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  • Edit would make the message too long so...

    Not saying that it has to be level 10 (I hear levels of Dream Radar stuff vary depending on your game progress) but you can probably look for multiples of 5? Up to 40, from what I hear. There was a level 5 sigilyph I couldn't get that could probably have been one, for example. But I'm just guessing at this point.
    Remember my complaint about breedable Lucario ability? Well, uh... I forgot Dream Radar existed. And didn't know Riolu was on it until now. And I just got one off the GTS really easily. There's a bunch of level 10 ones up there and I dunno if they're all prankster but most of them are probably, due to the fact that why would you raise a bred one to level 10 before trading? Also they're asking for 5th gen starters (I'm guessing it's kids that got their Dream Radar stuff early and didn't see much in the game and/or want starters.)

    Not certain if the location is right or anything (Faraway Place on BW1, AKA placeholder for stuff from the future) but it's in a dream ball (Which I hear is the only way you can get something from Dream Radar) so I'm guessing this is good. So yeah, there's your new tip.
    Nope. What with the whole male only target purchase thing I never did have the chance to get one (Especially since I can't breed the ability). No need to give me two of anything next time we trade, but feel free to contact me if there's any other dream world abilities you need/want. I'll probably put breeding them on hold until next month but I do have a few on the side (Including the woobat I mentioned earlier because I ended up with THREE simple hatches and I only needed one for someone else).

    Beating up Lucario does sound cool though.
    I don't know if edits notify you of anything so I'll just make a separate post for availability. I'll just stay in the wi-fi room, see you there when you're able.
    Okay, I'm up and about now. Gonna check GTS real quick but after that I'll be heading on for that trade, if you're able.

    EDIT: Temporary change of plans. Simple Woobat breeding ho!
    EDIT 2: Let's try this again. Ready for trades.
    Nothing much. I just managed to learn some new art styles, histories of art, learning how to use photoshop, and other kinds of things about animation. And I've also managed to find some other kinds of knowledge and info from my research as well.
    Okay, finally got one and the time to trade. Just tell me when you're here.

    EDIT: On second thought, let's do this tomorrow.
    Always willing to help. Do you need sandshrew as well? I'm breeding it up for someone else but I can see if I have time for more egg batches. Or if I get lucky on batch one and get 2+ ability breeders.
    A brave and a bold one. Funny. Anyhow, got a swinub, fresh from Cold Storage. Just get me whatever and stuff a nickname on it. I checked through your thread but I'm really not too picky about what I get. And tell me when you can get on.
    Oh whoops, didn't see this notice in time, sorry. Gible was my first Icy Cave grab, actually. And I've got Swinub, as well as a few other Icy Cave things. I've been trying to focus on some other things at the moment but I'm aware that a bunch of people want those swinub so I'll try to breed up a batch at some point. Probably later today.
    Okay that worked out pretty well. And thanks for the cleffa! I should probably put it to some use at some point.
    Just for the record, I'll here for a while today. So if you've got everything set up just contact me.
    Sure. And just make sure to throw a nickname on my clone when you get the chance, you decide what the name is.
    Honestly it's up to you, since you're gonna be cloning it and all. I never really think too hard on stats (And never could wrap my head around 5th gen RNG) so I never dwelled on it much.
    Oh wow, all five of these hatched with harvest. And two are female. So yeah, you can have your eggs-from-egg whenever, just tell me when you're ready.

    Also, haven't started yet since something came up but I'll hopefully have a female harvest exeggcute within an hour. Depends on how much the game wants to screw me over.
    Just set me up with whatever pokémon with whatever nickname you want to give it, then. Gonna start the breeding setup now. No guarantees on nature or IVs (You can suggest a nature and I'll see what I can do) but it'll definitely have Harvest.
    Yeah, I've got DW Exeggcute. I'll need to breed it up, but it's something I have time for at the moment. Do you have any ability breeders from Icy Cave, Gible/Cranidos/Sneasel aside?
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