Recent content by drewski346

  1. CAP 30 - Part 5 - 30b Primary Ability Poll 2

    Stamina Water Bubble Thick Fat
  2. CAP 30 - Part 5 - 30b Primary Ability Poll 1

    Water Bubble Stamina Thick Fat
  3. Pokemon Black and White (SPECULATIONS ALLOWED HERE)

    R_N your wrong!!!!!!!!!111!!!!!11! They showed Charizard and Venusaur! :D
  4. Pokemon Black and White (SPECULATIONS ALLOWED HERE)

    When does Pokemon Sunday get leaked to State side?
  5. Challenge The Scramble Challange

    Sorry I didn't notice buneary.
  6. Challenge The Scramble Challange

    Tlk take a gible name it om onm onm. Anytime you find a new berry you must feed it to him.
  7. Challenge The Scramble Challange

    I think I will take this chanellge in colosseum. My only rules are: 1. You can't prevent me form snaging all the pokemon 2. You can't require me to bring pokemon into the game.
  8. Pokemon Black and White (SPECULATIONS ALLOWED HERE)

    They just got some new pics a serebii. It shows a pokemon in a witness protection program. ;)
  9. Transformed Tradethread (unova ut/evd, synchs, & pokeshifting.)

    Are you still looking for the XD mawile? I can get you a nonperfect one in a couple of days.