. ^^ Although have you got any without hidden ability by any chance
After a bit of searching, I'm still very confused.

Is Blazikenite tradeable?

Some sources claim so, while others claim that it cannot be traded. Or do the "non-tradeable" ones have to do with this "Powersaves" device I keep hearing about?
After a bit of searching, I'm still very confused.

Is Blazikenite tradeable?

Some sources claim so, while others claim that it cannot be traded. Or do the "non-tradeable" ones have to do with this "Powersaves" device I keep hearing about?
Blazikenite is tradable, and powersaves made ones dont have any special non-trade stuff to it (exception: lati@site before the update removing the code).


Obsessive Collecting Disorder
Anyone got any use in these? Got some spares after breeding. Looking for some other gen 6 parents.

Male | Brave | No Guard | 31/31/31/xx/31/xx
Male | Brave | No Guard | 31/31/31/xx/31/xx
Male | Brave | No Guard | 31/31/31/xx/xx/00
Male | Brave | No Guard | 31/31/31/31/xx/00
Male | Brave | No Guard | 31/31/31/31/xx/00
Male | Brave | No Guard | 31/31/xx/31/31/00
Male | Brave | No Guard | 31/31/31/31/xx/xx
Male | Brave | No Guard | 31/xx/31/xx/31/00
Male | Brave | No Guard | 31/xx/31/xx/31/00
Male | Brave | No Guard | xx/31/31/31/31/00
Male | Brave | No Guard | 31/31/31/31/31/xx
Male | Brave | No Guard | 31/31/31/31/31/xx

Female | Brave | No Guard | 31/31/31/xx/xx/00
Female | Brave | No Guard | 31/31/31/xx/xx/00
Female | Brave | No Guard | 31/31/31/xx/xx/00
Female | Brave | No Guard | 31/31/31/31/xx/xx
Female | Brave | No Guard | 31/31/31/31/31/xx
Female | Brave | No Guard | 31/31/31/31/31/xx
Female | Brave | No Guard | 31/xx/31/31/31/00
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Reposting for new page:
Desperately looking for a female HA Kirlia in Dive Ball. Will offer things from my thread.

Got one!

I would love either of these Honedges if you're interested in anything I have :)
Female | Brave | No Guard | 31/31/31/31/31/xx
Female | Brave | No Guard | 31/xx/31/31/31/00
If you're looking for Gen6 parents I have Bunnelby, Chespin, Fennekin, Helioptile, Klefki all in special balls. Also Tyrunts in regular balls.
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I have one, but is a fresh FS one. I hate catching them, too. Stupid things have Teleport.

Anyway, a Fennekin looks nice. Spitback male is good enough for me.
Thank you so much for offering! Someone actually just got me a Kirlia, but if you still want a Fennekin I wouldn't mind trading you a spitback male :)
Anyone got any use in these? Got some spares after breeding. Looking for some other gen 6 parents.

Male | Brave | No Guard | 31/31/31/xx/31/xx
Male | Brave | No Guard | 31/31/31/xx/31/xx
Male | Brave | No Guard | 31/31/31/xx/xx/00
Male | Brave | No Guard | 31/31/31/31/xx/00
Male | Brave | No Guard | 31/31/31/31/xx/00
Male | Brave | No Guard | 31/31/xx/31/31/00
Male | Brave | No Guard | 31/31/31/31/xx/xx
Male | Brave | No Guard | 31/xx/31/xx/31/00
Male | Brave | No Guard | 31/xx/31/xx/31/00
Male | Brave | No Guard | xx/31/31/31/31/00
Male | Brave | No Guard | 31/31/31/31/31/xx
Male | Brave | No Guard | 31/31/31/31/31/xx

Female | Brave | No Guard | 31/31/31/xx/xx/00
Female | Brave | No Guard | 31/31/31/xx/xx/00
Female | Brave | No Guard | 31/31/31/xx/xx/00
Female | Brave | No Guard | 31/31/31/31/xx/xx
Female | Brave | No Guard | 31/31/31/31/31/xx
Female | Brave | No Guard | 31/31/31/31/31/xx
Female | Brave | No Guard | 31/xx/31/31/31/00
I have a brave honedge I was getting ready to breed soon I could start one up for you if you'd like ^^

lol oh you're offer xD derp xD
any of your zero speed females would be awesome xF


Obsessive Collecting Disorder
I have a brave honedge I was getting ready to breed soon I could start one up for you if you'd like ^^

lol oh you're offer xD derp xD
any of your zero speed females would be awesome xF
What can you get me for it? :D

Also, this is my total list of tradeable Honedge, anyone needs one?

