Obvious bias aside, if you want to run Lele+MegaZam use Taunt+3 attacks Lele, preferably with Terrain Extender. Zams's draw isn't only dodging priority for 2 turns, it's that+dishing out strong ass Psychics. Lele's job as an attacker is to dent Celestela, MZor, Chansey etc enough so can they don't have enough healthy to take on MegaZam. If used correctly, not only you'll gain a very strong match up vs Stall (providing you have other breakers to deal with scenarios that involve Duggy and stuff) but also can get you a couple of extra kills with Zam at the final few turns of the game while dodging revenge kills from priority. And run Modest Zam, no point using Timid atm.
Yeah no, heavy offense is no where near the "most consistent" with Phero, a lot of Swift Swim and threats like SG Magearna around. And it's balance which has taken a hit, not stall. It's as good as ever with Tapu Bulu, Celeestela, Mantine and the mighty Toxapex alongside the Duggy as a stall breaker trapper (eats up Hoopa-U, Lele, Xukitree). Even your own team that you posted gets completely thrashed by stall teams, and you yourself even mentioned losing 2 out of 2 times to Shedinja stall. All tho random Z-Moves are risky. Bulky Offense is easily the best playstyle at the moment.
And people complaining about Lele, learn to use bulky steel types and physical attackers.