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  • Hi when can you play for the VGC tourney? I'm GMT -7 and can try to schedule between noon and 7 pm my time on weekdays and I'm pretty flexible on weekends. I'd prefer to get this done ASAP though, so if you can tell me when you're able to play that would be great.
    I'm getting on wifi now, sorry I was busy with something and forgot until now
    My 3DS says you still haven't added me, you need to add my FC so that I can send the challenge
    Ok I just added you send me the request
    Hi! We're opponents for the VGC tournament. When would you like to battle? I'm usually available most of the day on Saturday and Sunday, from 5:00pm to midnight on most weekdays, and from 10:00am to 1:00pm on Friday.
    of course as soon as I say this, my wi-fi starts giving out. You'll have to forgive me, I'll contact you on the PSS once I get this stuff figured out.
    FINALLY got the ds connected. If you're still there, we can still do this, but I understand if you need to leave and want to reschedule. This was a huge error on my part.
    Is there any chance we can still get this match out of the way? The tournament host is being a little lenient with the deadline so we have some time to get our match done. My VR problems have also been all sorted out so something like this isn't likely to come up again.
    I can only wifi right now. i am available to ps battle tomorrow between 3-5 pm eastern time.

    after that i cannot ps battle until monday. but i can wifi all weekend.
    We are battling the first round of the TBA tourney. Tell me when you want to battle
    I am usually on 8-10PM eastern
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