Male | Brave | No Guard | 31/31/31/xx/31/xx
Male | Brave | No Guard | 31/31/31/xx/31/xx
Male | Brave | No Guard | 31/31/31/xx/xx/00
Male | Brave | No Guard | 31/31/31/31/xx/00
Male | Brave | No Guard | 31/31/31/31/xx/00
Male | Brave | No Guard | 31/31/xx/31/31/00
Male | Brave | No Guard | 31/31/31/31/xx/xx
Male | Brave | No Guard | 31/xx/31/xx/31/00
Male | Brave | No Guard | 31/xx/31/xx/31/00
Male | Brave | No Guard | xx/31/31/31/31/00
Male | Brave | No Guard | 31/31/31/31/31/xx
Male | Brave | No Guard | 31/31/31/31/31/xx
Male | Brave | No Guard | 00/31/31/31/31/00
Male | Brave | No Guard | 31/31/31/xx/31/00

Female | Brave | No Guard | 31/31/31/xx/xx/00
Female | Brave | No Guard | 31/31/31/xx/xx/00
Female | Brave | No Guard | 31/31/31/xx/xx/00
Female | Brave | No Guard | 31/31/31/31/xx/xx
Female | Brave | No Guard | 31/31/31/31/31/xx
Female | Brave | No Guard | 31/31/31/31/31/xx
Female | Brave | No Guard | 31/xx/31/31/31/00
Female | Brave | No Guard | 31/31/xx/31/31/00
Female | Brave | No Guard | 31/31/31/31/xx/00
Female | Brave | No Guard | xx/31/31/31/31/00
Female | Brave | No Guard | 31/31/31/xx/xx/00
Female | Brave | No Guard | 31/31/31/xx/xx/00
Female | Brave | No Guard | 31/31/31/xx/xx/00
Female | Brave | No Guard | 31/xx/31/31/31/00
Female | Brave | No Guard | 31/31/xx/31/31/00
Female | Brave | No Guard | 31/31/31/31/xx/00
Female | Brave | No Guard | xx/31/31/31/31/00
Those spark my interest, though any male w/ 0 speed would work, too! I have the following available (after I breed 'em again, that is):
31/x/31/31/31/31 or 31/31/31/x/31/31
Toxic Spikes

Speed Boost
Toxic Spikes

Aqua Jet
Dragon Dance
Ice Punch
Metal Claw

Gale Wings

Destiny Bond
Power Split

Bullet Punch
Blaze Kick
High Jump Kick
Do you guys prefer to trade and do business with people who have their own pokemon instead of other people's pokemon (on their trade thread)?

If yes, why?


how can I feel existential dread, it's my fear
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
Do you guys prefer to trade and do business with people who have their own pokemon instead of other people's pokemon (on their trade thread)?

If yes, why?
It's preferable to trade with someone who has their own Pokemon for a variety of reasons:

- You're trading for something they got themselves, not something that has been spread around the Pokemon community like a bad case of STDs.
- If something is wrong with that Pokemon (ie, it's hacked) you know who to blame for it, and appropriate measures can be taken.
- It's nice knowing that someone else put the time into getting something, and that you're trading your own hard work in return for theirs, instead of someone trading something that they had no role in obtaining.

If you have any further questions about this, please PM me, so as to stay on topic in this thread (relatively, anyway).
It's preferable to trade with someone who has their own Pokemon for a variety of reasons:

- You're trading for something they got themselves, not something that has been spread around the Pokemon community like a bad case of STDs.
- If something is wrong with that Pokemon (ie, it's hacked) you know who to blame for it, and appropriate measures can be taken.
- It's nice knowing that someone else put the time into getting something, and that you're trading your own hard work in return for theirs, instead of someone trading something that they had no role in obtaining.

If you have any further questions about this, please PM me, so as to stay on topic in this thread (relatively, anyway).
Sure. :)

I kind of figured after I have experienced about creating my own anime, my own characters, and my own creations instead of relying on using someone's ideas. (From Deviantart)

Like For Example (A Comparison):
A Pokemon player is like an animator/artist, RNG abusing your own pokemon is like creating your own characters, Redis rights is like copyrighting, and getting blacklisted is like getting sued.
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