BW BW OU Winter Seasonal #5 - Round 2

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Entering this seasonal earns you points in qualifying for the BW OU Championship. Winning this tournament will allow you to display
in your signature.

  • General tournament rules and regulations can be found here.
  • This is a standard Gen 5 OU Tournament. All matches must be played in "[Gen 5] OU".
  • This tournament will be Double Elimination.
  • All rounds will be First to 2 Wins. You may switch teams in between battles of the same set.
  • Saving replays is mandatory. You do not have to post your unless mentioned in the round's OP.
  • Matches are to be played on Pokemon Showdown (or smogtours server).
BW OverUsed Format

Banned Pokemon

Arceus (All Forms), Blaziken, Darkrai, Deoxys, Deoxys-Attack, Deoxys-Defense, Deoxys-Speed, Dialga, Genesect, Giratina, Giratina-Origin, Groudon, Ho-Oh, Kyogre, Kyurem-White, Landorus, Lugia, Manaphy, Mewtwo, Palkia, Rayquaza, Reshiram, Shaymin-Sky, Thundurus, Tornadus-Therian, Zekrom

Banned Moves
Assist, Baton Pass

Banned Abilities
Arena Trap, Sand Rush, Shadow Tag,

Banned Items
King's Rock, Razor Fang, Soul Dew

Complex Bans
Drizzle ++ Swift Swim, Drought ++ Chlorophyll

Evasion Abilities Clause, Gems Clause, Sleep Moves Clause, Swagger Clause

Tie Rules
Battle ties do not progress either player towards winning the match.​

General Tournament Rules:
  • Identity: I expect many battles to be completed under alts. This can be bad for tournament security, and thus I will make this clear: If I hear any whispers of identity theft (battling as someone you are not) or proxy battling (helping someone else battle through pm) I will not be pleased and I will take severe actions.
  • Timer Clause: As for taking long between moves, if your opponent asks you to hurry up, please oblige. If you are doing a damage calc for a key turn that is one thing, but prolonging every move is suspicious and annoying. Don't do it. Furthermore, Battle Timeout is a rule for a reason. If you run out of time, you lose, simple as that. It does not matter what your opponent says. Do not battle if you think you will have to leave mid battle, and instead reschedule for a better time.
  • Disconnections: Finally, in the case of a disconnect, the decision is in the hands of the player who did not disconnect. The options are: redo the battle move for move, redo the battle with the same teams but different moves, or redo the battle with completely different teams. If the battle was without a doubt over, they may also take the win. Any suspicion that a disconnect was committed on purpose to redo a match may be appealed to me, and if I feel this happened there will be severe consequences, don't do it.
BW resource thread for resources.
Round Two
Winners Bracket
Ibby  vs  BluBirD
Asuno  vs  Jhonx~
Dababy2  vs  Amir
Unamed  vs  Always!
Sensibility  vs  Akashi
Ikaishi  vs  ninjadog
StepC  vs  Estuardo19
Kaneki-san  vs  TDR
Dj Breloominati♬  vs  Nael222
Pideous  vs  Pokemh
megasalappo  vs  3d
HayDe223  vs  Fakee
Staxi  vs  neymar X
artificialdeath  vs  wjq
MeatyMisconduct  vs  MTV BRATVA
Vholtninja  vs  lele3
JustFranco  vs  monchooo
Lialiabeast  vs  kenny
CyberOdin✝  vs  AmyQuaris
Reken  vs  Pais
brokenmotor  vs  Sharow
FastCarVroom!!!  vs  Paulluxx
Tenebricite  vs  Marshall.Law
MTB  vs  Trogba Trogba
dawn to the dusk  vs  Nick
Mr.Bossaru  vs  Raiza
Royal1604  vs  Mendeez
marsandback  vs  earl gr3y
Typical_bastard  vs  dex
Skrublax  vs  SM Larvitar
Medeia  vs  hariyana grande
Segale  vs  eliana.
Ravenna  vs  Bye
Concept Everything  vs  Ryum
mfhoundoom  vs  nigel
Farce Of The Death  vs  AquaticCarlie
zaaya  vs  Vileman
Monai  vs  Huargensy
Clementine  vs  stunner047
A Hero's Destiny  vs  gorex
DugZa vs  Lizardu''
false  vs  TGA
Athena's Myth  vs  Nalorium
For 4LOM  vs  Rubyblood
AndViet  vs  Zokuru
CDW Enrique  vs  TheBrightRising
Finchinator  vs  Acinonyx
Spl4sh  vs  Shaneghoul
mentalsoft  vs  ojr
Leru  vs  Vnc
issysito  vs  OmBrArch
Feaniix  vs  Oskari
Lennart  vs  Vulpix03
Avendesora  vs  reymaki
toytean  vs  Metallica126
crashy  vs  Fancy1
Grabby  vs  Jokés
Hamza-1815cls  vs  Shoka
Ctown6  vs  ADF Test
Churielix  vs  Kristyl
SOMALIA  vs  Deezcastforms
Quarante8  vs  IUPLC
Jimothy Cool  vs  Sokrates19
airfare  vs  Drivetacos

