
Barbarigrl - Rock/Water. 68/54/86/105/115/72. “What it lacks in boldness in its main body it more than makes up for in the rudeness of its arms. All of its minds frequently contest with one another.”

I love all your fakemons, they're adorable, especially the squirrels. Your style is really nice and clean, and all your drawings have a ton if character :) keep it up!
thanks, guys! that's really nice of you to say!!

ground crickets

also a little info for each of the things i've posted

the squirrels are normal type and are physical attackers. they're pretty tough and they train every day!
the komodo dragons are poison type and focus mostly on hp. the little one hates being carried by its rolls.
the rock monsters are rock type (duh) and are biggest on defense. the whole line based on the concept of chiseling a statue out of marble.
the ameoba are ghost type and are special attackers. here's a little excerpt i wrote about them in a file:
"...During the night they may form groups of five, all facing one another and making eerie songs. When approached they attack in a horde. No music plays during this encounter but their singing. Losing to this horde causes a special cutscene where the screen zooms in on them as their song grows louder and louder, and for a split second the song reaches a fever pitch and one of their faces fills up the whole screen before fading to black..."
and the ground crickets are bug/ground type. they evolve really fast, like butterflies, but the end result is a bit stronger and can take physical hits really well.

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