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  • When you say, 'but hate the rules' on your Pokemon Team Raters Group, do you mean 'less strict' or something else? Sorry if I bothered you.
    Hello sir! How are you? And I've been meaning to get an RMT up for a while, but I should get around to it fairly soon.
    Welcome to Team Rocket Corporation. Please be active and post there. Rank ups are currently available.
    hmm I'm still trying to decide what to do with this group :p, but I do like those questions and here are some answers:
    I think I'm going to take the approach to like you know the balance between the rating requirements and such as that.
    And maybe people from BABA should take interest in posting replies in this Group as well as we should advertise this group in BABA what do you think?
    Oops Valiant, If you were responding to me below, sorry I missed your reply.
    Hey you team rating social group, I am kind of interested in it, not so much because I like building teams (I am terrible at it) but as a resource for BABA.
    I think there needs to be a balance between the rigid rate my team requirements of smogon and the casual toss out the names of a couple of pokemon abd ask someone to help with your team.
    What kind of approach are you going to take?
    could I suggest that you allow casual rating requests, but also try to teach the formal process and requirements maybe?
    Do you want to advertise your group in BABA?
    Hey sorry it took me a while to respond to your first reply and like we can battle at like tonight about 5 to 8. Showdown OU Battle?
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