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  • Hi, I'm GMT +1 and I'm usually free in my afternoons and evenings

    Tell me when can you battle and your timezone
    I get disconected when trying to conect to the server ... some weeks ago it was still fine, would you have an idea why it doesn't work?
    It seems like I can't get to any server of PS, so could we possibly play on PO? (discovered that just now)
    It looks like we weren't able to pin down a time for the 25th. The deadline is today, but I'm effectively available the rest of today up until then. If you can get on to battle, let me know and we'll make it happen.
    Sure thing. Let's set up a time that works best for you, and I'll work around that. I'm very flexible both today and tomorrow.
    Hey, it seems like we might have gotten our times mixed up yesterday. I'll just keep looking for you in the evenings when I'm at home and can play.
    Hey, I'm still at work right now. I'll have to check back around 8pm my time. (currently 4:30 here.)
    Alright, that sounds good. I'll look for you a bit past 8pm my time on Wednesday and we'll get it done.
    Hey, you and I are paired up for R3 of the VGC 2012 tournament.

    I'm in EDT (GMT -4). Let's aim to setup a match sometime after this coming Sunday, due to the VGC regionals.
    Can we do it on Smogon's normal server or does it have to be the custom client?
    Yeah, ok. I need to figure out how to download the Smogon server because everytime I do my anti-virus deletes it.
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