Recent content by Final Days

  1. The Walking Dead Thread - Spoilers ITT

    One of the heads shown was the Survivor of the Helicopter Crash, who told the Governor the whereabouts of the remaining Army Group. Thus the most logical conclusion is that the heads where of those who were captured/saved in the past by the Governor
  2. League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

    There's no point for Lich Bane, the buff to his AA was to help last hitting. Your combo should be up almost all the time, theres no point in AA in between. WoTA is much better replacement
  3. Mass Effect 3

    Response to Synre I looked in to this, and you are right in that respect. (I choose not to follow the hype of Mass Effect 3 for fear of the story being spoiled early). Bioware over exaggerated the ending in many ways, which in no team become wild expectations from fans. In this regard, it...
  4. Mass Effect 3

    It was not a terrible ending, it was an acceptable and logical ending. Did you want a teen movie ending? Where we slowly get pictures and overviews of each species post-reapers? Or a small cutscene depicting the rebuilding of the galaxy? What made it such a terrible ending? Please explain.
  5. Mass Effect 3

    I understand some dislike over the ending, but the overall reaction is just repulsive. Spoilers. This is NOT your story. Understand that first. No matter how much they made you believe this was your story, it was not. While your actions do effect outcomes, Mealon's Data and Eve, how Mordin...
  6. League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

    I don't understand why people bitch about Void Staff without taking into consideration everything. Gragas Had WoTA + Rabadpn + RoA + Morello's He could build Void, Zhonya's, Abyssal, AA, DFG, Rylai's, Lich Bane AA is out (building one late game is stupid) DFG - Gragas doesn't need the mana...
  7. Mass Effect 3

    In ME1/ME2 you could holster your gun, I'm assuming you can in this one too, as although i like the new reticle's I hated running with your gun. Although this is supposed to be a demo, so there shouldn't be a part where you should really holster your gun. They did expand on the leveling, by...
  8. League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

    It's a huge nerf to soraka. I applaud Riot for this. Currently Soraka has the skill cap of someone who's just learning to type on a keyboard. There's little to no difference between a good and bad soraka, with little to no chance of either fucking up bot lane, unless bot lane is just terrible...
  9. League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

    Probably hardest pseudo-carry game I've done. Rumble afk'ed beginning of game. Didn't realize it until I was at red (He was sitting in brush next to red). So i went top against Irelia, who fed me first blood. A minute later he was back. Mid got fucked by fiddle/fizz. Rumble was 3 lvl's behind...
  10. League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

    Meddler (champion designer) already gave out a lot of details on Zigg. -All abilities are AoE -Low CD Q > Medium CD E > Longer CD W > Ult CD longish by Ult standards -Passive scales of AP+Base damage -Ranged AA w/ above average range -Ult is longer than Lux's Ult -Like Pantheon's Ult when used...
  11. League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

    Yes a bit. -Urchin Strike ability power ratio reduced to .6 from .7. -Seastone Trident active base damage reduced to 10/15/20/25/30 from 10/20/30/40/50 -Base health regen per 5 reduced to 7 from 9.
  12. League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

    Just so you know Rammus/Morgana are usually almost always banned in ranked play. You should learn to play Ryze/Annie although they are different mages, they are cheap and rather good AP mids. List of AP Mid (that I know/played) Veigar - has insane burst but only useful if you can land his...
  13. League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

    Of course not every character is OP and UP, but if you honestly think that all champions in a role are in the same level your ignorant. There are champions that are just better than others. Yes Ashe has "potential" and shes certainly amazing when a team is built around here, but this is Solo...
  14. League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

    Ashe is really a subpar AD Carry, and is really only useful for her never ending slow and her Ult. I say focus on Trist as the carry to learn. Although I don't know what your having trouble with as you didn't specifically state much, I'll assume your having trouble with everything to do with...
  15. League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

    How? Oracle's is essentially combat stealth right now. The stealth rework would essentially just mean every champion has a pseudo-oracle's. Eve and Twitch would just be nerfed with the rework.