CAP 18 CAP 18 - Art Submissions

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pink wingull
is a Top Artistis a Forum Moderator Alumnus
Final Submission

Supporting Material
Concept: Fire Hydrant Pups are a determined kind of pokemon who have a knack for understanding fire, how it spreads, how to manage it and how to put it out. Being around fire so much, they are also able to control it and produce it themselves. They can use powerful but also precise water and fire attacks to help them manage fires. They are popular companions for Firefighters because of this, and have developed the ability to get in behind debris and fallen beams of buildings in order to find the heart of a problem fire (Infiltrator). Given the time to inspect a situation, they can pinpoint the most dangerous areas and hotspots (Analytic). They're also heavily used to create controlled fires (such as in forests, waste disposal, demolition).

Other poses showing all-fours attack position, Fire attacks coming from its hat, Water attacks coming from its arms:
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Final Submission

It's dolphinmon! A highly intelligent creature by nature, dolphinmon's analytic abilities allow it to pinpoint an enemy's weak point and strike it hard if given ample time. Its intelligence, speed provided by its rocket-like propulsion, and flexible, rubbery body also allow it to detect and slip around any barriers its opponents may put up. Combustion occurs constantly inside its body, resulting in a constant stream of fire bursting from the slits under its rings, which it uses to jet around. It can close those slits, but when it does, pressure builds inside its body and it must release it by opening its blowhole, shooting a highly pressurized blast of fire or jet of scalding-hot water. Its body is very rubbery, which allows it to take special attacks with relative ease, but leaves it a bit vulnerable to physical ones. Its squishiness also keeps it from hitting hard physically itself.

Dolphinmon is based on... well, a dolphin, as well as on the flaming rings circus animals sometimes jump through. I'm fairly satisfied with the way its design turned out. I wish I had some supporting art for you guys and I wish I had a bit more time to touch up some of the shading and outline, but I've been a bit busy and, well, time's up anyways.

I know the rules say no fire, but I think the fire being on the main art is pretty necessary for my design. Without it, dolphinmon's just a red dolphin with weird ring tumors. And while it can keep the fire from coming out, most of the time it is, and the official art of Pokemon in similar situations will often have it burning (citing the Cyndaquil line as precedent here).

Oh, and I almost forgot! Thank you guys for your feedback and support! I read all of it and it was all helpful (though I ended up not changing the color of the underbelly because it threw off the balance of the design a bit too much, sorry). I hope you'll all consider little old dolphinmon when the polls come around.

EDIT: Just fixed a little thing with the fire that was bothering me. Should be good now.
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is a Top Artist Alumnusis a Community Leader Alumnus
Final Submission

I wanted to make a simple design that combined the fire and water elements and did not involve using an aquatic creature like a fish, turtle, or frog like many would expect from hearing about a Water-type. I also wanted a design that was solid all around without adding any flames or steam.

So we have arrived at the teapot elephant.
And not just any teapot elephant.

This creature makes is home near active volcanoes where the terrain is often hot and dangerous. It carries people and Pokemon safely on its back as it makes its way through the land.

But how does this thing have the Analytic ability? Well, much like a Patrat or Watchog analyzes its surroundings in order to spot danger, this Pokemon also needs to keep a sharp eye out when living in a hostile environment. If it spots anything that might get in the way, like fire or lava or even an enemy Pokemon, it will douse it with a blast of hot water.
You can rest assured knowing that you will have a safe journey as long as you have this Pokemon on your side!
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