Recent content by Inai10

  1. Inai10

    Infinite Ditto Giveaway Part 2

    IGN: Inai Deposited: Lv11 Female Zubat Ditto Wanted: Timid 31 | 30 | 31 | 30 | 31 | 30 Fire Message: Buckert Fire Thanks again :)
  2. Inai10

    Gen VII: Pokemon Sun and Moon Discussion MKII

    Outside of the obvious chimera aspects, Type:Null looks like a heavily tampered Absol to me.
  3. Inai10

    Gen VII: Pokemon Sun and Moon Discussion MKII

    This pretty much. Aside from the bottle caps I'm assuming since it IS called Hyper Training that there's gonna be some sort of minigame involved like Super Training? Will we have to shoot down some more balloon bots or the like? Pokethlon type thing? Maybe there won't be but who knows.
  4. Inai10

    Gen VII: Pokemon Sun and Moon Discussion MKII

    Bottle Caps could just cost a ridiculous amount of BP depending on the grade. My heart shrinks every time I have to buy an ability capsule, so I can only imagine having to buy several of these to use on a single pokemon (or several imports that need a fix). This alone would probably keep me...
  5. Inai10

    Gen VII: Pokemon Sun and Moon Discussion MKII

    Which is why I said "catchable on as many games as possible". If we're gonna exclude the mascot from one version, might as well not include him at all. They probably don't want their sales to heavily skew over to one version. I would think they'd want their mascot to be available pretty evenly...
  6. Inai10

    Gen VII: Pokemon Sun and Moon Discussion MKII

    I could see that but seems a little skewed for a version exclusive. A shiny new version of a pokemon vs the old and tired 20yr version of it sounds like a bad trade-off to me. I mean sure, I think XY gave you stuff like a tyranitarite on one version and aggronite on the other and the two pokes...
  7. Inai10

    Here I thought I'd have to wait more than 20 yrs for it. About time! And yes it took something...

    Here I thought I'd have to wait more than 20 yrs for it. About time! And yes it took something like this to get me posting D:
  8. Inai10

    Gen VII: Pokemon Sun and Moon Discussion MKII

    I highly doubt Alolan Raichu will be version exclusive just for the fact that Pikachu is pretty much required to be catchable on as many games as possible.
  9. Inai10

    Infinite Ditto Giveaway Part 2

    IGN: Inai Deposited: Lv12 Female Zubat Ditto Wanted: Modest Message: Buckert Modest Thank you dear :)