Recent content by Kiwiit

  1. Kiwiit

    Kiwi(it)'s Art :3

    Thank you, I'm happy to be here! ^_^ possibly, it only has like 70 views, but who knows :3 thank you soon much! ^^ (butImesseduponthebird'sfootbutthankyouanyways :'3) I think I've found a style that I'm more comfortable with. I'm currently working on three different pieces in this art style...
  2. Kiwiit

    Ⓥ Vederation Art Studio Ⓥ

    ahh~ Your style is gorgeous! ^^ Your shading looks super neat, and I love the different poses you did :) Amazing work!
  3. Kiwiit

    Kiwi(it)'s Art :3

    Ehhh, it's not super great, but here it is ^^' A lot of the stuff I'm posting here is kind of just style experiments... currently I'm working on a more concrete style, but due to university work and such, I haven't had time to do much other than sketch and practice :'3 I suppose I should talk a...
  4. Kiwiit

    General Introduce yourself!

    Thank you very much for offering help! I'll definitively keep you in mind if I get stuck, or feel like having a battle (when I feel confident to do so that is ^^') ehh, I'm not the greatest artist, I just enjoy it :) not sure if I saw an art section or not, but if there is one I'll definitively...
  5. Kiwiit

    General Introduce yourself!

    Hello! My real name is Mary, but I generally go by Kiwi online :) I'm new to all of this Pokemon metagame/competitive stuff, so I thought this would be a good place to start learning about it. I'm hoping I'll be able to make lots of friends here, as well as learn how to properly battle (aka...