Losers Bracket
VioletRoses  vs  Broken Promises;
NoahDeKnight  vs  Spellcaster
Surfy  vs  barton
Emporio  vs  j3b4it33d
nightcore  vs  thenotgreataleczander
Enzonana.  vs  VAR1ETY
autumn  vs  Trade
egalvanc  vs  Indulge in dreams
damien the genius  vs  Blox
DemataPyro  vs  Ara
SpaceSpeakers  vs  SeenArt
velvet  vs  Haarper
paolode99  vs  hoyesdomingo
1uz  vs  IoSonoNeon
SwordIsBored  vs  Waci
TL The Legend  vs  Gul Macet
Robert  vs  decis
Vert  vs  Knele97
nerfminer1  vs  Wearth
Inder  vs  Perish Song
RufflesPro  vs  TLTK
BIG WILL  vs  cleffa hater
Duck Chris  vs  Garchomp for president
Dlanyer  vs  XelloW
mael  vs  amstro
Yelodash  vs  King Billu
Milo  vs  valuez
jp005  vs  sk1191212
Rackham  vs  Éric
Hiro'  vs  Nislas
Dragon246  vs  Osajima
Elfuseon  vs  Sahki
avarice  vs  Shogeki
AtraX Madara  vs  What should by name be?
OhHiMark493  vs  Eivor
nimzowitsch  vs  Maxisc23
theBigbrother17  vs  Sificon
Kollin7  vs  Over Thinker
TheLastMew  vs  Loganisawesome57
magialice  vs  R8
Abyssal Ruins  vs  NightsWithYourMom
Cheche673  vs  Captain Funk
Mitchitus  vs  GasaiYunoSan
RL  vs  its_nsb
hunternoooob  vs  swag god
Alpha1013  vs  Ann.pokepoke
robjr  vs  Sergi
potato14798  vs  TibarnWasTaken
touc  vs  martinvtran
LingCe  vs  Laurel
Irene-2002  vs  SpectralThief
Onexirish  vs  dice
TheMemeHead  vs  Ophion
TheJman  vs  Jorgeta57
ziloXX  vs  Funkybeangamer
ASKid679  vs  GEEV
jawabarat  vs  Oksowhatstheplan
yovan33321  vs  MultiPokemon
luisin  vs  bydy
JuanSG  vs  Lynch mi A2
ggaggreincarnated  vs  Hockey1
shadowtime2000  vs  Zerotti
sonoclover  vs  TextChanged

The extension deadline is Wednesday, February 1st at 11:59 PM GMT -5.
The deadline for this round is Sunday, February 5th at 11:59 GMT -5.

Too bad you played with my head accusing me of something I didn’t do, just to make me lose focus.

Too bad you were mean.
Tried to battle me with another account at first, too, like that if I win you can tell that you never played against me.

I don’t’ think you needed this to win against me though.
My man I think you misunderstood me. It was a joke, I knew you just activity win a guy who was not active. I made it as blatant as possible by my phrasing.

Here are the replays :

Also there was no such thing as what you described above…I did pm you with my alt saying « hey shoka there, wanna play now? », you told me to get on my main to play, which I did immediately because I thought it mattered for you

I’m sorry if you felt that way, but it was really just a joke
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