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  • Is around the time of this post fine? Since I am free @ this time till about 12 hours from this post.
    Pretty sure I sent the pm. I asked you if you had aim or msn so it'll be easier to get in contact.
    Is 6:00 PM EDT (GMT -4) Thursday good for you? If not, let me know a time somewhat similar when you can battle. I'm on IRC a lot also, so if you see me on there, I'm likely available to battle.
    Sorry bro, musta missed you when I was idling today. I'll be on tomorrow. Lets try to get at least one game out of the way?
    Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii let me know when you wanna play Ubers Cup. I'm around this weekend. Especially at night PST time
    seems we missed eachother, maybe because im not sure where to contact you :P

    anyways, so where can i contact you? ill be on irc alot, so that is an option if you use it.
    yeah that, mixmence and electivire were the first things that came to mind. if thats you're first "stall" team i'm interested to see what others you have. because that is pretty damn good. i mean, i don't wanna battle that team now that i've a chance to prepare it, but i'm interested to see the others you have.
    also i saw in a comment someone mentioned hp electric suicune, and that you considered it, which seems extremely rare and not really worth the trouble of finding. i wondered if you had a secret way of getting legendaries w/o the pain of restarting the game over and over or wasting pokemon in trades hoping to find one with good iv's and an hp that you want.
    Okay, well, im available for a pretty long time next sunday so maybe we can get it done then?
    Ehm, what timezone are you? I'm GMT +1 so that may cause some difficulties so the weekend might be the best time to do this. Anyways, im pretty much always on around 7 pm (in said timezone) but i can often bump on other times when needed.
    Hey, we should probably get those mirror match tournament matches done sometime soon as the deadline is the 2nd of may and we might better not make ete angry any more (:
    hey, when would you like to battle for the streetpkmn tournament. If youre on irc, i usually hang out at #cap and #stark.
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