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  • TheMantyke
    You pointed out Blissey and Chansey as answers to Clawitzer when they're not even in the format. Rest is extraordinarily rare on Rotom-W; Battlespot usage statistics have it on less than 4% of them. The second sentence of your analysis mentions spending the time to heal one of the frailest Pokemon in the format instead of something that could take a hit and not die on the exact same turn you Heal Pulse it.
    That among other things showed an extraordinary lack of familiarity with the rule set to the point where locking it and asking you to read up and play a little more before you give it a second try later.
    So now you can either choose to practice a bit more and hone your skills to the point where you'd be a (welcomed) analysis writer or you can continue to insult me and land yourself in a bit of trouble.
    I tried rest but it's not good on Clawitzer, because he's not that bulky should be spending his time healing or attacking not sleeping. Rotom-W with rest is reasonably common in VGC and is a much better user of rest than Clawitzer is, so what are you talking about?
    Wait what do you mean inaccurate theorem and not actual practice? I've been using heal pulse Clawitzer a lot in VGC and hasn't been performing too badly. I understand that I'm new and don't understand all the rules and nooks and crannies of Smogon, but that was slightly insulting.
    Howdy, Im the Moist Quagsire, just writing to ask u about VGC QC and potently some analysis stuff, I want to get involved and think some of my ideas are good if somwhat unorthodox, i've asked to try analyse salamence on the VGC 2014 Analysis Reservation Thread, but would also like to try slurpuff as he fits more in the unorthodox box,
    Right now we're trying to cover the most relevant threats in VGC 2014 and are steering mostly away from Pokemon with smaller niches like Slurpuff. Most everything on the top priority list is done, but I'd like to cover mons that are maybe in the top 50 usage before moving into more niche territory.
    moist quagsire
    moist quagsire
    ok, thanks....
    Hi Mantyke, sorry for bothering you but I have a quick rules question. My trade thread has been inactive for a long time but now that PokeBank is out, I wanted to update it. But since I haven't posted in a while, I was wondering if it would be considered a rule break (reviving a dead thread).

    Just to clarify, if I do post to update it, I'll be including some new RNG's as well, in accordance to the rules.

    Thank you!
    You're perfectly fine reviving and bumping your own thread. That rule is moreso in effect to prevent people from bumping old threads that aren't going to see activity any time soon.
    Alright. Thank you for the quick response :)
    Hey mate,

    I was in #OI the other night and was talking about WT'ing a few boxes of 5-6IV mons with some abilities away and DHR mentioned that sometimes there are giveaways and to see if you want some. I don't have anything majorly rare, but nonetheless if your interested happy to give them away. Otherwise i'll just WT them or give them if i see someone after it on Wifi or SQ-SA threads.
    If you're interested just lemme know next time we're both in the IRC channel at the same time
    K. Ready for your comments. Visit the thread (linked in my last message) whenever you get the chance.
    <+Roarke> I thought he said he WANTED dog pensises
    <+Roarke> and was like wow wtf what kind of furry doesn't want the dog penises
    Do you want to battle tomorrow? At 6 pm EST perhaps?
    I have a snow day from school so I'm open all day. 6pm sounds lovely.
    I was looking at the Wi-Fi Blacklist thread and saw how cluttered the "Blacklist" is. Could a Google Document be considered to store all these? Just thinking aloud to format and "spiffy" up.
    Not my domain; talk to a wifi mod
    You are commenting on my wall noobert tobes
    It doesn't make it any less correct!!!
    Hey, let darkie know the specifications you want for your VGC leader banner
    Never replied to this, but I did send this information to him.
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