Server creation Problem

Okay. I've open the ports and I'm forwarding them as according to what Portforward told me to do. My firewall has been modified to allow the ports through (Both TCP and UED) spefically the 30000 (that netbattle uses) and the 50000 that the Shoody Main server uses. And yet no one can get to the server besides computers in my household.

I've tested the 30000 port by quickly hosting a Server on Netbattle, and there was no problem for people I know and don't know being able to access it. So it is obviously open correctly and working on how it should be.

So does anyone have any idea why people are getting timed out before even connecting to the Shoddy battle server?

Edit: Forgot to say that I didn't use the MySQL to make the server.
In fact, the port is the one you have chosen when you have created your server. So, it isn't 30000 or 50000 but the chosen number.

If you have checked your port, I don't see why you have problems. Maybe your IP isn't fixed...
What IP address are your computers connecting on?

Does it start with 192.168 or 10.0?

If it does then that it is your local IP and you need your WAN IP...

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