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  • Hey I just noticed Jrrrrr got know anything about it?

    I'll miss that dolphin
    actually it seems like someone picked up the coloring for me so if I'm lucky enough to get it in on time I'll be submitting!
    ooh. interesting. I would probably recommend 'introducing feminism' if you want a very basic grounding of the movement; if you want a feminist fiction try Plath's Bell Jar, if you want a pretty good feminist polemic I'd recommend Female Chauvinist Pigs, else for a seminal text I'd say Vindication of the Rights of Women or The Female Eunuch (despite my own issues with Greer, she was a very important part of second-wave feminism).

    if you want something totally mental, go with the SCUM manifesto - it's not very long, and is free online. Solanas was totally batshit mind, but I love her still.
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